December 24, 2022

Why We Keep Losing Wars

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook a man named Anthony Pignataro asks:

Has no one questioned why we haven't won a war since the end of WWII? The most powerful war machine and economy in the history of the planet and we had a tie in Korea, a draw in Kuwait and lost all the othets.

There is no profit in victory, only boots in far off places, endlessly. The Military Industrial Complex is the biggest wealth transfer system of all time.

I reply:

The real rulers of America and the West don't want us to win wars. I have no doubt of that. I am reminded of the '70's movie Rollerball where the corporate executive tells the hero "the purpose of the game is to illustrate the futility of individual action and you're spoiling that". I rather suspect the Ruling Class uses these endless unwon wars to break our pride and sense of self and become "citizens of the world" as we are tught the lesson that any action by lone states is futile.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:26 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Sterile Joy of 'Equity'

Timothy Birdnow

When this book was published Marxism was rising in the world. This was a solid rebuke.

Courtesy of Bob Clasen:

How to achieve perfect equity in our world.

"Dr. Kaufman: Less than a month ago, Santa Mira was like any other town. People with nothing but problems. Then, out of the sky came a solution. Seeds drifting through space for years took root in a farmer's field. From the seeds came pods which had the power to reproduce themselves in the exact likeness of any form of life.
Miles: So that's how it began...out of the sky.
Dr. Kaufman: Your new bodies are growing in there. They're taking you over cell for cell, atom for atom. There is no pain. Suddenly, while you're asleep, they'll absorb your minds, your memories and you're reborn into an untroubled world.
Miles: Where everyone's the same?
Dr. Kaufman: Exactly.
Miles: What a world. We're not the last humans left. They'll destroy you!
Dr. Kaufman: Tomorrow you won't want them to. Tomorrow you'll be one of us.
Miles: I love Becky. Will I still feel the same tomorrow?
Dr. Kaufman:There's no need for love.
Miles: No emotion? Then you have no feelings, only the instinct to survive. You can't love or be loved! Am I right?
Dr. Kaufman: You say it as if it were terrible. Believe me, it isn't. You've been in love before. It didn't last. It never does. Love. Desire. Ambition. Faith. Without them, life is so simple, believe me.
Miles: I don't want any part of it.
Dr. Kaufman: You're forgetting something, Miles.
Miles: What's that?
Dr. Kaufman: You have no choice.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

" 4:5 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

The end.

And for 400 years Heaven was silent.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:41 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Christmas Eve

A reading from the Book of Malachi

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

" 4:5 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

The end.

And for 400 years Heaven was silent.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:17 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 94 words, total size 1 kb.


by Timothy Birdnow

It has been a long dark night
a seemingly endless frozen black blight
Nary a candle to break the dark gloom
all sight has been  gone, as if buried in the tomb

Tomorrow the Son shall rise
the ice will melt to our delight and surprise
a star will guide us from out of  the east
to fill our bellies at the glorious feast
make glad your feet and now arise!

For far too long we've not arisen
trapped were we in our cold dark prison
nowhere to run, nowhere to flee
but soon He comes to set us free

Not the warrior that we believed
would our hard sentence grant us reprieve
but instead a child, be not deceived
the terrible king will be very  aggrieved!

In a cold smelly stable amid the creatures lain there
He will come to His kingdom and our bitterness share
the King of King wrapped in swaddling hair
as the angels herald in their joyous prayer
King of Kings!  Lord of Lords! He brings to you salvation's swords!

The rich and the strong do not bother along
but the shepherds and vagrants join with the angels in song

The night is Fallen, it is now nearly gone
as the trumpeters cry at the kiss of the dawn

It has been a long dark night
full of pain and of fright
but the Son He has risen
in His glory and might
Rejoice all you children and dance you old men
pour out the wine and feast on your hen
For this is the end of the reign of  the Dead
Now to salvation we are gloriously wed.

The veil  is parted, the black curtain torn
the power of Death and of Hell have been shorn
the light of the world comes to us Christmas morn.
it's not about presents or the giving of things
but of the murder of Death that our glad hearts must sing
We were lost and He found us
and came as a child
to save this old world that we had sorely defiled
we did not deserve it, for we're all just ingrates
But he lived among us so as to open the Gates

Remember this well on this fine Christmas Eve
put away all your sadness and no more should you grieve
For God is among us and closes the gap
the route to His Heaven he has provided a map

Merry Christmas my friends, to the one and the all
and remember He came to us tiny and small
but that babe in the manger has ended our fall.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Raw Truth about Raw Milk

This from Dita Sullivan

It was a case similar to this, about 20 years ago, that first made me see the full extent of the vindictive stupidity of liberals.

