February 12, 2024

Bride of Bud Lite

Timothy Birdnow

As a facebook friend pointed out, the NFL had a core constituency - white working class men. They decided that wasn't enough for them, so they began catering to women with the halftime horror, and then pursued black people with BLM protests and the so-called Black National Anthem.

They murdered their own sport. And last night they paraded the bride around like the corpse woman created to act as bride of Frankenstein's monster.

It was a disgusting display of societal decay (as Rush used to say). America at it's most degenerate.

I hope they are happy. They took a wholesome and patriotic sport and turned it into a den of iniquity.

As for the game itself, yes it was very exciting, but that has become the norm in Super Bowl games as the league has standing orders to the officials to keep it close - that is obvious. People had complained about blowout Superbowls in the eighties and nineties and we haven't had a blowout since, by and large. Every time one team starts pulling ahead the officials make a dubious call and rebalance it.

It really has just become one step above pro-wrestling.

Two big ones against KC last night; one a holding penalty that stopped the Chiefs cold and another a "horse collar" call. Now both were technically correct calls, but the officials had been letting those go all night. There was a touchdown pass that KC missed because of a pass interference that went uncalled.

The officials should not materially impact the outcome of a game. But they do these days because the League is all about making money and has plans as to how things should work out.

We saw that throughout the Patriots dynasty, where the Pats got away with murder, repeatedly, because they were the chosen team for America by the NFL.

Doubt that? When the Patriots played the St. Louis Rams (the best team in the League by far that year) on the Super Bowl after the 911 attacks Paul McCartney was interviewed before the game "wouldn't it be wonderful if a team called the Patriots won the Superbowl". I knew then the fix was in.

And it was. We now know the Pats stole the Rams playbook and knew what plays they were running. We also know Belicheat gave orders to clutch and grab and tackle people if necessary, whether they had the ball or not.

They were tackling Marshall Faulk as he ran his patterns, and nary a call.

The Rams never could get anyone open because they were being held and a high precision offense requires that the receivers be free to run their patterns. They weren't.

And on at least one occasion the Pats had too many men on the field, and probably it happened multiple times.

See, the League had decided they wanted the Patriots to win. It was a kind of morality play.

I don't know if the League wanted Kansas City to win or not yesterday. Certainly they want to promote a black Quarterback (which Patrick Mahomes is). But they also would have reason to support San Francisco, a much bigger television market and a hippie commie mecca.

At any rate I don't feel the NFL is real anymore. Not exactly fixed but, uh, guided. It's like the difference between Communist and Fascist; if pro-wrestling is scripted like Communism is controlled then Football is guided like fascism regulates. But in the end they both are just cheap fugase's.

And a particularly noxious fugase, one that celebrates all manner of anti-Americanism. They even relaunched Bud Lite on it last night!

I watched it but shouldn't have. We all need to do better in the future.

The NFL and Bud Lite belong together.Both are fakes; fake football and fake beer. Both are dead corpses walking.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 Believe it or not, we tuned in before half-time, and watched that travesty that masqueraded as a half-time show.

The only other thing I'll say is that if the Chiefs had played the way they did in their final drive, the game would not have had to go to overtime -- no way. In that sense, it had a great deal of phoniness about it. I was rooting for KC because KC was in, and won, the first Super Bowl I ever watched, which was Super Bowl IV, where Len Dawson and Co. turned the Minnesota Vikings every way but loose.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at February 13, 2024 12:21 AM (rDOKo)

2 I agree Dana; the Chiefs clearly weren't playing at peak performance until the very end.

While I didn't especially root for the Chiefs (we've always been rivals with K.C. here in St. Louis) I preferred them to SF and all the lefties on the coast.

The Chiefs should have walked away with this, IMO.

When was the last Superbowl blow out?  Used to happen all the time in the eighties and early nineties, yet it never happens anymore. Now why is that?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at February 14, 2024 08:15 AM (goHdX)

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