February 09, 2019

The UnBearable Truth

Timothy Birdnow

The Russian-owned arctic islands of Novaya Zemla (New Land) are a forbidden wasteland in the far north. The tail end of the Ural mountains, these two large islands are primarily used as a military installation and former testing ground for Russian nuclear weapons.

Recently, they have been invaded by a large influx of polar bears, who are ransacking the settlement and imperiling the population. The French wire service AFP reports that Russian settlers have requested permission to shoot the animals, who have been a protected species since 2006. As of yet, the Russian Federation government has granted no such approval.

The bears have been chasing people and breaking into buildings. The settlers have been forced to tear down unused structures to prevent the bears from settling in.

Novaya Zemla is a pair of long islands separating the Barents and Kara seas.

Why are the bears so aggressive now? The French, of course, have the answer"

Polar bears are affected by global warming with melting Arctic ice forcing them to spend more time on land where they compete for food.

That is utter nonsense, but it makes an easy explanation.

First, consider this.

A report by the Nunavut government in Canada said that Eskimo people are imperiled by polar bears as a result of an increase in bear populations.

From the article:

Researchers agree that polar bears represent a growing threat to Inuit communities, but say that is because climate change has pushed them closer to human settlements – not because the bear population is growing.

"There seems to be a divergence between scientists and Inuit on the threat that climate change poses to this species,” said Andrew Derocher, a polar bear researcher at the University of Alberta.

So polar bear populations in the former Northwest Territory - now called Nunavut - in Canada have been increasing. This is disputed by the "experts" who tell the local Innuit to ignore their lying eyes. I thought native peoples were supposed to be believed at all times - Strange how they are now just ignorant hicks to the aristocracy.

Second I would like to point out that Novaya Zemla is very, very cold in winter. The December average high is just 17.4 degrees F. in January it is 12.4 and February 11.3. Those are the HIGH temperatures. The average mean is 4.5 in Dec., minus 14.1 in Jan. and minus 14.7 in February. In other words, it's bitterly cold, and the idea that warming has more polar bears coming "ashore" at this time is ludicrous; there is no open ice at this time of year on the Kara Sea, which is almost always frozen over.

The Barents Sea is a different story.

Consider this: more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Socialism Is Sick, Not Sexy

Jack Kemp

Pastor Michael Anthony has summed up why people have voted for Hillary and remained indifferent to the illusions of Ocasio-Cortez. Here are some highlights from his Townhall.com article.


Our nation is on life support and needs your help. Don’t make the mistake of thinking complaining about a problem is the same as seeking to solve it. It may feel good to express angst, but if that’s all we do, our downward spiral will continue. America as we knew it will be over once and for all if people who love our Constitution do nothing more than complain about what's happening. And what, exactly, is happening? Our nation is at war, and most of us are merely complaining. A growing number of Americans see socialism as sexy – because they are too uneducated to understand what it really is. Ignorance is not bliss, it has become the blight of our generation. It’s time we stop mistaking mere complaints as a noble attempt to resist the resistance to American democracy. 

If we continue to ignore our freedoms, they will go away. This is precisely what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the radical wing of the Democratic Party crave. They will succeed – if we let them. We mustn’t...

There is no perfect form of government on earth, but our Constitution set us on a course to perpetually pursue "a more perfect union” more than any other on the planet. Let's continue the pursuit while coloring within the lines drawn by our Constitution and the sketch of a democratic republic it protects.

Socialism is nothing more than an attempt to make the government the new God, where we bow down to a set of socialist leaders who determine what is and is not moral, what our priorities are, and that there will be hell to pay if we don't obey. The socialist believes that the human heart is more pristine in his or her chest than that of a capitalist. Nonsense. Socialism is the failed experiment to embrace all the benefits of the Benevolent without the benevolence. 

Read the rest.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 355 words, total size 3 kb.

February 08, 2019

A Respected Climate Scientist Testifies Before House Committee

Dana Mathewson

Judith Curry is one of the world’s most respected climate scientists. On Wednesday, she testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources on the complexities and uncertainties that are too often unacknowledged in the debate over global warming. Her testimony is here and is worth reading in its entirety. Its rational, scientific approach contrasts strongly with the ill-informed hysteria that usually predominates on this topic.

