November 26, 2016

Big British Brother

Helen Dyer forwards this:


The UK is about to wield unprecedented surveillance powers — here’s what it means

The UK is about to become one of the world’s foremost surveillance states, allowing its police and intelligence agencies to spy on its own people to a degree that is unprecedented for a democracy. The UN’s privacy chief has called the situation "worse than scary." Edward Snowden says it’s simply "the most extreme surveillance in the history of western democracy."

Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper

Investigatory Powers Act legalises range of tools for snooping and hacking by the security services

Snooper's Charter spy law could be 'badly misused' by a future government expert warns

In the UK, the Investigatory Powers Bill − often dubbed the "Snoopers' Charter" – is set to become law by the end of 2016. It will give police and domestic intelligence agencies enhanced surveillance and hacking powers and essentially legalise a slew of "bulk" powers already in operation.

Caught in the net: Parliament approves mass surveillance of all Australians

Mass Government Surveillance Worldwide Made Possible By NZ Company Endace

We already knew from the Snowden leaks in 2013 that governments around the world had been spying on their citizens through the use of various technologies. We now know that at least one spy agency, GCHQ in the UK, enlisted the help of New Zealand network monitoring vendor Endace. Here’s what we know.

The company helped the GCHQ develop interception technology that allowed the agency to capture vast amounts of data at speeds of up to 100Gbps from trans-continental undersea cables that carried internet traffic. Endace had reportedly used New Zealand taxpayer money to help fund the development of this technology.

08 Nov 2016

Inquiry into freedom of speech really isn't

EFA is disappointed that the Attorney-General has ignored the major threats to freedom of expression in Australia in framing the terms of reference for the parliamentary inquiry he announced today.

The extremely narrow terms of reference for this inquiry mean that it is not ‘an inquiry into freedom of speech’ as the Attorney’s media release claims.

There are many serious threats to free expression in 21st century Australia, including our archaic and inconsistent defamation laws, section 35P of the ASIO Act, censorship of the Internet and the chilling effects of mass surveillance.

EFA Executive Officer Jon Lawrence said today, "if the Attorney wants to call his inquiry one into ‘freedom of speech’ then he needs to include the major threats to free expression in the terms of reference. The issues around section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act hardly qualify as major threats to free expression.”

British Prime Minister Theresa May and her government have passed the 'INVESTIGATORY POWERS BILL', OR SNOOPERS CHARTER, as it is also known, which means the end of privacy in the UK, with the government accessing 100% knowledge of every citizen. Reference 'Technology News and Trends article 'Britain Ends All Privacy By Passing The 'Snoopers' Charter', by Zerohedge, M Armstrong, Matt Burgess dated Nov 20th 2016.

It would seem that the EU and UN Technocrats have won again. No wonder Theresa took the Prime Minister's job out of the blue, what a set-up. The Bill allows the UK to comply with the UN's Mandatory $5-5 Trillion Sustainable Development Goals/ 2030 Agenda with its 17 Goals and 169 targets, which depends on the UN and Member States monitoring the implementation of the SDGs and their progress. Remember that the Australian Bureau of Statistics has been working with the UN Creating a system that would by-pass UN Member States privacy Laws and Legislation a s a part of their Biometric ID Scheme/National Electronic ID Scheme.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics and CSIRO have been working with the UN on their 'BIG DATA GLOBAL WORKING GROUP', accessing satellites to collect UN Members Nation's Social Media Data and Mobile Phone Data, under Malcolm Turnbull and Brandis's 'MASS SURVEILLANCE SCHEME'. There have been over 60 applications in Australia asking to access the data collected. Don't forget that the Australian Federal Government has already made concessions which by-pass the Privacy Acts and hand over personal data for research and other special reasons, without Australian's knowledge and without their consent. These breaches are common and are coming strong and fast. Reference Mass Surveillance Scheme for further information.


Laurie Jones

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:03 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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If you visit this company’s webpage, you can get coupons that will give you up to 40 percent off. There are unique options at Diamond, such as getting gift boxes that have a variety of different products in them. They have products like the Pain Master that will help you reduce whatever kind of pain you’re feeling easily. You also have the unique option to take the supplement inside of honey. This means you can drop the honey into tea so that you can both wake up and stay calm at the same time. That’s a potent combination. Overall, the best CBD oil for sale on the market will depend on what kind of situation you’re in. You should buy CBD oil based on what you need it for. So, for example, pure CBD oil for pain will work if you want to keep your head clear. Other products, such as a pure salve, will work better if need to take away the pain from some other condition. If you don’t like taking the oil in tinctures, it can help to get the food products that have the oil in them so that you can get the amount that you need that way instead.

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