March 16, 2019

Space Choo-Choo

Timothy Birdnow

The satire site Babylon Bee has a fun little piece suggesting NASA build trains to outer space rather than use rockets. Liberals love trains and so may be on board with renewed space exploration.

From the piece:

A new environmental proposal would have the US replace all public and private spacecraft with high-speed trains by the year 2030, reports confirmed Thursday.

"We are wasting so much rocket fuel to generate the thrust necessary to leave Earth's orbit when we could just build a train track all the way to Mars or Jupiter," said a lobbyist for the train industry. "And just think about how pleasant a ride from Earth to Mars would be, coasting along the space tracks at 200 miles per hour for the next 193 years."

The initial proposal would only cost approximately $10,000 trillion, according to a representative of one environmental think tank in D.C. "This is really a bargain when you think about it," she said, pointing to a complex series of calculations she had performed on a LeapFrog laptop. "Besides, we can just print money to pay for it. Or maybe have a bake sale or something."

Read the rest.

Actually, while this is entirely a tongue-in-cheek prooposal, there are ideas of building "space trains" as a way to launch people and equpment into orbit. Called Space Elevators, Beanstalks, or skyhooks, the idea is to string a cable from the surface of the Earth to an anchor rock well beyond an orbital station. You would ride the rail up from the ground over the course of several days, like a super duper train.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 15, 2019

Beto O'Rourke, Documented Weirdo

Jack Kemp

Well, if you are a white male Democrat Presidential candidate these days, you have to have fringe element bona fides.

The Daily Wire reports that:

...a report from Reuters claimed O’Rourke was a member of the prominent hacking group and apparently penned some pretty bizarre writings fantasizing about the murder of children as a teen.

Reuters reports:

The hugely influential Cult of the Dead Cow, jokingly named after an abandoned Texas slaughterhouse, is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows. It’s also known for inventing the word "hacktivism” to describe human-rights-driven security work.


Beto further wrote...

"Oh, yes, he also apparently wrote about killing children. The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra reports:

In writings that Reuters says still exist online, O'Rourke reportedly fantasized about ‘toppling the government,’ but fretted that "the masses would support such a radical move at this time."

O’Rourke also reportedly wrote about murdering children by running them over with a car.

"One day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street," O'Rourke wrote. "They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles...This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams."


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Red Flag Laws: The Latest Anti-Gun Scheme

Dana Mathewson, with a hat tip to Eddie Engebretson

We've been hearing quite a bit about so-called "Red Flag" Laws lately. Nasty things, and certainly unconstitutional, because, as this article points out, they throw due process out the window.

Eddie sent me this great article from the Mises Institute. It's from last year, but no matter; it's just as timely today as when it was written.

Gun control may be coming to a legislature near you.

In the wake of the Parkland, Florida, and Santa Fe, Texas, shootings, elected officials on both sides of the political aisle are rallying around "red flag” legislation.

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), informally known as red flag laws, are gaining traction in legislatures nationwide. Red flag laws are presented as a common-sense proposal to disarm people who allegedly present a danger to themselves or others around them.

Political leaders assure gun owners red flag laws won’t trample over civil liberties and are a middle ground solution that appease pro-gunners and gun controllers alike. But the devil is in the details when dealing with any form of government intervention.

I don't know if the Mises Institute gets antsy about being quoted on somebody else's site, so I won't quote any more, except to say that this is the "money quote," as far as I'm concerned:
It is no secret when both parties come together on legislative matters, nothing good can come out of it.
Go here for the entire article. It's not long, but it's very important.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:00 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Republicans Vote with the Democrats to demand Mueller Report be made public

Timothy Birdnow

The Republicans in the House of Representatives joined the Democrats in demanding the Mueller report be made public. There was not a single no vote, and only four Republicans voted present. They were: Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar and Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie.

Had this thing been flipped, had it been a Democrat, they would have all fought to allow their man to keep the report confidential. Republicans are both monstrously poor at this and double dealing at the same time. Frankly I prefer the Democrats; they at least make no bones about their partisanship. Republicans are nothing but weasels.

And then they wonder why they lost the House in the last election...

