July 20, 2022

Sour Krauts

Michael Smith

Germany is just another example of why I think the left’s agenda, and the left itself, is unsustainable. Germany is a laboratory for what the left's agenda and is generally representative of the policies of the Democrat Party here in the United States.

A few facts:

Germany has spent trillions of dollars on "sustainable” and "renewable” energy.

But despite spending over 1.25 trillion dollars, Germany has the second highest electricity prices in Europe, carbon emissions roughly 10 times that of nuclear-powered France and is currently studying providing firewood for heat this winter in the event their Russian natural gas supply is cut off – which Russia is in the process of doing.

German politics is highly influenced by the far left Green Party.

The Green Party currently holds 67 of the 709 seats in the German parliament, certainly nowhere near a majority, but big enough to create coalitions and influence German policy. The German Greens are an amalgamation of left-wing environmental and peace-focused groups and the anti-nuclear power movement, absorbing the East German Green Party after reunification.

Germany led the way for open borders in the EU.

During the migrant "crisis” due to wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, Germany openly welcomed "refugees”. At one point, 75% of the migrants were living off the state, costing German taxpayers over 20 billion euros a year (approximately $25 billion). Most of the remaining 25% are working low-skilled jobs, such as cleaning, and still need some level of state support. Only about 25% of the migrants even have a high school diploma, and the majority are illiterate in their own language, let alone learning German. The refusal or inability to assimilate created areas that were no longer German in nature and Germany was subjected to an increase in violence and crime due to the migrant surge.

The German government took children away from parents simply because they were being home schooled.

In 2013, four children, ages 7 to 14, were "forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they wouldn’t see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling, according to a stunning report from the Home School Legal Defense Association.”

Every one of these is tied to the beliefs of the political and economic left in Germany – and none of them are sustainable.

So much of Germany’s actions parallel those of the Democrats here in the US, particularly during the Biden administration. We are getting a preview of our future if we continue down the same path.

Biden is all in on the Green agenda, his first action as president was to fire the first shot in a war on the American hydrocarbon industry. He has opened our borders and allowed a literal flood, an invasion, of illegal aliens to enter and stay in America, resulting in a similar profile of the migrant community as in Germany. Biden is hostile toward any form of choice in education, working to prevent any learning outside government schools. This one is not really a surprise because in yet another connection between the Democrats and the German left, Obama tried to deport a German family, the Romeike’s, for coming to America because they wanted to home school their children - while refusing to deport illegal aliens.

And yet, there but for the Grace of God, go we.

The most obvious of predictors is that all of Germany’s actions are a house of cards, and that house is beginning to crumble now that their decades old leftist policies are collapsing due to their reliance on Russian natural gas.

In 2018, President Trump warned Merkel and the German people, saying:

"Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states, such as Poland, for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs. Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course. Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers."

And, once again, Trump has been proven correct.

In another commonality, Biden is NOT "committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers”, rather he seeks to submit to them on the energy front as he sells off our National Petroleum Reserve and chokes our own energy production into submission to the Green agenda.

I've long noted that high minded ideas are worthless to a hungry man with a hungry family. The climate agenda, as is much of the left's agenda, are luxury beliefs only the wealthiest among them can afford to indulge. The only reason most of the left's army sustains such luxury beliefs is that they live essentially on scholarships funded by the wealthy and when the scholarships are pulled, they will find they have no survival skills to speak of.

Germany is about to get a hard lesson in that reality now that Russia is cutting off the gas...and if Biden declares a "climate emergency" here in the US, we won't be far behind.

Let’s learn the lesson we are being taught right before our eyes before it costs us dearly.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:56 AM | Comments (86) | Add Comment
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Russian Rare Metals Scarcity

Timothy Birdnow

China isn't the only country with a stranglehold on rare metals. Russia has them too and is squeezing the life out of high tech with them.

Battery Makers Seek Price Hikes on Lack of Russian Rare Metals

A shortage of rare metals from Russia is leading to higher prices for the key battery materials.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:49 AM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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China's Debt Bomb

Timothy Birdnow

Is China's debt bomb about to explode? One analyst thinks so.

