December 21, 2022

Gaslight Squares

Selwyn Duke

Prior to the election, the Biden administration claimed one million jobs were created during this year's second quarter.

The actual number turned out, we learn now, to be just 10,000.

That's one percent of the actual estimate, and that is NOT a "mistake." It was a complete fabrication.

This is another example of the Sovietization of America. The Soviets would completely fabricate economic numbers to hide their incompetence; the Chinese fascists behave likewise today, having completely hidden their actual COVID mortality figures. Now the same thing is occurring here.

Our leftists are like the boy who cried wolf, only, they tell one less truth. The default should be to disbelieve everything they say. They are scum.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:10 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 120 words, total size 1 kb.


Steven Chase

The permanent political class in D.C. will spend nearly $2 Trillion signing Your/Our names to the debt.

If you were to count that money - at one per second - it would take you 62,000 years. Not days or months... but years!

Don't believe it? Ask Google: How many years is a trillion seconds. Then double that.

And in case anyone forgot Economics 101 - Pumping trillions into an economy can ONLY increase inflation. No serious scholar has ever claimed otherwise.

Tim adds:

I did that years ago. I pointed out that you have to start spending in the Pleistocene to spend that much by now (actually less as this was the Obama era.) See here.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:21 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 119 words, total size 1 kb.

Sea Level Rise Tempest in a Tea Pot

John Lees

This photo of the unchanging height of the sea in over 150 years in Sydney Harbour (see first comment below) is now being blocked by a bespoke facebook warning, as though it might contain harmful content.
Don't you dare take a look at the real world, with your own eyes, folks. We have the official FACTS to give you about how you should be very very afraid of the ever more rapidly rising oceans, even though nobody can find an example of where it is actually happening at the coast of your country.
What is weird about this Fort Denison image "factcheck" is that the truly official facts are already published by U.S. govt. agency NOAA.
Depending on which analysis you believe the estimated rate is either 6.5cm per century or 7.5cm per century from the official data presentation at NOAA.
So, facebook and AAP now believe that the U.S. govt. science agencies need to be factchecked by their expert graduates in Journalism, Gender, and Media Studies, I suppose.
In reality everything the image shows is in line with our best understanding Your eyes do not deceive you.
The reason that it doesn't look like high tide has risen much, is because it hasn't.
At Fort Denison it's a long term rate of rise of less than 1 mm per year. So after 150 years, a rise of that much would not over-top a coffee cup, never mind threatening a wisely constructed coastal defence wall.
I wonder what the stupid factcheck says. I refuse to provide these scumbags with traffic.
May be an image of text that says '7.80 Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison Australia 7.65 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 7.50 Australia Linear Relative Sea Level Trend Upper 95% Confidence Interval Interval Monthly mean sea with the cycle removed 7.35 0.75 +/- 0.10 mm/yr 7.20 .05 6.75 6.60 6.45 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 EXPORT 1960 TEXT 1970 EXPORT 1980 1990 Data Source: PSMSL SAVE MAGE 2000 2010 The relative sea level trend .75 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence interval mm/yr based monthly mean sea level data from 1886 2018 which equivalent change 0.25 feet 100 years. 1886- monthly correction 2020'

Tim adds:

Little to no sea level rise and those lying sob's know it. Why did the Maldives build some new airports? And in case anyone forgot Economics 101 - Pumping trillions into an economy can ONLY increase inflation. No serious scholar has ever claimed otherwise. The beaches are generally less than 4 feet above sea level and the highest point on the islands is eight feet. You wouldn't wast millions on airports in a place that will be under water in thirty years.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 355 words, total size 4 kb.

Climate Grinches

Gregory Wrightstone

Climate grinches are asking – sometimes forcing – people to consume less electricity, forgo festive celebrations, alter vacation plans and give up meat. Some victims of this insanity may even freeze to death for lack of affordable energy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:39 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 42 words, total size 1 kb.

How Much Warming from Co2 Increase?

Dr. Roy Spencer

My latest work on estimating how much warming will occur from increasing CO2.

This great depth, in turn, suggests that there has been a multi-century warming trend occurring, even in the early 20th Century, which the IPCC ignores and which suggests a natural source for long-term climate change. Any natural source of warming, if ignored, leads to inflated estimates of ECS and of the importance of increasing CO2 in climate change projections.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Was FTX a Democrat Laundry?