I remember being horrified that government agents were raiding Amish dairy farms, confiscating the produce and arresting farmers for selling unpasteurized milk to people who wanted it.

But even more horrifying was that my friends - all of whom were liberals who bought organic vegetables, believed that they were entitled to the "bodily autonomy” of abortion, taking & passing around drugs at will, and the rest of the tenets of the self-congratulatory Empire of Good - were on the side of the government arresting farmers.

It makes no sense - until you realize that the "choice” of killing the unborn for convenience and getting high are sacraments to the members of The Empire of Good - but choosing raw milk isn’t. It hasn’t been publicly endorsed as a human right by a rock star, or acclaimed as an essential ingredient in the beauty regime of a millionaire celebrity prostitute. And the Amish, with their traditional morality and clunky clothes are soooo not-cool.

This was the covid cult - avant la lettre.

Amish farmer wins court battle for ‘food freedom,’ can return to selling raw meat and milk

FTA: Miller’s spokeswoman Anke Meyn told the Return To Now blog, "The USDA processing plants require the meat to be treated with a chemical cocktail of citric acid, lactic acid and peracetic acid. It’s not citric acid from oranges or lactic acid from sauerkraut. It’s all created in a lab. It’s a synthetic sterilizer that causes many health problems.”

FTA: "Here you have a case of people saying, ‘I don’t want food the way the USDA wants it,’ and ‘they’re saying nope, you can’t have it that way… "

"If you’re shopping at Miller’s farm, you’re not doing it by accident. Amos Miller doesn’t sell food to anyone who doesn’t want it exactly how he’s making it.”

"The USDA wants to take what was supposed to be an interstate labeling law and use it to regulate what foods you can and cannot put into your own body.

"Look at any study of the Amish and you will find by almost any health metric, they are healthier than the people living off USDA-approved food. And the USDA, you know what they think is healthy? Bill Gates’ synthetic corn … his fake beef.

"This is about the USDA’s attempt to monopolize our food supply, and they targeted an Amish farmer to set the precedent.”

Tim adds:

I too have followed this for many years. What gets me is not just the arrests, but the way they have often done it; with SWAT teams making pre-dawn raids on some of these farmers. It's despicable.

So much of this is to bankrupt family farms and give the land to corporate farming, methinks. And to get us used to the idea that military power will be wielded against anyone who dares buck them.

I agree; it's about control of the food supply. Control food and you control the population. It's why Stalin took all the grain out of Ukraine.

I wrote about this a number of years ago.

The Rat Takes the Cheese

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 23, 2022

Accuse the Accuser

Timothy Birdnow

The FBI, after being caught with it's hand in the cookie jar, has this to say about the Twitter Files:

"It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Kissing Frogs

Timothy Birdnow

Things must be getting truly desperate in Ukraine:

Zelensky gives Nancy Pelosi a Ukrainian flag and a big kiss on the cheek

— John Hudson (@John_Hudson) December 22, 2022

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Governor Dufi Surrenders on the Border

Timothy Birdnow

If you want proof the GOP - especially in Arizona - is not ready for prime time, this story should suffice.

Outgoing Republican Governor Doug Ducey cut a deal with the Federal government, promising to remove the shipping containers he placed to block border access. He must remove the containers by Jan. 5.

But what did he get in return?  A PROMISE to build a fence to block the gap.

I get what he was thinking; he's leaving office and the usurper who stole the Governorship will no doubt just remove them herself (well, not physically herself) and so Ducey figures he got something for his efforts.

But he didn't. Not only is he taking concrete action for a promise at a later date, a promise that will not be kept, he's letting the thief Katie Hobbs off the hook. She would have been forced to remove the barrier and taken the political fallout. Now she can say "we had a deal but Washington reneged" and get a pass.

And of course the Biden Administration cares nary a wit about the heat from this; they have already opened the borders wide.

Anyone with any political sense should know to force the Democrats to tear it down. In fact, they should have had cameras there to film the Hobbs administration removing those containers. Instead Dufi, er, Ducey the Deuce threw the old lag a lifeline.

