March 26, 2024

Francis Scott Key Bridge Destroyed by Freighter

Timothy Birdnow

Many people are theorizing that the ship which hit the bridge in Baltimore did not do so by accident.

A cargo ship hit the Francis Scott Key bridge and it collapsed, killing a number of people.

The ship apparently lost power prior to the accident, for instance.

Coincidence? Probably. But if it was not we'll know based on how this is treated. If it disappears from the news cycle we'll know it was terrorism/an act of war. If not it will be beaten to death and probably blamed on Donald Trump and the GOP House.

If it was terrorism they aren't going to tell us. The Biden Administration can ill-afford a terrorist attack against the U.S. not with the election coming.

Granted, foreign wars sometimes help the incumbent, provided he rises to the challenge, but not always. The Gulf War certainly did little to help George H.W. Bush, despite immediate enormous popularity among the voters just after the war.

IF Biden is going to war he either needs to win it or start it just before the election,but either way he can't stumble his way through it.

So his people won't allow any leaks of information on this and the media will happily spike the story.

But if it is an accident they will try to turn it to their advantage. Blame it on deregulation or poor training for maritime officers or whatnot.

I find it interesting it hit the Francis Scott Key bridge - the bridge named after the author of our national anthem and the man who witnessed the American flag still flying after a fierce British assault.

It may turn out to be an accident but were I a terrorist I would probably target this bridge solely based on the symbolism.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:05 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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1 It was almost certainly an accident. This ship had been involved in other incidents over the years. This time the power system failed once or possibly twice (the video shows the ship's lights all going out) -- and river currents and winds pushed the ship off course (ships don't just coast in a straight line when they lose power). When power was restored it was too close to the bridge to get back on course.
If it wasn't an accident -- if it was a case of sabotage, it would have had to be by someone on the ship, and that'll be an interesting case to prove!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at March 26, 2024 10:49 PM (yndMF)

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Posted by: DB City at March 27, 2024 01:28 AM (cmRG9)

3 Dana I agree. Most  probably an accident. But at this time of  heightened tensions in the world there is a distinct possibility it was sabotage. Not high but not zero certainly.

I think it probably just another example of how our loss of the search for excellence, our committment to "diversity" over excellence, is leading to a general decline in our capabilities. Not sure who did maintenance on that ship but I wonder if the crew responsible was competent, and if not why not?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at March 27, 2024 07:50 AM (BJCx6)

4 Over its lifespan the ship had had the usual number of inspections, and amount of maintenance. I didn't see any instances of big problems during any of it. The only thing that I personally want to see more about is possible contaminated fuel being introduced into it; this seems to be a problem in New York particularly.
I saw a report that the ship's data recorder had been found, but didn't see that it was yet being probed for reports. Maybe tomorrow...
The ship is owned, or at least run, by a Singapore concern, and they are highly respected as a top-notch firm, so that helps.
Stay tuned...

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at March 28, 2024 12:17 AM (yndMF)

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