Cindy Schumacher

If Sam was donating based on his values why did he give to both parties? Did anyone notice in the midterms the election expenditures were 2:1 Democrats?
"Was FTX A Political Money-Laundering Operation?
A month ago, I noted that fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried and two other FTX executives gave an estimated $57 million to Democratic candidates and groups and $22 million to Republican candidates and groups. I promised to keep track of which politicians and PACs give the money back so it can go to the victims of SBF’s Ponzi scheme.
The United States attorney’s office in New York has since called on everyone linked to FTX to "work together to return that money to innocent victims.”
A few - including incoming House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries and Rep.-elect Aaron Bean, a Florida Republican — have either returned FTX donations or given the money to charity. But they remain outliers.
Meanwhile, new donations linked to FTX keep turning up.
A Biden-linked nonprofit called Future Forward USA Action received $1.65 million that was linked to FTX.
One group that appears linked to FTX money is the Elias Group, a law firm described by the New York Times as "the leading political law firm on the left.” Elias was the lawyer who acted as the go-between for payments from Hillary's 2016 campaign to the folks who produced the infamous and inaccurate Steele Dossier that smeared Donald Trump over RussiaGate.
The Times further reported that political groups represented by the Elias firm that got FTX money include the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign, and the House Majority PAC.
A question to you folks:
Do you think these politicians will ever return the funds?
I personally highly doubt it. House Majority PAC took in $6 million from SBF, but it now has less than $500,000 in assets.
What do you think can be really done to enforce a fair judgment to the victims of this outlandish Ponzi scheme?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Marine Camp Grab Bag

Susan Harris

Are you aware that billions have been spent on media spending for the Camp Lejune lawsuit. Have you received two or three notices a day warning you of all the cancers you can get from drinking the water at camp Lejune. Don’t you think it’s been a little obsessive. Well there is a reason for that. The Democrats refused to put a cap on how much attorneys can charge. Now ex Marines are facing 50 and 60 % of any settlement they receive as part of their settlements. Somebody turned the crococidiles loose to feast on the Taxpayers dollar approved by our government.

By comparison the Boy Scouts Class law suit is capped and it has lasted for years. The latest is that the government has filed a motion that suggest that over half the Boy Scouts claims are bogus which means essentially let’s start at the beginning.

Ain’t our government wonderful, fair and just

Tim adds:

And these lawyers are no doubt funneling money back to the Democratic Party from this. Mark my words.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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KGB with Different Initials

Selwyn Duke

Should set off alarm bells:

Tucker Carlson had Rep. Devin Nunes on his show tonight. When Nunes theorized that one reason the FBI or DOJ was spying on congressmen might have been to get dirt on them, Carlson responded, "And it's very clear that members of Congress are being blackmailed; you can't say that, but I can — and it's true."

There was a time when such an assertion was unthinkable, but now it seems entirely plausible. This could explain some of those unfathomable votes by certain Republicans.

The intel agencies are, at this point, no friends of the American people. They are the KGB with different initials.

Tim adds:

We gave them unprecedented power over the years. Starting with the Cold War, then the "War on Drugs" then the "War on Terror" we systematically increased their power and authority. Is it any surprise they now think this is THEIR country and we just live in it?

Eisenhower warned of this in his Farewell Address.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:43 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 171 words, total size 1 kb.

The Naked Apes

Roy W. Spencer

Do you know why PETA uses nudity to advertise their cause? Because otherwise no one would pay any attention.

A new wave of vixen vegans are determined to ruin the great Aussie BBQ

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 20, 2022

Eunuch Generation

From Tom Waeghe

A recent study published in the journal Human Reproduction Update found that the sperm count of men all over the world has been declining fast, even going lower than 50 years ago. This could signal a possible reproductive crisis if action is not taken soon.

Hagai Levine, first author of the research, noted that sperm counts dropped by 1.2 percent per year from 1973 to 2000. From 2000 to 2018, the decline was 2.6 percent per year, "which is an amazing pace,” he said.

The meta-analysis conducted by Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers looked at 223 studies based on sperm samples from over 57,000 men across 53 countries. It suggested that the average sperm concentration fell from an estimated 101.2 million per ml to 49.0 million per ml between 1973 and 2018 – a drop of 51.6 percent. According to the Guardian, the counts fell by 62.3 percent during the same period.

