July 19, 2024

Bongino on the Assassination Attempt

Timothy Birdnow

The Troubling Truth Is Starting To Emerge (Ep. 2289) - 07/18/2024

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:01 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 Sure glad to get Dan Bongino's comments again -- haven't seen him on the air for some time!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 21, 2024 04:10 PM (OEO4Q)

2 Me too. They sacked him at the same time they sacked Tucker Carlson (which puts the lie to the claim Carlson was fired for "lying".)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at July 22, 2024 07:23 AM (G5fdi)

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