August 25, 2021

No Mask Required in U.K. Schools

From Kenneth Walsh

Amazing. The Science (tm) must be different in the UK because over there the government is NOT requiring or even recommending that kids wear masks in school.

Schools Covid 19 Operational Guidance

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:55 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Refund the Police!

Selwyn Duke

"Everybody says that sort of stuff until they have to call 911,” said city councilman Michael Bond recently in reference to "defund-the-police” agitation.

One might assume Bond was white, except that Bond is a black politician in the mostly black city of Atlanta, Georgia.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:48 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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August 24, 2021

Pure Evil

Warner Todd Huston

This is how bad the U.S. COVID cult has gotten. There are literally NO formal studies from anywhere in the world that shows that masking little kids helps them avoid COVID infections OR helps them stop the spread of the virus to the community. None. No where.

Worse, America is the only major western nation that forces useless masks on kids in schools.

And why are we this stupid? Because evil teachers unions are demanding it. And they are demanding it simply to prove their power, not because there is any science behind the demand. Unions are pure evil. Democrats are pure evil. And COVIDiots are pure evil.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:11 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Sharia by Choice

James Doogue

There are likely more non-Muslim women in Australia worried about the Taliban enforcing Sharia law in Afghanistan, than Muslim women in Afghanistan worrying about it.

I know the scenes at Kabul airport don't demonstrate this, but the ease with which the Taliban took control of the entire country with just 50,000 to 60,000 fighters, does demonstrate they have massive internal support.

In 2013 the Pew Research group published an extensive study on Muslims around the world. While there are flaws in all research, it's hard to argue that Sharia law doesn't have majority support in Afghanistan when 99% of their Muslims surveyed believe it should be the law of the land.

We should stop judging Muslims by our Western standards. If they found Sharia Law so offensive, they wouldn't keep chucking out secular governments in favour of Islamic fundamentalism. The men of Afghanistan, and in any Muslim majority country, are only able to institute Sharia law with the support of a large component of the women.

Unfortunately we have seen Islamic fundamentalism grow throughout the world even in our near neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia. The UN even allowed Muslim countries to have their own version of the UN Charter of Human Rights because the West were too weak to call Islam out.

Afghanistan and the world is reaping what it has sown in their antagonism towards The West, democracy and capitalism.

Our world leaders, global organisations, academic institutions, and bureaucracies are full of the useful idiots who have let this happen.

Australians should focus on stopping the Islamic creep in our own country before it's too late. Prayer rooms at the MCG were a terrible signal that we have plenty of useful idiots in our society.

Tim adds:

Absolutely right James; they believe in Sharia in these places. We were fools to think we could transform Afghanistan (or Iraq) into a Western democracy by just giving them the trappings.

People would have to change at their core, adopt Western ways of thinking and Western beliefs. That is a LOT harder to do than just change governments.

What we have needed is to defend our own culture and way of life. How do we export it when we don't believe in it ourselves? It was an insane effort.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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When "Equality" is not Equal

Selwyn Duke

A new study that has just listed the best and worst states for women’s "equality” may again illustrate two truths:

What most call "equality” actually, well, isn’t.

And equality tells you nothing about quality.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sleepless in Surrey

Timothy Birdnow

Melanie Phillips takes a look at Once Great Britain and the fear the declining America is engendering there.

From her article:

In fact, it’s worse than that. In pulling up its drawbridge against Afghanistan and the Islamic world — while making nice with genocidal Iran and eroding the security of its putative victim, Israel — the US has now incentivised every jihadi, tyrannical regime and rogue state in the world to step up attacks against American and western interests, secure in the confidence that America will not respond with anything other than pious and useless virtue-signalling.

This anxiety is probably being articulated nowhere more painfully than in Britain. For Britain is supposedly America’s most powerful and significant ally in NATO. Yet Britain will not be able to fill the terrifying vacuum that has now opened up.

There was a time when Britain led the world in the defence of freedom. Slow to anger and stoical to a fault, the British were nevertheless once unmatched as fighters when their backs were to the wall.

What they excelled at over centuries was war in the defence of their island nation. Their armed forces were the envy of the world. And today, many in Britain still smugly tell themselves that they are quite unlike the "cheese-eating surrender monkeys” of France and the rest of the EU.

Alas, this is no longer true. While the armed forces still contain the very best of Britain, the British lion is now a mangy beast. Profoundly demoralised after World War Two by being in hock to the US as well as having lost its empire, Britain — no less than the EU it so unwisely joined — has for decades relied upon American might to keep it safe.