North-Central States Editor Dana Mathewson gets his two pence in: Well, Tim, there are a huge number of people who hold the belief that this "report" is a great big nothingburger and want proof of it. (Yes, I'm one of them, although my beliefs count for precious little, of course.) If this truly is the case, it weakens the Democrats, the Drive-By Media -- and the entire Establishment -- who hoped it would contain the ammunition to drive Trump out of office, and strengthens Trump. It will pretty much pull the rug out from under the Maxine Waters's of the world, along with those loathsome creatures Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff.

But if the report remains under wraps, all those people can and will keep up their yammering and manage to hamstring Trump's attempts to keep the government running. That way nobody wins anything. And we citizens don't get to find out what our money got spent on.

Get the word out in the light, say I. Then, although it's a pretty sure thing our money was wasted, at least we can affix the blame properly.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Appeals Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood in Ohio

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an example of the importance of the Federal courts. A Judge has just ruled that Ohio can defund Planned Parenthood. From Breitbart:

Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit wrote Ohio’s law to defund the abortion vendor does "not violate a woman’s right to obtain an abortion,” that the state "has no obligation to pay for a woman’s abortion,” and that the law doesn’t impose "undue burden” on a woman’s access to an abortion.

"Private organizations do not have a constitutional right to obtain governmental funding to support their activities,” the judge continued. "The State also may choose not to subsidize constitutionally protected activities.”

Would the Ninth Circuit have ruled this way? These judicial nominations are absolutely critical, because they are the difference between judges making laws and judges enforcing them. Had Hillary Clinton been elected how likely is it that an appelate court would have found in favor of Ohio here?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:50 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Iran on Women's Rights Commission

Timothy Birdnow

Truth is stranger than fiction. Yes, the U.N. actually put Iran on the Women's Rights Commission.

The U.N. would be a joke if it were even remotely funny. It's just a farse now.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Not Our Wastebasket Anymore

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a fine essay on recycling and how we are now witnesswing it's unlamented end. From Always on Watch:

My German friends in the small farming village where I lived would remind me, conspiratorially, that the government wasn't really recycling all that stuff.

When we returned to the states, we voluntarily paid our garbage service more money for a recycling bin, but we were shocked at how loose the rules were. On a few occasions, to our horror, our kids had thrown garbage into the bins, but nobody at the garbage company even batted an eye.

My wife and I have long suspected US recycling was a scam, but then the free market solution came to me: We were paying other countries to take our dirty, garbage-laden and improperly sorted recycling (those bill envelopes with the plastic window? You are supposed to remove that window before putting the envelope in the paper recycling), and those nations taking our recycling paid slave laborers nickels a day to clean it, and then they sold it on the global market.

China's Not Taking our Crap Anymore

Read it all!


If there was any economic value in recycling the waste companies would go through the trash themselves. They don''t, preferring to outsource the work to the consumer. That should tell us all that recycling is a scam. So what is the point? Well, why do religious people follow certain practices? Muslim men wear long beards and face Mecca when they pray. The purpose is to meld the Believer to the Faith. Separating trash is one way the secular individual can be made a part of the "greater good" and thus feel like he belongs to the Church of the Holy Environment. It's a sacrament. Couple that with driving small clown cars to save on greenhouse gas emissions, not eating meat to avoid cow farts and pig methane, etc. and you have the modern guilt-riddled liberal, a soul who believes in nothing except the tangibles of this world, but who believes passionately in the contrived mission of "saving the planet" where once a Christian America sought to save souls from Hell.

People are starting to realize this was never about actually doing anything, but rather about making people feel a certain way. Nobody wants to recycle anymore for that very reason. AS I say, if it had any financial benefit it would be done by the trash companies. But we have actually been sending our garbage to CHINA, for goodness sake, because they have the manpower to make it worth their troubles and we don't, and they don't worry about some bad smells. We pay them to take our trash, so they take it.

Or did. Now that they aren't taking it, we aren't separating it. Why bother?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:27 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 14, 2019

Ilhan Omar Ruffling Feathers outside the U.S.

Dana Mathewson

Minnesota's -- and now Washington's -- new fancy new Muslim toy, Ilhan Omar, flaunting her anti-Semitic chops, is having quite an effect, as it turns out, in the Middle East, as real people take notice of her idiocy. And those people can well analyze what's going on.