From Nikkei Asia:


One of the reasons that China has avoided a financial crisis is that its economy managed to grow at a reasonably high rate.

But as the Chinese economy is slowing down rapidly, the debt bomb is ticking much louder.

I've always believed China was a paper tiger that would collapse at some point. Now, with it's primary trading partner in trouble, China appears to be in hot water too. We have much to lose from cutting off Chinese trade, but they have everything to lose by losing American dollars.

In a strange way (accidental, I am sure) Biden is doing the country a service by strangling China's economy. He's doing it by strangling our own, granted...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:41 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
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One Giant Leap

Timothy Birdnow

Today marks the 53rd anniversary of Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong's giant leap.

A couple of points of interest about it:

There was a good bit of competition between Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin over who would get to be the first guy to set foot on the Moon. Armstrong was given the command and so he got the honors. Word has it Aldrin was rather bitter. Both were A type personalities, and pretty much genius-level. It was generally believed by the people at NASA that Armstrong was more level-headed than Aldrin.

Poor Michael Collins was the guy who had every right to be bitter; he had to babysit the Command Module while the other two got to actually walk on another planet!

It was claimed Armstrong said his "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" statement upon setting foot on the Moon without preparation. I have never believed that; I'm convinced NASA would have scripted something. Can't have the first words be "oh, crap!" or "Look; I'm here!" But Armstrong himself claims the comment was impromptu. I don't know; if you listen to it it sounds rehearsed, and he left out the word a when saying "one small step for man" which suggests he forgot his line.

Contrary to how it was  portrayed the mission was almost a disaster. In the final descent they got a numer of  emergency lights and an immediate decision had to be made as to whether to go ahead and land or abort. There was no time to ponder this; they were reaching the end of their course window and would crash if they dithered. So they decided to go for it as an abort was the more dangerous option at this point.

But a go on this was also a very risky proposition, as the landing field was filled with boulders, something that ground control could not know when it was chosen. Armstrong had to pilot a very unmanueverable craft away from the LZ and find a new place to land. He was almost out of fuel. Finally he found a spot that looked doable and landed the Eagle at Tranquility Base. It was just in the nick of time.

The Lunar Module was so small the astronauts couldn't even sit down. The entire cabin was 160 cubic feet! But then, they were on the Moon a total of 2.4 hours, in low gravity.

Neil Armstrong praised the Moon Suits for their comfort and ease of operation. The worst problem they had was a bum finger from the suit glove not fitting properly.

They also leaked a bit and Moon dust actually got inside the suits. Not much for Apollo 11, but the later Apollo 17 got so much dust the astronauts suffered allergy attacks.

Speaking of the dust, it was everywhere and Armstrong said it was a soft powder about a quarter of an inch deep. Nobody knew that.

This was in many ways America's finest hour. We set ourselves to an impossible task, one that nobody had ever come remotely close to accomplishing though all had dreamed of it. And we did it. This was the true spirit of the America that was. It's sad how little we've accomplished since, both in space and on the Earth.

We aren't the men we used to be!

One final note; on that historic day all eyes were glued to their television sets, including one five year old boy who didn't really understand what all the fuss was about - just some people wandering around a desert in the dark. Guess who that boy was?

Read more about this historic event.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:27 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 614 words, total size 4 kb.

Firewood Shortage Coming

Kurt Womack

Last time I bought firewood in Arizona last year, the firewood seller said they were busy all summer, never let up. This will be the new crisis.

Germany Running Out of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce

Tim adds:

New EPA regulations last year restricted wood burning heaters even more for "air quality standards" and made the stoves more expensive. So, at a time when few were burning wood the government made them exorbitantly expensive then suddenly we find ourselves without the energy we need and firewood will be scarce because it is all going overseas - when we have mountains of coal left, plenty of natural gas, and plenty of oil.

It's disgraceful.

I've owned 20 acres of hardwood in the Missouri Ozarks, and suddenly find myself receiving unsolicited bids to buy my property. Why? These are people who know what's coming and want my wood.

