October 17, 2020

Cutthroat politics.

Timothy Birdnow

If anyone doubts the internationalists are playing for keeps, just look at this: they have indicted former French President and conservative Nicholas Zarkozy.

From the article:

To refresh readers,French newspaperLe Mondeprovides an overview of recent developments into theSarkozy scandal:

But the PNF signed at the end of January a supplementary indictment broadening the investigations to facts of "criminal association," opening the way to the indictment of new suspects and an aggravation of the prosecutions against the protagonists already involved, including Mr. Sarkozy.

On Jan. 31, the magistrates indicted for "criminal association," one of the former collaborators of Mr. Sarkozy, Thierry Gaubert , suspected of having received funds from the Libyan regime which could have fueled the campaign for the presidential election of 2007.

During his last hearing, in June 2019, Mr. Sarkozy said he was "totally innocent in this affair," denounced a "conspiracy," then refused to answer the questions of the investigating magistrates, the time of the examination of appeal aimed at cancel the investigation.

But a judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal of Sept. 24 made it possible to relaunch the investigation: the investigating chamber, responsible for studying appeals against investigative acts, rejected most of the arguments of the Sarkozy camp which invoked nullities against these investigations. It has thus almost entirely validated the investigations launched eight years ago in this case with multiple ramifications.

Mr. Sarkozy appealed against this decision, just like Eric Woerth, Claude Guéant and Alexandre Djouhri, said a judicial source. - Le Monde

Sarkozy - who was president of France from 2007 until 2012 - is said to have accepted around €50MM from Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's overthrown leader, was captured and killed in 2011. As we noted, the amount was more than twice the legal spending limit in French elections for the time, which was €21MM. Gaddafi's alleged payments to Sarkozy also violated foreign financing laws and declares the source of campaign funds.

In 2018, Sarkozy wasarrestedand also indicted for "corruption," "concealment of embezzlement of [Libyan] public funds," and "illicit financing of the electoral campaign."

End excerpt.

Does anyone believe for a minute that this is anything but political payback for beating the Progressive march to the worker's paradise?

They are telling the world that you had better not buck them. There will be no escape - even after you leave office we will come for you!

That's why President Trump must win and do some major house cleaning; they are not going to let him alone when he leaves office. Nor will they stop with Boris Johnson, nor with Benjamin Netenyahu. They used to call politics cutthroat, but it is becoming exactly that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Life on Venus?

Timothy Birdnow

Signs of Life on Venus?

Chemical engineer Richard Cronin observes:

Re: Complex biochemicals identified in clouds of Venus.

The linked article describes the source of hydrocarbons coming from volcanic sources. Very plausible in that the CO2 atmosphere of Venus would prevent oxidation. Hydrocarbons are very stable under reducing conditions. The conditions and minerals within all planets can produce hydrocarbons. Methane vents out of Mercury, Pluto, and every planet and major moon in between.

The other mention of the Miller-Urey process is bunkum. Although Venus has lightning, the random nature of the M/U process produces hydrocarbons with equal left/right chirality, while the biochemicals associated with life have a decided left hand bias. That feature is required for your DNA to replicate. The genes themselves are left hand chiral while the outer polysaccharide double helix is right hand chiral. In this manner, the DNA molecule can "unzip” for perfect replication.

Ewald Hejl has described how biochemicals obtain their left hand chirality by forming along the left-handed curve of "fission tracks” — microscopic tracks carved in metamorphic rock caused by the daughter particles spun out of nuclear fission.

This from Tim:

I notice this paper was not peer-reviewed "yet" but they still ran an article about it. Could you imagine if, say, Roy Spencer wrote an article that suggested global warming was natural? Even if peer reviewed it would get no play - or would be trashed. This thing is not yet reviewed. Also, the article says "there might be some biological process going on in the atmosphere of Venus". How? As far as we know you need water for that. There is no water in the Venusian atmosphere

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The People's War

Timothy Birdnow

China's Peoples war against America.