Ex-Israeli security chief slams Dems for tolerating Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, claims they are using it to get at Trump

Freshman Democratic representative Ilhan Omar has come under fire in recent weeks following a flurry of online comments widely deemed anti-Semitic by lawmakers, politicians and Americans alike.

While some top Democrats were quick to condemn her comments and Israel criticism, others have failed to rebuke her slurs – prompting at least one former Israeli security and intelligence chief to question the direction of the Democratic party and its tolerance of the Congressional newcomer from Minnesota’s unchartered turmoil.

"It is something that I am concerned about, listening to such voices and leaders of the Democratic party not condemning them is a concern to Israel, and to every freedom and liberal human being,” Yaakov Peri, 74, the former head of the Israeli security agency Shin Bet and later the Minister of Science & Technology, told Fox News. "These kinds of voices were never heard in the American administrations and it is something that I am concerned about.”

In his view, Omar’s criticism of Israel, its lobbying efforts and finances – followed by only some denunciation from some Democrats – is, in large part, an attempt to hit back at President Trump.

"It is (coming from) internal American politics," Peri believes."As Mr. Trump is one of the biggest supporters of Israel, it is a way of dealing with him.

"Unfortunately, doing it in an anti-Semitic way is not acceptable.”

Even though relations between Israel and the United States leadership are strong, Peri expressed concern that it is still "very fragile, very elastic, and unstable”. Israel has its own elections next month and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces indictment on bribery and corruption charges.

All the while, Israel’s internal security is still rife with problems on multiple frontiers.

The former security commander has been busily crafting a "New State Solution,” a new Middle East peace initiative that would ultimately entail leasing land from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in an effort to solve the seemingly intractable Palestinian problem.

"The fact is that all negotiations between Israel and Palestine have failed. We have to come up with new, creative ideas,” Peri explained. "First of all, this gives an immediate solution for a very difficult humanitarian situation. The Gaza Strip is on the edge of a humanitarian crisis, one of the worst times it has ever been.”

Focusing first and foremost on the overcrowded Gaza Strip, the "New State Solution” not only involves the territorial expansion of Gaza into the Sinai, but empowers the government of the "New State” to declare its own capital, its own commercial airport, and economic trade, as well as giving the Palestinian state the ability to defend itself, by itself.

There's a lot more here, and we might well look to the idea that a freshman House member should learn that her insular ideas are very limited when it comes to the world outside, and that she might learn to shut up and try to learn about the world before spouting off and embarrassing the rest of her colleagues.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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AOC treads on dangerous ground here -- don't annoy Big Labor!

Dana Mathewson

Probably the biggest supporter of the (old) Democratic Party is Big Labor in all its forms. Is AOC so "out of it" that she doesn't know this?

Apparently. But then, she seems not to understand labor (work) either.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.

Facebook Bans The Bird

Timothy Birdnow

I was arguing Global Warming at Facebook, and I returned to see a response - only my posts were gone.  I see Facebook didn't like to let me exercise free speech on their site.

If Global Warming is a matter of "Science" why won't they allow it to be debated?  Anyone?

By the way, I came across this compendium of science against AGW theory. It is an invaluable resource for those who get embroiled in a climate change argument. Here is another decent one. Just an overview, but helpful.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.

AOC Spanked (like the juvenile girl she is) over Reagan

Timothy Birdnow

Recently Alexandria Occluded Cortex went all medieval on Ronald Reagan.

This did not sit well with Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, who destroyed her in a series of tweets:

THREAD: There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan, so she would not know Reagan favored statehood for Puerto Rico.

— Craig Shirley (@CraigSBPA) March 11, 2019

There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan, so she would not know Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

— Craig Shirley (@CraigSBPA) March 11, 2019

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.

— Craig Shirley (@CraigSBPA) March 11, 2019

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ocasio-Cortez vs. Wells Fargo

Jack Kemp

In a Congressional hearing, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez tried to make the president of Wells Fargo Bank responsible for an oil pipeline spill (there has not been such a spill) on some project that Wells Fargo helped finance. She also tried to make Wells Fargo responsible for the "caging" of (illegal immigrant?) children.

