April 27, 2020

Big Brother is Watching Your Medication

Bev Ehlen from Concerned Women for America warns us about drug data bases in Missouri:

Stop SS#2 HB1693! I bet someone you know is taking a prescription for testosterone. Interesting, for years I have been explaining to Missourians that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program that is being purported to address the opioid problem is not limited to prescriptions for opiates only-every prescription for a Schedule II, III, or IV drug will be captured into this database. The prescription information for many more Missourians will be captured into the PDMP than opioid users-yes, those taking prescriptions for testosterone, stimulants such as Ritalin (yes, your ten year old son's info will be in this database), sleep aids such as Ambian, and anti-depressant

s. Plus SS#2 HB1693 (like the other bills for a PDMP) will allow the sharing of this information with public and private entities. There's nothing for which to be concerned...NOT !

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:20 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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