On pages 7-8 of her written testimony, Dr. Curry addresses the recent natural gas "brownout” in central Minnesota–an event that illuminated the danger of reliance on "green” energy:

The recent record-breaking cold outbreak in the Midwest is a stark reminder of the challenges of providing a reliable power supply in the face of extreme weather events, where an inadequate power supply not only harms the economy, but jeopardizes lives and public safety. Last week, central Minnesota experienced a natural gas ‘brownout,’ as Xcel Energy advised customers to turn thermostats down to 60 degrees and avoid using hot water.27 Why? Because the wind wasn’t blowing during an exceptionally cold period. Utilities pair natural gas plants with wind farms, where the gas plants can be ramped up and down quickly when the wind isn’t blowing. With bitter cold temperatures and no wind, there wasn’t enough natural gas.

This paragraph was based on a Power Line post, and footnote 27 goes to Why Green Energy Is Futile, In One Lesson. We appreciate the fact that Dr. Curry recognized the importance of this event as a red flag for those who naively assume that "green” energy is a practical alternative to reliable energy.

One greatly wishes that the House's new loudmouth, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, and that she might have heard Dr. Curry's testimony. However, if she were, she probably would not have understood it, or paid attention to it. You, dear readers, can get the entire testimony from the link above. I intend to avail myself of it as soon as I finish posting.

The entire Power Line article, which I greatly commend to you, is here:  https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/02/power-line-goes-to-washington.php

And in case you're wondering, your North-Central States editor and his wife did NOT experience the problems mentioned in the article.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 379 words, total size 3 kb.

Is "Green New Deal" Actually a Republican Parody?

Dana Mathewson

WSJ writer Kimberley Strassel says that if a GOPer tried to write a parody of current Democrat "thinking," he/she couldn't do any better.

WSJ writer slams Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, says it looks like Dem parody bill

The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel issued a blistering critique of the proposed Green New Deal, saying that the proposal reads like a parody of the Democratic Party done by Republicans.

"By the end of the Green New Deal resolution (and accompanying fact sheet) I was laughing so hard I nearly cried,” Strassel wrote on Twitter. "If a bunch of GOPers plotted to forge a fake Democratic bill showing how bonkers the party is, they could not have done a better job. It is beautiful.”

The Green New Deal, pushed by freshman New York Democrat Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, attempts to radically transform the country, including rendering air travel obsolete, move the U.S. to rely completely on renewable energy with net-zero emissions, and guarantee economic security even for people who are "unwilling” to work.

That last part makes me believe that Barack Obama, who was proud of being the Food Stamp President, is probably wishing he'd thought of it.


But the sweeping proposal was hit with mockery once the details were unveiled on Thursday, with many pointing out how unrealistic the suggestions are.

Strassel pointed out that in order to live up to the proposal’s promise of 100 percent of renewable energy, a space as big as the entire state of California would have to be dedicated solely for the facilities, wind turbines, and solar panels.

The proposal’s suggestion of putting charging stations "everywhere,” upgrading or replacing "every building” and developing high-speed railway across every state may also hit a wall due to permitting laws.

I think Sen. Maizie Hirono is concerned about taking the high-speed rail to and from her home in Hawaii.

Anyhow, please read the whole thing -- it's here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/wsj-writer-slams-ocasio-cortezs-green-new-deal-says-it-looks-like-dem-parody-bill-written-by-gop


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Supreme irony: wind farms can cause atmospheric warming, finds a new study

Dana Mathewson

Quick! Somebody tell Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! But she'll need to have it explained in short words.

Supreme irony indeed! Wind, as in wind-driven turbines clustered in "wind farms," has been touted as a "renewable energy source" that's going to save our planet from the dreaded Global Warming, a.k.a. Climate Change.

Now take another look at the title above! I guess there really is no such thing as a free lunch after all.
While ironic that something designed to reduce CO2 emissions (and presumably warming)is actually producing warming around it, this isn’t really any big surprise. Orchardists and vineyard operators in California have been using motor driven wind turbines to elevate local temperatures to save crops from frost for over half a century. What is different here is the scale of nighttime warming, large enough to be visible on MODIS satellite imagery thanks to large scale wind farms.

Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. and associates have been doing research along these lines for quite some time, and has this summary on some recent research.

From Louise Gray in the Telegraph:

Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.

Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.

Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world’s largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost 1C as more turbines are built. This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms. It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.

So, in addition to using land that could otherwise be used to grow crops, chopping up countless birds and bats, and requiring a lot of maintenance, if you put these unsightly and noisy monsters in clustered farms they actually have the opposite effect of the desired one. Who'd 'a thunk it?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 396 words, total size 3 kb.

Son of Souter; Roberts Betrays Pro-Life

Timothy Birdnow

When George W. Bush nominated John Roberts I was one of the few conservatives worried about it. Roberts had been in Washington virtually his whole life, was completely acceptable to the Democrats at the time, and had no paper trail to speak of; all signs suggesting a stealthy liberal. Roberts was very much like David Souter, the man appointed by Bush's father on the advice of RINO John Sununu who turned hard left after joining the Court.

Roberts is the new Souter.

He betrayed us with Obamacare, casting the deciding vote upholding that horror's constitutionality on the basis that it was a.a tax (the Obama Administration sold it as NOT a tax) b.it was the will of Congress and hence a conservative move to find a way to make it work - going so far as to rewrite provisions aka make law rather than rule on the law as it was written. Roberts is the worst of all things; a quisling, an activist who pretends to be an Originalist. Making law is not what Justices do; they only rule on the laws as made. Roberts had to know that forcing citizens (and noncitizens, for that matter) to purchase a product is a clear violation of the Constitution. You are forcing people to buy a product or pay a penalty - an existence tax. Neither meet the tests of the Constitution, which authorizes limited taxation. The only reason we have an income tax is because Congress passed a Constitutional Amendment authorizing one.

But Roberts betrayed our side, siding with the liberals on the Court to place this yoke on the American shoulders. If you accept the premise offered and accepted by Roberts, then the Federal government essentially owns American citizens and can force anything else they think is for the public good on the People. If you don't own your own body you are a serf. (Funny, the liberals love to use this argument when discussing abortion, but hate it anywhere else. And with abortion you have a separate entity - an unborn child.)

Oops; he did it again!

Roberts sided with the Left on the Court to stay a Louisiana law requiring basic health and safety standards for abortion facilities. Gee; who'd favor basic health and safety for women getting dangerous medical procedures?

From Lifesitenews: more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 07, 2019

Amy Klobuchar sees difficulty getting team for 2020 run

Dana Mathewson

Your North-Central States editor herein reports on a matter that may possibly be of only local interest; however, I know that some of our readership does pay attention to Heartland (a.k.a. Flyover Country) politics, so I'm presenting this.

Minnesota's senior senator, a former self-serving prosecutor who has parlayed a phony reputation for likeability -- and hidden the fact that as a senator, like the character in Gilbert and Sullivan's "H.M.S. Pinafore," she "always voted at her party's call, and she never thought of thinking for herself at all," is now, like a huge number of other mediocrities, supposedly thinking of announcing that she's going to run for the presidency. At least, she's announced that she's making an announcement this Sunday. However,

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar is facing staff problems in her likely 2020 presidential run as top campaign aides withdraw their names from consideration amid her alleged mistreatment of the staff.

The Democrat, who has long teased her possible entry into the already-crowded Democratic primary field, is set to make a speech on Sunday in Minneapolis, with many speculating she will announce her candidacy.

But a new report claims that at least three top campaign aides withdrew from consideration to lead the campaign over alleged abuse and mistreatment of her staff.

Some former Klobuchar staffers told the Huff Post that the senator demeaned them and often became cruel, lashing out at their work on emails, calling it "the worst” she has ever seen in her career in politics and sharing the emails with her comments to others who weren'trelated to the issue.

She also allegedly made an aide cry after being late and tasked others with personal errands like washing dishes at her home, picking up her dry cleaning or making personal appointments. All would be in violation of Senate ethics rules. [emphasis mine]

Ethics, shmethics. She's a Democrat. To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, ethics are for the little people.

