March 23, 2022

Conflicts of Interest at NIH

This from Chester McAteer­ImageServer/Public/­2022/March/PDF/­nih-conflicts-of-inte­rest-pdf.pdf

It won't allow me to copy and paste, so I can't excerpt it, but it is good; it shows the story of conflicts of interest at the NIH.

Do download it and read it all; a real eye opener.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:52 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

Run for the Border!

Lou Koncsol

Now I get it! The DNC wanting the southern border open in America is because all in the party have shares in Taco Bell!

Tim adds:

Aha! Remember their now retired slogan "run for the border"? Now it all makes sense; they were asking Latinos to run for OUR border and not the other way around!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:28 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 62 words, total size 1 kb.

Psaki and Covid

Steven Chase

Jen Psaki has covid (again) despite two shots and the booster.

Question: Was it prudent to FIRE people and prevent them from earning a living over a vaccine therapy so deficient?

The Dems have to answer for this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 43 words, total size 1 kb.

The Flip Side of the Coin

Steven Chase

Zelensky, outlawed 11 political opposition parties in Ukraine, despite most of them condemning Putin's aggression. He didn't stop there, either. Yesterday, Zelensky NATIONALIZED all of the TV News stations, as well, Reuters reports.
The more I learn, the less I am sure of the bad guys here. One thing for certain, it's not as simple as the media's cheerleading.

John Roberts replies:

No, Steven, it is simple. A sovereign country was invaded. Your attempt at making a moral equivalence is misguided. We can argue that his response to being invaded is tyrannical but not who the bad guy is here.

Mr. Chase responds:

I respectfully withhold my judgement until all available facts are discovered. For example: research Bill Clinton's massive eastward expansion of NATO, despite pledges (treaties) to the contrary.

Tim retorts:

Well John Roberts, what does that make America?

Let me see; we invaded Cuba in the Spanish American War, Germany in WWI, Germany in WWII, North Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.

And there were countless military interventions that fell short of invasion, such as Syria, or Lebanon, or Somalia, or Chile' or the attempt at the Bay of Pigs to invade Cuba, or in Iran to reinstate the Shah, or any others.

Does that mean we are solely to blame for all of those actions? I don't think your reasoning is entirely sound.

I agree Putin and Russia are largely to blame here, but I don't think this particular argument is especially compelling.

Steven is correct; there ARE reasons for this. We may disagree with them,, but Putin did not act without purpose. WE expanded NATO into his back yard. WE tried to circumvent Russia's pipelines by building them through Georgia and Ukraine. Ukraine cut off all the water to the Crimean peninsula, causing a drought. Ukraine threatened to shut down Russian pipelines through their territory. It was the Ukrainian government that passed laws banning the use of Russian in the east, where it is spoken as a first language by a large majority of the population. And it was a joint Ukrainian/

American effort in building biological labs that probably were doing gain-of-functio n research which had the potential for biological weapons. Since it seems likely the Covid was one such U.S. effort in conjunction with China, a U.S. President would probably have done the same had the Russians been doing such research in Mexico.

Oh yes, and it was Western efforts that destroyed the Russian economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union that led to Putin's ascent to power. George Soros had a hand in that, you may remember. Soros is still walking around loose after having wiped out the fledgling Russia democratic system.

Think about the implications of that.

Again, I am not excusing Russia here, but showing there IS another side to this.

Oh, and to continue my list of American invasions: we TWICE invaded Canada, once during the Revolution and again during the War of 1812. We invaded Mexico. We gave military aid to proxys, in Nicaragua, in El Salvador, in Honduras. We sent a military occupation force to Saudi Arabia, which enraged Osama Bin Laden and led directly to the 911 attacks.

We invaded North Africa during WWII. We invaded Sicily and eventually Italy. We invaded France. We even invaded the southern half of our own country and held it under martial law for over a decade.

So to claim invading a country makes them automatically guilty means you MUST believe the U.S. is what Iran calls us - the Great Satan.

Gaetano Catelli adds:

A lot of human rights go out the window in wartime. But Zelensky knows Ukraine will have to have democratic norms to be a fully integrated member of the EU.

