June 29, 2023

Gays Threaten Raping Children

Timothy Birdnow

The sodomites have been saying this for years but the media has covered it up. Now they have been caught and they are trying to defend it.

LGBTQ activists defend 'We're coming for your children' chant

Most gay men admit that they had sex when very young - and at the hands of an older man. In other words they were raped by sodomites. That is precisely how the gay community and no doubt the transgendered as well grows.

Now this community is feeling powerful enough to openly mock parents and the normal folks. And corporate America is happy to underwrite it for them.

It's amazing; the gay community always plays the victim, but why do they think they are "mistreated" when they threaten to rape and sodomize children? If there ever was grounds for getting a beating it is to threaten to rape a child.

In short, they bring it on themselves. In a normal world the police would have come down with batons and dogs and broken up this degenerate spectacle.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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