I suspect ill Duce thinks this will give him some political good will by allowing him to say he negotiated a deal to keep them there. But sometimes one must sacrifice a pawn to take the Queen.

Republicans are amateurs and Democrats professionals. It's like watching a high school football team go up against the New England Patriots some times.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Minority Report

Ellen Stover

"The five Republicans initially set to serve on the January 6 select committee released a report Wednesday of findings from their investigation into the U.S. Capitol’s security preparedness ahead of the 2021 riot.

The Republicans’ 141-page report explores at length the security measures taken leading up to the events of January 6, 2021, an issue they say the January 6 committee has "thus far ignored.”

The report serves as a counter document to the select committee’s anticipated behemoth conclusive report, which is expected to come this week after the committee held a final public meeting Monday summarizing its investigation and announcing criminal and ethics referrals."

GOP Jan. 6 Probe Reveals Security Missteps, Finds Sergeant at Arms ‘Succumbed’ to ‘Political Pressures’

Tim adds:

J6 Com has no value at all. It was always nothing but a partisan hit on Trump & MAGA. That anyone takes it even remotely seriously astonishes me. It's as if the Mafia were holding hearings on organized crime.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 166 words, total size 1 kb.

Pinwheel Energy

Sherri Lange

Imagine wind turbines being crushed by these dramatic waves.

Winter storm may bring waves over 20 feet tall to Lake Erie, highest since Superstorm Sandy

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:34 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Republican Pre-Emptive Surrender

Timothy Birdnow

I never thought they would do anything else. We won't make any headway until we decapitate the whole party and replace the leadership with people who want to save the country rather than fatten their pocketbooks.

Chip Roy Explains Why the 'Swamp GOP' Is Working With Democrats Instead of Republicans

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Can't Help Themselves

Ned Young

When I dangle my hand in my cat's sight, he cannot resist attacking it. He just can't. I can *make* him act in a certain way.

It is the same with the enemy. Because they believe the cult of personality to be fundamental to organizing, call him El Jefe, Der Führer, or The Big Guy, they assume the same of *their* enemy, us. There's no better example than their view of Donald Trump. So long as he is *visible* to them, even if only hawking 21st century baseball cards, they just can't resist attacking him. Trump may or may not be obsessed with himself, may or may not be thin-skinned. Maybe he can't resist dangling his hand...but he's well aware that they can't resist it, and that their reaction continues to show the world that they are both foolish and evil, and to consume enemy energy. No matter what's in it for him, his "antics" help us.

Musk is aware of their weakness, and uses it to advantage.

I imagine this conversation at New Twitter:

Site Security Head Guy: "We've cleaned up a lot of crap. We've slammed a lot of back doors they left behind. We've got rid of a lot of bad actor accounts, but we're not sure how many are left. Sure wish we could conjure up a DDOS attack to test it."

Elon: "Say no more. I'll put out a poll asking if I should resign."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:48 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Can't Help Themselves

Ned Young

When I dangle my hand in my cat's sight, he cannot resist attacking it. He just can't. I can *make* him act in a certain way.

It is the same with the enemy. Because they believe the cult of personality to be fundamental to organizing, call him El Jefe, Der Führer, or The Big Guy, they assume the same of *their* enemy, us. There's no better example than their view of Donald Trump. So long as he is *visible* to them, even if only hawking 21st century baseball cards, they just can't resist attacking him. Trump may or may not be obsessed with himself, may or may not be thin-skinned. Maybe he can't resist dangling his hand...but he's well aware that they can't resist it, and that their reaction continues to show the world that they are both foolish and evil, and to consume enemy energy. No matter what's in it for him, his "antics" help us.

Musk is aware of their weakness, and uses it to advantage.

I imagine this conversation at New Twitter:

Site Security Head Guy: "We've cleaned up a lot of crap. We've slammed a lot of back doors they left behind. We've got rid of a lot of bad actor accounts, but we're not sure how many are left. Sure wish we could conjure up a DDOS attack to test it."

Elon: "Say no more. I'll put out a poll asking if I should resign."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 245 words, total size 1 kb.

Clothes Make the Man

Al Moscowitz

You know, when I saw that the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, showed up to the White House wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of pants it really bothered me. I thought that the least this guy could do is wear a suit and tie and show some respect.