I respond:

The E.U. is itself in many ways not an entity that is a champion of human rights and liberties. Look at their laws against "xenophobia". Bridgit Bardot was put on trial for daring to say something bad about the Muslim community.

Is that a guarantor of human rights? The E.U. has mandated passport vaccines, allowed mass surveillance, imposed draconian regulations on almost every economic activity, and compelled countries to take in "refugees" whether they want them or not. The E.U. is tyrannical. See and and for a few examples.

So, is the Zelensky crackdown something that will keep them out of the E.U., or is he imposing these rules to conform with the E.U.?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Demographic Dufuses

Selwyn Duke

What percentage of the United States is black? Non-black Americans guess 39 percent. Black Americans say 52 percent. The actual figure?

Twelve percent.

Americans also suppose homosexuals and lesbians constitute 30 percent of the country. They’re actually just three percent. People further believe that 26 percent of our population has a $500,000-plus household income; the real figure is one percent.

Tim adds:

Friends of mine in Britain complain it is even worse. It's a purposeful function of the media. They want to sow despair among the public, to trick them into believing what once was in now gone and we must accept the "new normal" as defined by the Left. In short, it's an attempt at a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.

The Curse of Collectivism

Steven Chase

Collectivism is a perspective on human life and action. It views people as a blob requiring unified (if not unanimous) direction. Individualism is its opposite because it sees "humanity” as an abstract, composed of unique individuals, each one with a mind and rights of his own. While a collectivist would readily subsume the individual to such notions as majority vote or "the general will,” an individualist is wary of any person or group claiming to speak for others without their consent. - L.W. Reed

Socialism, communism and fascism are all peas in the same collectivist pod. They all despise both competition and the individual. The idea of everything being directed from a single center is perhaps the most dangerous and dumbest approach to human civilization.

Tim adds:

Rousseau's idea of The Collective Will was quite at odds with the earlier philosophes who saw individalism as the core of human existence and based it on Natural Law. Rousseau argued for the collective, and the collective only, as the source of all social order. His radical notion was at the root of both socialism/communism and fascism. Rousseau wanted to promote the Collective Will as god the State as the Church. In this the deification of the State and the People gave way to the rampant Nationalism of Mussolini and Hitler, after first being forged in the fires of the French Revolution. Every bad idea since - Bolshevism, Naziism, the corrupt fabian socialism of modern times - stems from this terrible idea of group identity. We see it now in BLM and other such radical identity groups. It all goes back to the same fetid source.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:36 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 279 words, total size 2 kb.

The War on Project Veritas

Timothy Birdnow

Powerline has a terrific series on the war on Project Veritas by the DOJ and National Security.

I strongly recommend everyone read it.

The amazing thing is the hypocrisy of the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets towards James O'Keefe and comapany. O'Keefe is doing less than the Times has done to Trump and other Republicans over the years.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:31 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 68 words, total size 1 kb.

Trying to Bork Putin

Timothy Birdnow

In response to Dana Mathewson's post about Candace Owen taking on the New York Times over Ukraine, contributor Mike had this to say:

This is still the New York Incompetents and they prove it everyday. BTW anyone else noticing the daily Putin is doomed from almost every angle they can dream up at night and still he keeps right on ticking? Maybe one day one of the talking heads will get lucky on some wild guess and Putin may actually be put down and they'll earn a pulitzer and write books that all universities will be forced to include in their curriculum.

And I add:

That is a great point Mike. It's the playbook they use to promote Democrats over Republicans.

Remember how every day we heard Trump was toast, that he was coming to his end? And after the dog and pony show Trump was still just fine.

We've seen that with other Republicans, mainly with conservatives running. The news is always bad for them. Reagan never stood a chance and Carter was going to win in a tidal wave election, for another example.

So now they are trying to use this on Putin. But he's cut from another cloth.

Basically the Leftmedia is using the same technique they used against Robert Bork (a good man, not at all like Putin) thinking that it worked here so it should work in international circles. It won't but they are so weak intellectually they believe it will. They are trying to use a voter manipulation trick on the international stage.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:01 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 266 words, total size 2 kb.

March 22, 2022

Candace Owens tears the New York Times a new one...

