July 31, 2020

Deal to Pull Federal Agents from Portland?

Timothy Birdnow

Did the Feds cut a deal to leave Portland?  Leftie Oregon Governor Kate Brown says they did.

The moonbat Governor tried to blame the violence on Federal agents, who arrived there a scant two weeks ago. She referred to them as "an occupying force". They have been solely occupied with protecting Federal buildings during the rioting.

Brown claims she made the agreement with Vice President Pence. The Vice President has yet to comment.

That would be a mistake on the part of the Trump Administration; President Trump needs to be seen as backing the rule of law, even when it is not popular. Caving on this sort of thing will not be seen as an attempt at reconciliation but as a sign of weakness. You have to maintain the appearance of strength.

I hope Trump isn't being seduced by the lure of believing media lies. He may think he's being perceived by America as overly harsh and thinks this will make him appear reasonable. It won't work. This is a political and cultural and spiritual war. Trump needs to understand that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:43 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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1 Hear, hear! If Trump doesn't protect federal property, who will?

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 31, 2020 01:19 PM (nXsg9)

2 Exactly Dana. The only other option is to remove all federal property you can and close any federal buildings - permanently. But of course they'll just find some pet Democrat judge who will order Trump to cease and desist.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at August 01, 2020 07:10 AM (L3Uv+)

3 Somebody -- I don't know who, or where, on what level -- needs to lower the boom on these judges, tell 'em "Who told you that you are God? Crawl back onto your bench and do the job you are supposed to do and SHUT UP about everything else! The Founders didn't give you this power!"

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at August 01, 2020 09:47 PM (nXsg9)

4 Amen Dana!

SCOTUS should do that. They are the head of the judicial branch. But they won't. Congress COULD do it, but they are too cowardly. So we have an out-of-control judiciary for the forseeable future, I fear.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at August 02, 2020 07:35 AM (Omteu)

5 Right-O. SCOTUS won't do it because they like the power they've taken to themselves, or at least the liberal wing does. The Lord please keep Clarence Thomas alive for the next forty or more years! I'm not sure Trump's appointees are that reliable.

The Founders are spinning in their graves over not understanding that they should have placed more limitations upon the Judiciary. They believed they didn't need to. Perhaps there should have been a fourth branch of government? To keep watch over the other three? But that was supposed to be us...

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at August 02, 2020 10:26 PM (nXsg9)

6 Agreed. If Thomas goes we are up Buffalo Chip Creek. Alito is good but he's not in a league with Thomas. I would make the man immortal if I had the power.

Yeah; Hamilton argued in The Federalist Papers that the Judiciary was no threat because it had neither money nor enforcement power. He didn't see that the other branches would abdicate their authority so as to remain politically palatable to the public and let the Courts do the dirty work.

As you say, WE are the ones who are supposed to keep watch. But then, the Founders never intended for everyone to have the vote. They figured a small fraction of engaged citizens would determine the course of elections.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at August 03, 2020 06:49 AM (giVQ+)


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