They aren't getting it.

But then I may freeze this winter since I don't have a wood stove in my home. I may have to move to the Ozark Hilton permanently, at least over the winter months!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:27 AM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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The Squad's Insurrection

Timothy Birdnow

So, a number of Democratic lawmakers were just arrested in a protest outside of the Supreme Court building. They were violating a number of laws, including  disobeying lawful orders from the police.

See more here.

Among those arrested: Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Cori Bush (D-MO)—as well as House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) along with eighteen other Democrats.

Eyewitnesses are claiming AOC faked wearing handcuffs for the media.

Now, these are crimes. I wonder; how is it that this doesn't disqualify these people from running for Congress?

This is as much an insurrection as the Jan. 6 self-guided Capitol tour. But I suspect it will not be treated as an insurrection, and they will at worst pay a small fine while the Jan. 6 protesters are having the book thrown at them. Many are STILL in jail without charge.

There was a time when Congress would have thrown these urban terrorists out. Sadly that isn't the case anymore.

We have two standards in this country; one for the Left and another for the rest of us, the rabble.

Corey Bush here in St. Louis is facing a primary challenge and she doesn't like it. She's been running a lot of commercials on television. Where is she getting the money? Inquiring minds want to know.

This SHOULD ruin her re-election chances. But given her district elected her in the first place I fear this may be a resume' enhancement. Her district is in some very crime-riddled areas and no doubt the gang-bangers will all turn out to vote for her.

But again, where is the money coming from? George Soros, methinks.

If there are not charges brought against this lot there should be charges brought against the prosecutor.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:39 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
Post contains 308 words, total size 2 kb.

July 19, 2022

Sacred Traditions Invented Yesterday

James Doogue

In the latest edition of Quadrant Magazine, the editor and Australian historian Keith Windschuttle writes about the now ubiquitous 'Welcome To Country' ceremonies which are a modern invention. They achieve the opposite of a welcome. It tells those who don't have a speck of indigenous blood, that they don't belong, regardless of the contribution they have made to modern society.

The full article describes the short history of the 'Welcome to Country', the reason it was invented, and the reactions of some indigenous people to the invention. You can read it here: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/aborigines/2022/07/sacred-traditions-invented-yesterday/

Here's some key points Windschuttle makes:

Wherever Labor governments have gained power in recent decades they have made it compulsory for every government instrumentality, and many independent organisations they fund, to begin every public meeting with a cere­monial acknowledgement: the welcome to country of Aboriginal traditional landowners.

This ritual is now so ubiquitous it is virtually inescapable, and is now performed far more frequently than singing the national anthem or raising of the Australian flag. It was surreptitiously introduced by academic and government bureaucracies without any public debate, let alone public support, and its authors have never been named or their purposes justified. Nonetheless, since the passing of the Native Title Act in 1993, it has been foisted on a mystified public as though it had the sanction of deep indigenous tradition.

Wikipedia, where the entry is mostly written by commentators who brook no opposition, claims the welcome to country is "thousands of years” old. The site nonetheless has only been able to trace any evidence for the ceremony back to 1973.

As the Northern Territory MP, the traditional Walpiri woman Bess Price, later told a reporter from the Australian, these cere­monies were not meaningful to traditional people. "We don’t do that in communities,” she said. "It’s just a recent thing. It’s just people who are trying to grapple at something they believe should be traditional.”

Moreover, rather than being a symbol of reconciliation, many of its utterances are, on any objective assessment, disrespectful. Most of those who make them never take the trouble to discover the actual name of the local clan but simply acknowledge nameless "elders” or "the traditional owners”.

In February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd opened the forty-second Australian Parliament by hosting a welcoming ceremony by the traditional Aboriginal owners, the Ngunnawal people.

……….the traditional owners of the land where Parliament House stands, and indeed most of the ACT, are the Kamberri people, after whom the first white landowner, Joshua John Moore, named his land grant in 1824. If she is right — and her book is the most thorough analysis of the subject — then the Australian Parliament was acknowledging the wrong people, or at the very least using the wrong name for whoever actually qualifies as the descendants of the local Aboriginal people. This is hardly a show of respect for Aboriginal people, as its originators claimed. For those with Kamberri genes, it’s an insult by omission.