Study Warns of Possible Reproductive Crisis as Sperm Counts Drop Worldwide

Tim adds:

It's the feminization of Man and society. We need more testosterone. We won't get it living in a matriarchal society as we do. They'll keep pushing feminization. I wonder if there isn't something in the modern diet causing this? Or is it Nature's way of culling the population?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:35 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 219 words, total size 2 kb.

Dereliction of Duty

James Doogue

The Mainstream Media Including Australia's National Taxpayer Funded Radio, TV And Internet Media Organisation, (by far Australia's largest media organisation), The ABC, Are Ignoring This.

In short, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies repeatedly primed Twitter’s former head of trust and safety Yoel Roth, and other Twitter executives to dismiss The New York Post’s bombshell October 2020 report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as a Russian "hack and leak” operation.

Hunter Biden had left his laptop for repair after it became water damaged. After he failed to pick up the laptop despite messages left, it became the property of the computer repair shop.

The owner saw evidence of Hunter Biden committing potential felonies relating to underage sex and use of drugs. But he also saw pictures and emails which proved Joe Biden had been involved with his son Hunter Biden and his brother James Biden in business dealings spanning the US, Mexico, Kazakhstan, China, Ukraine and elsewhere.

This is despite Joe Biden's claim that he had never even discussed any of his son's business dealings with him.

Documents and photos on the laptop proved Joe Biden had lied and had failed to disclose substantial conflicts of interest while in his role as a Senator and the Vice President. This was an impeachable offence and should have excluded him from becoming President.

The computer repair shop had handed the laptop to the FBI. But after almost a year of no action or indictments, and after hearing Joe Biden claim, he handed a drive copy of the laptops contents to Trump's attorney, who passed it on to The New York Post, who went public with the material in October 2020.

By then, there's no doubt the FBI knew the contents were factual, but they convinced social media platforms to suppress the information. Twitter also suspended the New York Posts account. Any mainstream media organisations which reported anything, simply reported that social media platforms had banned disinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop contents.

It didn't help that 50 Intelligence Officers Claimed, Without Evidence, That New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story Was Russian Disinformation.

A letter signed by these former and current senior intelligence was used by Joe Biden to shut down Trump in the presidential debate. If there was any question the 'establishment' wanted Trump defeated, it was there. The fact the mainstream and social media organisations complied, also shows the 'conspiracy theorists' were correct.

What have we heard about this important story from the mainstream media including our national broadcaster the ABC. Nothing!

In November this year, the ABC ran a lengthy 'analysis' from the RMIT ABC partnered 'Fact Check' organisation about what the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter 'means for misinformation on the platform.'

Their chosen expert concluded that Musk's takeover would 'have a "seismic impact" on the spread of misinformation' on the platform.

So one of the first things Musk does is order the release of communications between Twitter and the FBI. This highlights that the FBI in coordination with Twitter ran a deliberate misinformation campaign claiming the New York Posts story on Hunter Biden's laptop contents was likely a Russian hack and leak, and disinformation campaign. Exactly as the FBI and it's social media partners had game-planned in Aspen. This achieved the desired result of having the evidence of the Biden family corruption suppressed before the election.

There are multiple points of evidence of official corruption and certainly an impeachable offence for Joe Biden.

After the New York Post's reporting on Hunter Biden's laptop was suppressed, a poll was released showing that 16 percent of voters who were unaware of the laptop scandal would have not voted for Biden had they known about it at the time.

That would have seen Trump win the 2020 election comfortably.

Talk about a threat to American democracy! Talk about election interference!

US Intelligence agencies working with social media companies to suppress factual information which would have changed the election result and our mainstream media doesn't want the public to know about it. And so much for the ABC's concerns that Elon Musk takeover of Twitter would increase misinformation.

The ABC's omission of this story shows they don't care about a factually informed public if it hurts their Leftist agenda.


The Post published emails last week indicating Hunter Biden introduced his father to a Ukrainian oil executive before the the Vice President pressured Ukrainian government officials to fire the prosecutor involved in an investigation of the shady organization a year later.

Other emails from Hunter Biden showed him leveraging links with his influential dad to boost his pay on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Joe Biden entertained Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco - his son Hunter's business associates - in the vice president's office in 2014.