I haven't heard such a discourse since the time I watched the Mad Hatter's Tea Party on the Walt Disney tv show as a child in the 1950s. There was only one thing missing from this pathetic attempt to guilt trip Wells Fargo, a bank that has done some customer abuses but not the two main ones Ocasio-Cortez wanted to stick them with. That missing item was that Ocasio-Cortez did not make an issue of how Wells Fargo drove the horses pulling their stagecoaches in the Nineteenth Century. Or perhaps AOC thinks Wells Fargo still has those stagecoaches today.

You can read what AOC said in her ignorance here.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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It's a right to Flip the Bird

Timothy Birdnow

A court has ruled that extending one's middle finger is protected speech and that a police officer may not use it to justify stopping or ticketing a motorist.

According to the Washington Post:

That question, plucked from everyday life in the town of Taylor, Michigan, confronted the U.S.Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in the case of Debra Lee Cruise-Gulyas v. Matthew Wayne Minard, in which Cruise-Gulyas was the motorist and Minard the cop.

But Cruise-Gulyas told The Washington Post that she was unhappy because, according to her, the area where she was pulled over in June 2017 about 18 miles southwest of Detroit is a notorious "speed trap” for the Taylor Police Department.

"I know this is a bunch of B.S.,” she said, so "when I pulled off I gave him the middle finger.”

And Minard went to the appeals court claiming immunity from the suit, arguing that even if he did violate her rights, which he did not admit to doing, those rights were not clearly established.

Judge Jeffrey Sutton, writing for a unanimous three-judge panel Wednesday, disagreed.

While suggesting the woman was a bit "ungrateful,” the second stop was not reasonable and the officer should have known it, Sutton said.

To justify the second stop, he wrote, Minard needed "probable cause that she had committed” a violation.

He didn’t have it, the judge said. Giving the finger is not a crime. That "all too familiar gesture,” as he put it, is "protected by the First Amendment.”


Since there was no reason to believe she broke the law, he also violated her Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable seizure when he pulled her over again.

The officer pulled the motorist over initially for speeding but gave her a non-moving violation, he claims. It appears she disagrees. Given that police don't normally pull someone over then write a lesser charge I have little doubt she was NOL speeding and the cop was simply being a jerk. My own experiences with speed trap communities - and St. Loouis is full of them - is that any favors you receive are no favors at all as there never was a reason for you to be stopped.

While in this modern era of BLack Lives Matter abusing the police it is not good that cops be further restricted I do have to say I agree with the judge's reasoning; police are not a law unto themselves, and they do not have the right to arrest someone just because the person was not polite to them. It's not against the law to be a jerk, and it is not lawful to use the power of your office to settle a personal score.

The woman should have argued she's a Muslim and was making the "one" sign with her middle finger because her index finger was sore. I'd like to see them prosecute THAT up in Detroitistan.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 492 words, total size 3 kb.

March 13, 2019

Just another version of the same old song

Dana Mathewson

I'll just pass it around to our private party here and we can have a nice chuckle over Just One More Example of the elites befouling themselves with worry over... nothing much. Note that this article is from 1989.

David Dickinson adds:

This was not from 1989, this was from today, a tweet from some Representative named Jim McGovern. Of course, his name McGovern so

I remember reading about this circa 1970. And circa 1975. And circa 1980.

Imagine a future where:

â˜ï¸Most beaches & lakes are too polluted to swim in.

â˜ï¸Acid rain leaves America's forests in ruin.

â˜ï¸Cities are choked daily with thick smog from dirty power plants.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 121 words, total size 1 kb.

The Robots of Dim

Dana Mathewson

She said a lot of other stuff, in a mostly incoherent manner. And the gist of the main part seems to be (one is never sure with her) that if you lose your job to a robot, you can spend your time "educating ourselves, more time creating art, more time investing in and investigating the sciences, more time focused on invention, more time going to space, more time enjoying the world that we live in,â€Â she said, according to The Verge. â€Å“Because not all creativity needs to be bonded by wage.â€Â Funny, I can't find where she says how we're going to pay for all that if we lose our job -- to a robot or to anyone else.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 1 kb.

26 shot, 9 dead in Brazil school shooting

Dana Mathewson

Quick! Somebody inform Barack Obama! I'm sure he told us this sort of thing happens only in America! In fact, I know he did.

At least nine people were killed at a Brazilian elementary school where two young men were seen entering the building and firing weapons early on Wednesday, according to Sao Paulo police.

