January 13, 2025


Timothy Birdnow

Battywoman is still playing with Covid in Gain of Function experiments despite the whole world being plunged into the abyss by tinkering with SARS Covid 2 genes.


Shi Zhengli, 60, earned herself the nickname of China's "batwoman" as one of the world's leading scientists working on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan.
Portrait of Shi Zhengli.

Shi releases a fruit bat in China’s Guangxi province in 2004 after taking a blood sample.

Her team at Wuhan Institute of Virology collected more than 20,000 samples from bat colonies in China over nearly two decades.

Then, when a mystery pneumonia-like illness emerged just a stone's throw from the lab in late 2019, Shi was thrust into the spotlight.

Many scientists questioned whether the virus - which had unusual features suggesting it was genetically engineered - may have leaked from the lab.

Five years later, a landmark congressional report has ruled that the "weight of the evidence" suggests it was a lab leak that sparked the pandemic - and left millions dead.

Despite the report's damning conclusion, Shi and her team are still carrying out "risky" research, according to top scientists and virologists.

Viktor Frankenstein had nothing on these crazy gene-splicers.

BTW a Battyman is a homosexual in Jamaican slang - Bat is slang for buttocks. That's why it's funny that the old Underdog cartoon had as one of it's principle villains Battyman. In this case she's a batty woman, even if her sexuality isn't in question (I assume).

There are things Man is not meant to play with. Creating new and deadly diseases is just one such.

There was a novel by Frank Herbert I ready years ago called The White Plague. In it a molecular biologist who happened to be rich saw his wife and children killed by a car bomb in Northern Ireland he plotted a terrible revenge - a disease that was 100% lethal in women and benign in men, so al lthe men in Ireland would suffer as did he. But of course the disease spread beyond Ireland and Britain (the places he attacked) and it mutated.

It was a very good novel, well worth reading.

The point was and remains it's foolish and dangerous to play with such things. Yet here we are gambling with our own existence. Even Richard Nixon was wise enough to ban biological weapons.

And since the equipment to do gene splicing is becoming increasingly inexpensive the dangers metastasize; some fool will start the last plague.

Plagues can indeed wipe out whole species and have done so in times past. And these are naturally occurring diseases. We are actually tailoring diseases to kill people, and that will make it much, much harder to control if the disease mutates and gets otu of hand.

I really do worry about this. Oh, and the Bible warns of terrible diseases in the Last Days; in fact one of the four horsemen is a pale horse, symbolizing disease.

Yet here we have battywomen like this chick working to create terrible life forms and risk humanity's existence.

I see no way to stop this genetic research, alas. I fear the only solution is to wait for something so terrible the survivors hate genetic manipulation as badly as we hate cannibalism.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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