Coddled by decades of peace, consumerism and a culture of hyper-individualism, the British have become deeply reluctant to commit to wars in far-away places about which they know little and care less.

Like America and much of the rest of the west, they have taught themselves that their culture was born in existential sin and that its values are a source of shame and to be rejected rather than upheld and defended.

Like America and much of the rest of the west, they have taught themselves that patriotism is for scoundrels, that the very worst thing is to die for your country and that war must accordingly be replaced by negotiation, "peace-processes” and compromise with the enemy — otherwise known as appeasement.

Like America and much of the rest of the west, they fail utterly to understand the singular nature and scale of the threat posed to themselves by the Islamic world, both from within their own country and from without.

And like America and much of the rest of the west, they have become consumed by the malevolent fatuities of identity politics. Why should young people who claim to be terrified by the slightest perceived insult to their professed sense of self take much notice of people whose unwavering aim is to destroy western culture, render the west powerless and enslave its people, whether by Chinese domination or Islamic rule?

One quibble: later in the article Donald Trump is describes as "isolationist".
Asking countries like Britain to shoulder some of their own defense was considered "isolationism" by many, especially in Eurooe. They had a vested interest in our spending our treasure and blood so they didn't have to. Mr. Trump wanted more out of them and this was somehow "isolationist"? If Trump were truly isolationist he would have pulled America out of Nato and left Europe to it's own devices. He would have taken no action against Russia for Ukraine. He wouldn't have stopped the Russian pipeline into Europe.

But otherwise it's a wise and clear headed essay. Do read it all.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:51 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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The Failure of "Soft Power"

Fay Voshell

My latest article for American Thinker. This one is on the failure of the policy of woke "soft" power in Afghanistan--and elsewhere. The policy is a failure whenever and wherever it is put into place.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Biden Dropping Like a Rock

Timothy Birdnow

Looks like a lot of voters - even a lot of Democrats - are suffering buyer's remorse for having chosen Captain Peachfuzz Biden as their Presidente'.

According to polling by Rasmussen:

1 in 10 Democrats regret their vote in the 2020 Presidential election, with 12 percent of ‘Moderates’ saying the same, and 14 percent of Black Americans expressing regret.”

Per Rasmussen – here are the details:

Just 37 percent of voters say they would vote for Biden today;
13 percent of Democrats say they would vote for Trump today;
Moderate voters support for Biden has plummeted 13 points, while Trump has gained;
11 percent of 18-39 year olds regret their 2020 vote;
14 percent of Black Americans regret their 2020 vote;
9 percent of Democrats regret their 2020 vote;
12 percent of Moderates regret their 2020 vote.

Trump would destroy Biden were the election held today.

Of course, Mr. Trump won the last election handily but had it stolen from him.

Biden's poll numbers had been dropping even before the Afghanistan charlie foxtrot. The endless Covid restrictions and rising inflation thanks to Biden's massive spending (and no doubt the "infrastructure" plan too) had led to a steady decline in poll numbers.

As Western Journalism observes:

"Surging COVID and rising inflation are creating a bleaker outlook throughout the next 12 months than we’ve measured since the 2008 recession,” said Micah Roberts, a Republican pollster.

"Forty-three percent say the economy will get worse in the next year, tied for the highest we have measured since June 2008.”

Ballotpedia’s Scott Rasmussen offered another reason why Americans are souring on Biden.

"Fifty percent of voters say that illegal immigration is a crisis,” Rasmussen said, according to WSET-TV. "This is a challenge for the Biden administration because they don’t want to see it as a crisis.”

(Scott Rasmussen is no longer associated with the poll of the same name.)

And a poll from June suggested the public was souring on Mr. Biden.

According to this article in Breitbart:

Reuters/Ipsos polling suggestsa "growing number of Americans disapprove of Biden’s leadership on the economy, gun violence and taxation, with the biggest decline coming within Biden’s Democratic Party.”

Forty-eight percent of respondents "said they approved of Biden’s handling of the economy, which is down 4 points from a similar survey that ran in April. The number of Americans who disapproved of Biden’s economic record rose 4 points to 43%.”

Only 35 percent of Americans believe the economy is going in a positive direction. Forty-four percent are"very concerned” about inflation.

The president slipped 7 points among Democrats since April on economic issues.
Biden has also risen six points, to 15 percent, among Democrats who disapprove of his economic performance. "That includes an 11-point drop in approval among Democrats under 40 years old, an 8-point drop in approval among minority Democrats and Democrats without a college degree,” according to the poll.