This is a worthy read at Imprimus. Don't miss it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:47 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Golden Idol

Timothy Birdnow

That's what you call the mother load!

Plane passenger caught smuggling gold nuggets in rectum to avoid taxes

Gives new meaning to the term gold rush.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:27 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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New Twitter Rules Even Worse

This from Anthony Watts:

Twitters New Rules - from my friend Roger L. Simon

The GOP has only itself to blame. Andrew Breitbart warned us years ago: "Politics is downstream of culture.”

Few listened—or did anything about it anyway.
Result: Twitter, Facebook, Google, Netflix, YouTube, and on and on. They rule the world.

Everyone, or almost everyone, crumbles before them, from your kindergarten teacher to major American corporations scared of being accused of racism, sexism or whatever new ism pops out of the mouth of Maisie Hirono.

You have to survive, after all.

"Better ‘woke’ than broke” has become today’s version of "Better Red than dead.” Indeed, they are much the same thing.
We live in the world according to Twitter, Facebook, and Google. A deceased Brit gave us the name for it. Welcome, as Tucker Carlson noted the other night, to the Ministry of Truth.

So when Twitter announces—via Vijaya Gadde, its "Legal, Policy and Trust & Safety Lead”—their two new principles in the wake of the Hunter/Joe Bidenemail censorship scandal, caveat emptor.
The first, about hacked content, is so much eyewash. The second is extremely dangerous and, yes, Orwellian:

"2. We will label Tweets to provide context instead of blocking links from being shared on Twitter”

I see. They will "provide context.”
This is actually more sinister than their previous approach—censor ship. At least that was obvious.

This is, in essence, thought control.

You, the great unwashed, are not capable of analyzing for yourself. You need guidance—the same guidance they provided when publishing ad infinitum obvious disinformation about non-existent Trump-Russia collusion or propaganda from Javad Zarif, foreign minister of a country whose citizens are not allowed access to the internet but just happens to have 1.5 million Twitter followers.
I wrote "publishing” above because that’s what Twitter does, despite their denials and insistence that they only link to other publishers, supposedly giving Twitter itself a firewall against lawsuits.

This appears all the more ludicrous given their new rule two, which indicates that not only are they curating, they are editorializing (i.e., publishing… Congress take note).

So, in the words of V. I. Lenin, what is to be done?


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Twitter Hires Top Harris Aid

Another from Warner Todd Huston;

BIAS MUCH? A Kamala Harris Operative is Suddenly a Top Officer at Twitter

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Department of Miseducation

This from Steven Chase:

The US ranks 38th in math and 24th in science compared to 71 other countries. At the time Jimmy Carter created the Federal Dept. of Education, the U.S. ranked 6th in the world and spent HALF AS MUCH per student.
Minneapolis spends $27,000 per public school student. MOST countries on Earth spend under $10,000, with the vast majority at around $6,000 per student.

Sources: Fulbright, National Center for Education Statistics, World Bank, OECD

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:25 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Biden Rakes in the Dough

Timothy Birdnow

Biden is raking in big, big money from Wall Street and the rest of the New World Order.

Wall Street Donors Line up Behind Biden in Massive Third Quarter Fundraising Haul

I thought it was the GOP in the pockets of corporate America!

"The joint committees, which raise money for the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state parties, are being fueled, at least in part, by Wall Street executives. Those committees accept six-figure contributions.

This surge of donations from people in the finance and investment industry comes even as Biden calls for raising taxes on those making over $400,000, as well as an increase in the corporate tax rate. It also comes as Biden faces pressure from progressive activists not to allow Wall Street leaders to join his Cabinet if he were to defeat Trump.

Tim Geithner, former Treasury secretary under President Barack Obama and current president of private equity firm Warburg Pincus, contributed $150,000 to the Biden Action Fund in August. Antonio Gracias, founder of Valor Equity Partners, and Jonathan Shulkin, a partner at the same firm, each shelled out more than $300,000 that same month to the committee.

