September 07, 2019

Fools Rush in - to Defend Border Crashers

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a belligerent liberal fool mocking those of us who understand the need to stop the border invasions. I left the following comment:

You are a fool, John Pavlovitz. America has as many as thirty or forty MILLION illegal aliens. In fact, if we count legal and illegal aliens together we have anywehre between forty five and sixty million foreign born - more than the entire population of Canada. And this in the third most populous nation on Earth. We don't need more people, and we especially don't need people who break our laws as their first act on our soil.

No nation can survive this many people coming in. We have a culture, an unique culture that is so good we have all of these people wanting in. It won't last if we have too many aliens invade. And it is an invasion, as surely as the Germans invaded the Roman Empire. The Germanic tribes largely came in peaceably, just as the Hispanics are doing to the U.S. But they destroyed Rome all the same, even while coming to partake of it's bounty.

Individually most probably do just want a better life, but where one or two won't hurt millions are a destructive force. And they steal jobs from Americans, steal resources from our social safety net (they didn't pay into it all their lives as did we), and yes, many do commit crimes.

Oh, and most of these aliens admit they are coming here for a better life, not because they are desperate or fearful. You need to get your facts straight. They SAY they are refugees when speaking with our border people because that is the golden ticket, and they have been coached on what to say by lawyers and NGO's that want them to get in. Grow up.

Most of these aliens who make that trek do so multiple times; they come here to work and take American jobs and depress American wages.
Meanwhile their home countries continue to decline because they don't have to reform, just outsource their problems to us. We are acting as a gigantic welfare system for Central America. And only a sucker would do that.

And NOBODY would let someone break into their home, sit on their couch, raid their refrigerator, and do nothing. But you want us as a country to do precisely that.

It is not our duty or responsibility to care for the whole world. It IS our responsibility to care for our own. Letting illegal aliens pour into this country places them ahead of our own. If you can't see that you really are thick.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Causes of Teen Depression

Timothy Birdnow

Teenagers are increasingly depressed. This CNN article quote researchers who try to blame fast foods.

Well, I would say most kids are depressed these days because they come from broken homes, are oversexualized at a young age, and spend their time online rather than doing anything productive. They don't play outside, are over supervised, never without structure. That's enough to make anyone depressed.

And of course they are bombarded with an endless barrage of negativity from teachers, movies, television, and the internet. They are told the world is ending because of global warming and there is no future. They are taught they can't get a fair shake. They are taught America is racist/sexist/homophobic and evil and it has never changed. Naturally that is going to depress them.

Oh, and that isn't all, Tim (sez North-Central States Editor and general wise-guy Dana Mathewson). Wait till you see what the zealots at PBS are touting. This isn't about depression so much as it is about why kids are having trouble learning these days.

The school year has barely started in Denver, and French teacher Tiffany Choi is already worried that her students are suffering from distraction.

The issue isn’t texting, watching TikTok videos or passing notes. It’s Denver’s ongoing heat wave.

"Today was a little bit hot, so I noticed kids were very sleepy and they were having to get up to drink water quite often,” said Choi, who works at Denver’s East High School. "If you are dehydrated, and you have to keep going to the water fountain, that can take away from their classroom experience.”

While nodding off in class on a warm day may seem like a right of passage for the average teen, Choi’s observation carries a bigger consequence than parched lips.

Extreme heat lowers a child’s ability to learn, according to an examination of 10 million American students that shows hotter school days reduce standardized test scores. Based on the analysis, every 1-degree-Fahrenheit increase in average outdoor temperature over a school year reduces student learning by 1 percent.

I'm so old I remember that all during my academic career, from first grade to my (abortive) graduate school days, I was subjected to schoolrooms with no air conditioning, and nobody got away with "Gee, Teacher, it's too hot for me to learn." Because nobody would have paid a bit of attention to you: parents, teachers or school administration. Nor would teachers have tried "Gee, kids, it's too hot to teach." The administration would have found somebody else who was willing to tough it out. If you were caught dozing off in class the teacher would tell you to go to the john and put some cold water on your eyes.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 06, 2019

Federal Reserve Election Meddling

Timothy Birdnow

For some time now I have been warning about the dangers of the Federal Reserve and how this ultra-governmental agency could and has in the past manipulate the election results. Well, I'm not alone; Ron Paul has called them out. According to Conservative HQ:

Last week, the facade of Federal Reserve "independence” was dealt a severe blow says Dr. Paul. Ironically, the person who broadcast to the world that the Fed is anything but "independent” was ex-New York Fed President Bill Dudley. Dudley wrote that, "Trump’s re-election arguably presents a threat to the United States’ and global economy, and if the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term economic outcome, the Fed’s officials should consider how their decisions would affect the political outcome of 2020.”