According to the outlet, between 2001 and 2016, Klobuchar ranked at the top in the Senate for staff turnover.

The senator’s office dismissed the report, pointing to aides who gave positive reviews of her workplace.

There's a lot here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/amy-klobuchar-allegedly-mistreated-staggers-sees-difficulty-getting-team-for-2020-run-report

Personally, I don't think she'll get much traction. I just can't see her gaining enough "name recognition" outside Minnesota. There's always the possibility she might eventually turn up as somebody's VP choice.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:34 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Pelosi throws shade as Green New Deal unveiled

Dana Mathewson

A few days ago, schlockumentarian Michael Moore admonished anybody who would actually listen to him to accept the fact that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new leader of the Democrat Party and the rest of us will just have to accept it.

Apparently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't get the memo.

Pelosi throws shade as Green New Deal unveiled: ‘Green dream or whatever they call it’

San Fran Nan isn't ready to turn the leadership over to AOC anytime soon. And she has a point. We may like to call Nancy any number of unflattering things, but when it comes to procedure, she still knows how the job is done. Yes, she was pretty much forced to put some of the freshman nutcases onto committees where they really have no business being. There is a possibility Nancy will ride herd on them to keep the damage down. Nancy isn't, after all, quite as crazy as we often think she is.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is set to release her much-touted "Green New Deal” on Thursday -- a package of far-reaching, big-government proposals like health care for all, federal job guarantees and a push to eliminate U.S. carbon emissions -- but it’s already receiving shade from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive,” Pelosi told Politico on Wednesday. "The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it right?”

Pelosi took a more conciliatory tone on Thursday, saying: "Quite frankly, I haven’t seen it, but Ido know it’s enthusiastic and we welcome all the enthusiasm that is out there.”She also named Democratic members to serve on the new Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, but Ocasio-Cortez was not one of those members. [emphasis mine]

AOC's been really flexing her muscles and annoying people. Nancy doesn't take kindly to people usurping her role. Her cutting AOC out of the Climate Crisis committee is gonna make her mad. But any attempt on her part to put a horse's head into Nancy's bed will certainly result in one in her own bed -- or something worse.

The ding by Pelosi comes just as Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., are teasing the ambitious deal and set to unveil it at a Thursday afternoon press conference. The measure is currently in a form of a non-binding resolution -- meaning even if it passes it won’t do anything. But it formally outlines the proposal in Congress for the first time and would mark a start on the path toward what Ocasio-Cortez has called "a wartime-level, just economic mobilization plan to get to 100% renewable energy.” Cost estimates for the sprawling proposal range into the trillions.

The resolution, obtained by NPR, says the U.S. "has historically been responsible for a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gas emissions” and calls for the U.S. to take a "leading role in reducing emissions through economic transformation.”

The resolution paints a grim view of present-day America, saying it is "experiencing several related crises” including declining life expectancy, economic stagnation, erosion of worker bargaining power, increasing income inequality and the exacerbation of "systemic racial, regional, social, environmental and economic injustices.”

Oh, puh-leeze!
It goes on to say that "a new national social, industrial and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal” is an opportunity to tackle systemic injustices of minority groups, create millions of high-wage jobs and "provide unprecedented levels of prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States.”
By totally impoverishing the entire country. Tell me again how that works, please.

Y'know, I think Pelosi gets it. She'll just get shot if she says so.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 633 words, total size 6 kb.

Pi Bee Squared

Timothy Birdnow

Bees do arithmatic? Some un-bee-lievable research suggests yes.

From the Guardian:

Researchers behind the study have previously found that honeybees can apparently understand the concept of zero, and learn to correctly indicate which of two groups of objects is the smaller.

But now they say insects can learn to carry out exact numerical calculations such as adding and subtracting a given number.

"Their brain can manage a long-term rule and applying that to a mathematical problem to come up with a correct answer,” said Dr Adrian Dyer, co-author of the research from RMIT University in Australia. "That is a different type of number processing to spontaneous quantity judgments.”

