March 27, 2021

Chinese Checkers

Frank Lasee observes:

Why do they keep pushing electric cars?

That’s because China controls 80% rare earth minerals needed for their manufacture. The left wants to give more power to the Chinese. Why?

Tim adds:

In the '90's we pursued a policy of engagement with the Chicoms. Every American corporations drooled over the idea of selling their goods to the billion-plus Chinese. And they all wanted to slave labor that China could provide. So we made a deal with the Devil and now our souls are due.

And don't forget many in the Ruling Class wanted a counterweight to American hegemony, since the Soviet Union collapsed. They promoted China.

We can't afford to stop trading with the Chinese. Trump tried to reduce our dependency on them and look what they did to him! China now owns us. Naturally, they are going to push electric cars and anything else that promotes Chinese economic hegemony. Our ruling class belongs to China.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Printing a Whole House

Timothy Birdnow

This is fascinating; a 3d printer printed a whole house for this homeless guy!

We live in a fascinating modern age!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:02 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Card Snark

Timothy Birdnow

I'm still trying to wrap my head around  how playing cards aren't "gender equal". Or how they are racist. Maybe the kid drew a male member on the queen, or mammaries on the King? Colored some of them brown? Our civilization is going mad.

Teen Invents Gender Equal Playing Cards that are Racially Diverse

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:44 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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The Stars at Night are Big and Bright - because the Power is Out

Timothy Birdnow

Now we know why the stars are so big and bright deep in the heart of Texas; the wind mills have frozen up and the lights are off!

From Mary Kay Barton:

Most assuredly, New York State's and Biden's #GreenEnergy push will lead to the same deadly circumstances that occurred in Texas being repeated here in NY and everywhere energy-illiterate politicians push this #GreenNewDeal garbage on us. Thanks to Robert Bryce for his continued efforts to educate people on the realities of these complex energy issues.

As Mr. Bryce writes, the Texas blackouts are ":...the result of a government failure of epic proportions. The Texas Legislature turned the state’s electric grid into a weather-dependent casino that rewarded crisis and high prices instead of reliability and stable prices. And there’s little doubt that consumers and taxpayers are going to end up footing the bill for that weather-dependent casino."]


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Not Related to the Neanderthals

Timothy Birdnow

Now it seems Europeans aren't descended from Neanderthals after all.

Too bad; I rather liked the idea of being bred of those knuckle-dragging thick skulled pre-men! Of course, my wife cannot be convinced I am of any other bloodline!

From the article:

By analysing the genomes of 50 people with European ancestry and 70 people with sub-Saharan African ancestry, Beleza's team could estimate when the three genes – and pale skin – first became widespread in European populations. The result suggested that the three genes associated with paler skin swept through the European population only 11,000 to 19,000 years ago.

"The selective sweeps for favoured European [versions of the three genes] started well after the first migrations of modern humans into Europe," says Beleza.

The finding agrees with earlier studies suggesting that modern humans did not lose their dark skins immediately on reaching Europe, says Katerina Harvati at the University of Tübingen in Germany. "[The new study] is interesting because it suggests a very late differentiation of skin pigmentation among modern humans," she says.

So apparently we aren't related to the Neanderthals after all!

Also, apparently Neanderthals had bigger brains than the Cro-Magnon/Homo Sapiens.

The article asks "why are we smarter?"

Well, who says we are? We are the hominids who created warfare. We are the ones who invented disco music and rap. We are the ones who voted for Joe Biden (well, some of us.) We are the ones who devised socialism and intersectionality. We invented pet rocks and Tomagatchis, mood rings, bell bottoms, leg warmers. We created the Kardashians and the Markles. We invented transgenderism and critical race theory.

The Neanderthals are looking smarter all the time.