Dana Mathewson

From a Power Line article by John Hinderaker:

For me, the Ukraine situation is pretty simple. Ukraine didn’t invade Russia, Russia invaded Ukraine. And Russia is our geopolitical rival/enemy, while Ukraine is not. So I am on Ukraine’s side and am happy to do what we can to help the Ukrainians, without committing acts of war against Russia. Like, say, shooting down their airplanes.

So I am part of what seems to be an unusually broad consensus among Americans. That said, I agree with Scott [Johnson] that commentators like Tucker Carlson perform a valuable service by providing a counterpoint to the hawkish, pro-Ukraine perspective that we hear every day. Candace Owens is another who has been a Ukraine/war skeptic, and, like Tucker, she has been accused of promulgating Russian propaganda.

That is the angle the New York Times is taking. A Times reporter reached out to Candace to let her know that a smear was in the offing:

Candace is so much smarter than a Times reporter that you knew right away this was going to be good. Candace didn’t disappoint:

Just for fun, she piled on:


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:54 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Covid Feminizing British Boys

Timothy Birdnow

Check this out; Covid causes children to seek to change sex, at least in Britain.

They seem to be
lining up for hormone treatments after the Covid lockdown.

What can't Covid do?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:51 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 38 words, total size 1 kb.

The Stuff of Revolution

Willis Eschenbach

If I hate the Biden "Justice" Department for anything, it's for the shameful treatment of the Jan6 protesters.

Here's the kind of vindictiveness they're showing.


Tim adds:

This is the stuff from which revolutions are made. Bet this fellow wishes he HAD actually been an "insurrectionist" at this point.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:18 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

Bob Clasen

I read Ayn Rand in High School and thought her depiction of left wing philosophy was so extreme as to be hard to believe and must be an exaggeration. I was young and idealistic. Atlas Shrugged was finished in 1957. She called her philosophy Objectivism to emphasize its focus on objective reality as its foundation as opposed to untethered subjectivism.

Now, 65 years later, our schools have been taken over by "critical theory” and "post modernism” which directly reject objective reality and replaces it with a complicated mishmash of subjective theory.

Such modern philosophers critique objective reality as something imagined by the privileged white patriarchy and feel free to create their own reality. The perfect example is to reject basic biology and assert that sex is a social construct which must be "deconstructed. ” In such a world, a biological male can become a female by simply saying it is so. Magic!

The final result is that young people are taught not to believe in objective reality. They should not trust science or logic or their own eyes or judgment. They should not be proud of their accomplishments because they are only the result of their "privilege.” There are many many victim sub-groups that vie for the most oppressed group and then combine victimhood into "intersectional ity” which adds up the total of your oppression according to the various victim groups you belong to (gay, black, woman, "ableist” etc.)

The resulting sheep produced by such education are afraid of their own shadow since that can’t trust their own judgment. There is no pride in achievement, since achievement is the undeserved result of belonging to privileged groups. The only moral category in this world is to be a "victim” and therefore to deserve compensation from your oppressors. "Social Justice Warriors” fight among themselves as to who is the biggest victim and deserves the most compensation.

It sounds like some weird science fiction satire/parody written by Kurt Vonnegut. It is modern philosophy.

Ayn Rand was a prophetess.

If you think philosophy is unimportant, look around you and see the world it has created.

Tom Greer adds:

It’s axiomatic that followers of cult thinking need a Leader. The less they know, the less they can reflect and extrapolate the more they want to give ‘reason’ to the Leader. Some of us remember Jonestown. Many never gave it a thought, because there were so many incapable of thought. Ayn Rand was in a lot of ways a terror to her associates, a dangerous "friend". That didn't take away from her acute perceptions though, any more than "mean tweets " took away from Trump's message and intent for freedom.

Tim adds:

Well said Bob! I especially liked the magic part. That is exactly what we have become, necromancers who believe we can change reality by an effort of will and belief. Witchcraft is the sin of the modern age.

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered is the anthem of our time!

It is a rejection of Western rationalism. It was that rationalism that made the West the rulers of the world; we didn't just wait around hoping, but found ways to do what we desired. It gave us industry, intensive agriculture, modes of travel, energy, etc.

