May 30, 2023

Biden Sending American Troops to Peru

Timothy Birdnow

Resdident Joe Biden is sending U.S. troops to Peru to support the new government there after the removal of the Marxist Leninist Free Peru Party Pedro Castillo, who had tried to dissolve the legislature and suppress the Supreme Court when he was being impeached (for the third time.)

His Vice President Dina Boluarte was sworn in as President. She is also from the Marxist-Leninist Free Peru Party.

Castillo was a political outsider, a wildcat strike leader and governed with a style reminiscent of President Trump, even if the two were worlds apart in terms of policies.

So now Biden is sending American troops to Peru to avoid a counter-coup.

Or is it just to keep Peru in the New World Order?

I find this interesting as well; Peru sent 700 trooops to the Chilean border to stop....illegal immigrants from invading Peruvian territory. That was at the end of April. And now Biden is sending in U.S. troops. Why is that?

Something doesn't add up if you ask me.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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