Biden’s sinking numbers come as inflation is the foremost economic concern for Americans, topping taxes, unemployment, and interest rates, a June 23 poll indicated.

And this is just the beginning. Mr. Biden has had wonderful press, but he is pretty much AWOL on every issue. When he does deign to do press conferences he has cherry picked questions and often just ignores hot topics. In his conference during the chaos in Afghanistan he spoke about forcing states to adopt masking mandates and he ignored questions about what was happening to American citizens and the American military.

Frankly, I am amazed at how high Biden's numbers remain. I don't believe they are as high as they are being presented. But even then they will come down unless something changes. I don't see what that will be.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Elite Talibani Mock America

Timothy Birdnow

The scumbag Taliban have been caught on camera mocking the iconic Iwo Jima photo while wearing U.S. military gear.

Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo

Fox News observes:

Propaganda videos posted this week on channels affiliated with the Taliban show soldiers in the little-known Badri 313 Battalion carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons and gear that appear to be stolen from allied militaries while patrolling parts of Kabul.

In one propaganda photo, members of the Badri 313 Battalion are seen hoisting a Taliban flag in a similar fashion to the six U.S. Marines who raised the U.S. flag on Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945.

"This has only been recently revealed, is a militia, a special operations unit of the Taliban that is being deployed not just in Kabul but elsewhere as well that has provided a completely different picture. No more just the sons of farmers and shepherds, a ragtag bunch of religious terrorists, but a special operations group comparable, perhaps, with the best in the world," senior editor and television anchor at India Today, Shiv Aroor, said in a news segment this week.

If Biden weren't completely worthless he would order that these bastards be taken out - by drone strike or special ops. But he would parade photos of their dead bodies for the world to see.

That is what you MUST do to maintain national dignity and make them fear attacking us. Letting them celebrate in this fashion only encourages attack on multiple fronts.

But, as I said earlier, the reason the Junta which Biden represents chose 911 for the out date from Afghanistan was for these exact optics. It is a psy-op on the American People, to make us despair and surrender. Then they can start to remold us as a people into what Obama and his cadre want.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 321 words, total size 3 kb.

The Case Against the Vaccine

Timothy Birdnow

Here is piece laying out the case against the Covid vaccine. It's lengthy but worth the read.

As it is wide ranging I'm not going to excerpt it. I recommend you read it for yourself and decide what you think.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 47 words, total size 1 kb.

August 23, 2021

Aussies Shooting Rescue Dogs Dead in Anti-COVID Effort

Dana Mathewson

Frequent contributor James Doouge has kept us updated on the paranoid situation in the subcontinent, and his reports are greatly appreciated. But this is way over the top, if you ask me. This article is from PJMedia.

I have to apologize in advance for even reporting this to you, but it’s vital to know just how insane Australia has gone in their anti-COVID fight.

But in Australia’s most populous state, New South Wales, several rescue dogs were shot dead last by local authorities. According to Angus Thompson in the Sidney Morning Herald, the rural Bourke Shire Council "killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals.”

A spokesman from Australia’s Office of Local Government (OLG) said that they had "been informed that the council decided to take this course of action to protect its employees and community, including vulnerable Aboriginal populations, from the risk of COVID-19 transmission.”

An investigation has been launched but the local council refused to comment and the shelter declined to comment for the Herald story.

Brace yourself for this next bit:

A source who is familiar with the arrangement said the shelter volunteers were distressed and had COVID-safe measures in place to handle the dogs, one of which was a new mother.

NSW Health reports there have been no locally acquired COVID-19 cases in Cobar in recent weeks.

Not deaths. Not even hospitalization. Not a single CASE. And for that, they shot dogs.

I feel sick

Aussies are getting fed up, too.


Those of you who know me personally know that my wife and I are the loving humans for our rescue dog, who we acquired over ten years ago.  Northeastern States editor Jack Kemp knows the dog well. They're the only dogs I'd get! 

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:48 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Google Founder's Revenge Against Ex

Warner Todd Huston

Hypocrite piece of garbage left-wing Google creep launches hit website against his soon to be ex-wife.

Google Founder Admits He Created Revenge Site Against Estranged Wife

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:24 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Why Our Polls are Wrong

This courtesy of Cornelius Carroll.

by John F. Di Leo -

"Remember that public opinion polls are based on the same data sets that election polls are based on.

If those data sets are wrong, then EVERY other poll is wrong too.