Hat tip: Bob Clasen

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:15 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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The Warsaw Ghetto

From Tom Greer

On this date in 1943, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising broke out. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest of the Jewish ghettos established by Nazis during the Holocaust. It initially held 400,000 people (30% of the entire population of Warsaw), crammed into a tiny area. In its three years of existence, some 100,000 Jews died of disease and starvation, before the Nazis deported some 265,000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp. When the Nazis decided to liquidate the ghetto, Jewish resistance fighters took action, digging hundreds of bunkers under the houses, connected through the sewage system. The final battle started on the eve of Passover 1943. Some 750 Jewish partisans shot and threw grenades at German patrols from alleyways, sewers and buildings. The Nazis responded with tanks and flamethrowers, rounding up or killing any Jew they could capture. After several days without quelling the uprising, the Nazis ordered the ghetto burned to the ground. The uprising ended after one month; approximately 300 Germans and 7,000 Jews were killed in the fighting. The remaining 30,000 Jews were sent to Treblinka for extermination. Several dozen fighters escaped through the sewers, and a number of these survivors went on to found Kibbutz Lohamei HaGetaot, located near Acco in Israel
(may their memory be for a blessing)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:35 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Arguing with Idiots: Global Warming Propaganda Edition Revisited

Timothy Birdnow

I was just in a discussion on the "concensus" over global warming on Facebook and decided to repost this oldie but goodie. It's long but worth it:

(Special thanks to Dr. Roy Spencer for kindly providing a much-needed link to a paper refuting the "consensus" claim.)

Here is an argument I had on Facebook. Sheesh!:


"We aren’t a nation of know-nothings; many, probably most Americans are willing to listen to experts and act responsibly. But there’s a belligerent faction within our society that refuses to acknowledge inconvenient or uncomfortable facts, preferring to believe that experts are somehow conspiring against them."

A Plague of Willful Ignorance

I replied: more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:28 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Over Centralized and Bidenized

This from Chester McAteer:

Centralization is the Achilles's Heel of the Left. It's not just America that's plagued by their presence, they're in every country seeking consolidation of power through highly centralizatized Government.

That however, is a major weakness for it will, hopefully sooner than later, express itself in its own incompetencies. We are currently witnessing the grand scale of incompetence within the Biden Administration, it's presenting itself to the world and the world is laughing.

There are certain pivotal moments in history that facilitate actual change, usually this occurs when people suddenly realize that they've made a mistake or that they've been dupped. In the case of the Biden Administration it appears to be both.

It appears there's no one at the helm steering this ship as it meanders from one political misstep to yet another. It's bureaucratic bumbling is on exhibit for the world not only to see but to experience and the American People don't suffer fools gladly. The luster of the Left is fading very fast, it didn't take long for even its supporters to raise an eye-brow and question its own direction... The Biden Administration is the Left's palm to face moment.

Tim adds:

You know, the Bronze Age was an era of international commerce, and rising civilization. It ended in no small part because of over centralization and over specialization as well as the coming of barbarian groups like the Sea People. It sounds amazingly similar to our modern era. We have centralized EVERYTHING. We are overspecialized.

And we have built up barbarians, in our own cities, in the Middle East, in China. I see no reason why we can expect a different fate than the Minoans or Aegeans.

And as Nature abhors a vacuum, so too will the vacuum of leadership provide an opportunity to create an oligarchy outside of the proper governmental channels. Biden was never intended to be the actual President. He was and is a figurehead.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:15 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 26, 2021

Banning Christianity

Selwyn Duke

Proving again that there’s no one as illiberal as a liberal and giving new meaning to the term "March Madness,” USA Today’s For the Win publication is calling for Oral Roberts University (ORU) to be banned from NCAA competition. The paper complains that the Christian sense of virtue the school upholds is "archaic.” (Is that a bad thing?)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:33 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.

Systemically Racist Crosswalks

So now crosswalks are systemically racist.

From Kenneth Walsh:

Boy we gotta lot of work to do. Secretary of Transportation Buttigeig is concerned that the risks of crossing the street are unequally distributed accross ethnic and racial groups. He says he knows how to fix this. What we need is more "equitable streets."

Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Twitter

"These disparities are awful, but we know how to fix them. It's time to reverse these patterns of exclusion and invest in safer, equitable streets.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Next Big Lie

This courtesy of Bob Clasen

The Latest Left-Wing Anti-American Lie: Anti-Asian Racism

Looking at the numbers regarding hate crimes against asian Americans. "the number of anti-Asian American incidents rose from 49 in 2019 to 122 in 2020. So, the entire edifice of hate against Asian Americans is predicated on an alleged increase of 73 incidents.
Given that there are about 330 million Americans, and assuming a different American was responsible for each of the 122 anti-Asian incidents, that would mean that 1 in every 2,704,918 Americans committed an anti-Asian incident. And "incident” includes perceived slights.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Parler Exhonerated

Timothy Birdnow

Parler demolishes the lie that they helped stage an "insurrection".

According to PJ Media Parler provided e-mails showing they had been working with the FBI to flag any threats of violence and refer violent content to them for further investigation.

In other words, its a damnable lie.

Parler further showed there was no more coordination on their platform than on Twitter or Facebook.

Actually, I find it a bit disturbing that Parler was forwarding some of this content to the Feds. One e-mail they used as proof of their good intentions merely suggested the citizenry utilize the remedy provided in the Declaration of Independence. The Founding Fathers would be horrified at suggestions  the citizenry use force in any capacity is somehow out of bounds;they did it, and Thomas Jefferson clearly thought it would happen rather regularly.

That we cannot even discuss the conccept is disturbing in a "free" society.

At any rate, the "revolution" was not started on Parler, and it wasn't much of an insurgency anyway.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 171 words, total size 1 kb.

Hidin' Hunter Biden's Crimes

Warner Todd Huston

FBI, Secret Service, Media Conspired to Cover Up Hunter Biden's Gun Crimes for Two Years

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:42 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Biden Whoppers

Warner Todd Huston

Joe Biden's Four Biggest Lies in His March 25 Press Conference

Tim asks:

Wasn't pretty much everything he said a lie, including but and and?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Arguing with Idiots Vote Fraud Edition

Timothy Birdnow

I had this discussion on Facebook about vote fraud and voter i.d. and why anyone would oppose it.

Bob Clasen asks:

Would someone explain to me (with facts and logic) why requiring a photo ID to vote is a bad thing?

A sneery little liberal troll named John McCormick asks:

Would someone explain to me why it would be rational for someone to show up at a polling place pretending to be someone else in order to cast one fraudulent ballot and in doing do also commit a felony?

Bob Clasen replies:

John McCormick to swing an election in consort with many like minded conspirators .

John McCormick rants:

This particular kind of fraud is essentially non-existent and always has been.

Mike Mellor replies:

That's called the argumentum ad ignorantium.

John McCormick sneers:

Mike MellorIt’s called the truth. These voter ID laws are really voter suppression laws. It doesn’t matter so much anymore though because people have adjusted. They’ve mostly gone out and gotten the required IDs. Now Republicans are busy passing other laws to make it harder to vote. The escalation continues.

Tim retorts:

John McCormick you say "These voter ID laws are really voter suppression laws." What proof do you have of that? What proof do you have that there is no vote fraud? I've personally seen buses with the same people going to multiple polling places in the city of St. Louis. There damned well IS voter fruad, and a lot of it. The Demcrats control precincts that do it though so they can stop any investigations into vote fraud.How many illegal aliens vote? How many felons? We know your point is invalid Here is an example of how vote fraud was common in St. Louis in the past. And it continues to this day. There was this woman in Texas sentenced to five years for vote fraud and this Ohio woman was caught falsifying voter registration. What of this poll worker in Cincinatti? There is vote fraud and plenty of it. Why do it? Because they usually do not get caught and if they do they get a slap on the writst and if THAT fails they get out early or pardoned and are set up by the DNC for life. The question is not why would they do it but why wouldn't they.

Why do Democrats support gun registration but not voter registration? Gun ownership is one of the enumerated rights in the Constitution. Voting is not. But you guys want unrestricted voting without even having to prove you are a legal citizen or registered to vote, while at the same time demand people who buy firearms be treated like terrorists. Your hypocrisy is astounding.