What we are doing is picking at the fundamental core of our civilization. Nietzche warned of this; he said science would eventually undermine itself by questioning and disavowing it's basic beliefs, that things are rational and ordered. We have largely done that in our post-modern America.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:54 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 591 words, total size 4 kb.

The New World Order and Oil

David Dorell :

Low ESG score will allow the banks and investment firms to deny capital for oil and gas industry. It's banking policy of the WEF going around the government to create an oligarchy outside of our constitution and bill of rights and the Dems are allowing it.

Once they bankrupt the oil and gas industry, shift control of the financial world to E-currency through the Federal Reserve, and institute their plans to control all energy, the government will take over control of the oil and gas industry (because they will need it even more than ever) and control the entire population through control of energy and finance.

I'm wondering now what they will do with this before the midterm elections to force their will on the people.

From the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard: "To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, we need a whole economy transition - every company, every bank, every insurer and investor will have to adjust their business models, develop credible plans for the transition and implement them.” And this

This is the WEF agenda, who partnered with the UN for this: The WEF argues that the WORLD IS BEST MANAGED BY A COALITION OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, not sovereign states such as the United States government.

The organization says that such governments are no longer "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that "the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance." Good luck voting them out if you don't like it.

Eva Kovaks it is the climate change alarmists who put life down the list. Name one person you know for a fact died from "climate change". I dare you!

People die from poverty, from lack of services, lack of heat in winter, from lack of air conditioning in summer. We can point to actual, tangible things. You can only point to weather events that you try to claim is caused by a changing climate that you assume is caused by industrial emissions (you do know that we've put less than one molecule of carbon dioxide into every ten thousand molecules of air, if that; the Covid shutdown saw the rate of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continue  as it had been before the shutodwn and the reduction in emissions)

Yes, we should drill. Had we not stopped drilling under Mr. Biden (who defunded the oil commpanies by pressuring banks to stop lending to them, who talked down oil so as to scare off investors, who imposed a ban on drilling on Federal land, including in ANWAR, who killed multiple pipelines, who made it nigh unto impossible to get the permits needed to drill - there are many needed to open wells and Biden only approves a few so the companies can't drill, etc.) The price of gasoline was spiking well before this war. And it was the extra money Putin gained from this that has funded the Ukrainian invasion.

Drill and get the price down and you will defund Putin. It's really that simple. It is exactly what drove the Russians out of Georgia in '08; the price of oil dropped precipitously and Putin ran out of money.

And oil is very important for so many things besides gasoline. We use it for plastics, for instance.

Yes, we do need to drill here, drill now. Just the promise of drilling new wells will drop the price as investors regain confidence.

Instead, people like you want to play with tinker-toys that generate minimal, unreliable power. Pinwheels and silicon plates. Ri-ight.

Would you favor nuclear? That produces no greenhouse gas and at the same time is reliable and efficient.

I didn't think you would.

People die from energy poverty. Energy is the modern measure of wealth. A lot of poor people are going to die, and many more suffer, so rich liberals in the West can feel self-righteous.

By the way, governments are the ones funding all the climate hysteria. They stand to benefit immensely from it, both in terms of raising taxes and in implementing all sorts of regulatory schemes. What we are seeing is what Roger Revelle thought; a modest warming (if it is even a result of carbon dioxide emissions is questionable) which, thanks to the logarithmic nature of this, is just about crapped out.

The argument was never about CO2 anyway; it was about whether this would be a positive or negative feedback. The fear of the alarmists was that it would lead to the evaporation of water which would eventually lead to the melting of the permafrost and discharge of methane. The realists pointed out that more water vapor means more clouds which reflect more heat.

I would point out Antarctica had some of the coldest recorded temperatures this year. So much for that!

Tim adds:

Did you ever see the '70's movie Rollerball starring James Caan, David? It was a world ruled by multinational corporations. It is looking eerily familiar to that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:31 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 836 words, total size 5 kb.

Books to Burn (Since We No Longer Have Fossil Fuels)


Arguing with idiots is the topic here are 10 books that must be banned: Prove me wrong as I also go along strongly with their selection of Man Of The Year!

Tim adds:

I can think of a bunch more:

1.Billy Budd, the story of a straight guy who can't read who rejects homosexual advances. How dare he! Homophobia! And his not being able to read makes the NEA and public education look bad.