The timing of Dudley’s threats to use Fed monetary policy to affect the outcome of a US election couldn’t come at a more striking time. After all, for more than two solid years Americans have been bombarded with fabricated stories about Russians rigging our elections. And yet here is a Federal Reserve official threatening to do the same exact thing - but this time for real!

Whether it’s the mainstream media, the CIA, the FBI or now the Federal Reserve, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that there is a Deep State in America and its interests have nothing to do with American liberty. In fact, our liberty is what the Deep State wants to abolish concluded Dr. Paul.

The Fed has damaged the economy in the past, most notably in their manipulation of the money supply leading up to (and causing) the Great Depression. But there are other things; they kept interest rates too low during the Bush era, which kept lending down and so made the Bush era recovery weaker than it should have  been. They pursued a weak dollar policy at that time, too, which sucked manufacturing jobs and "hard" industry out of the United States. This was guaranteed to trigger the real estate boom; low interest rates made real property more attractive because it was something that wouldn't depreciate. With Congressional help in promoting "affordable housing" we had a perfect storm, with everyone invested in real estate rather than industry, and with a weak dollar which  artificially drove up property values. But it was guaranteed to burst, and I do not believe the Fed board was unaware of that fact. In reality, they set the stage for the collapse, and I rather suspect it was a planned play. If not, they were grossly incompetent and should be subject to litigation over the fact. The crash gave us Obama and the subsequent era of democratic socialism.

In other words, the Fed clearly created a bubble.

It should be pointed out the Fed kept interest rates low during the Clinton era to bolster growth. Unlike the Bush era, the rates were not so low as to discourage lending, but low enough to encourage investments. Under Bush the rates were so low that it was more profitable to banks and lending institutions to sit on the money rather than lend it out at no return.

I bought my first home in 1992 at 8% interest. That was a tremendous interest rate at the time. Consider how low it would become - under four percent - and think about how much those falling interest rates helped the Clinton Administration. Clinton stayed in office solely because the economy was so good. Through most of 1998 thirty year fixed rate mortgages [linj=]those rates remained largely below seven percent.

When the Clinton lawsuit against Microsoft burst the tech bubble the Fed doubled down, reducing rates and thus encouraging the real estate bubble. By 2008 interest rates were dipping below six percent even while industry was being sucked out of the American heartland; people were no longer getting decent jobs to pay for the ridiculously inflated prices of real estate, inflated by the Fed who had greatly expanded the money supply.

In other words, they gave us both Clinton and Obama. Obama never did have a major hike in interest rates while he was in office, but that helped his program as he wanted "sustainable" economic growth aka no growth at all. But the public disagreed.

So Trump comes in during a time of a sluggish economy and the Fed immediately begins raising rates. That was probably good, but they have raised them too far too fast. This at a time when Trump's Administration has been raising tariffs to force China - our major manufacturing rival - to play by the rules. We need to keep the interest rates down until this trade war is over - but the Fed has been pushing them up anyway.

Jerome Powell was a protege' of Janet Yellen, the Keynsian Obama appointed head of the Federal Reserve. Powell has been in Washington most of his life and is the ultimate insider. He will side with the Establishment. I suspect the Fed is timing this to pull the rug out from under Trump, to get the economy to crash just before the election - the way they did to John McCain. The Fed took steps to cause a sharp downturn to the economy just before the elections. They began buying U.S. dept  - cannibalizing the economy. This is like refinancing a car loan with a credit card. Investors understood what that meant, and they responded by sheltering their assets rather than investing.

We've seen this many times, and it always ties with the Federal Reserve.

