February 22, 2019

Fake Indian Warren calls for Reparations to Minorities, Minority Privilege

Timothy Birdnow

Elizabeth Warren joins Kamela Harris in calling for reparations to African-Americans over the issue of slavery.

From The Weak, er, Week:

Warren said in an interview with the Times that "we must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country that has had many consequences, including undermining the ability of black families to build wealth in America for generations." She also said that "we need systemic, structural changes to address that."

Warren did not provide any specifics about what her plan would be, but the Times notes that this is significant given that it's a policy previous Democratic presidential candidates chose not to support.

An alien from space would think it was still 1865. We fought a war that claimed millions of American lives to end slavery. We passed a series of laws to correct the injustices following slavery - such as the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Act, etc. We ended "separate but equal" and offered special admissions to colleges and special privileges for employment for African Americans. We have had a policy called "race norming" in place in the U.S. government for decades, which automatically grants ten points to minorities on the civil service exam, and gives other preferences in hiring for blacks. Warren and Harris act as if none of this ever happened.

And there have been reparations. Many of the social programs were designed primarily for African Americans; Aid to Families with dependent Children (AFDC), Food Stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 HUD Housing, school lunch programs, etc. There is the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC). Then there is direct cash assistance from programs like TANF welfare. There's SCHIP. There are energy subsidies. There is the Obamacare means testing subsidy. etc.

We've funneled money via the earned income tax credit, basically giving money back to people who do not pay taxes. There have been all manner of gimmicks employed to take money from one American, primarily wealthy white Americans, and give it to "the poor" aka lower income minorities. Many minority people owe their very existence to these programs because their parents sired them to get the tax and welfare benefits.

Over 32 million households receive some sort of means-tested government benefit in America. One can very well make the argument that such social programs inherently immoral but modern America has forgotten the meaning of the word.

Yes, whites can access many of these programs too, but they were created primarily as a sort of restitution to the black community, and many of them are clearly aimed at African Americans. They were always intended to be reparations. We've been paying reparations for decades now.

There has been a great deal of effort - and money - poured into the black community as stealth "reparations".

And there are other things, too. Private charities that are only accessible by African Americans. Take the United Negro College Fund, for example. Imagine if there was a "united White People's College Fund". There isn't, because there would be howls about discrimination. But it's fine to discriminate for black people; nobody even questions black privilege. This current meme about "white privilege" is so annoying because white privilege largely consists of white people being in the majority and having to pay for everything and accept blame for every problem. You can point to concrete examples of black privilege. Not so much with white privilege. White privilege seems to consist of white people preferring to hang out with other white people. Oh, and white males are the only demographic that is actually experiencing a loss in longevity. Some privilege.

Notice too that Injun Lizzy and Harris have no specifics. Why? Because they know that specifics are where this feel good policy goes to pot. Who gets the money? There are a lot of black people in America who have immigrated here since the Civil War, and even since the Civil Rights era. Do they get paid just because of the color of their skins? What of whites who have immigrated here since then? Do they get punished because of the color of their skins? Yes and yes. All this does is flip discrimination on it's head, discriminating against whites for blacks.

And what of Hispanics? Do they pay? What of Asian-Americans? Pay or get paid? And where does that leave Native Americans? Will Elizabeth Warren try to stick her nose in THAT trough if they do?

If we hold people alive today to blame for the misdeeds of their ancestors, where does it stop? Can Irish Americans demand money from people of English decent? Can Jews demand money from Italians for the Romans making them slaves? Can Jews demand money from German-Americans? Maybe we should pay reparations to Britain for "stealing" their colonies! There is no end to it, because everyone has been a victim, and everyone a victimizer throughout history. America has always been about letting go of past resentments. But with the rise of Progressive thought, that is at an end. We are now in an era of endless grievance, a time where groups are separate and all are jockeying for top position at the expense of others. And there is a blood guilt that can never be repaid.

If we were to have reparations and it would be the end of it I would agree, but it would be the beginning, not the end. There would be repeated demands, new and more aggressive each time. We could never declare an end to racial, ethnic, or cultural disharmony with this. It would only feed the appetite of the aggrieved groups.

And of all people Elizabeth Warren is the queen. She lied about being Native American to gain acce3ss to the very privileges she now denies exist. Her Indian heritage was a tool to promote her career, be it at Harvard or at her Texas law firm. She knew a good thing when she saw it, and co-opted the reparations she is now demanding. She is a monstrous hypocrite.

Tell me, is there not minority privilege in America if white people like Warren or Rachel Dolezal pretend to be minorities to get ahead? It shows that there is indeed special privilege that discriminates against white people. The sickening thing is that fake Indians and bogus black chicks continue to play the roll.

Blaming others for our own failings and taking things we want just because we want them is the hallmark of childishness. It's time America put such childish things away.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:18 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 If you ask me, Sen. Fauxcahontas has thrown her headdress into the ring and found no interest from anyone. So she's trying frantically to get people to notice her. This is an attempt to make herself look "more radical than thou." I doubt that she even believes the ideas she's spouting here, and if, God forbid, by some unlikely event she actually DID become President, she'd say something like "Reparations? Who, me? I never said anything about reparations." I'm sure she knows that the idea would fly like a lead balloon, as we used to say.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at February 22, 2019 10:17 AM (rIYC+)

2 I suspect you are right, Dana.  She needs something to get the radical wing of the Donkeys (but I repeat myself) on her side. There are people even more radical than she, and her outing as a white person really hurt her "warpath cred".

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at February 22, 2019 11:05 AM (SKgVr)

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