May 30, 2018

Dems, GOPe Take Down Eric Greitens

Timothy Birnow

Yesterday evening Missouri Governor Eric Greitens waved the white flag and announced he was resigning from office on Friday. Greitens, who has been embattled over dubious allegations he photographed his illicit lover without her knowledge - a crime in Missouri - and was also accused of data tampering when he committed the heinous crime (maybe) of soliciting donations for his run for Governor from the donor list from his charity, had had charges dismissed by the partisan hack of a District Attorney who had pursued charges against Greitesns with no evidence and who violated every procedure in place. Despite all that, the Missouri Republicans, angry that a Democrat could walk in and take over THEIR party and insult them to boot, were moving forward with impeachment proceedings. In his announcement Greitens said he was bankrupted by this, with his legal fees mounting to a point where he could no longer contest this. The Democrats, George Soros (who funded the DA pursing Greitens) and the GOPe won. DA Kim Gardner immediately announced she was dropping all charges. This suggests a plea deal where she agreed to let it go if Greitens gave her what she had sought all along - his scalp. However, Democrats being what they are, the prosecutor in Jackson County had also been looking into this and said he was not bound by any deal made by Gardner, so they will likely pursue Greitens further. They have to utterly destroy him. Greitens left the plantation, leaving the Democratic Party (who had tried to recruit him to run before he joined the GOP) and that cannot be allowed. It's like the mafia; you are in for life. Greitens was a reformer, and he was going after public sector unions. Now, anyone who saw what was done to Scott Walker a few years ago (unsuccessfully) should know that if you buck the unions they are coming for your head. And Greitens was pushing a Right to Work law in Missouri, something that would destroy the union stranglehold on the state. Greitens was also pushing a plan to rein in lobbying by former officials, and all six Republicans on the House Ethics Committee were retiring to take lobbying jobs. Couple all that with Greitens mocking the members of his own party, calling them children, and his forcing special sessions on Congress to deal with issues they had decided to ignore and the Governor had few friends. No doubt his people took a head count and saw that, beat the rap or no, he was going to be impeached and likely removed from office. And furthermore he no doubt knew they were going to keep after him on the legal front until he was broken. It was simple math.

So now the Lieutenant Governor steps in, a man who holds good conservative views but appears weak and will likely not make any waves. No sensible person would, now that the Missouri swamp has swallowed up a reformer. The GOP is stupid beyond words, and especially in Missouri, which is dominated by the RINO wing of John Danforth.

While the GOP has had a supermajority in the state they haven't passed much in the way of real reform. It's the business as usual approach, with the state spending too much money, with taxes too high, with the Democrats getting away with this sort of thing. Now they will use this trick again and again, not just here but around the country. National conservatives should have paid more attention to this case, and helped Greitens no matter how much of a pervert they thought him to be (and he was; he was indulging in sado-masochistic sex with his mistress). The fact is, while Donald Trump took huge amounts of abuse for saying he would lock Hillary up, there is nary a peep at a real political hit using the law. Now the Democrats will smell blood in the water. This is just a beginning for them to stage a comeback nationwide courtesy of strategically placed prosecutors bought and paid for by George Soros. The idiot Republicans had better wake up to that fact. They still think this is a game, a gentleman's lawn game like badmitton. The Left plays for keeps.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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