So how do they arrive at this notion of mathematical Apis mellifera? more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 06, 2019

Nancy Pelosi's Favorite Bible Verse Isn't Even in the Bible

Dana Mathewson

Here at the Aviary, none of us is ever trying to be "holier than thou." But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi often tries to pass herself off as a legitimate Roman Catholic, even a practicing one -- probably to deflect criticism away from her avid support of abortion.

So I think many of us are probably justified in at least a chuckle at her expense when we find her trying to quote the Bible and, well, coming up short. Here's an article in PJMedia that lays it all out:

Politicians have been co-opting religion for the sake of garnering votes for as long as there have been politicians and religion. Since politicians are generally not theologians (nor are they generally committed to any "deity" that doesn't share a name with them), their efforts to use religion for political gain often produce laughable moments. And recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi produced a laughable moment while speaking to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities when she cited her favorite Bible verse, which, as it turns out, is not actually in the Bible.

Nancy Pelosi is Roman Catholic, or so she claims. Just yesterday, my Catholic neighbor was bemoaning the biblical illiteracy of many of the parents who send their children to the confirmation class she teaches. Her complaint centered on how supposedly Catholic parents become upset when their children are taught Catholic doctrines. My neighbor concluded her rant with the rhetorical question, "Don't these parents know the Bible?"

Well, that rhetorical question applies to Speaker Pelosi, too. It's obvious that she doesn't know the Bible, and she made that crystal clear in her speech.

After a brief, self-deprecating introduction, Speaker Pelosi launched into the religious pandering portion of her speech. Saying, "I can't find it in the Bible" even though she claims she keeps "reading and reading," Pelosi shared her favorite verse with an audience that consisted mainly of Christian college and university presidents and administrators. The verse, which "is supposed to be in Isaiah," according to the speaker, is, "To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us."

While I appreciate the quote's sentiment, it's not a Bible verse. And I would remiss if I didn't point out that Speaker Nancy Pelosi utterly ignores that sentiment when it comes to God's creation still living inside their mother's womb. So, the irony of a professing Roman Catholic not knowing her Bible to the point of insisting a quote not from the Bible is her favorite verse gives way to the irony of a Catholic failing to even adhere to the teaching of her favorite verse-yet-not-a-verse. Sadly, those ironies are the norm in a Democratic Party that believes that religion can be whatever they want it to be as long as it gets them votes.

I think this is really funny, given the venue in which she made this facepalm. When Nancy finally gives up the Speakership, she might try stand-up comedy, in the manner of the comedian from decades ago, "Father" Guido Sarducci -- remember him?

This article is at https://pjmedia.com/faith/nancy-pelosis-favorite-bible-verse-isnt-even-in-the-bible/

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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NBC News panel blames Trump for Gov. Ralph Northam’s blackface scandal

Dana Mathewson

Oh. My. Gosh! This is about as low as it can get. Well, no, it's probably not, since the left proves every day that there's no limit to how low it can go. But, really...

On the Today Show, co-host Craig Melvin asked the panel why blackface seems "all of a sudden front and center in America again?”

Princeton University Professor Eddie Glaude Jr. responded by tying Northam’s scandal to the president.

Aha! A university professor! We've all heard the expression that something is "so stupid that only a university professor could believe it." This is one of the best examples I've seen. Here it is, dear readers, in all its idiotic glory:

"I think it has something to do with what Donald Trump has unleashed. It has something to do with the reservoir that’s underneath our politics that can always be activated at any moment,” Glaude Jr. explained. "So it’s not like it’s something new has happened. It’s always underneath. It’s the undertow.”

MSNBC political analyst Zerlina Maxwell agreed with the Princeton professor.

"You know, young children of color are dealing with kids saying, "‘Build the wall,’” Maxwell told the panel. "Donald Trump has normalized this overt display of racism.”

So "build the wall" is an overt display of racism. Who knew? I thought it had to do with trying to keep illegals -- many of whom are criminal drug-dealers and murderers -- from overrunning the country.

Anyhow, the article just gets funnier (and sadder at the same time). It's here: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/nbc-news-panel-blames-trump-for-gov-ralph-northams-blackface-scandal

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Stephen Colbert's Border Wall

Jack Kemp

I was in midtown Manhattan a few days ago and walked by the theater where Stephen Colbert does the Late Show on CBS at 53rd Street and Broadway. Somewhat to my surprise, I noticed flower topped concrete barricades in front of the theater. In fact, you can see them on Google Maps by going here.