Watch for some dirty tricks by the Fed in the next six to eight months.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:15 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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San Francisco's branding of NRA as terror organization panned by Washington Post, LA Times

Dana Mathewson

Hey, folks! The LA Times and the WaPoo are not totally Fake News. They each have a writer who can see the truth and report it. Wonderful!

Two columnists on opposite coasts didn’t mince words Thursday in disagreeing with a San Francisco Board of Supervisors resolution labeling the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization.

Los Angeles Times columnist Michael McGough said the label may be good politics but is"irresponsible.”

"It’s not the business of a county board of supervisors to designate terror organizations," he wrote, adding that it's also a First Amendment concern if officials try to blacklist contractors who work with the NRA.

Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen called the resolution "McCarthyism: pure and simple.”

"Words matter,” he wrote, "and there are few words that stigmatize a person faster than calling him or her a terrorist.”

He said that for the NRA is be a terrorist organization, it would have to "intentionally encourage and support the use of violent attacks on U.S. citizens with the intent of creating general fear so as to force submission to its political agenda.”

"The NRA clearly does not do that,” he said, sarcastically adding, "Congratulations, average NRA member: Your $30 one-year membership makes you a terrorist."

He called the resolution "slanderous” and "harmful” and said it worsens the already toxic political environment.

The resolution contained some totally ridiculous statements, such as NRA leaders promote "extremist positions, in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership...  Now, consider that for a moment. How long would an organization stay in business if its leaders promoted positions (extremist or otherwise) that were in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership? Yet NRA membership grows every year, by almost a million. I really think that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors ought to check its facts more carefully.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Joe Biden claims he once told Vladimir Putin ‘I don’t think you have a soul’

Dana Mathewson

Comedy Time -- Joe Biden rides again. Is this another one he made up, or did he "remember" this like that one about pinning the medal on the soldier?

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claims he once told Russian President Vladimir Putin he has no "soul.”

During a fundraiser in New York on Thursday, Biden spoke of meeting with Putin while he was vice president during the Obama administration.

Recalling what he told Putin, Biden said, "I don’t think you have a soul and his response was, ‘Well, we understand each other.”

Actually, I hope this did happen, because if it did it shows that Putin is the master of the comeback. But frankly, what I think really happened is that Putin initiated the conversation by saying "I don't think you have a brain" and Biden responded with "Well, you understand me then." Or something.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Robert Mugabe Rot in Pieces!

Timothy Birdnow

Hell claims one of it's own.

Robert Mugabe, the monster who destroyed the once prosperous Rhodesia, has died.

Mugabe, a terrorist leader who was portrayed by the Western media as a freedom fighter and who eventually clutched the nation (renamed Zimbabwe) in his iron grip, died in exile in Singapore at age 95.

Mugabe, a self described Marxist,  was heralded as a champion of the downtrodden when he came to power, but that illusion quickly evaporated. He fought bloody battles with his political opponents. He nationalized the farms, giving them to his cronies and thus destroying a rich agricultural industry. He refused to let the whites leave when they came to fear for their lives. He turned one of the richest, most prosperous countries in Africa into one of the poorest and most violent hell-holes.

No doubt Mr. Mugabe is not suffering from cold weather now.

Dana Mathewson adds Mark Steyn's excellent Jewish World Review article here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Paving of the Road

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an old article that illustrates the utter stupidity of liberal feel-goodism and how the mainstream media lies to the public. It revisits the Live Aid concerts and shows how, instead of helping the starving people in Ethiopia, it actually empowered those who were hurting them.

From the article:

I asked Bob Keating, a superb young investigative reporter who had just started working with us, to look into this for a story. The assignment was simple — all this money had been raised, where was it going, was it actually doing good?

