March 24, 2023

Girl Sues Docs for Gender Reassignment

Willis Eschenbach:

Fight back of the week …

"A teenager is suing a health care company and the doctors who put her on controversial puberty-blockin g drugs at age 12 and removed her healthy breasts in a double-mastecto my surgery when she was just 13 years old, accusing them of "intentional fraud and concealment."

Layla Jane, an 18-year-old detransitioner represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, claims in a letter of intent to sue that she was rushed into the life-altering medical services while she and her family were not properly informed of risks and other vital information, such as the rate of desistence for childhood gender dysphoria.

"Layla immediately started puberty blockers and testosterone at age 12, and had a double mastectomy at age 13," the legal letter states.

"Two of Layla's initial providers advised that per Kaiser's official policies, Layla could not start cross-sex hormones until she was 16 and advised that surgery was not permissible until age 18," the letter claims. "But, soon thereafter, Layla ended up in the hands of Dr. [Susanne E.] Watson, Dr. [Lisa Kristine] Taylor, and Dr. [Winnie Mao Yiu] Tong. These doctors immediately approved Layla for cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy at ages 12-13, without performing an adequate evaluation and treatment of Layla's extensive mental health co-morbidities. "

"I don't think I should have been allowed to change my sex before I could legally consent to have sex," Layla said during a Fox News appearance this past week."

What she said ... you go, girl.


Tim adds:

Similar cases in Spain and in the U.K.

My question is, where were the parents? The primary role of parents is to protect their minor children from bad decisions. Children - and teens - are not reasonable and they often think they want something they will later regret bitterly. The parents are supposed to be the adults, knowing what is best for the child. So where were hers?

They could have told the doctors to go pound sand.

Many decades ago I read a novel by Samuel Delaney called Trouble on Triton. A key event in the book was the sex change by the main character. {S}he winds up even more isolated and miserable than before. (Sex changes were common in the degenerate dystopia.) The book ends with a bunch of weirdo cultists chanting "the mutilation of the body, the mutilation of the mind". The culture was entirely toxic, full of overindulgence and ennui and emptiness. At the time I thought it over the top and implausible. But now? I think Delaney was a prophet.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 431 words, total size 3 kb.

1 Layla Jane, an 18-year-old detransitioner represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon,

Posted by: Replica Watches at May 12, 2023 11:34 PM (SUYyh)

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