Now I am no fan of Colbert's but I believe he has made fun of Pres. Trump's Wall several times. So why does he also have a strong barricade in front of his place of work? Is he a hypocrite? Would he still object to Pres. Trump's wall if it had nice flowers on top of it? The answers are YES and YES.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.

February 05, 2019

Boom Towns; What is Military Doing?

Timothy Birdnow

The U.S. has confirmed that loud booms heard in L.A. were military aircraft on training exercises. According to the LA Times:

The noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and Long Beach.

"Residents may hear sounds associated with the training,” the LAPD said in a news release. "Each location selected enables special operations teams and flight crews to maintain maximum readiness and proficiency, validate equipment and exercise standard safety procedures. The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas.”

Police said residents near the training locations would be notified beforehand. But some on social media said they were caught off guard.

Now, will they confirm training exercises in Texas and Oklahoma, in the Ozarks, in Indianapolis, New York, Chicago and indeed all over the world.

If it is the military what are they preparing for?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 173 words, total size 2 kb.

Christians need not apply to be Foster Parents

Timothy Birdnow

Being Christian now makes a a couple unfit to foster a child in Ontario.

According to Lifesite News:

In November 2017, the couple "L" and "A," who wish to remain anonymous, applied to become foster parents. They started the required training in January 2018 and completed it in March. After they completed the training, a Child Services social worker interviewed the couple.

The social worker asked L questions regarding his religious beliefs, including whether his church "still believes in some of the more outdated parts of the Bible." He responded that his church believes and adheres to all of the Bible. The social worker then commented that her son is gay and that her son had been told by churches in the past that homosexuality is a sin. L explained that although the Bible does identify homosexual behaviour as a "sin," he believes all people are created in the image of God and are worthy of respect, dignity and honor. He further explained that, in accordance with their beliefs, he and his wife would provide any child in their care with unconditional love, respect, and compassion regardless of the child's sexuality.

The couple heard nothing from Child Services for the next six months. Then, on October 24, 2018 they received a letter from Child Services communicating its decision to dismiss their application to foster. The letter stated, "we feel that the policies of our agency do not appear to fit with your values and beliefs and therefore, we will be unable to move forward with an approval for your family as a resources home."

So this is where we have arrived; believing in Christian doctrine makes one unfit to raise a child.

Not long ago a gay couple would have been denied because they would have been deemed unfit, and that was abhorrent to these progressive fascists. But they have no problem wielding their authority against those who believe in what we all used to believe in. The hypocrisy is astonishing.

Time was, gay people said they just wanted to be left alone, yet now they not only seek to impose their own morality on the rest of us but they want to punish those who MAY not be on their side. This is the worst sort of fascism.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 389 words, total size 3 kb.

The NFL isn't Pro Wrestling yet, but...

Timothy Birdnow

Many electrons have been spilled - along with some ink - about the recent Stupor Bowel, er, Super Bowl and I have yet to weight in. I suppose now is as good a time as any. Of couurse, I'm not going to bore anyone with stats on the game or sing praises to the NFL for not Kpernecking (althought they nearly did with the "social Justice" tripe). No. I'm going to discuss this as it relates to modern America.

First, we had a matchup of old versus new, with the geriatric Patriots facing off against the youthful, brash Los Angelas Rams. This should have made for an interesting matchup, except the Rams got there by essentially cheating the New Orleans SAints out of their rightful place via bad calls. And the Patriots? They are ALWAYS cheating their opponents out of the race via bad calls. The Pats created a dynasty that way; benefitting from calls that go their way and non-calls that hurt the other team. They are the dirties team in the League, and have been for a long time.

They stole the Super Bowl from the Rams in 2002. That was the year they had secretly stolen the playbook, and were able to shut down the high-powered "greatest show on turf" Rams offense; they knew what the Rams were going to do before they did it. The result? They won, and then got slapped with a fine after the fact. The League shoulld have declared the results of that game null and said there was no winner that year. But it created the dynasty that has dominated football ever since. Oh, and by the way, I knew it would happen before the game even started; Paul McCartney was being interviewed for some reason on the pre-game show and he said "wouldn't it be wonderful if a team called the Patriots won the Super Bowl" because that was the year of the great terrorist attack we now call 911. I knew then the fix was in.

