April 25, 2023

Biden to Make War on Africa

Timothy Birdnow

Joe Biden needs a war. His abysmal record will not be something he can run on - or anything else. He clearly plans to run again, and with the multiple disasters he's caused his chances are poor. So....

It's time to send out the troops!

Mr. Biden has now asked for the authority to do just that - and is busily moving intelligence assets and troops into Sudan, Ethiopia, and Djibouti (no ribald remarks please).

The news media has been silent on the matter.

So China Joe is planning on a hot war and will get Americans killed so he has a better shot at being re-elected.

I said he would take us to war back in 2021 and he did, albeith a proxy war with Russia. Now he's going the direct route and for the same reason. He needs a huge, bloody red herring to hide his failures.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:08 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 It should be noted that the reason the founders granted war making authority to Congress and specifically denied that authority to the president is that historically kings and emperors had a penchant for starting wars to bolster their own personal power and grandiosity. But in the last 50 years we have had presidents using war making as a distraction from domestic political failures on a regular basis.

Posted by: Bill H at April 25, 2023 12:45 PM (Q7br2)

2 Agreed Bill. The Founders knew a large, divese body strictly accountable to the People would be disinclined to risk lives and treasure while a President would say "why not".

It is our refusal to follow the Constitution that is our problem.

So many people want a Constitutional Convention to fix America. It wouldn't. The Constitution in place works just fine when it is actually followed. But we don't follow it, so why would a convention fix things? They would just ignore that too.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at April 26, 2023 08:21 AM (z8pmC)

3 The news media has been silent on the matter.

Posted by: Replica Watches at May 09, 2023 07:14 AM (MjvTm)

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