April 26, 2023

Fox's Carlson Dossier

Timothy Birdnow

Check this; Fox has an "dossier" on Tucker Carlson to use against him.

Yahoo News:

Fox News executivesRolling Stone.
have in their possession a dossier of alleged dirt on Tucker Carlson should he attack the network in the wake of his departure, eight sources at and close to the network tell

When Fox announced Carlson’s departure on Monday, the network presented the separation as amicable. But according to one former on-air Fox personality, the anchor and some of the channel’s top executives are parting ways on "the worst” and "messiest possible terms.” Indeed, in private communications released last month as part of the Dominion-Fox lawsuit, the now-fired Fox host gossiped that one such exec "hates us,” claiming she was covertly working against him and other hosts

What does that tell us? It tells me Fox was planning to fire Carlson all along. You don't compile such a  file for grins.

Anyone remember another "dossier" that was full of lies and used to try to wreck someone's career?  Think about it. I'm sure a name will come to mind soon.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:00 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 184 words, total size 2 kb.

1 Yeah, I've heard of it. Name escapes me at the moment because I'm deeply into the corn squeezin's. Didn't the Hildebeeste have something to do with it?

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at April 26, 2023 11:13 PM (zjwe/)

2 Indeed, indeed Dana. And corn squeezins or not I'm fairly confident your memory serves.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at April 27, 2023 07:06 AM (vQnzY)

3 What does that tell us? It tells me Fox was planning to fire Carlson all along. You don't compile such a file for grins.

Posted by: Fake Breitling Watches at May 09, 2023 07:02 AM (MjvTm)

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