October 27, 2022

Black Players Need Not Apply

Russell P. Green

Last year, Major League Baseball moved the All-Star game from Atlanta because of the thoroughly debunked belief that Georgia's voting laws discriminate against black voters. This year, MLB will be celebrating a World Series with ZERO blacks playing for either team. How come there aren't screams of boycotting the Series because of racism?

Taylor Ramsey replies:

Who the hell cares? You hire people based on qualifications and character NO MATTER THEIR IDENTITY. GEEZ.

Russell responds:

It is meant to be a rhetorical comment showing what hypocrites liberals are. Georgia has record voting turn out, and election deniers like Stacy Abrams are celebrated for their despicable, unwarranted attacks on the state under the guise of defending blacks. In the meantime, you hear just silence from the same racists when this unusual fact about the World Series happens.

Tim adds:

In Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky admonished his disciples to hold their opponents to their own standards because they couldn't live up to them. We are not radicals nor trying to make some sort of case - just want to watch our sports without being harangued by a bunch of woke people who don't like standard American political views. So Russell is employing Alinsky's rule here, holding these woke activists to their own standard. THEY are the ones who have endlessly pushed this sort of nonsense, even lying about what the Georgia law said to strip away the All Star Game from a predominantly black city. It was all to make them feel good and to virtue signal. Well, we can point out their hypocrisy here too. Now MLB is silent because they don't want to cause people to not watch it and lose money. Pure hypocrisy. They are not living up tot heir own standards. But they demanded WE live up to their standards when it cost them nothing. It has nothing to do with who is the best man for the job Taylor, but rather about the ideology being promoted by the League and the insults to their customers - baseball fans.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:12 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 Yes, in some cases, anti-racist pro-black rhetoric is just a way to demonstrate one's own justice and superiority over others. | Junk removal and disposal services in Saint Lucie County.

Posted by: Lucie at October 28, 2022 08:56 AM (DgvT/)

2 Couldn't agree more Lucie!  Virtue signaling.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at October 29, 2022 10:27 AM (IYV3P)

3 Excellent to the point article and news.. Well appreciated, My sites:
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Posted by: FISHING GAMES at October 13, 2023 01:44 AM (kKKJ7)

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