Here's how polls work: they pick a thousand people, and ask questions about those people's demographics. Then they look at how those demographics voted last election, and extrapolate under the assumption that the breakdown of the current 1000 people will break roughly the same way.

But here's the problem: what if that last election had, say, a foundation of 15% fabricated votes?

That is, 15% of the votes last time weren't real, so there's an assumption in the polls that reads a portion of the electorate incorrectly because it's based on a nonexistent subgroup.

Look at today's polling about Biden approval levels. Depending on how many of his 81 million vote were fake - five million? ten million? thirty million? - that's going to color any poll's results as well, because it causes the pollster to improperly weight each demographic's response in every survey they do.

Back when everyone thought that vote fraud was "only" a couple percent of the total, this didn't used to be a major fear. People assumed it could be buried in the poll's margin of error.

But now that we are finally beginning to realize what a huge presence Democrat vote fraud really is in our political system, we need to realize how that affects all the other information we rely on, as well.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:21 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Vax in Iceland and Australia

James Doogue:

Iceland has a vaccination rate of over 90%. Yet they are experiencing a surge in Delta variant Covid-19 cases. Their daily new case rate, if applied to Australia on a pro rata basis, would equate to more than 4,400 new cases per day.

Australia has collectively been averaging fewer than 1,000 new cases per day. But half the country is in hard lock-down. Curfews exist in parts of the country and the media insist it is a crisis!

If I could leave Australia, Iceland would welcome me as a visitor provided I could show I had been vaccinated or previously infected, and have a negative covid-19 test in the last 72 hours.

Iceland doesn't have a lock-down, though there is a 200 person limit at venues and masks must be worn where social distancing, one metre, can't be practiced.

Meanwhile we have state Premiers telling us our lock-downs and hard internal borders will still apply after we reach 80% vaccination rates.

We let the entire country go into lockdown in March 2020, allegedly to flatten the curve and stop our health services from being overwhelmed. But our political leaders had no roadmap of metrics for stopping lock-downs. That was the day we signalled to our political leaders they could take away our freedoms without accountability

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 222 words, total size 1 kb.

Plain Talk

From Jim Church

Family Doctor's Plain Advice About Covid Vaccine

"Here's where our institutions went astray. I understand the desire of our public health officials, spearheaded by the CDC, to instill confidence in the Covid-19 vaccines; they remain the most expedient path to minimize the suffering inflicted by this pandemic. However, by taking on the role of no-nuance vaccine cheerleaders, they left everyone in a worse situation."

Tim adds:

He assumes the purpose of the CDC is to protect people. If you assume that you think this is just a  failure of over-zealousness on their part. I do not make that mistake.

The Left has always used medicine and health as a tool to advance their agenda, and this what they are doing now.

Be that as it may read the whole article; he demolishes the claims made by the vacciots.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:25 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Even Osama bin Laden thought Biden was a lightweight

Dana Mathewson

This was in Urgent Agenda, quoting from a New York Post article:

Osama bin Laden once warned al Qaeda not to target Joe Biden because he believed that his inheriting the presidency if something were to happen to Barack Obama would "lead the US into a crisis,” a resurfaced letter shows.

In the letter dated May 2010, the al Qaeda 9/11 mastermind wrote he had no assassination plots against Biden because he deemed him "totally unprepared” to lead the United States.

Instead, bin Laden urged his followers to be on the lookout for then-President Obama.

He told them there was a high priority to target aircrafts belonging to Obama and then-CIA director David Petraeus.

"They are not to target visits by US Vice President Biden. The groups will remain on the lookout for Obama or Petraeus,” bin Laden wrote.

"The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there.

"Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Screwing the Pooch in Afghanistan

Timothy Birdnow


The Steep Cost of Mishandling Our Withdrawal from Afghanistan

From the article:

The difference between 1975 and 2021 is that the Soviet Union was a one-dimensional threat with a sclerotic leadership, unable to contest the United States on the economic and political front. That is not the case today. We had time to recover from Vietnam—even time to recover from former President Jimmy Carter. We may not be that lucky this time around.

Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran are watching. China has already warned Taiwan that it can’t count on the United States to rescue it from the People’s Liberation Army and Navy. Our allies in London, Canberra, and Paris are bewildered.

Afghanistan is the crowning glory for an administration that believes its only mission is to manage American decline.

Retreat also applies to the Middle East where Arab states in 2020 buried age-old animosities toward Israel to stand together against the mullahs in Tehran. Throwing away the years of progress encapsulated by the Abraham Accords, the Biden White House has returned to the Obama-era appeasement of Iran and its proxies.