While Joe was Vice President, he also flew Hunter and his partner Jeff Cooper on Air Force 2 to Mexico City in 2016. Hunter had arranged to meet Alemán's son for meetings over a 'flippin gigantic' business deal, according to Hunter's emails.

The revelations, laid bare in photos and emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop, proves Joe Biden's claim that he never spoke about business with Hunter was false.

In late 2013, Hunter traveled with his father to Beijing, where the vice president was set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

While there, Hunter introduced one of his business partners, Jonathan Li of the Beijing-based private equity firm Bohai Capital, to his father, according to The New Yorker. Hunter and Archer had just concluded a large real estate deal with Bohai. In May of 2019, The Intercept reported that Hunter’s Chinese investment vehicle, Bohai Harvest RST, was invested in a firm that developed facial-recognition technology used in Chinese state-backed surveillance efforts.

In 2014, as Joe Biden led the administration’s response to the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in southern Ukraine, Hunter and Archer received appointments to the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings. Hunter’s monthly pay from Burisma was reportedly as high as $50,000 in some months.

While The Post’s story was suppressed by Facebook and Twitter, which temporarily banned the outlet in the wake of its publication. It was also ignored or discredited by mainstream outlets, many of whom quietly substantiated the report months later. But even then we didn't hear from our Australian mainstream media.

You would think the extent of the US intelligence agencies involvement in determining the Presidential election result would be huge news.

Independent journalists Michael Shellenberger revealed that the feds primed Twitter execs to dismiss reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop as a "Russian ‘hack and leak’ operation.”
Twitter files part 7.

In September 2020, Roth took part in the "tabletop exercise” — a term used by the Department of Homeland Security to describe planning for emergencies — gaming out a potential "Hack-and-Dump” operation relating to Hunter Biden.”

"The goal was to shape how the media covered it — and how social media carried it,” the author said.

The event was organized, reports Shellenberger, by Vivian Schiller, a former top executive at media organizations such as NPR, the New York Times and NBC News, in addition to Twitter. Attendees included Facebook’s head of security policy, Nathaniel Gleicher; and David Sanger and Ellen Nakashima, top national security reporters for The Times and the Washington Post, Shellenberger said.

The social media and mainstream media organisations must have known they were being played by the intelligence agencies, but happily complied.

The FBI pressured Twitter to suppress The Post’s blockbuster scoop about Hunter Biden’s laptop by warning it could be part of a Russian "hack and leak” operation — even while knowing the concern was unfounded, according to internal company records made public in the latest Twitter email dump.

The latest release of the "Twitter Files” authorized also provided more examples of former top FBI lawyer Jim Baker’s role in cracking down on The Post’s reporting while he worked as Twitter’s deputy general counsel, a job from which Musk fired him earlier this month.

Documents posted on Twitter by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger showed that Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, was contacted by FBI Agent Elvis Chan just hours before The Post published the first laptop story on Oct. 14, 2020.

At 5 a.m. on Oct. 14, The Post published the first of many scoops exposing questionable overseas business dealings conducted by Hunter Biden — details of which were hidden in plain sight on the hard drive of his laptop.

Mac Isaac had tipped off the FBI about criminal evidence on the laptop, and the feds confiscated the computer back in December 2019. Nine months later, having heard nothing from investigators, Mac Issac gave a copy of the laptop to Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani.

Giuliani, in turn, supplied The Post with the trove of damning content.

But The Post’s story was suppressed by Facebook and Twitter, which temporarily banned the outlet in the wake of its publication. It was also ignored or discredited by mainstream outlets, many of whom quietly substantiated the report months later.

By 10:12 a.m. on Oct. 14, just over five hours after the article was published, Roth sent an internal email saying that a "consensus from experts monitoring election security and disinformation” found the piece "looks a lot like a hack-and-leak,” and recommended attaching a warning to the article as it was shared on Twitter.

A month after Joe Biden defeated Trump, Baker sent an email to FBI employees thanking them for protecting Twitter users and voters from "misinformation/disinformation,” a copy of the missive showed.

Hunter Biden’s laptop detailed how he traded on his father’s name for a high-paying job at a Ukraine energy company when the elder Biden was still vice president. It also showed he pursued a deal with a Chinese energy company executive now accused of fraud that would net him $10 million a year for introducing executives to his father.