You would have thought that the federal parliament would have had the resources to research the question properly, and that the Prime Minister’s office would have ensured they did, before allowing Rudd to go ahead with the blunder of using the wrong name at the opening of his first parliament. Today, in 2022, the Parliament has rectified the situation but has only got things partly right. It now includes both Kamberri and Ngunnawal names in its ceremony, despite the latter’s dubious claim to authenticity.

If Australian leftists want to continue inventing Aboriginal traditions, they obviously need to lift the quality of their research. In fact, we would all be better off if they gave away the whole tawdry game. Most of the white dignitaries who speak these rites are merely going through the motions and, as Bess Price says, genuine Aborigines don’t recognise them as part of their own traditions. No one can seriously claim they contribute to inter-racial respect or reconciliation.

The truth is, the welcome to country is a demeaning ritual, embraced by urban Aboriginal activists and their white supporters for the same reasons Hobsbawm attributes to the authoritarians and social engineers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: to mould the behaviour of their subjects to the preferred political position through "liturgical sophistication and zeal and a conscious manipulation of symbols”.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:06 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 725 words, total size 5 kb.

Sea Level Fraud

Michael Benjamin

The "Rising Sea Levels" Hoax
Part II
Obama exposes the fraud

Obama 2009:
"No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change. Rising sea levels threaten every coastline."

Obama 2013:
"Sea levels are rising due to climate change, potentially threatening U.S. cities."

Obama 2015:
"Climate change, especially rising seas, is a threat to our homeland security—our economy, infrastructure, and the safety and health of the American people."

Obama 2019:
Buys $12 million beachfront mansion in Martha's Vineyard. Right on the Atlantic.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:03 PM | Comments (61) | Add Comment
Post contains 94 words, total size 1 kb.

New Media Low

Lance Sjogren

Public confidence in media reaches new low. The good news for the media is that they're getting close to zero so they don't have much less to lose.

My view of the trends in the coming years for the media:

1). Downsizing (layoffs, etc.) It takes no great insight to recognize this one.

2). Downsizing of reputations. As the institutions that prop up the corporate media (e.g. Democratic Party and social media platforms) decline, and new populist alternatives to those institutions grow, the declining relevance and influence of the corporate media will be accompanied by a decline in their reputations. For example, Timcast will be as respected an institution as the New York Times.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:57 AM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
Post contains 119 words, total size 1 kb.

Why Inflation?

Nikki Grace forwarded ths:

Todd Mahaffey
written by Paul Craig Roberts
Monday, July 18, 2022
The US financial sector has long looted other countries. A number of participants have described the process. First a country is enticed with bribes to the leaders to take out loans that cannot be serviced or repaid. Then in comes the IMF. Austerity is imposed on the population. Public services and employment are cut to free resources for debt service, and public assets are sold to repay the loan. Living standards fall, and US corporations take over the country’s economy.
As foreign governments, having experienced or witnessed the economic carnage and fearing accountability,

