I heard Coke is really struggling after its CEO s stupid, racist remark
that people should be less white. I'm hearing about intense
conservative backlash over it. I imagine its stockholders are pretty
upset with him. Maybe it's time he stepped down before they reverse
their original position on the issue. What powerful leverage the
American people actually have in this way if we will only get in the
habit of utilizing it. And theres more work to do so I say we continue
to squeeze Coke till they choke
A man named Larry Brimley replies:
All of that over a comment the CEO made? What about all the people
employed by the corporation down to local stores affected by the lose
of sales? They don't share his ideology.
I retort:
The children of felons suffer too when we incarcerate their
parents.Larry Brinley. Does that mean we stop imprisoning criminals who
have children? The fact is the CEO showed his contempt for his
customers who are punishing him for it. He IS Coca-Cola while at the
helm. Yes, it might hurt some employees, but the fact is the customer
has a right to choose not to spend their money on a product produced by
someone who sneers at them. Frankly, the employees should seek a new
line of work. It's not America's job to be insulted to help make sure
someone doesn't lose a job. The free market is all about discipline.
Otherwise we may as well become the People's Republic of America.
Absolute job security is a socialist thing.
This shows how people no longer can think in a logical manner. The Left has everyone thinking in so collectivist a manner that we are supposed to worry about the fallout of a boycott. Well, who is at fault for that? The guy running the show. And if he says this it illustrates quite plainly what Coke's policies will be towards us.
The Left would never worry about something like this.
Who is at fault if some of these Coke employees lose their jobs? The CEO. Not us. This is the same argument used to say you cannot have a just war; there will be collateral damage, so you can't resist aggression at all. It's foolish. It's wrong. And it guarantees far worse down the road.