Among the dead were five schoolchildren, one adult who worked at the building, one person who was standing just outside the school and the two adolescent shooters, police said.

At least 17 other people, mostly children, were also shot at the Raul Brasil elementary school and taken to hospitals, police said in a written statement. The state of their health was not immediately known.

School shootings are rare in Brazil, even though the country is one of the world’s most violent, with more annual homicides than any other. The last major school shooting was in 2011, when 12 children were shot dead by a former pupil in Rio de Janeiro.

While gun laws are extremely strict in Brazil, it is not difficult to illegally purchase a weapon.

It's not going to be easy to follow up on this one, but I would be interested in knowing just how strict Brazil's gun laws are, since the country has a reputation as one of the world's most violent countries. Maybe it's a country-wide version of Chicago.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The New Leader of the Democrat Party

Dana Mathewson

I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi doesn't yet realize that her rule over the Democrats has been supplanted. There's been no official announcement as yet. And Tom Perez is still the head of the DNC, supposedly.

But for all intents and purposes, the actual rule of the party has passed. And not, as you might think, to the new shiny object, the twinkie Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Nope.

Just days ago, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) faced rebuke, albeit indirectly, from her own party in a resolution condemning anti-Semitism that had been developed as a response to her repeated anti-Semitic statements -- including the bizarre and paranoid assertion that "Israel has hypnotized the world.” Today, it is clear that if anyone has hypnotized the world, or at least the Democrats, it is Omar herself. She stands victorious as the new master of the Democratic Party.

Omar’s victory is total. The anti-Semitism resolution was turned into a condemnation of "Islamophobia” and "white supremacism,” she remains on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the entire Democratic leadership has made it clear that they don’t dare cross her.

To be sure, the resolution as it was passed contained a condemnation of anti-Semitism, and even of accusations of dual loyalty, in which Omar had indulged when she railed against "the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Nancy Pelosi, however, was quick to insist that the resolution wasn’t referring to Omar: "I thought the resolution should be largely issued to anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia, etc., anti-white supremacist, and that it should not mention her name … because it’s not about her.”

All right. So the resolution condemns the practice of "accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel or to the Jewish community than to the United States,” and states that this "constitutes anti-Semitism because it suggests that Jewish citizens cannot be patriotic Americans and trusted neighbors.” The resolution was conceived only after Omar denounced "the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” But Pelosi says that the resolution doesn’t refer to Omar.

Indeed, it doesn’t. It was initially drawn up because of her, only her, but her supporters quickly demonstrated their power in the new, avowedly socialist, fanatically anti-Israel Democratic Party. Only then did the resolution get supplemented with references to the Dreyfus Affair (timely!) and to white supremacists demonstrating in Charlottesville (relevant!).

Pelosi later explained that Omar’s words "were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude,” the poor victim just "didn’t have a full appreciation of how they landed on other people where these words have a history and a cultural impact that might have been unknown to her.”

Pelosi sounds as if she has been hypnotized.

And not just her: No one in the Democratic Party leadership has raised the slightest murmur of protest over the fact that Omar remains on the Foreign Affairs Committee, and has essentially suffered no consequences whatsoever for her open expressions of anti-Semitism. The clear lesson of the events of this past week is that the sclerotic Democratic Party establishment lacks the will to tangle with Omar, who is an exponent of a skilled and ruthless propaganda machine that has long been in the Democrats’ corner, but has never -- until now -- turned its brute force against the Democrats themselves.

What Pelosi and her cohorts learned this week is that if they cross Ilhan Omar, they will be accused of "racism” and "Islamophobia” just as swiftly and reflexively as those smear labels are applied to Republicans who dare to speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. The Democrats’ long record of support for mass Muslim migration into the U.S. and resolutely opposing any realistic analysis of the motivating ideology behind jihad violence counts for nothing if they get in the way.

This became clear when Omar’s staunch ally Linda Sarsour railed against Pelosi after the initial anti-Semitism resolution was announced. Pelosi, said Sarsour, was a "typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset -- no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos.”

That’s the kind of rhetoric that Leftists have been using against conservatives for years. Pelosi must have been shocked beyond measure to find it used against her. And given the fact that for decades Leftists have demanded, and usually received, the capitulation of conservatives in the face of such rhetoric, Pelosi could do nothing else but capitulate herself.