John Doerr, chairman of venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, gave over $355,000 to the Biden Action Fund last quarter. Stephen Mandel, founder of Connecticut-bas ed hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, contributed more than $310,000. Pete Muller, founder of investment manager PDT Partners, gave the committee $360,000. Jonathan Soros, an investor and son of billionaire George Soros, gave just under $145,000.

Biden Action also saw large contributions from leaders at Blackstone, JPMorgan Chase, The Carlyle Group and Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts, among other firms. The Biden Action Fund raised more than $4 million from those in the finance industry in the third quarter of 2020. The fund raised over $30 million overall last quarter.

People in the financial industry have largely favored Biden, spending more than $50 million to back his candidacy, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, compared with more than $10 million for Trump.”

And let us not forget the in-kind contributions from the media outlets and especially from Facebook and Twitter, who violated campaign finance laws by making an in-kind contribution via the suppression of the Don Biden and his Caporegime Hunter. They openly suppressed damaging information on the even of a major election, which is essentially a campaign finance violation.

The Deep State is pulling out all the stops. And yet too many ignorant Americans still can't see that. Amazing!

See this as well. Corporations are trying to buy a Biden Presidency. I thought liberals hated corporations.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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It's Looking Good for Trump in the EC

Warner Todd Huston

Trump Doing Even Better in Electoral College Vote Than 2016

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:52 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Biden Says He Will Promote Transvestism in Children

Timothy Birdnow

I missed this during the Biden Teeball Townhall. But then, I could only take a few minutes of Sleepy Joe at a stretch before putting the much livelier Trump back on.

Biden Says He Backs Transgender Rights for 8-Year-Olds: ‘I Will Flat Out Just Change the Law’

The former vice president made the comments during a town hall in Philadelphia hosted by ABC News and was responding to a question from a woman who said she is the mother of two girls, ages 8 and 10

"My youngest daughter is transgender,” she said.

The Trump administration, the woman said, has banned transgender individuals from military service and weakened "non-discrimination protections.” She asked: "How will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?”

"I will flat out just change the law,” Biden responded, saying he would "eliminate those executive orders” by the Trump administration.

"The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘I decided I want to be transgender. That's what I think I'd like to be. It'd make my life a lot easier’ – there should be zero discrimination. … And so I promise you, there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied [to] your daughter.”

The woman’s daughter, Biden says, has a "right to be and do.”

Biden was not specific about potential actions if elected, although his campaignwebsitesays he would "reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.”

So now children will be able to decide they want to magically change sexes and we have to accomodate them. What happens when they decide they want to be wolves? Do we toss them out in the wilderness? What happens when they decide they want to eat ice cream and cookies and not vegetables or meats? When they decide they want to stay up all night on a school night? So now a child's whim is the law of the land?

We are promoting a mental disorder.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:43 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Federal Judge Overturns Tennessee Waiting Period for Abortion

Timothy Birdnow

And yet many of these same people will promote a 48 hour waiting period to buy a firearm.Firearms ARE Constitutionally protected. Abortion was squeezed in as a "right" deduced from the "penumbra". The hypocrisy is astounding.

Federal Judge Rules Tennessee's 48 Hour Waiting Period Abortion Law Unconstitutional

Yet one more reason to vote Trump next month.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Biden Scandal

This was an observation by Linda Pellegrino on Facebook:

Summary of NY Post bombshell story on Biden and Ukraine:

1) The whole time they were accusing Trump of Ukrainian collusion, they were doing it.

2) A shady foreign operative literally put in emails to Joe Biden's son "how can you use your influence (which we're paying you for) to help us" and "thanks for introducing us to the vice president." Who then later did what they wanted him to do by using his leverage to get rid of the prosecutor looking into their business dealings a few months later.

3) The whole time Trump was being impeached for pressing Ukraine to investigate shady Biden business dealings, the FBI was sitting on a laptop computer with prima facie evidence of such shadiness AND SAID NOTHING!

