December 27, 2022

Gagging the Gateway

Timothy Birdnow

The Jefferson National Memorial Expansion aka the Gateway Arch is St. Louis' most memorable landmark. But it is actually a federal park run by the U.S. government.

Well, now if you want to go in the Arch you are going to have to wear a Covid face diaper again.

The National Park Service has issued a new mask mandate because of a perceived spike in Covid cases in the St. Louis area.

There is considerable research showing masking does not work. See here and here and here and here. Even N95 masks, considered the gold standard of masking, failed in new research to prevent Covid.

Yet despite that the National Parks Service is going to force anyone visiting the Gateway Arch to wear one no matter if they have been vaccinated fully or not.

Why? I thought vaccinations were going to be the end of all our problems!  We were told that if enough of us took the clot shot we would be free of masks and lockdowns. The lockdowns are pretty much over but they're still pushing masks.

If even half of what the CDC told us was true we would beleive them. But virtually nothing they have said has been honest. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!

It seems as if there are some forces at work that want us in those masks. Now why do you suppose that is so?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:10 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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