2. Paradise Lost.

Makes revolution look bad. Also buttresses those narrow minded Christians.

3. All Quiet on the Western Front

The soldiers were obedient and compliant and did not protest. Oh, and nobody was fighting the Russians in that.

4. Brave New World

Makes socialism look bad and free sex empty!

5. Captains Courageous

Not a smidgin of gayness in that! What a letdown!

It also makes a virtue of things like courage and honor. The BASTARDS!

I could go on and on.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:52 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 169 words, total size 1 kb.

March 21, 2022

Arguing with Idiots; EV Edition

Timothy Birdnow

In a post by Ars-technica on Facebook about the glories of electric vehicles a snotty alarmist spouted off.

When challenged on the efficacy of EV's Paddy Mendez says:

Talking points are prepared for them by fossil fuel interest groups. We're dealing with pre-chewed propaganda.

I reply:

Who is it spouting the fake talking points Paddy Mendez? You have to generate power to charge batteries and you lose in the conversion. Making those batteries is a very dirty process, so dirty we don't do it here in the U.S. And last longer? I know people who have evs that are ready for the scrap heap after just a few years. They are nothing but toys for rich guilt-riddled liberals.

Paddy Mendez says:

If you really wanted a reply you would have tagged me - you're sneaking your comment in so I don't answer it. You're a bunch of lying sneaks who are serving billionaires. https:// www.climatereali blog/ climate-denial-m achine-how-foss il-fuel-industr y-blocks-climat e-action

https:// m/2020/07/21/ how-big-is-the-a nti-cleantech-p ropaganda-indus try/

/Tim Birdnow Mark II

Tim Birdnow Mark II

EVs last longer and cause less pollution than ICEs.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:03 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Personalizing It

This courtesy of E. Calvin Beisner

"The scientific advisors cannot be in a position to silence the rest of the scientific community so that they themselves are seen as the science. You cannot have a scientific advisor who goes around saying that if you challenge me you’re not simply challenging a man, you’re challenging science itself… That hubris has been a key part of the failed response to COVID in the United States and elsewhere.”
Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D.

The same is true in EVERY field of science, not just in medicine.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:56 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 94 words, total size 1 kb.

Judge Rules College Can't Fire for Free Speech

Warner Todd Huston

Woke College Officials Who Booted Defiant Math Professor Get Worst News Yet from a Federal Court

The publicly funded University of North Texas was dealt a blow in court after a federal judge said school officials can be held responsible for firing employees for exercising their right of free speech.

In his 69-page orderof March 11, Judge Sean Jordan, of the United States District Court for Eastern Texas, found that university officials should have known that math professor Nathaniel Hiers’ speech "touched on a matter of public concern and that discontinuing his employment because of his speech violated the First Amendment,” before they fired him for going public with his disagreement with the left-wing concept of "microaggressions.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:49 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 128 words, total size 1 kb.

She a Grand Old Yellow and Blue Flag!

Fay Voshell

One of the things I like most about my fellow Americans is their love of the underdog. I like their high sense of justice when it comes to innocent victims.

I join them in their sympathy and support of those in the Ukraine/Russia conflict who are helplessly caught in the crosshairs of war. It would be a person with a heart of cast iron who does not feel compassion for the innocent.

But I find myself uneasy when I see more support for the flag and cause of Ukraine than I see for the flag and causes of my own country—so many are waving the yellow and blue when they would never wave the red, white and blue. I am troubled when I see almost univocal support for the border integrity of Ukraine while our own country effectively has no southern border. I am concerned when the destruction of cities in Ukraine receives more condemnation than the recent destruction of America’s own cities.

How odd it is to be called to love another country more than my own. How disconcerting to see those who have sincere questions about the conflict called "treasonous!" How strange to hear more passionate prayers for a distant land than for my own nation!

I am especially concerned when I see people in congress urging tactics that would accelerate and widen the conflict; proclaiming the need for greater American involvement and setting out plans sure to lead to greater carnage—all without much regard for the possible consequences to our own nation.