PS...I'm hearing there's more to come on the Bidens and their dealings.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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CO2 or Geo-Thermal?

This from Geochemist Richard Cronin:

The fluctuations of planetary heat as well as uptick in CO2 and methane come from within the planet. The GeoReactor.

Even The Deepest Parts of The Ocean Are Slowly Beginning to Warm

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:12 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Great Coverup

Selwyn Duke

My latest.


"It’s a striking scenario: Then-vice president Joe Biden was essentially taking perhaps millions in bribes in exchange for providing access to himself, using his son Hunter as the bag man. When the FBI was given a laptop computer with emails detailing this corruption, it hid the evidence instead of seeking justice. And when a major newspaper finally broke the scandal, major Democrat donors — the Big Tech giants — suppressed the story so fewer Americans would see it. Aided by this big-donor interference, now-presidentia l-candidate Biden then claimed the story was "discredited,” giving a compliant mainstream media a justification for not covering it."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 16, 2020

The Kissin Cousins Waltz

Here is one from the archives:

The Kissin' Cousin Waltz

Down here in the hills we don't make us no fuss
I grew up in the back of an old yeller bus
By the time I was 12 I done finished my grammar
and I hadn't wound up gettin sent to the slammer

My old paw said to me, boy it's time you was hitched
you should find you a woman who will make you bewitched
so I went out a lookin for a gal with fair hair
and I found my true love at a family affair.

Down in Toad Hollow, down by the creek
my cousin and me dancing close cheek to cheek

Such a pretty young thing to this fine country lad
she had most of her teeth and her breath weren't too bad
I was sure at the moment I gazed in her eyes
and noticed the shape of her rather large thighs

We was meant for each-other, a perfect matched pair
so we started a-courtin, a happy affair
pretty soon it was time we was ready to marry
my true love even shaved her dern legs; they was hairy

Down in Toad Hollow, down by the creek
my cousin and me dancing close cheek to cheek

and she cleaned up real good, a face to adore
we had to hurry up, though, before the baby was bore
the whole family made merry, full of moonshine and cheer
but because of the youngin she could only drink beer

We plan a small family, only ten or twelve kin
and we play us the lotto in the hopes that we win
I got my own business and it's doing real fine
making crystal amphetamines and a good corn moonshine

Down in Toad Hollow, down by the creek
my cousin and me dancing close cheek to cheek

Our life is just rosy, we have us no woes!
the baby was born with ten fingers and toes
and the webbing between will just make her go quick
when she races the boys as they swim in the crick

Oh my bride is a beauty with her eyes oh so blue
and her mouth is so purty from the baccy she chews
from the moment I met her my love it just grew
everyone should go dance with a cousin or two.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Belated Anniversary of Hastings

Timothy Birdnow

Better late than never! I forgot to repost this from my old blog on the actual anniversary date (October 14, 1066.)

The Anniversary of Hastings


Throughout history certain days and events have been momentous, and the future often depends on the outcome of single occurrences. The battle of Marathon, Caesar`s crossing the Rubicon, Pope Leo facing down the ``Scourge of God``Attila, Charles Martel`s victory over the invading Saracens at Poitiers (or Tours), Washington`s victory at Yorktown, etc. are all examples of events which changed history. Oftentimes nobody understands the significance of the event. Today marks the anniversary of one such turning point, one which few know much about; it was on this day, October 14, in the Year of Our Lord 1066 that William, Duke of Normandy, destroyed the English army at the battle of Hastings and set the English speaking peoples on the path which would lead them to rule the world.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:16 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Threat to Taiwan if Biden Wins

Warner Todd Huston

China Praying Biden Wins So They Can Launch War Against Taiwan, Others

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Peace in Our Time

Timothy Birdnow

Great news! This shows the bankruptcy of our foreign policy for decades.