He discovered it was not doing good, but, horrifically, unimaginably, the exact opposite. The Ethiopian dictator, Mengistu, until then deadlocked in the war, was using the money the west gave him to buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians, and was now able to efficiently and viciously crush the opposition. Ethiopia, then the third poorest country in the world, suddenly had the largest, best equipped army on the African continent.
By this time we had all seen the pictures and TV footage of Bob Geldof, the figurehead of Live Aid, bear hugging and playfully punching Mengistu in the arm as he literally handed over the funding for this slaughter. It was on TV now alright, but as an endless, relentless reel of heroic Bob Geldof highlights. He drenched himself in the adulation and no one begrudged him it, until our investigation exposed the holocaust that Live Aid’s collected donations had help perpetrate on the Eritrean independence fighters.
Most damningly, Keating reported that Geldof was warned, repeatedly, from the outset by several relief agencies in the field about Mengistu, who was dismantling tribes, mercilessly conducting resettlement marches on which 100,000 people died, and butchering helpless people. According to Medicins Sans Frontiers, who begged Geldof to not release the money until there was a reliable infrastructure to get it to victims, he simply ignored them, instead famously saying: "I’ll shake hands with the Devil on my left and on my right to get to the people we are meant to help.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:26 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Being There - with Kim Gardner

Found this on Facebook. It looks like Social Justice virtue signaling is alive and well in the city of St. Louis:

St. Louis Police Officers Association

Today was a rough day for our officers. Two of our officers were involved in a harrowing life threatening situation. Responding to resident complaints of open and notorious drug dealing, officers were patrolling an area known for dangerous drug trafficking. Just before 1:00 am, our officers approached a vehicle to investigate suspected drug activity. Pictured below are the illicit drugs (marijuana, Xanax bars and crack/cocaine) recovered by police. When police attempted to effectuate an arrest, the suspect initiated a struggle. Police’s attempt to use a taser to subdue the suspect was unsuccessful. The struggle continued and the suspect attempted to pull the gun pictured below on officers. Officers were required to use deadly force to neutralize the immediate threat to their lives. Shockingly, the suspect had a 7 year old child in the in the car where he peddled dangerous drugs while armed. Thankfully, the child escaped the car unharmed.

Thankfully our officers escaped the altercation with only minor injuries. In what has become an all too familiar refrain, the anti-police faction began spinning false narratives that a helpless weed possessor was murdered for no reason. Shockingly, however, the elected prosecutor Kim Gardner, tweeted an ominous threat to police. She agreed with notorious cop hater Alderwoman Megan Green that the "interaction” with the armed drug dealer dealing drugs in a car with a 7 year old girl "never should have happened.” Pre-judging an officer involved shooting and twitter threatening these brave officers is horribly unethical. Under the Rules of Professional Conduct, Gardner should recuse herself and her entire office from proceeding in any way in this case. We are consulting with legal counsel on how to address her unethical conduct in this matter.

During the course of the day, the truth has begun to emerge. The suspect was a 4 time felon, who had his probation revoked and recently was released from serving 9 years in prison. What is stunning is that the assistant circuit attorney who prosecuted the cases against this suspect from 2009 to 2011 was none other than Assistant Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner. Of course, she is intimately familiar with the suspect’s career in crime. That makes her public twitter threat against police and her position that the suspect should have been left alone to deal dangerous drugs while are armed right next to a 7 year old child even more unconscionable.

This blatant dereliction of duty and unethical threat by this "prosecutor” is nothing short of alarming. Nonetheless, the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety and the Chief of Police have stood silent while Gardner abdicates her duty, promotes a false narrative regarding this incident and publicly threatens officers. Their silence is deafening and it is having profound negative impact on the police force they expect to protect our City’s citizens. On Tuesday, the Mayor spoke about her support for Police at the Police Foundation luncheon. By Thursday, she was standing idly by while her police officers were lied about and threatened for doing their job.

This situation is completely untenable. When elected and appointed officials promote the systematic demoralizing of this City’s Police force, the detrimental effect on the citizens of St.Louis and our police officers is incalculable. We will not stop holding these people accountable. We will not stand idly by and let them continue to dismantle the safety and security of our City and its people.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:06 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 595 words, total size 8 kb.

September 05, 2019

Yet one more reason Biden should not be allowed in the White House again

Dana Mathewson

Remember Former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis? Ignore for the moment that he was let go by President Trump. What is of interest here is that he served under the Obama Administration, gave them some information that was very important but which they apparently didn't want to hear. Hmmm.....

Mattis: Obama Failed to Respond to Iran Bomb Plot on U.S. Soil Because of Nuclear Deal

After the surprise resignation of Secretary of Defense James Mattis last December, Democrats were quick to politicize the news, and have certainly been hoping ever since that Mattis would provide them with new information they could use to attack Donald Trump. He does have a memoir coming out, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, but it looks like it’s Barack Obama and Joe Biden who get the bulk of the criticism.