John McCormick replies:

Timothy BirdnowWhat you’ve compiled is a list of very rare cases. So rare they make the news. "How many illegal aliens vote? How many felons?” you ask. You tell me. Aside from a stray case, I see no evidence at all that this type of fraud exists, and these restrictions being passed make it harder and harder for decent, law-abiding citizens to vote.

I reply:

No John McCormick; what I have compiled is the tip of a very large and corrupt iceberg. We know for a fact that vote fraud probably put Kennedy over the top in the election of 1960. We have ample evidence of vote fraud, despite an entire party and the new media desperately trying to cover the fact up. Asking someone to prove they are who they say they are is in no way a burden whatsoever and I don't believe you think so either. We have to provide i.d. to rent a movie for crying out loud! Yes, there illegal votes; a study done in 20016 by researchers at Old Dominion suggested as many as 2.8 million illegal votes were cast in 2008 and 2010. and there were as many as 7.9 million non-citizens registered to vote and anywhere between over half a million and 5,7 million illegally voted for Obama. Not a problem? We have a huge problem. And who do you think benefitted from it? BTW Why do liberal Democrats support firearms registration and not voter registration? Firearms are enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Voting "rights" are not because they aren't a right. It's because you guys want to steal elections with impunity, that's why.

Oh, and I see you weren't able to provide evidence to buttress your claims; just stick with the same unsupported assertions.

Bob Clasen adds:

Why would people oppose Voter ID? To make it more difficult to prove fraud. If nobody checks your ID, how does anyone know who actually voted? Why would they oppose checking signatures on mail in ballots? To make it more difficult to prove fraud. Why do they like voting machines connected to the internet? I notice that all these new methods of voting neither speed up the counting or increase the confidence in the count. Then, when they have erased the evidence, they demand that you "prove” the existence of voter fraud. In criminal law, you are not allowed to destroy all the evidence to escape guilt.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 871 words, total size 6 kb.

Yes, Racism Is Systemic In The US But Not From Whites

James Doogue

Based on an extensive survey recently published, White Americans are the least racist group in the US.

Whites on average feel the same towards other whites as they do towards blacks, Hispanics and Asfeel, marking all at about 70 degrees on a 'feel warmly towards them' scale.

Blacks, on the other hand, mark blacks highly at 85 degrees. Blacks mark all other races below themselves. Whites at about 62, Asians at about 66, and Hispanics at around 71.

Hispanics also mark whites the lowest, then blacks and Asians about equally, with other Hispanics on an average well above other groups at 80.

Asians also rank their own group at an average of 80, with groups much lower, but not as harsh towards them as blacks and Hispanics were. But still placing whites last.

Data source: American National Election Studies. 2021. ANES 2020 Time Series Study Preliminary Release: Combined Pre-Election and Post-Election Data [dataset and documentation]. March 24, 2021 version. www.electionstu

Respondents are asked:

Please enter the rating number in the number box.
Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward the group. Ratings between 0 degrees and 50 degrees mean that you don't feel favorable toward the group and that you don't care too much for that group. You would rate the group at the 50 degree mark if you don't feel particularly warm or cold toward the group.

I'm sure some would argue that whites deserve to be marked lowly by other groups because of past white privilege and systemic racism. They might also argue that whites are more aware of political correctness and just marked their feeling towards other groups equally, but that doesn't follow through in practice.

That may be so. But what does it say about the strength of anti-white feelings if all the other groups didn't care that they may be assumed as racist if they marked other groups, and whites in particularso low-key.

Also, the fact that blacks, Hispanics and Asians marked each others group on average, much lower than their own group, cannot be blamed on claimed past injustices or systemic racism.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Climate Alarmism is "White Privilege"

Timothy Birdnow

What a buffoon! She holds contradictory positioons that she simply Orwell-like ignores. For example she says "Is climate anxiety a form of white fragility or even racial anxiety? Put another way, is climate anxiety just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get "back to normal,” to the comforts of their privilege?" Now the people promoting "climate alarmism" are overwhelmingly on the Left, and they are promoting radical changes. How is climate anxiety reactionary in any way? I suspect this woman knows this. She's a liar, I suspect, projecting her own sins on others.