Shock Poll: 79% of Saudis See Pathway to Peace with Israel

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gaslighting the Ratings on the Dueling Townhalls

Timothy Birdnow

I watched the dueling townhalls last night (and yes, there was some squealing like a pig, mostly from Savannah Guthrie), flipping channels when commercial breaks hit. I wanted to watch mostly Biden to see how he did; we knew what Trump would say. Things went about as I expected.

First, Savannah Guthrie (I wonder if she's related to the late Communist Woodie Guthrie?) shrieked like a banshee at Mr. Trump, repeatedly interrupting him and arguing with him when she was supposed to be moderating. This was a townhall, not a hot-seat interview. The public was supposed to ask the questions. But Guthrie made it her business to fight Trump at every turn. Frankly, I wanted someone to slap her; she was being a monumental witch.

By contrast, George "Half Pint" Stephanopoulis, former Clinton Crime Syndicate Capo, didn't throw any softballs at Biden; rather, he placed the ball on a tee so Biden could swat at it. There was no effort to make Biden answer any real questions. Still, while Biden didn't melt down, he sounded weak and tired and, well, old. His speech kept catching, as happens to people who are becoming senile (I know, having had family members go down that sad path.) I rather suspect Biden was given the questions in advance - remember Donna Brazile did that for Hillary during the 2016 primaries. I also suspected Biden was either reading or listening; I think he was being fed the answers.

There was life and excitement around Trump's townhall while Biden's was, well, boring. I couldn't really watch it that long. Trump was more subdued, less combative with that Harpie Guthrie.

I warned that there would be some dirty tricksterism to make the claim Biden's was watched more than Trumps. This morning the media is proclaiming a Biden victory. But is it true?

Well, one thing that happened was this.

Tik Tok (a Chinese Communist company) users were watching the debates on multiple devices to gin up Biden's numbers. In other words, they cheated.

Now, why would they have to do this if Joe Biden is so far ahead in the polls? Polls favor Biden by as much as 16%, which means Old Black Joe will win by the largest landslide in American electoral history. So why the angst? Why cheat in this case? If Trump bests Biden in a poll about the townhall, so what? Didn't everyone tune in to see Trump make a fool of himself?

Methinks they doth protest too much.

And Trump is always saying Biden can't draw flies at his rallies. This is a way to call him a liar. See, there really IS excitement around Lunchpail Joe!!!! Just as there was around Jeb! since he put an exclamation point after his name back in 2016.

There was a claim going around that Trump paid $150 dollars to people to attend his rallies. Now Trump had over three hundred rallies in 2016, and there were tens of thousands of people at each and every one. Do the math. geniuses. But of course this meme was intended for those with public school educations who were taught the New Math and can't figure it out. Trump would be broke by now if that were the case.

No, this story stems from a case where Candace Owens was giving a hundred and fifty bucks to people for travel expenses to go to Blexit events. Now, the Left has done this for decades; ginned up events by paying homeless to show up. But it's somehow unsavory when conservatives do it?

Be that as it may, I knew they were going to find a way to say Biden won the battle for ratings, and I was right. They had to cheat.

Because they want to create the illusion that Biden will win in a landslide, and when he doesn't they can say Trump stole the election, is illegitimate, and should be removed, either through impeachment or by force. They are laying the groundwork for revolution.

And many idiots will believe it.

It's an old game, showing the Democrats up just prior to the election, but most pollsters don't want to ruin their credibility and so usually tighten the race at the end. We saw this in 1980 where Carter was leading Reagan until the last few days. We saw this with Bush/Gore. We saw this with Bush/Kerry. We REALLY saw this in 2016 with Clinton being projected as the winner before the election. But never have we witnessed something this massive. There is no good reason why so many would turn to support Biden, a lackluster candidate at best, and certainly no reason why those who supported Trump enthusiastically should turn against him. It could be there is some Trump fatigue, but I rather suspect most people find him fascinating, like watching a train wreck, or the Jerry Springer show. At worst he is highly entertaining. Biden will offer nothing but a return to the Obama program and boredom. Do not count out the bore factor. Biden wins at snoring the public, hands down. People don't like that.