Prior be being Secretary of Defense under Trump, Mattis served as commander of U.S. Central Command under Obama and Biden. Mattis had predicted that Iran would continue to provoke the United States. Mattis’s warning went ignored, and when Iran committed an act of war on American soil, he was not told about it, and the United States never responded to it.

The duty officer at his Tampa, Florida, headquarters on Oct. 11, 2011 told him that the attorney general and FBI director had held a press conference to announce the arrest of two Iranians who had planned a bomb attack on Cafe Milano, a high-end restaurant in Washington that was a favorite of the rich and famous, including Saudi Arabia’s ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir.

As Mattis writes, "Attorney General Eric Holder said the bombing plot was ‘directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Qods Force.’ The Qods were the Special Operations Force of the Revolutionary Guards, reporting to the top of the Iranian government.”

Many pundits questioned the administration’s assessment that the Iranian government was involved in the plan. Despite Iran’s long history of overseas assassination plots, some observers were skeptical that the theocratic regime would attempt such an audacious attack.

Mattis is certain, however: "I saw the intelligence: we had recorded Tehran’s approval of the operation.”

Mattis writes, "Had the bomb gone off, those in the restaurant and on the street would have been ripped apart, blood rushing down sewer drains. It would have been the worst attack on us since 9/11. I sensed that only Iran’s impression of America’s impotence could have led them to risk such an act within a couple of miles of the White House, Absent one fundamental mistake — the terrorists had engaged an undercover DEA agent in an attempt to smuggle the bomb — the Iranians would have pulled off this devastating attack. Had that bomb exploded, it would have changed history.”

In response to the plot, Mattis believed a forceful reaction was necessary. "I believed we had to respond forcefully. My military options would raise the cost for this attack beyond anything the mullahs and the Qods generals could pay.” But, Obama wasn’t interested. "We treated an act of war as a law enforcement violation, jailing the low-level courier.”

Why didn’t Obama want a forceful response to the act of war by Iran? His secret nuclear deal.

He explains his thinking: "I wanted calculated actions, to restrain the regime so it couldn’t thrust us into a war. If you allow yourself to be goaded and trifled with, one of two things will happen: eventually a harder, larger fight will explode, or you will get moved out of the neighborhood,” he writes.

"In my view, we had to hold Iran to account and strike back when attacked. But there was a reason for the administration’s restraint. The administration was secretly negotiating with Iran, although I was not privy to the details at the time.”

Those negotiations would lead to the Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015. Mattis is critical of the agreement, which President Trump withdrew from last year. "In my military judgment, America had undertaken a poorly calculated, long-shot gamble. At the same time, the administration was lecturing our Arab friends that they had to accommodate Iran as if it were a moderate neighbor in the region and not an enemy committed to their destruction,” Mattis writes. "As long as its leaders consider Iran less a nation-state than a revolutionary cause, Iran will remain a terrorist threat potentially more dangerous than Al Qaeda or ISIS.”

Obama and Biden also refused to listen to Mattis’s warnings about Iraq. Mattis recounts in his memoir how Joe Biden refused to listen to Mattis's warnings about a sudden withdrawal from Iraq, but that "the general’s assessment fell on deaf ears." According to Mattis, "Vice President Biden and his assistants listened politely. But as we spoke, I sensed I was making no headway in convincing the administration officials not to support Maliki. It was like talking to people who lived in wooden houses but saw no need for a fire department.”

Tell me again how wonderful Obama was, and how much Biden would have learned from him.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:35 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Environmental Fiasco of Wind Energy

Dana Mathewson

Just down the page I posted an article asking (indirectly) questions about cost associated with "renewable" energy. Here's another article that exposes costs that we somehow never hear about. From Power Line. This is relatively in my neck of the woods (Albert Lea is a couple hours to the south, Sioux Falls is a few hours to the west) and the article even includes a video.