Climate Anxiety is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon

Her basic premise is correct in that it's whites who worry about a lot of hot air. Others know it's a scam, or at least know it isn't the emergency the media promotes it as.

From the article:

Since its publication, I have been struck by the fact that those responding to the concept of climate anxiety are overwhelmingly white. Indeed, these climate anxiety circles are even whiter than the environmental circles I’ve been in for decades. Today, a year into the pandemic, after the murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed, and the attack on the U.S. Capitol, I am deeply concerned about the racial implications of climate anxiety. If people of color are more concerned about climate change than white people, why is the interest in climate anxiety so white? Is climate anxiety a form of white fragility or even racial anxiety? Put another way, is climate anxiety just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get "back to normal,” to the comforts of their privilege?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 290 words, total size 2 kb.

March 25, 2021

Hong Kong Goes Dark

Timothy Birdnow

Hong Kong has gone dark

A new law enacted in Hong Kong last week is the final death knell in the city’s democracy. China’s national legislature approvedelectoral changes intended to ensure there are "patriots governing Hong Kong.” Of course, in Communist Party-run China, "patriotism” means rubber-stamping the Party’s wishes.

Pro-democracy supporters hold placards and shout slogan as they take part in a march during a rally on New Years Day on January 1, 2020, in Hong Kong, China. Anti-government protesters in Hong Kong continue their demands for an independent inquiry into police brutality, the retraction of the word "riot" to describe the rallies, and genuine universal suffrage. | Anthony Kwan/Getty Images

With dozens of the top pro-democracy political candidates now inprison, Beijing has crushed the hopes of hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers who took to the streets in a call for greater democracy. As Hong Kong endures political repression under the Chinese Communist Party’s tightening grasp, the freedom-loving world must act to punish Beijing.

The new election law gives Beijing far greater input into choosing the members of the local legislature. Short on details, the measure’s new requirement of "patriotism” will block any dissident from being elected, or even anyone reluctant to affirm the policies of the Party.

As justification for the continued assault on Hong Kong’s autonomy, Beijing loyalists now argue that the "one country, two systems” principle agreed upon prior to the British handover in 1997 refers only to economics, not politics. They are changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:12 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 262 words, total size 3 kb.

Global Warming's Wrong Predictions

This from CFACT:

One of the toughest challenges for the global warming crowd occurs when, after the passage of time, the doom they predicted is nowhere to be seen.

Share the facts at

Dr. Jay Lehr rounded up ten prominent examples where alarming predictions by warming campaigners failed to come to pass:

In 1987, a former NASA scientist was quoted in nearly all U.S. newspapers that by 2020 the world’s temperature would increase by 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The actual increase was less than a single degree Fahrenheit.
In 1978, The Vermont Sun quoted multiple scientists predicting that by 2020 the Earth’s CO2 concentration would double from its then current level of 330 parts per million. It actually increased by only about 27% to 420.
In 2009, it was predicted that China would decrease their CO2 emissions by 40 to 45% and India by 20 to 25%. Instead their emissions have increased in the past 11 years.
In 2008, Al Gore and most of his friends predicted the snow on Mount Kilimanjaro would have disappeared. There has been little change at all in its snow cap.
In 1986, U.S. EPA predicted a two foot sea level rise for Florida in 2020. It has risen about one inch, a rate which has been experienced for 800 years. An additional apparent rise of 3 inches has been the result of land subsidence.
In March of 2000 at Britain”s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, scientist David Parker told the English newspaper The Independent that British children will soon experience snow only virtually on the internet. When it does snow 20 years hence (2020) it will cause chaos due to its rarity. England has not been short of normal snow.
In 2000 it was reported by the Tarawa, Kiribati newspaper that a study by Greenpeace indicated that Global Warming will ruin Pacific Island Nations economies by 2020 with Tuvalu considered most critical. Tuvalu’s 2019 budget report stated that Tuvalu had enjoyed an unprecedented six consecutive years of economic growth.
A secret Pentagon study in 2004 reported to President Bush that climate change-caused resource shortages may cause a global war by 2020. It said that shortages of water and energy will become increasingly harder to overcome plunging the planet into war as it is carrying a higher population than it can sustain. Enough said.
USA Today reported in 2013 that the Arctic should be free of ice in the summer by 2020. The prediction was off by 3.9 million square kilometers, which was the amount of remaining ice in September of 2020.
In 2009, The Los Angeles Times reported from a number of government reports that it was expected that all glaciers in Glacier National Park would be gone by 2020. The Park officials posted signs warning visitors that the end of glaciers in the Park was near. In 2020 no glaciers were gone but the signs were removed.