This is a desperate attempt at bandwagoning. And if it fails it will give them the means to justify anything to remove the "usurper". Remember, they tried this very thing on Trump last time, saying he was illegitimate, having stolen it with the help of the Russians. That has been disproved, and in fact we now know Hillary was the one in bed with the Russians, not Trump. But they used it to justify going after Trump via "the Resistance" and refusing to accept his right to lead. Oh, and they impeached him.

What they plan if he wins is worse. Frankly, Mr. Trump may find his health in sudden decline; a Democrat already tried to murder the GOP in Congress and someone sent ricin to Mr. Trump. If you think that was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

At any rate, we are being gaslighted by the media and the Demo-left. Don't you dare believe it!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Proof that the Senate requires no I.Q. tests

Dana Mathewson

Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been subjected to inquisition by the Senate Judiciary Committee -- a.k.a: a few Republicans and a few cranky little kids. Kyle Smith snarkily reports in National Review:

This week it was A. C. B. versus I.C.P.: Insane Clown Posse. Poised, graceful, unflappable, unbeatable, Judge Amy Coney Barrett sat patiently as one idiotic question after another was flung in her general direction, each time by a Democrat convinced he or she had come up with a "Gotcha!” for the ages. Pat Leahy (I.C.P., Vt.) asked whether a president must obey a court order. As though explaining this to a toddler, Barrett replied, "The Supreme Court can’t control what the president obeys.” Mazie Hirono (I.C.P., Hawaii) asked whether Barrett had ever sexually assaulted anyone and scolded the judge for using the term "sexual preference,” which has just this week been declared offensive by I.C.P. fans but had previously been used by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Joe Biden, and many other members and allies of the I.C.P. movement. Cory Booker (I.C.P., N.J.) asked whether Barrett condemned white supremacy, and when she said yes, he said he wished the president would say that, although the president already has said that, and Booker’s wishes are none of the Supreme Court’s business anyway, unless he wishes the high Court to apply the Constitution, which seems unlikely.

Hey, kids! Did you know "climate change” is in the U.S. Constitution? It’s right there in Article VIII, Section 4, right after VIII.3, "White Trousers After Labor Day, Wearing Of” (punishable by life imprisonment without parole, unless you live in Miami) but before VIII.5, "How Long You Are Legally Required to Wait Before Honking Your Horn at the Guy in Front of You Who Didn’t Move When the Light Turned Green” (three seconds, except in New York City, where it’s one-tenth of a second).

The Constitutional Climate Change section was adduced by one Kamala Harris of California, who as it turns out is a credentialed lawyer (!), a former prosecutor (!!), a U.S. senator (!!!) and, after Joe Biden calls a lid on being chief executive, very possibly our president in a couple of years (!!!!). Harris would, of course, be a historic president: the first I.C.P. member ever to serve as the head of the executive branch. If I indicate surprise it is merely because it seems to me unusual that a person in Harris’s position should not understand how the United States system of government works, to wit: Congress passes bills, a president signs them into law, and the Supreme Court either allows them to stand or strikes them down if they run afoul of the Constitution.


The iconic moment of a week the Democrats spent trying and failing to set a fire in the national dumpster came when Senator John Cornyn asked Barrett to hold up the cheat sheet she had brought along that enabled her to give such cogent, astute answers to every question, no matter how vapid, and she instead smiled and held up a perfectly clean, blank notepad. Barrett had somehow managed not to cover the pad with giant question marks, clown caricatures or sharp queries such as, "How did Mazie Hirono graduate from Georgetown Law?” As she held it up for the cameras, the notepad provided a picture to the nation of every good point the Democrats had made, every black mark the committee had managed to attach to her name, and every reason she should not be confirmed.

This article is lots of fun to read, at least if you enjoy snark, and there's plenty of it here https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/10/chasing-amy/

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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