Even in Europe, the message is one that America is falling back. The Trump administration provided advanced anti-tank weapons to Ukraine after former President Barack Obama refused to do so for years. The Biden administration unilaterally choked off the flow of military supplies to Ukraine, in the hope that Moscow would reciprocate. Instead, Russian President Vladimir Putin has moved tens of thousands of troops to the border opposite Ukraine and continues to wage war on the cyber commons vital to American security.

All of this, and we are not a year into this presidency. America has suffered an incalculable humiliation. The humbling of a great power is worse than a defeat on the battlefield.

At least Carter was honest enough to reverse course when he realized he was wrong. Don’t count on a similar epiphany from the current occupant of the White House.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:21 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 331 words, total size 2 kb.

Arguing with Idiots Afghanistan Editions II

Timothy Birdnow

Another Facebook argument with a Biden apologist.

Clinton Webb defends the Biden disaster in Afghanistan:

Trump negotiated the withdrawal and Biden already put it off once. Do you honestly believe it would've gone substantially better under Trump? Could he have predicted the Afghan military just dropping their guns? Their prez taking off in a helicopter full of cash? I was going to be a mess no matter who our leader was.

Robert Anten replies:

Trump would have a different plan something the world could be satisfied with not like that a****** Biden

Mr. Webb responds:

lmao after all of the chaos of the trump admin i don't believe that for a second but you all go ahead and believe what you want.

Tim retorts:

Clinton Webb you ask:

" Do you honestly believe it would've gone substantially better under Trump?"

Yes. Trump had based his pullout strategy on the behavior of the Taliban and would have stopped the withdraw had they started military operations. Trump would not have closed Baghram airbase before evacuating the Embassy or any of our personnel. Trump would not have given a firm pullout date - and especially not 911, so the Taliban could glory over defeating America on that date. Trump would not have left all that military equipment. Trump would not have done any of this.

You ask:

"Could he have predicted the Afghan military just dropping their guns?"

Yes, anybody with a brain could have. Our generals predicted a collapse but Biden went ahead with this anyway. See also

Biden simply ignored this because he wanted to be the guy who got us out of Afghanistan. That is putting the best face on it. There are darker, worse interpretations one can imagine here.

I would add that we pulled out and left no support for the Afghan military, none. They were reliant on American air support. Only a fool would stay in the ranks with the Taliban coming and no air support from the U.S. It was switch sides or die - or worse, have your family die. And there really is no such thing as Afghanistan; it is a feudal kingdom of warring tribes, and in the end the soldiers there have more in common with other tribesmen than with some mystical notion of a state of Afghanistan. And the government was horribly corrupt so there was no true loyalty to Kabul.

If needed we could have left a couple of thousand troops there, or at least provided air support. We did not do any of this.

I would remind you we STILL have troops in Germany - since 1945. And for the last year Afghanistan has been quiet with no American deaths.

Don't read too much into that business about the president fleeing; he was never a unifying force anyway and nobody thought much about him. WE were the unifying force there.

Trump would never have allowed this Charlie Foxtrot on his watch; he liked to win and hated to lose. Biden is the eternal loser, a guy happy eating the excrement of others.

This would never have happened under Mr. Trump.

Oh, and one last point; China stands to gain vast mineral wealth Afghanistan.  They have been in high level talks with Afghanistan for a while to secure mining rights.

Mr. Biden is up to his eyeballs with the Chinese.

He received a hefty donation from former ambassador Richard Burt, who now lobbies for the Chinese.  The Chinese are moving switftly to step into the void.
And Mr. Biden has cashed in with the Chicoms.
Couple that to the fact Biden has been making out well with the Russians, who have been funding the Taliban, and one must wonder at the rank incompetence displayed by Mr. Biden.

Donald Trump would never have allowed his image to be tarnished by screwing up this badly. Biden is a different breed of cat. He was the voice arguing against taking out Bin Laden, for example. He has been described by Robert Gates as wrong on every foreign policy issue for his entire career.

Yes, Mr. Trump would have done far better than Lunchbucket Joe.

Oh, and by the way, I don't see this as a humorous affair whatsoever Clinton. Perhaps you find it funny, but that speaks volumes about you and the people you defend.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:04 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Arguing with Idiots Afghanistan Screwup Edition

Timothy Birdnow

Here's a thread on Facebook about Chinese Biden and his Dancing Teeth.

Mike Kierath asks:

Is there a 25th Amendment Issue with President Biden
Dereliction of Duties
I don’t remember is not a good answer when you are POTUS.