Please read this great Robert Spencer article here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Meet Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s Rasputin

Dana Mathewson

Many of us are convinced that AOC doesn't have the smarts to "write her own material." I just found an article on American Thinker by a fellow who agrees. Lucianne Goldberg has also posted it on her blog.

Meet Saikat Chakrabarti, the Rasputin of the 14th Congressional District and arguably the real brains behind the bright new shiny Democrat bauble of Congress now famously branded by the media as AOC, joining the exclusive club (JFK, LBJ, RFK, HRC) of politicians widely referred to by three initials.

In the space of just a few short months, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, with fewer than 16,000 votes in a primary election, went from the role of obscure bartender to perhaps the most famous and powerful freshman member of Congress ever. She instantly became a media darling who drives ratings and Internet clicks. Senior Democrats such as Sen. Ed Markey gush over her and edge in to get their picture taken with her as they appear to hang on her every word.

Ocasio-Cortez was given a plum seat on the House Financial Services Committee. Her placement on the exclusive House Banking Committee, as well as the appointments of other newbie progressives to top committees was part of a larger deal to re-secure the speakership for Nancy Pelosi ahead of the midterms. Pelosi agreed to 40 percent progressive representation on the five top House committees.

How could this have happened? Look behind the curtain. You’ll find her mysterious chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a well-funded radical left wing activist who, with other veterans of the 2016 Sanders campaign, including "Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur (later purged over past allegedly sexist, racist, pro-rape statements), established a web of campaign organizations and LLC’s, including Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress. As many as 16 groups were housed in the same office space in Knoxville, TN, with no apparent legally-required "walls of separation.”

The larger plot was and remains to recruit attractive people to run for Congress. The longer-term strategy seems to be to gain control of the Democrat Party, Congress and ultimately the United States government itself. Their stated goal "was to run hundreds of Democratic candidates” who do "not take corporate money and serve the voters rather than the donors," as well as "capture a significant amount of Congress with strong progressives" and "overpower the corporate Democrats."

In the 2018 elections, 26 of the 79 candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats won their respective primary elections. Along with AOC, six other of these progressive minority candidates won in the general election: Raúl Grijalva, Ro Khanna, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Pramila Jayapal. The districts where they won were all solidly Democrat. This suggests why the far left wing newbies were not only given key committee assignments and but quickly found senior Democrats fawning over them. When Rep. Ilhan Omar was accused of anti-Semitic remarks, Democrats could not find the will to directly condemn her. Instead they passed a watered down meaningless resolution against hate. Pelosi and other establishment Democrats are understandably afraid of who will be targeted by the Justice Democrats in 2020 and they don’t want to antagonize them.

In her primary, Ocasio-Cortez received 57.13% of the vote (15,897) to Joe Crowley's 42.5% (11,761) to defeat the 10-term incumbent. Ocasio-Cortez won the general election with 78% of the vote (110,318) to Pappas's 14% (17,762). The Democrats all got the message.

With the win, Chakrabarti became AOC’s chief of staff. He and his left-wing associates, including her communications chief Corbin Trent, co-founder of Brand New Congress, and Sanders campaign veteran Zack Exley (an open borders advocate) had scripted and produced AOC’s campaign video and organized her entire grass roots campaign effort, including fund raising and social media. They turned her into a brand to take control of the House seat from Crowley. There is evidence that most all of Ocasio-Cortez’s communications are created by these men who appear to tell her what to say.

Chakrabarti is the dude who was photographed sitting with AOC in a food court, scarfing down a cheeseburger right around the time she had produced the brilliant idea that we "should not be eating cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner." I don't know about you, but I have never, if memory serves, eaten a cheeseburger for breakfast.

But I digress.

With Chakrabarti as Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Ocasio-Cortez released the highly controversial far-left policy initiative known as the Green New Deal. It is designed to totally and fundamentally make over the American economy and the American political system. Casio-Cortez’s office, led by Chakrabarti, released an "FAQ” which it withdrew after criticism for its extremist positions, including appearing to demand the elimination of animal agriculture, replacing commercial aviation with "high-speed rail,” and providing "economic security for all who are . . . unwilling to work.”Chakrabarti was forced to admit the office’s authorship of the FAQ after Green New Deal supporters retweeted Rep. Ocasio-Cortez asserted quotes from the document about "unwilling to work” were fabricated.