Dr. Lehr posted more details to

We were just talking about the immensity of the task taken on by those of us who correct the record on climate.

Last year they told us that Australians were doomed to a future of drought and fiery punishment. Now they’re inundated with massive rainfall and floods Down Under. Oliver Sawaya fled his home near Sydney with his elderly father in a dinghy. He said his property "looked as if you were in Sydney Harbor and you were on a boat.”

If Australia’s drought was your fault, whose fault is the flood?

You’d think the warming narrative constantly proving itself ridiculous would make our task easy.

Alas, no. As a society we are afflicted with a horrendous case of ADD.

The warming people and their compliant media count on us to have memories and attention spans that are about ten minutes long.

Watch for them to shamelessly do an about turn, and attribute Australia’s heavy rain to climate. They’ll double down on their demands to control what they believe is your over-the-top lifestyle, and the need to redistribute your nest egg as well. That an El Niño caused the drought and the subsequent La Niña the flood… well who’s going to remind you about that?

CFACT will.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Biden Says Trump Was Weak on China

Warner Todd Huston says:

Good God Joe "commander in thief" Biden is a liar. He just said that Trump refused to criticize China. What an outright lie that is.

Tim adds:

I guess tariffs and embargoes are unimportant, as is any real action. You can't speak softly and carry a big stick with these creeps. Can't even speak LOUDLY and carry a big stick. You can't have sticks or the Democrats will try to take them away. I suppose Trump didn't call it he "Chinese Virus"? I guess he didn't seek to ban Chinese students from America, or delist some Chinese companies, or ban Tik Tok for espionage? I guess all that matters is Trump didn't shoot off his mouth enough. (Imagine THAT!) Actually, Trump didn't take Chinese money like Joe Stealin' did. I guess Trump never said these things: "China’s upset because of the way Donald Trump is talking about trade with China. They’re ripping us off, folks, it’s time. I’m so happy they’re upset.” ‘Crippled America’ book - 2015 "There are people who wish I wouldn’t refer to China as our enemy. But that’s exactly what they are. They have destroyed entire industries by utilizing low-wage workers, cost us tens of thousands of jobs, spied on our businesses, stolen our technology, and have manipulated and devalued their currency, which makes importing our goods more expensive – and sometimes, impossible.” <h3>’Good Morning America’ interview - Nov. 3, 2015</h3> On labeling China an enemy "Because it's an economic enemy, because they have taken advantage of us like nobody in history. They have; it's the greatest theft in the history of the world what they've done to the United States. They've taken our jobs.” ""China is the biggest environmental polluter in the World, by far. They do nothing to clean up their factories and laugh at our stupidity!”

"We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing. It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world.” Twitter - Sept. 21, 2011 "China is neither an ally or a friend -- they want to beat us and own our country.” Campaign rally in Manchester, N.H. - June 20, 2016 "The single biggest weapon used against us and to destroy our companies is devaluation of currencies, and the greatest ever at that is China. Very smart, they are like grand chess masters. And we are like checkers players. But bad ones.” Twitter - Aug. 8, 2012 "No surprise that China was caught cheating in the Olympics. That's the Chinese M.O. - Lie, Cheat & Steal in all international dealings.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:47 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 441 words, total size 3 kb.

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