But then I heard the news report that someone on Biden's senior staff had stolen his luggage - so he gets a pass - this time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:38 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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December 22, 2022

Misplaced Priorities

Steven Chase

$6 trillion COVID stimulus
$1 trillion for infrastructure
$740 billion climate change bill
$300 billion student debt relief
$280 billion semiconductor bill
$80 billion new IRS funding
$100+ billion to Ukraine

They shut down the government to block $5 billion for a border wall. I am through with ANY establishment politician from either party.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Follow the Science?

Timothy Birdnow

Science is messed up!

The Top Ten Retractions of 2022

Here is just a nibble:

A group of researchers in Michigan who matched published scientific articles to ones that had been advertised for sale by a paper mill, meaning scientists could purchase a space in the author list, saw some payoff for their work this year when a journal retracted 30 papersthey had identified. The sleuths, Brian Perron of the University of Michigan, Oliver Hiltz-Perron, a high school student, and Bryan Victor of Wayne State University, created a database of article titles and authorship positions listed for sale on the website of a Russian company, International Publisher, and published their findings in Retraction Watchlast year. They found nearly 200 published articles that matched the listings, many of which were in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. About a year after the trio notified the journal, it retracted the articles.


An investigation by The Ohio State University found that cancer biologist Samson Jacob, a retired professor, had committed research misconduct and that his lab had a "permissive culture of data manipulation,” according to an official university reportRetraction Watchnine that had already been pulled and one other that had been corrected. Journals retracted four of those articles this year, but the rest remain unflagged.
obtained through a public records request. The investigation committee recommended that the university revoke Jacob’s status as professor emeritus, which it did. It also recommended retracting 10 of his papers, in addition to


In addition to retracting large tranches of articles after finding evidence they came from paper mills, publishers have retracted papers in bulk for manipulation of the peer review process. Authors often submit the name and email address of a "suggested reviewer,” but the email address does not belong to that person, and the review that comes in is of unknown provenance. In October, the Elsevier journal Thinking Skills and Creativity retracted nearly 50 articles for this reason. The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, published by SAGE, retracted more than 120 papersnumber of indicators of manipulated and poor quality peer review. And, this September, the publisher Hindawi, a subsidiary of Wiley, announced it would retract more than 500 articles across 16 journals after a months-long investigation found networks of reviewers and editors manipulating the review process.

But like follow the Science dude!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:49 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Infant Death by Vax

Timothy Birdnow

"A baby dies in Washington state after receiving a blood transfusion from v a x blood. The parents asked for non-v a x blood and had obtained non-v a x blood but Dr made the decision for a transfusion using the v a x blood against parents wishes. By day three he had clots, the traveled all over, he died."

Baby dies of large blood clot after doctor ignores parents' request for unvaxxed transfusion - LifeSite

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:04 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Biden to Give Mexico $48 Billion for Solar Power

Willis Eschenbach

Mexico is going to ask 10% Joe for $48 BILLION for solar nonsense of some kind, and Joe is probably demented enough to go for it.

I say again, we are broke and up to our ears in debt. We don't have enough money to give Mexico a damn dime, particularly when they are allowing all their rapists and murderers to walk across our border without the slightest attempt to stop them.

Grrr … the 21st Century is not working out like I imagined in the 1950s …

Mexico plans to ask US for up to $48B for solar projects

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:30 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Biden Crime Family (BCF) Corruption

Timothy Birdnow

More Biden Crime Family Corruption:

Peter Schweizer: Joe Biden's Brother Secured Iraq Housing Construction Contract With No Experience

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 21, 2022

Trump and TPP

Steven Chase

Understand this: Everything is money.
I am one of the only people on this platform who read and understood the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) which was Obama's crowning deal and was quickly destroyed by Trump upon taking office.
In this trade agreement, as in all, plenty of winners and losers. It was THEE most lopsided deal of all time:
Winners were Media, Hollywood, Big Tech, Silicon Vally (Intellectual property owners), and Wall Street Multinational banks. ALL deal in intangible assets. The digital world.
Losers were America's entire manufacturing base, blue collar workers who actually MADE physical goods. Energy producers, Agriculture and small businesses. The physical world.

The number of enemies Trump made in that FIRST MONTH was insurmountable. He cost these people trillions in profits. It was at that moment a target was painted on his back. Simple story.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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