The hard drive also included raunchy sexual images, and footage of Hunter apparently smoking crack.

Republican officials slammed the latest revelations about how Twitter squelched the story Monday, and called for the FBI to be held accountable.

"Today’s installment of the Twitter Files confirms the Swamp’s strongarming of and premeditated collusion with Big Tech to censor and suppress explosive reporting about the Biden family’s business schemes,” Incoming House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a statement.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:01 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 1759 words, total size 13 kb.

Making the World Safe From Tourism

Bob Clasen

'The Jan6th Committee reminds America that we can never again allow a small band of unarmed protesters to conquer the largest military power in the history of human civilization by sauntering through the Capitol rotunda and taking selfies.

We were so close to losing everything.'

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

Arguing with Idiots: New World Order Edition

Timothy Birdnow

Arguing with an idiot on Facebook.

Trevor says:

And the reforms are pretty simple to my mind. Stop pretending money trickles down when it obviously filters up, and focus deficit spending on lower income brackets. Stop pretending they have to tax to spend, acknowledge deficit spending is required for a growing economy and to have people saving money (the dollars don't exist for it if you have a break even or surplus), or they have to be furnished by debt. Pump new money in, perpetually, through education, research, public building projects, health care and social safety nets. All of which can cost less, because we won't be taxing anybody in paycheck to paycheck income brackets. Stop the bullsht regulations. Get serious about the serious ones. Things like clean air and clean water and some basic OSSA standards are necessary. But don't fkin come at me with my 200k remodel and 3 guys on site talking about putting a harness on to get on a 6ft step ladder. The fk out of here with that sht. No you can't have iron workers walking around 700ft with nothing below them. But it's ok to be selective with enforcement. And that extends up into small business. All the dumb sht paperwork red tape bullsht can go. Just stop. You shouldn't need a lawyer on staff to run a small business. But the basic stuff like minimum wage, overtime and unemployment. Life really isn't great without all that. I worked 1099 for most of my 20 years in the field. Paid my taxes out of pocket, never had anything saved because my pay wasn't enough to break even on life. You miss days and your house is at stake. There's no point in working late so you work your 8 hours and go. Unless it's real sht going on. There's times, of course, you stay until the day is done. You don't leave with a house open to the rain, and you don't not wrap up the framing the day before the Plaster guys are coming. But by and large its like. For an extra 25 bucks? No. I'll go home. Being on w2 now finally is a whole different thing. But of course it means I'm really expensive. I cost about $80 an hour. That's a lot month after month. There's no way it would happen without laws around. There should, again, be selective enforcement. Don't go after the guys that paid me 1099 with a hand written check. Because I got to work those years. They couldn't have paid me the right way. I willingly worked the jobs. I could have gone elsewhere. And I eventually did. They all lost the best employee they'll ever have. Because.. I'm a fking gown ass man and have kids and a wife and I need sick days and can't be paying 12,000 dollars out of pocket in taxes every year when I can barely make my mortgage. To a point, I take your point, inb4. The market would driving the best workers to companies that offered those things voluntarily. But. It's not enough. Too many of them won't. That's just a given. My boss certainly wouldn't if he wasn't forced to on order to be over the table. The system works, as long as there's selective enforcement, and they don't have thr budget to go after everybody.

I retort:

Trevor Anderson the problem is that government is the enforcement wing for the corporate masters. Without a strong central government the corporations would not be able to do what they are doing. They are in partnership with the government. Just like in the Nazi economy.

I disagree with many of the reforms you suggest. Saying money "filters up" only means more of what has given us this state of affairs. It means more redistribution of wealthy, which never comes out of the pockets of the wealthy but out of the Middle Class. It is precisely this "defiicit spending for the poor" which has gotten so many people on board with the internationalist scheme; they vote for the fascists because they are the ones promising the most largesse from the taxpayers.

And deficit spending/money printing is the root of the corporatist power. They control the money supply and hence inflation and wages. Squeeze Americans and they will turn to government and to their big corporate buddies.

I don't think you cold prove your assertion that it is somehow a desire to actually bring in as much money as you spend is the cause of our problems - or that the only way to grow an economy is by printing more money. I would point out that what we have witnessed here has been directly tied to unbacked spending and high deficits.