The Green New Deal was drafted over a single December weekend by Ocasio-Cortez’s staffand representatives of like-minded progressive groups including the Sunrise Movement, a grassroots climate organization; the Justice Democrats and a freshly organized policy shop called the New Consensus. Chakrabarti was quoted as saying, "We spent the weekend learning how to put laws together. We looked up how to write resolutions.” It’s unclear whether AOC was even present.

A complaint was filed with the Federal Election Commission alleging that two political action committees founded by Chakrabarti funneled over $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies. The cash transfers from the PACs that he manages make a mockery of her pledges to increase transparency and reduce the influence of "dark money" in politics. His companies appear to have been set-up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used.

The arrangement skirted reporting requirements and may have violated the $5,000 limit on contributions from federal PACs to candidates, according to the complaint filed by the National Legal and Policy Center. There was no way of telling where the political donations went — meaning they could have been pocketed or used by the company to pay for off-the-books campaign operations.”

The entire article is well worth the read, at

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Exposing the Real Costs of “Green” Energy

Dana Mathewson

Power Line's John Hinderaker is part of, perhaps even founder of, the Center of the American Experiment, referred to here:

Today Center of the American Experiment released a groundbreaking paper that addresses a relatively mild "green” proposal: legislation that would raise the renewable energy standard in Minnesota from 25% to 50%. Two of my staffers have been working on the paper for months, drawing on publicly available (but rarely consulted) sources to understand what would be necessary to achieve that 50% goal, what it would cost, how it would impact the state’s economy, and what effect it would have on global temperatures.

The paper is titled "Doubling Down on Failure: How a 50 Percent by 2030 Renewable Energy Standard Would Cost Minnesota $80.2 Billion.” With appendices, it runs to 75 pages. I am not aware of a similarly comprehensive analysis that has been done of any "green” proposal at either the state or the federal level. The paper is fully transparent: all assumptions, data and calculations are clearly set forth. The appendices are largely spread sheets. If anyone disagrees with the report’s conclusions, it should be easy to identify where and why those disagreements arise. You can read the paper here.

These are some of the headline conclusions, from the executive summary:

* Building and maintaining "green” wind and solar facilities, along with transmission lines and necessary natural gas complementary plants (to provide electricity when the wind isn’t blowing, i.e. 60% of the time), would cost $80.2 billion through 2050. For a state like Minnesota, that number is out of the question.

* Every household in Minnesota would pay an average of $1,200 per year, in 2016 dollars, through higher electricity rates and otherwise.

* Electricity prices would rise by 40.2%.

* Electricity-intensive industries like mining, agriculture, manufacturing and health care would be hurt the most. Once again, urban greenies are hammering rural, and physically productive, America. [That last is my commentary, not found in the executive summary.]

* Higher electricity prices are a dead loss that will reduce spending in other areas as household budgets are squeezed. Therefore, according to economist John Phelan, using the generally accepted IMPLAN software, achieving the 50% renewable goal would cost Minnesota 21,000 permanent jobs, and reduce the state’s GDP by $3.1 billion annually. It is one small step on the road to Venezuela.

We should assume the situation is similar in every northern state, and that southern states have their own issues that would get in the way of success.

Note that you can access the entire paper from a link provided above. The entire article is on Power Line, here:

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 437 words, total size 4 kb.

Endgame is Near

William E. Been

A very short comment. If I were Kim Jong Un and watched the despicable congressional Democrats perform on split screen TV, why under any circumstance would I offer anything to a President so demonized by those from his own country? When, if ever, will the so-called moderate Democrats, Independents and a huge number of registered Republicans wake up to the fact that the greatest threat to our once great country are the Socialists, Progressives, Globalists, Communists and the Islamists that today, collectively, control the Democrat Party? All of these isms have a common goal of total and absolute control while using hatred and diversity as the tools to defeat individual freedom and the American spirit that has made America the envy of the world. In short, not only is the MSM the enemy but the entire Democrat Party structure and philosophy is even a greater enemy and we are failing to deal with these situations by continuing to pretend that "this is just politics.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 170 words, total size 1 kb.

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