Where are the visionary statesmen and women who can see beyond the immediate conflict? Where are those who can see the almost inevitable reconfiguration of the entire globe if this conflict in Ukraine is not soon resolved peaceably?

There are ways to resolve the situation but throwing gas on the fire to increase the present conflagration is not one of them.

Statesmen and women must come up with a reasoned plan for peace; yes, one with teeth in it, but one aimed at peace, not war.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:12 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 351 words, total size 2 kb.

The New Colonialism

Timothy Birdnow

While hunting down a reference to  Erik Kuehnelt-Leddihn for my following post I came across this essay by the great man about Colonialism - and he makes some excellent points that are very pertinent today.

For example he states:

Almost everywhere in the Third World there is the failure to recognize that Western culture and civilization represent a package deal. One cannot arbitrarily pick some items and leave the rest. He who wants to own, keep and repair a car has to accept — consciously or unconsciously — Aristotelian and Cartesian notions. Neither modern wars nor modern agriculture are possible without an industrial background. No industry can be based on animistic, Buddist, or Vedantic foundations. The engineer has been born in the shadow of the Cross. Scientific thinking is "exclusive," not syncretistic or relativistic. Whether Western civilization is superior or inferior to others is beside the point. The fact remains that all nations on this globe want to be westernized. But with an unerring instinct they usually choose the worst the West has to offer, for example the obsolete nineteenth-century ideas embraced by Marxism

How true, and how very modern. The modern thinking is that we accept the very Western ideas of socialism, of "equity", of neo-paganism, of sexual libertinism. BUT we are at the same time ordered to condemn the roots of our society, the good things that gave us the leisure to do this and the right to chart our own path.

We tear down monuments to Civil War heroes, for example, while hoisting up monuments to people like George Floyd, who was a petty criminal. Why do we do this? Because someone like Floyd represents the New Man, the most post-modern Western Man there can be. He is the ideal we are to strive for; dependent on society to care for him and give his life purpose. His death was portrayed as an act of heroism when in fact it was a drug addict who died with a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. So what was he championing? The post-modern belief system.

There are multiple other examples of how we pick and choose what part of our culture to preserve and what to eliminate. Most of what we are eliminating is the best part. Our religion. Our economic system. Our intellectual traditions. Our faith in the dignity of the individual. Our morality.

And what are we keeping? Like the Third World in Erik Kuehnelt-Leddihn's essay, we are picking and choosing the worst aspects of our culture to promote.

And we hide the truth from ourselves. We pretend it's our culture that is bad when in fact it is the failure to defend our culture that is the problem.

And the Left knows how to play us. They have long since silenced the churches here. Christianity was the backbone of America and the churches used to hold real power over the way people thought. Not now. There was a multi-pronged attack on Christianity here, with efforts made to mock and sneer at Christian thinking in the media and in academia. Christians were portrayed both as ignorant hillbillies and as self-righteous hypocrites (something very distressing to Christians, who have always sought to be genuine since Jesus condemned hypocrisy). To avoid appearing to be what the Rulling Class portrayed them as they either adopted the anti-Christian message or remained silent. The mainline sects have largely been neutered now, terrified of being mocked as hypocrites. Many are jumping on board with all the social justice programs and with other things (like climate change alarmism) to curry favor with the Ruling Class. Christianity was always a counter-culture movement, even when there was considerable amity between princes and kings and bishops and popes. As I argued in an American Thinker piece years ago, it was Christ Himself who instituted Separation of Church and State, and there has always been tension between the two.

Modern Leftists hate that. They seek a monistic world where everything is mixed up with everything else, and the all is under the State. Western civilization was about Science, which is about categorizing things, separating them into their proper spheres. We don't treat heart disease by passing laws, or didn't used to; laws were about regulating human behavior to promote the rights of individuals, not about making society better or fairer. But there are some who would do just that, and if you look at, say Michael Bloomberg you will see a guy who tried to treat heart disease and diabetes and the rest by passing laws that regulated behavior to force good health habits. That is so very post-modern.

In fact, it is what Mussolin meant by Totalitarian. Society intimately involved in every aspect of human existence. Mussolini rightly called Fascism totalitarian, and did so approvingly.

Mussolini famously stated:

"all within the state, none outside the state, none against the state.”