are less willing to be bribed into indebting their countries, American finance is now applying this technique to Americans. Contrary to the narrative in the financial press, the Federal Reserve is not raising interest rates in order to fight inflation. It is ludicrous to think that a three-quarters of one percent rise in a very low interest rate is going to have any impact on a 9.1% rate of consumer inflation or that speculation that the Federal Reserve has in mind another three-quarters of one percent possibly followed by one half of one percent comprise an anti-inflation policy. If all these increases occur, it still leaves the interest rate below the inflation rate.
Moreover, as I have previously explained, the inflation is not monetary. The higher prices are the result of supply disruptions caused by Washington’s Covid lockdowns and Russian sanctions. Production was stopped and supply chains are broken.
The Federal Reserve’s rise in interest rates is just a continuation of its policy of concentrating income and wealth in the hands of the One Percent. Quantitative Easing was the cloak for the Federal Reserve to print $8.2 trillion in new money which was directed or found its way into the prices of stocks and bonds, thus enriching the small number who own most of these financial instruments. Having maxed out this avenue of wealth concentration, the Federal Reserve is now raising interest rates in order to drive up mortgage costs to aspiring home owners. The Federal Reserve is driving individuals out of the housing market in order to free up properties for "private equity” firms to purchase homes for their rental values. That private equity firms see rental income from the existing stock of houses as the best investment opportunity tells us that the US economy has played out. When investment goes into existing assets, not into producing new assets, the economy ceases to grow.
The Obama regimes policy of bailing out the financial fraudsters responsible for the 2008 crash while foreclosing on their victims, reduced American homeownership from 70% to 63 percent. The Urban Institute predicts further declines. Today homeowners’ equity has declined from 85% after World War II to one-third, leaving two-thirds of homeowner equity in the hands of creditors. This makes it completely clear that a financialized economy indebts the people for the sake of rentier income to the One Percent. Indeed, the financialized economy created by the Federal Reserve has reimposed a class system akin to the landed British aristocracy that was overthrown. Indeed, we have an economically far worst class system. The landed British aristocrats produced food that fed the nation. The American class system produces interest and fees for the financial system.
As Michael Hudson has shown us, a no-growth economy is the end result of a financialized economy. A financialized economy is one in which consumer income is diverted by debt expansion away from the purchase of new goods and services into debt service and fees–interest on mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, student loan debt. With such a large share of household income spent on debt service, little is left for driving the economy forward.
If American economists were capable of escaping from their neoliberal junk economics, they would realize that "the world’s largest economy” they attribute to the United States is total fiction. The fact is that the United States does not have an economy. Corporations driven by Wall Street located American manufacturing in Asia so that the One Percent could benefit from higher profits from lower labor costs, while the deserted city and states had to sell their income streams, such as Chicago’s parking meter revenues for 75 years, to foreigners for one lump sum payment to solve one year’s budget crisis.
The offshoring of American production, carried out under the cloak of "globalism,” destroyed the American economy and the tax bases of cities and states. While the real economy declines, the Democrat Party, seeking permanent power, has imposed a policy of open borders for immigrant-invad ers. How are these millions of peoples to support themselves in an economy whose manufacturing has been moved abroad? How can a population, deserted by American corporations, that is experiencing debt deflation absorb the costs of support and social infrastructure for tens of millions of third world immigrant-invad ers?
You will never hear it from the whores in the financial press, but the United States is on the precipice of economic and social collapse. And what are the fools in Washington doing? The idiots are ginning up wars with Russia, China, and Iran.

Tim adds:

He lost me with this:

"Moreover, as I have previously explained, the inflation is not monetary. The higher prices are the result of supply disruptions caused by Washington’s Covid lockdowns and Russian sanctions."

Wrong as wrong can be. The Fed has ballooned up the M2 money supply by a whopping 40% according to some estimates over the last two years. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/02/06/federal-reserve-inflation-money-supply/ I think this estimate is high, but perhaps not exorbitantly. It grew 13.1% in 2021, for instance. https://schiffgold.com/exploring-finance/money-supply-grows-at-13-1-in-2021-is-it-enough-to-keep-the-bubble-going/ And while this was to pay for the spending by Congress, it doesn't change the fact that it's the increase in money supply at the root of the inflation - not some nebulous supply chain disruptions and Russian sanctions, as he claims. The inflation was rising well before Russian sanctions were imposed. That was WHY Biden wanted this war in the first place and took no steps to prevent it before it happened; he needed it as a scapegoat to blame his inflationary policies on when they were ramping up. Energy costs add to inflation, I'll admit. But whose fault was that? Biden's certainly. He did everything in his power to kill American oil and gas and drive prices up so as to force electric vehicles on the country. He killed Keystone XL and other American pipelines. He stopped all drilling on government lands, including in ANWAR. He pressured banks to defund oil companies by denying them loans. He encouraged "decarbonizing" by pension funds and investment groups. He promised to go carbon neutral and get rid of gas-powered vehicles. Investors saw, and stopped buying stock.