You do realize that money is a measure of wealth, and if you adulterate it you wind up taking wealth away from those who worked for it?  That is the incidious nature of inflation and deficit spending. The rich shelter their money, the poor never had any, but the middle class gets squeezed by this. Your suggestion would usher in the New World Order far more quickly. It would end with two classes and most of us would wind up in the poor category.

Inflation of the currency is nothing but a toold to destroy the Middle Class. It gives a temporary illusion of prosperity. I grew up in the '70's when we had a lot of inflation. It led to stagflation - a stagnant economy AND high inflation.

When Reagan came into office he hade a nasty recession but the reforms he suggested - tax cuts for all in particular - led to an economic boom which went on for decades.

So much of the problem is the internationalism of the Bush family, the Clinton family, etc. We promoted a "New World Order" which would be a partnership between governements and corporations. The tech industry got involved early on. Then we had the wars - the war on drugs, the war on terror, etc. each of which empowered technology, banking, and government. These were all mistakes.

And globalism saw the move of companies out of our country to where labor was cheap. Yet the policies which drove them out were just doubled down upon. The people with the gigantic brains argued we were in a "service economy" and should be grateful for jobs that didn't actually make or produce anything. The end result was a lot of cheap beads and trinkets, but at the expense of local businesses and small enterprises. Now everything is centralized. Most mom and pop retail stores went out of business, especially in mill towns and the like, because of the collapse of manufacturing and the subsequent rise of big centralized outlets like Amazon. But it all went back to the policies we purused in the '90's forward.

You advocate pumping money in perpetually. You do realize this is a finite resource?  The more money you print the less value it has. Eventually the economy will collapse. Just look at the Soviet Union.

What you suggest would be disastrous.

You cannot possibly spend forever; that is a perpetual motion money machine.

Uh, we have clean air and clean water here - far better than in many of the countries you would have us emulate.

You do realize too that every regulation limits freedom and also costs money, usually the businesses that are regulated. There has to be some, granted, but like arsenic a little is o.k. but a lot will kill you. You will strangle an economy with overregulation (as indeed is the problem with the U.S. economy right now.)  I would add corporations love regulations; they strangle the competition. That is what you have with a fascistic type regulated economy.

"selective enforcement" is another word for inequality under ther law. It's exactly what we have now. And it is why everyone is so angry.

You say you shouldn't have to have a lawyer on staff to run a small business. But how can you not in the economy you propose? You are guaranteeing that every business have one.

I would add that working for a living isn't going to get you rich, and everyone knows it (or used to).  You complain about not making enough as a laboring man, but that was and is and always will be the fundamental problem. You made a lot more money during times of scarce labor and limited government regulations. And your money goes a lot farther when it is strong and not adulterated by endless spending

Has it ever occurred to you that you wold make a lot more without those "laws around" as your employer has to pay for all of them? Where do you think the money comes from to hire accountaants, lawyers, etc.? Out of your paycheck.

I understand your frustration but your desire to increase the power of the Deep State to somehow combat the Deep State makes absolultely no sense to me. We should look to the past, to what worked for us then. Soft socialism is no answer.

BTW We do not have a capitalist system. We have a form of National Socialism, a corporatist system. It's much like the Merchantilism of the 17th and early 18th centuries where government partners with big corporations (then such entities as the East India Company) and whole cities existed as corporate towns for the ruling class. The Crown granted monopolies, and used the power of government to enforce them. It's what led to the American Revolution. Truly free enterprise is not a "system". It is what people do when not molested or "helped".

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1622 words, total size 10 kb.

The Deep

Steven Chase

Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/ DHS:
17 CIA, 37 FBI, 23 NSA, 38 DHS

Need an explanation of Deep State? Just ask...

Source: internal Twitter docs from Glen Grenwald and Matt Taibbi

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

December 19, 2022

J and B and Tranny Makes Three!

Warner Todd Huston

J&B Whiskey's 'Family' Christmas Video with Secret Tranny Grandfather Helping Grandson to Become a Transexual

Tim adds:

What makes them think this will help sell whiskey? Transsexuals are but half of a percent or less. Granted, being mentally ill they may drink more, but does that make up the money lost from the average whiskey drinkier who will be offended by this? It's not about selling whiskey, but about currying favor with those in power. There are people pulling the strings for this. The question is why.

They need a new slogan "J and B - the whiskey that Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen drink".

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:15 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 114 words, total size 1 kb.

Black Reparations in CA.