In his 1925 The Doctrine of Fascism he elaborated:

"Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State — a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values — interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people. No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State"

And the Third World adopted this aspect of things because it was pleasing to whoever was able to seize power. But it applies equally to our time. Increasingly, the fascistic partnership between government and big corporations - particularly the new social media outlets and the arrogant technocracy - is imposing this monism on all of us. They censor what we see and hear in an attempt to control what we think. And it works to varying degrees.

This technology will only get better over time, further limiting the right of the People to think what they will.

Or believe what they will.

Basically, we are being colonized by an alien and very depraved form of pagan thinking. And it will only get worse.

Kuehnelt-Leddihn goes on to say:

If, on the other hand, the entire Christian world decides to help the "emergers," we have to reflect most carefully on how this is best to be done. Obviously, not by distributing bank bills on street corners, nor by giving money to certain governments one would not like to touch with a barge pole. Under no condition would I like to see my tax money squandered on socialist experiments which have empirically shown such a poor record. Realistic aid is given by Misereor, Oxfam, and other charitable organizations. And there are also our courageous entrepreneurs who have gone out to teach skills and disciplines, to provide for jobs, salaries and tax moneys.

Not only do I agree I take it further than that. I would argue that governments hadning out money is a horrible immorality that is destructive to all the ends of charity in the first place.

In The Cruelty of Caesar's Charity I argue that poverty came as punishment to Mankind from God Himself, who could end it any time He chose. The point is, it is not just victory over poverty that matters but the struggle against it, and that struggle is as much for the charitable giver as for the recipient (maybe more so). God did not demand government act to end poverty. He told YOU to do it! It is a personal, individual thing. It is to teach kindness for others, even those we may not like very much. While it has to be implemented throough collective action oftentimes it still is ultimately about giving, not taxing.

Governments steal the good fruits of charity. And they dole out the charity in a way that is beneficial to THEM. Political parties, especially the Democrats, figured out early they could sucker Christians and Jews into funding their political fortunes via "charitable" programs. This way the government taketh from some and giveth to others, and it will then come back to the politician. Who gets the shaft? The taxpayer who does not want to fund this aka the Forgotten Man.

But it is also the kindly taxpayer who simply washes his hands of the matter because he thinks the government is doing the Lord's Work. He is robbed of the opportunity to personally do a kindness. And even the poor who benefit from these programs are hurt, compelled by them into a kind of servitude where they must beg their masters for the scraps being fed to them daily.

It is an evil institution, despite appearing good. One must remember Satan can appear as an angel of light.

At any rate, I've blathered on enough. Do read the essay by Erik Kuehnelt-Leddihn; it is well worth your time and trouble.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:35 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 1451 words, total size 10 kb.

Pedophilia Rising

Timothy Birdnow

So, now we are starting to see efforts to normalize pedophilia.

Here at The Aviary the Ospreys were discussing the matter.

Mike says:

The reason they are packing the courts with judges who are lenient on pedophiles.

Dana Mathewson observes:

They're doing their level best (worst?) to make pedophilia accepted as "normal behavior." We are getting closer and closer to Sodom and Gomorrah!

And I add:

Mike, Dana, that is exactly right and I predicted it years ago. Pedophilia is the new gay. Having gone as far as they could go with promoting homosexuality they are now moving on to the next "logical" sexual more to destroy, which is the taboo against sex with children.

There was a scholar named Erik Kuehnelt-Leddihn who argued this years ago. Leddihn  the case in his 1974 book Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, that the modern intellectuals followed the program set down by the Marquis de Sade, who was about more things than just beating up his lovers. de Sade wanted a world where sex was as common as eating or drinking, and anything goes. He was very influential in his time, and all the influential thinkers of the day adopted his views. He is the author of modern morality.

And pedophilia was something he promoted. Well, now it's coming. And still the churches remain largely silent on the collapse of morality.

And once they get the right to molest children, then what? Necrophilia, perhaps? Funeral parlors will become the hottest new pickup joints. Or maybe they'll go to beastiality, and people will be adopting pets as sex toys?

Mark my words that is where this is going. And the consequences will be total civilizational destruction. God will not permit that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:23 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 296 words, total size 2 kb.

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