And it was the high price of oil and gas that gave Puting the money to invade Ukraine - and to stay in the fight.

Oh, and he angered the Saudis who cut production.

Yes, the Covid response was no small part of this, but in the end it's a coefficient of the expansion of the money supply to pay off bad debt by the government.

That said, his argument is correct; it's a way to funnel money to the wealthy, however you look at it. They are buying up stocks at bargain-basement rates.

Also, he says the Fed is now raising interest rates to fight inflation. He's wrong; they started raising interest rates during the Trump Presidency, well before the Covid pandemic struck. Before Trump they hadn't raised it since 2006, and they had kept it low since the '90's.

They started raising interest rates to damage the Trump economy.

I agree with his assessment about housing; they want us all in rentals, the dream of "imagine no possessions". And the Chinese are buying up housing hand-over-fist.

"As Michael Hudson has shown us, a no-growth economy is the end result of a financialized economy."

That's what they mean by "sustainability". It means no growth. It's what the environmentalists have always sought.

"How are these millions of peoples to support themselves in an economy whose manufacturing has been moved abroad? "

Why, you depopulate them, that's how. Which is the plan of the elites.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
Post contains 1387 words, total size 9 kb.

Megyn Kelly Lies About Arizona Vote

Michael Smith

I like Megyn Kelly. I think she is a great interviewer, but she is arguing that the vote recounts in Arizona showed zero irregularities.

Just a practical question - how many of you have undergone financial compliance audits in your business or workplace that found absolutely nothing?

I honestly don’t think I ever have. Add to that OSHA audits, ISO audits and other internal control audits and the possibility of not finding SOMETHING approaches the impossible.

And all of those are in far mor controlled environments than an election.

A perfect audit result would just makes me question the auditor, his process and the results.

Tim adds:

What of the forensic audit? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/25/arizona-senate-draft-report-on-the-maricopa-county-election-audit-highlights-49000-questionable-votes-asks-ag-to-investigate/ and https://www.newsmax.com/bernardkerik/arizona-forensic-audit-2020-ballots/2021/06/15/id/1025217/ ? She just ignores those.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:29 AM | Comments (47) | Add Comment
Post contains 128 words, total size 1 kb.


Maurizio Morabito

Gustave Flaubert was wise.

1856...he writes Mme Bovary...he famously goes in the dock, for obscenity.

So he collected his thoughts about the hypocritical conformity obsessed bourgeoisie that just couldn't bear the thought of Mme Bovary.

They are called the "Dictionary of Received Ideas".

But here comes the wisdom.

The Dictionary was published 31 years after Flaubert's death.

They couldn't cancel him any longer.

It's so much easier to monitor the newsmedia for what is popular and just express the same, received wisdom to get popularity. So much easier. Then as now.

Ps Mme Bovary is still THE reference for any contemporary realism story.

Pps Summers were always too warm, in 19th century France. And winters too cold. That's what everyone said, everyone read and everyone thought. At least, in public. So that’s what Flaubert reported as a Received Idea…

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (42) | Add Comment
Post contains 142 words, total size 1 kb.

July 18, 2022

Indiana Mall Shooter Shot by Bystander

Al Moscowitz

A story to demonstrate what has to happen in order to quell the rising violence in this country.

Here's the story in a nutshell.

Criminal scumbag decides to shoot people in a mall.
Scumbag goes to the mall with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition.
Scumbag starts shooting.
Within seconds, armed civilian kills scumbag.

Direct benefits...

Although 4 people were killed and 2 more were injured, dozens of other innocent lives were saved.
Scumbag will never do anything like this (or anything else) ever again.

Ancillary benefits...

No police officers were put at risk.
Courts are not overloaded with useless trials, discussions or anything else regarding this situation.
We don't waste hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars keeping the scumbag fed and clothed for the next 50 years.

There are no names yet, but to the armed civilian - BRAVO (or BRAVA, as the case may be)...

The "gun control" laws currently being discussed and promoted by the leftist politicians are ridiculous, useless and completely ineffective. Until the criminal scumbags get the message, an armed citizenry is the ONLY answer.