Robin Callahan Baldwin snorts:

Wow just wow. The hate in your hearts because you believe he is a bumbling idiot is over the top. This was a war we should never have been in. The Taliban are being funded by Russia. Does not one of you believe the military equipment left behind wasn’t dissembled. I know I will feel the hate from your future comments.

Mike replies:

Robin Callahan Baldwin Just like your Trump Hatred

Naturally I have to get into the act:

It was more than bumbling by Biden Robin Callahan Baldwin. It was criminal negligence, at minimum. Biden ignored the advice of his generals and his top advisers. He announced exactly when he was going to be out. "We shouldn't have been there" isn't an excuse; Biden, like all Presidents, was hired to deal with the cards he was dealt. (I would like to ask what we were supposed to do after the 911 attacks since you seem to have all the answers, by the way. Bin Laden and company planned their attacks in Afghanistan, trained in Afghanistan, with the full cooperation of the Taliban, and they refused to give him up to us after the attack. I guess the 3000 dead Americans didn't matter that much to you?)

Oh, and Biden was not "locked into this" as he falsely claims. There was no treaty by Congress. And where else has Biden respected any Trump policy?

Trump delayed this when the Taliban broke the deal at least once, but Biden couldn't be bothered to wait until he had the plan in place. Closed Baghram before evacuating, for crying out loud! Tells Americans "every man for himself" then CHARGES them to fly them home! It's beyond just incompetence.It

is criminal neglect.

Oh, and Robin, if Russia is funding the Taliban, why hasn't Biden done anything about it? Hmm? I thought he was the guy who was ending all of this. And the Chinese - Biden's paymasters - have been in high level talks with the Taliban for a while. China wants the rare earth elements and other minerals from Afghanistan. BTW I would add Mr. Biden is beholden to both China and Russia. See here for a list of some of the craven policies of Mr. Biden towards Russia. The wife of the Mayor of Moscow sent Hunter Biden 3.5 million dollars in 2014, for example. Who has been colluding with Russia?

And Biden's campaign received a hefty donation from former Ambassador Richard Burt, who is also a lobbyist for the Russians.

So I ask again, why didn't Mr. Biden act against the Russians to stop their meddling in Afghanistan? Biden and his family certainly have been in bed with the Chiense.

I do not believe you are as stupid as your statement that we "disassembled" our miltiary hardware suggests. We needed to take it out, or destroy it utterly, not just disassemble it. Ever heard of reverse engineering? The Chinese will now have all of this technology. And no doubt will help the Taliban put these things back together.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Afghans Resettling in St. Louis

Timothy Birdnow

The Biden Administration is bringing Afghans to my hometown - and not the blanket kind of Afghans.

St. Louis already has a large Islamic community thanks to our being a hub for Bosnians, and now we are adding Afghans. Several Bosnians were charged with terrorism not so long ago, and we are one of the nation's capitals in human sex trafficking in no small part because the Albanian mafia is centered here thanks to all the Bosnians (most Bosnians are ethnic Albanians and are Muslim). I guess we are trying to add to our stature?

(St. Louis was also picked to be a center of Syrian resettlement but the Trump Presidential victory kept that to a minimum.)

And this while St. Louis is shrinking thanks to horrible mismanagement for decades and violent crime. Nice.

How much violent crime do you think a bunch of people who have lived in Afghanistan will bring? It isn't a country but a Capone-style mob turf.

And how many young girls will be nabbed and drug addicted and made to sell jelly roll for the rest of their short miserable days while their parents look desperately for them?

Years ago I wrote about a bust of a pizza parlor/karate studio for human trafficking. Girls were kept in cages in the basement. I used to go to a place directly across the street from this dungeon and never knew. It broke my heart.

Meanwhile the BLM crowd couldn't care less about human slavery since it's not black slavery. This sort of thing should be vile to everyone.

But we ignore it. And it's only going to get worse in St. Louis thanks to this resettlement of refugees from Afghanistan.

BTW, I know a pastor who does work in the Bosnia community. He had a convert who was caught in the back alley while taking out the trash by four masked men who beat him nigh unto death. That's what happens when you try to leave Islam, and what we have in store for the future as America's Islamic population continues to grow. Once it reaches ten percent then the real domestic terrorism begins.

Thanks for turning us into the Middle East, Democrats!

Why couldn't these refugees be taken to overseas bases? To places like Guam or the Virgin Islands? Why bring them here and scatter them throughout the heart of the nation?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:05 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 403 words, total size 3 kb.

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