Wind turbines only last for around 20 years, so many of them are now wearing out. That raises serious questions about disposal of defunct wind turbine parts. The turbines’ giant blades are not recyclable, so they must be dumped in landfills. The Sioux Falls Argus Leader reports on one South Dakota landfill that is saying no mas to wind turbine blades:

The Argus Leader reports that more than 100 wind turbine blades measuring 120 ft long have been dumped in a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, landfill, but there’s a problem: the massive blades are taking up too much room, according to local City officials. …

A wind farm near Albert Lea, Minn., brought dozens of their old turbine blades to the Sioux Falls dump this summer.

But City Hall says it won’t take anymore unless owners take more steps to make the massive fiberglass pieces less space consuming.

The wind energy industry isn’t immune to cyclical replacement, with turbine blades needing to be replaced after a decade or two in use. That has wind energy producers looking for places to accept the blades on their turbines that need to be replaced.

For at least one wind-farm in south central Minnesota, it found the Sioux Falls Regional Sanitary Landfill to be a suitable facility to take its aged-out turbine blades.

Go here for the entire article.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:05 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Antifa buying Guns for Bloody Uprising

Timothy Birdnow

Antifa has been trying to buy firearms from Mexican cartels to lead a violent revolutionin the U.S., according to the FBI.

From the San Diego Union Tribune:

When federal law enforcement officials last year began collecting dossiers on mostly American journalists, activists and lawyers in Tijuana involved with the migrant caravan, one part of their investigation focused on an alleged plot by a drug cartel to sell guns to protesters, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation report.

A Dec. 18, 2018, document from the FBI, obtained by the Union-Tribune, specifies an alleged plan for activists to purchase guns from a "Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander,” or Ivan Riebeling.

The protesters wanted to "stage an armed rebellion at the border,” the FBI reported to dozens of federal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Mexico.

The unclassified report was provided to the Union-Tribune on the condition the person providing it would not be named, and with the request that the entire document not be shared online because of the ongoing nature of the investigation.

Anyone see anything about this in the mainstream national media? Anyone?

Here's my favorite part:

However, the database includes many others not included in the FBI’s report, and it remains unclear why those people — mostly American journalists, activists and attorneys — were targeted and monitored.

So, Journalists and attorneys have been involved; why am I not surprised.  The Fourth Estate is now a Fifth Column


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Media Master Race

Timothy Birdnow

Daniel Greenfield tears the elitism of the Fourth Estate a new one.

From Canada Free Press:

The Fourth Estate is a European concept. There’s no room in America for a special status for the media (or any other estates). Sanders ignores what the constitution actually says about the press. The First Amendment prohibits Congress from making laws "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”

Freedom of the press doesn’t bestow a special status on the press. It springs from freedom of speech.

That is even more obvious in Madison’s original words, "The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty shall be inviolable.” A free press is an expression of everyone’s right to speak out. It is not a special institution that represents the public interest. It is the actual public.

When the Framers wrote of a free press, they meant printers like Benjamin Franklin and his brother, and anyone who wanted to distribute a pamphlet, as well as the small number of larger papers. Their idea of the free press looked a lot like a low-tech internet and had nothing in common with a handful of giant corporate monopolies declaring that they are a journalistic priesthood serving the public interest.

Read the whole article; he nails it!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:28 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Judge Orders Playboy Writer's Hard Pass be Restored

Timothy Birdnow

Judges Gone Wild!

Here's a taste:

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the Trump Administration to restore the press pass of Brian Karem, Playboy’s Senior White House reporter.

"Karem has shown that even the temporary suspension of his pass inflicts irreparable harm on his First Amendment rights,” U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras wrote in
his opinion.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Final Dorian Update

Timothy Birdnow

Mizzou Pofessor of Atmospheric Sciences Anthony Luppo gives us a final hurricane update:

Dorian update, last one. It looks like the eye wall of Dorian is now brushing the coast of SC and NC. This is where the worst wind and rain is. The eastern parts of SC, NC, and VA will be impacted and the storm will complete the turn toward the northeast and accelerate. If you have relatives in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, they will be hit hard later this weekend and early next week.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:52 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Climate questions for politicians (that no one seems to want to ask)

Dana Mathewson

Here's a thoughtful article aimed at the donkeys in the Clown Car who for some reason think they have the key to stopping all this runaway climate change. There are five questions. I'll post only the first, in hopes that it will whet your appetite to go to the article to read the others:

The Democrats running for their party’s presidential nomination are focusing more on climate change. Here are five questions reporters should ask to test whether the candidates’ climate policies deserve the support of the American people. In fact, these are questions that should be asked of all politicians who advocate climate policies, regardless of their party affiliation.

