October 28, 2019

Federal Judge Protects SPLC in Lawsuit

Timothy Birdnow

The ministry of D. James Kennedy was labeled a "hate group" by the vile Southern Poverty Law Center. The SCLP has somehow wormed their way into being the arbiter of all political correctness, and many businesses refer to their hate group list as Gospel. The Kennedy Ministry lost out of a lot of money as a result of the claim, which is based primarily on the fact that the ministry does not support gay marriage or transgenderism. They sued.

And lost.

From World Net Daily:

Judge Myron H. Thompsonfound that the definitions of "hate group" vary so widely that the slam is protected by the First Amendment, even if it causes harm.

The ruling came in a case brought by D. James Kennedy Ministriesagainst SPLC, which routinely labels anyone who disagrees with its pro-transgender, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion agenda as a hater or "hate group."

In fact, the ministry, which is appealing the ruling, had been prevented from participating in an online donation program because of the label.

But "the term 'hate group,'" Thompson wrote, "has no single, commonly understood meaning."

Well, the term "sexual assault" has no exact meaning either, but we all know what is being implied when it is used. There are certain things that are in common usage, and they may not be firmly defined in the dictionary but it does not stop us from acting on them nonetheless. If a college boy is accused of sexual assault he can be kicked out of school and blackballed - despite the fact that the alleged assault might include merely kissing a girl at a drunken party. The Left has demanded a broad brush in this instance because it empowers the feminists, who want to be able to destroy someone on hearsay. But now they demand precision.

The fact is, calling an organization a "hate group" is impugning them whether there is a concrete definition of the term or not. Just as someone accused of sexual assault becomes known in the minds of the public as a rapist, so too accusing a group of "hate" makes them the equivalent of the KKK or Nazis. It costs them money, and damages their reputation.

This judge knows this, I suspect.

Remember, this is a law suit, not a criminal proceeding. The First Amendment protections of free speech are nowhere as strong as in a criminal proceeding. D. James Kennedy Ministries is claiming they were damaged by being placed on a blacklist by an organization which gives guidance to businesses and  groups.

This illustrates the importance of appointing clear thinking and impartial Constitutionalist judges. This judge was appointed by Jimmy Carter. He is the recipient of numerous "civil rights awards" including the Mark DeWolfe Howe Award from Harvard "for his Unyielding Commitment to Advancing the Personal Freedoms and Human Dignities of the American People.” In other words, he's an old time activist.

We've got to change that. People like judge Thompson need to retire and be replaced by judges who actually follow the law.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:50 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 509 words, total size 4 kb.

1 Amen to that! Way too many people are judges who should be Uber drivers. And, just maybe, the reverse is true.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at October 29, 2019 09:35 PM (bct9p)

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Posted by: ninja at April 17, 2024 12:44 AM (UU/vf)

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