Tim adds:

I would add America DID have gun control - for blacks - through our history and the results have been pretty horrid.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:16 AM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
Post contains 213 words, total size 2 kb.

Juno Screenwriter ‘Horrified’ by ‘Anti-Choice’

Warner Todd Huston

‘Juno’ Screenwriter Diablo Cody ‘Horrified’ by ‘Anti-Choice’ Interpretation of Teen Pregnancy Film

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Colonel Mustard in the library

Timothy Birdnow

Sacre' Bleu!  Dijon mustard is in short supply, and it's all because of you guessed it!

Add it to the list.

Actually, it's been blamed on drought conditions in the Western U.S. and Canada (most French mustard comes from Canada) and from supply chain problems.

I wonder; was this a result of the fertilizer shortage?  Did Canada order the use of high ammonia fertilizers which mustard seeds cannot handle?

Inquiring minds want to know.

But even if it is because of climate conditions that has nothing to do with "climate change" but rather with the La Nina conditions we currently are facing. The current La Nina is responsible for the drought in the western states and in Canada. It has nothing to do with global warming.

So who done it to the price of mustard? Colonel Mustard in the Library, of course.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:49 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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Transitioning from Russian Oil - for Russian Coal

Maurizio Morabito

Beyond parody. Having renounced evil Russian gas, Italy is now reopening its coal power stations, where it will burn...Russian coal!

Giving up Russian gas and unleashing an unprecedented energy crisis. And then start polluting like we were in the 1960s to avoid a total meltdown of the economy. Obviously with Russian coal. All the idiocy of Draghi’s government in one picture.

Translated from Italian

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:25 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 74 words, total size 1 kb.

July 17, 2022

Hunkering Hungary

Dennis O'Brien

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has just ordered a ban on the export of firewood from Hungary.

No this is not a joke.

Tim adds:

Well THAT doesn't bode well for the winter!

Not just firewood, wood for construction and other construction materials as well.

They are banning the export of fuels. And grain.

Somebody sure as hell is expecting a terrible winter.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:05 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

July 16, 2022

Media Climate Mistakes and Lies

Timothy Birdnow

This from Down Under.

Sen. Gerard Rennick:

The ABC is fact checking me again. This time around whether or not the earth is warming.

They are claiming that the seven hottest years on record have occurred between 2015 and 2021.

It is so absurd as to be laughable. The Bureau of Meteorology has been engaged in a grand deception for years where they homogenise past data. I.e. they change the weather records they don’t like and release a new data set called ACCORN. They then report the homogenised temperature as though it was the actual temperature.

Take for example Marble Bar.

The BOM has made thirteen homogenisation changes to Marble Bar since record keeping began. Seven of these are statistical. The BOM however don’t provide documentary support for statistical changes. (See point g)

That’s right. No evidence. In my professional career if you change numbers without evidence that would be considered fraud.

Ironically enough I asked the ABC in a prior estimates whether or not they report actual figures or homogenised figures.

They said actual of course which is false. They, like all other media report figures that have been reworked and then presented as actual.

To be fair most don’t even realise they are doing it. Todays journalists just regurgitate whatever is fed to them by lying bureaucrats.

The only people spreading disinformation is the ABC and their mates at the Bureau of Meteorology.

Unfortunately these lies are used to justify wasting billions in subsidies for renewables at the expense of the taxpayer.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:07 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 261 words, total size 2 kb.

Texas Justice in Missouri

Timothy Birdnow

Glad it was in St. Charles. If it had happened in St. Louis the guy would be prosecuted for murder.

St. Charles is a city/county next to St. Louis County and is pretty conservative.

Armed Robbery Suspect at Quik Trip in St. Charles Fatally Shot by Onlooker

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:45 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

Biden Sent Our Strategic Reserves to China

Frank Lasee

Nearly a million barrels went to communist China.

Oil Reserves from U.S. Supply Sent Overseas while Gasoline Prices Stay High

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 29 words, total size 1 kb.

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