1. Would your climate policies trigger a recession? [emphasis in original]

With 10-year Treasury bond yields continuing to fall relative to two-year bond yields, and 30-year bond yields hitting an all-time low, many market analysts worry the economy is heading towards a recession.

However, a recent Bloomberg News article notes that consumer confidence in August hit an all-time high, and a major reason is low oil prices. As the story explains: "Few things get consumers to pull back like rising gasoline prices.”

Indeed, "every downturn since 1970 has been preceded by a doubling of oil prices the prior 12 months that has pressured consumer spending, which accounts for about two-thirds of the economy.”

Oil prices are low because the U.S. energy companies are producing at record levels. Climate policies such as the Green New Deal aim to ban offshore drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and fossil fuel exports and imports, plus "massively raise taxes” on oil industry investors.

Such policies would quickly bankrupt industries that keep consumer confidence high by keeping energy prices low.

What is the risk that the energy price shocks from your plan to suppress oil and gas production would push the economy into a recession?

Go here to read the rest.

In answer to the first question, quoted above, it's probably true that the Left does want to bankrupt the economy and drive President Trump from office. Remember that AOC's Svengali admitted that the Green New Deal was seen as an "economic thing," not a climate initiative. But if Trump wins the election in 2020, and especially if the Senate stays in GOP hands, I don't see any of this boondoggle getting any legs, so it's a moot point for the next few years at least.

Worst-case scenario: Trump loses. I don't see the Left winning the Senate, so there's still hope to block this stuff. Really worst-case: we lose the Senate too; it still will take a long time to implement all this alternate energy foo-fraw. Eminent domain cases to get sites to set up the turbines, which will still have to be built (900 tons of steel, 2,500 pounds of concrete, roads to service them, etc.)

This all will take over twelve years, and by then the world will have come to an end. Just ask Robert Francis "Bingo" (Beanbag? Bonkers? Bobblehead? Never can remember) O'Rourke, he's already said so.

I say we just refuse to pay our taxes (tell 'em former Sen. Harry Reid said it was optional, remember?), stock up on good whisky, wine, chips & dip with the money we'd save, kick back and party for those twelve years. And if the world doesn't end, we kick the donkeys in the butts and tell them to go away, we'll never vote for them again, ever. By then it'll be time to vote for President Sarah Sanders.

Just sayin'.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Biden's eye fills with blood during CNN climate town hall

Dana Mathewson

Disclaimer: I didn't watch the "climate town hall." I was too busy leading a normal life. But if I had, I'm sure both my eyes would have filled with blood, and I'd have filled the room with blue language, revolting my wife and scaring my dog.

Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to have a blood vessel burst in his left eye while participating in CNN's town hall on climate change.

A broken blood vessel in the eye, also known as a subconjuctival hemorrhage, can be caused by several things, including high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, blood thinners, or even excessive straining.

Biden, 76, has long been plagued by health issues. In 1988, he suffered an aneurysm that burst and required him to undergo emergency surgery. The then-senator was so close to death that a Catholic priest began preparing to administer the sacrament of last rites.

Months later, surgeons clipped a second aneurysm before it burst. Biden then took a seven-month leave from the Senate following the surgery. Describing the operation, he once said, "They literally had to take the top of my head off.”

Jill Biden said in her recently released autobiography Where the Light Enters that, at the time, she feared her husband would never be the same. "Our doctor told us there was a 50-50 chance Joe wouldn't survive surgery," she wrote. "He also said that it was even more likely that Joe would have permanent brain damage if he survived. And if any part of his brain would be adversely affected, it would be the area that governed speech."

She didn't mention that the part that affects thought also seems mightily to have been messed up. You can, and really should, read the rest here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:34 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 04, 2019

Mark Levin: 'The NRA Doesn't Kill People. That's Planned Parenthood!'

Dana Mathewson

Just by reading the title above, you know this is going to be good! Mark Levin is normally quiet and laid-back -- you can tell this if you see him on television. But when he gets aroused, look out!