Willis Eschenbach

$350K per black Californian for reparations? This works out to about $50,000 per Califormia taxpayer. Meanwhile, the state is broke and we can't even keep the lights on.

The people pushing for reparations don't realize how much hatred of black people this will engender. Here's how most every non-black person thinks about this:

• I was never a slave owner.
• They were never slaves.
• California was never a slave state.
• I don't owe them a damn dime.

If we each have to pay $50,000 for their imaginary loss, it will set back racial relations by a century.


Every Black Resident of California Should Get $350,000, Says Black Businessman

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 119 words, total size 1 kb.

Poll: Musk Should Step Down

Lance Sjogren

Elon Musk sponsors twitter poll about whether he should step down. Twitter users say yes.

That's why he needs to stay. If you're not making the users uncomfortable you're not doing the right thing.

Elon Musk's poll results are in: He should step down, Twitter voters say | CNN Business

Tim adds:

Sounds to me like Musk broke the cardinal rule that prosecutors use; never ask a question if you don't already know the answer. I am sure he asked this to silence his critics but this will embolden them. Unless he's got a plan behind it (and I can't see what it would be) he fouled up big time here.

Is Musk going to show this poll was fixed, done through bots?  Maybe.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:55 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 132 words, total size 1 kb.

E.U. to Investigate Big Tech Censorship

Andrew Gillies

European Parliament politician Rob Roos would like investigation in to misinformation and censorship - especially last two years particularly with Government messaging, propaganda and colluding with big tech

Big Tech censorship during #COVID | Rob Roos invites Elon Musk

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

Perihelion and Christmas

Richard Croni

Just a few more points in a paper I’m drafting.

The Ring of Fire is a series of Trench systems circling the Pacific Ocean. The Earth is being ripped open under tidal pumping stresses by the Sun, with late December to mid-January providing two significant stressors.

The Perihelion is the closest approach between the Earth and the Sun. The Perihelion follows the Winter Solstice by two weeks. These combined events shaped the geography of the planet, with continental land masses across the Northern Hemisphere and the broad Pacific Ocean of the Southern Hemisphere.

With planetary decompression and Expansion Tectonics, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is pushing apart the planet, while the stresses across the Pacific Ring of Fire are tearing apart the planet.

Over eons, the planet opened like a blossom.

On a separate note, the very word "magic” comes from the Magi. The Magi are thought to have been Persian Zurvanists, a sect of Zoroastrians who were keen astronomers. A group of modern astronomers have reason to think that the Magi were observing a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The Star which shone brightly even during daylight hours.

Yes, this is a Holy Season. It’s in the Science.

We Have Seen His Star in the East: What Was the Christmas Star?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:22 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 217 words, total size 2 kb.

Bans for Thee but Not for Me!

Michael Smith

Musk will figure out how to wield the Banhammer of Justice to focus on truly dangerous people, like the pedos and child traffickers the former Twitter regime protected.

But it his hilariously tragic to hear the left make righteous free speech arguments now, after what they supported for years. Jessica Tarlov (or whatever her last name is now that she found a "man" who could stand her) made that argument on the Five yesterday. She was wailing that Musk was not really for free speech after all (due to 7 day bans, not lifetime bans) and that he was a hypocrite when her argument itself proved what a massive hypocrite she has been.

It's kind of fun to watch the leftist Twitterati squirm after the 7 Day Banhammer came down on a few of the snarkiest ones.

"It's nothing when it happens to you," they say, "but a catastrophe when it happens to me."

To them I say: 1) it is a private company, 2) learn to code, and 3) make your own Twitter.

All things I heard when conservatives complained about getting banned.

Goose - gander, baby.


Evidently Musk's private plane was registered with the FAA through a program that allows owners of private aircraft to keep their location private from the public. Someone figured a way around the system and was sharing the info with "journalists" who were retweeting the information.

Tim adds:

Well would they be happy if we doxxed the journalists and received a seven day ban? I would say that was equally acceptable. Doxxing - which is the intended release of sensitive information to hurt someone - is blackmail without a monetary demand. As such it is worth stopping. I see no inconsistency here. There is a huge difference between a temporary suspension for doxxing and banning Trump because he was effective with his use of Twitter. Had they suspended Trump for seven days no doubt nobody would have been so enraged.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 336 words, total size 2 kb.

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