On his radio show yesterday, conservative talker Mark Levin crushed the Democratic candidates for president who want to take away Americans' guns. He first played audio of Beto O'Rourke, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren, who can be heard saying that guns pose a major threat to America's safety. And then? Well, then Mark Levin did what Mark Levin does best: destroyed them all.

First up is Beto O'Rourke, the Irish-Texan with the inexplicably Hispanic sounding name. O'Rourke can be heard saying that he wants to take away Americans' semi-automatic firearms. If elected president, "that's exactly what we're going to do," he added, after which he goes on the need to protect Americans from mass shootings in churches, synagogues, and malls.

"No amount of logic and facts will change an emotional appeal like this," Levin responded. The vast majority of people who are murdered in this country are murdered with pistols, not AR15s and not AK47s. They're murdered with pistols. Pistols."

Additionally, Levin added, study after study finds that the push for lighter cars has made its inhabitants extremely unsafe. Far more people die because their cars are lighter now than a few decades ago than from guns. Strangely, however, there is "never any talk about that. Ever."

"And this guy [O'Rourke], he has no constitutional basis for this, but he's hoping to get a few courts, Obama judges, cobble together five justices on the Supreme Court. Not that hard, really. You've got the four hardliners on the left, and you can probably pick off a Roberts or even Kavanaugh quite frankly."

"I want to be really clear," Levin said, "This is a man I bet who has never read the Constitution from beginning to the end. It doesn't matter."

And then Levin has a great time going after Joe Biden (who is admittedly a pretty soft target) and then he tears into Sen. Gray Bea... excuse me, Sen. Elizabeth Warren. I really wish I'd been able to hear the show.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Pope is up to no good again

Dana Mathewson

(Sigh) I really don't think he's supposed to do this sort of thing.

Pope Francis made a jaw-dropping change to the Catholic Church that crossed one big line

Pope Francis is the most controversial head of the Catholic Church in recent memory.

Under his direction, the Catholic Church forged a new direction.

But Pope Francis made a jaw-dropping change to the Catholic Church that crossed one big line.

The biggest change Pope Francis made since assuming his role as Pontiff was pushing the Church to become another left-wing activist organization.

Pope Francis put fighting so-called "climate change” and pushing for open borders as his top priority.

Over the weekend Pope Francis continued down this path by making ending "climate change” the focus for World Day of Prayer.

Breitbart reports:

Human beings have caused "a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself,” Pope Francis said Sunday before urging "drastic measures” to fight global warming.

In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pope adopted the apocalyptic language encouraged by climate alarmists to frighten people into taking action.

"Too many of us act like tyrants with regard to creation,” he declared. "Let us make an effort to change and to adopt more simple and respectful lifestyles!”

"Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy. Let us also learn to listen to indigenous peoples, whose age-old wisdom can teach us how to live in a better relationship with the environment,” he said.

Instead of praying for the most vulnerable or lost to find salvation through Christ, Pope Francis sounded like a fake news anchor on CNN or MSNBC.

This decision offended millions of Catholics around the world that look to the Pope to set an example on spreading God’s word.

I weep for, and with, all my Catholic friends who are obliged to look to this man as their spiritual leader. If any of you are reading this, you know who you are, and I grieve with you!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:26 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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States Look at Anti-Trust Cases against Big Tech

Timothy Birdnow

A number of states are looking into anti-trust action against the big tech giants. According to Warner Todd Houston at the Washington Sentinel

It's well past time; Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon completely dominate the internet these days and are systematically repressing free speech by Conservatives.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 55 words, total size 1 kb.

Answer to Nobody's Question; Gen. Patraeus won't Serve under Trump

This from our friend Tim McNabb:

Goodness. Wherever will we find another general who will share classified information with the chick he's banging?

Retired Gen. David Petraeus says he wouldn't serve in the Trump Administration

This from Mr. Birdnow:

Isn't it interesting that he's now RETIRED General and not disgraced General. He no doubt has said this to curry favor with the Establishment in the hopes of having his name rehabilitated. And it probably will work.

Oh, and he was a Bush man, too, in case everyone forget. The Bush family hates Mr. Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 104 words, total size 1 kb.

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