It's been in ever since.

Answer me this; when was the last blowout Super Bowl? That used to be a common occurance. In fact, people were grumbling about how they were never good games. But since that particular game in 2002 there has never been a blowout. Why? Because the officials interfere at critical times to keep the game close.

They did tha last Sunday. Every time the Rams started gaining momentum they made some dubious call to shut them down. The Rams did a masterful job of defense, but the offense couldn't do squat. Why? The Pats were putting all sorts of pressure on the Rams QB but nobody could get open in the backfield? It doesn't work that way; either the Pats are rushing or they are defending the zone. If the Rams line is holding - and it was - then the pass receivers should have been able to get open. They couldn't, which says they were being held (and the Pats are notorious clutch-and grabbers). In other words, the Patriots CHEATED.

Near the end of the game the announcers kept putting on shots of the Rams' coach, calling it a "blank stare". It wasn't; it was shock because he clearly felt he was openly cheated out of the championship.

So what is my takeaway? First, this mirrors the modern era in so many ways. It's not about winning or losing honorably but in victory at any and all cost. The Patriots have won, built a dynasty, off of "pushing the enveloope" and many people admire them for it. But in fact they have beenb caught cheating, and repeatedly. There was the playbook issue. There was "spygate" where the Pats spied on other teams to steal their plays. There was deflategate, where Brady had the balls deflated so he could throw them better. The list goes on and on.

And the Patriots are a protected class, like African Americans or the transgendered today. Because of that they get special protections, special privileges. Calls aren't made against them but are made against their opponenents. The end result has been a dynasty that has been completely dominant, in a league which features the absolute best of the best. Look, these guys aren't all that different in terms of talent (unlike in college ball, or even more in high school) and the way the draft is structured it is designed to help make every team competititive. There is no logical reason for the Pats to be so dominant. Yes, Brady is a great Qb. yES, bELLICHEAT IS A LYING WEASEL, er, great coach. But come on? Nobody can do what they did. There is clearly more at work.

This reminds me of the old Dallas Cowbows of the '70's - the so-called America's Team. The NFL promoted them then, and they always were the beneficiaries of calls, keeping them up near the top. The league has apparently gone to New England. But it is clear they are promoted for the same reason, to give places without a team a "national team" to root for.

So what are some of my other takeaways? Well, football is increasingly bureaucratic. Officiating has become a primary component of the game, and what lesson is taught by that? Well, it teaches Americans to accept the rule of authority, to not think you can make it on your own. Doubt that? Well, why is it coaches aren't allowed to publicly criticize rulings or referees after they get cheated? The league used to allow that, and it was not uncommon for coaches to blast bad calls after a game. No more; they have to be gracious, saying all these kind things about the guys who just stole the game from them. See, the authorities are never wrong! Americans must believe that if we are to be the Progrssive paradise the Establishment is trying to create.

Also, it's clear that middle America doesn't matter. The NFL wanted a coastal matchup, because that's where everyone who matters live. The notion of a Kansas City versus New Orleans game horrified them. They wanted to promote east versus west! So they pushed the Rams and Pats at the expense of the flyover country teams.

I suspect they also wanted that because they wanted to bring some cheer to the liberals in Boston and L.A. who have suffered at the elcdtion of Donald Trump. And they wanted to illustrate the superiority of Progressive citadels like Boston; see, you guys really are better at everything - the Right in "jesusland" just got lucky here. Hang in there, you'll win.

Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but hte owners of the NFL have shown themselves whoally on board with "social justice" and other leftist tripe.

I am mindful of the seventie4s movie Rollerball (as opposed to the horrible remake from the nineties). The game served a purpose; to teach the value of collective action as opposed to individualism. That is precisely what I suspect many of the top brass in the NFL want to promote.

At any rate, football may not be pro wrestling yet, but it's trying real hard.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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HUD's Pruitt-Igo Housing Policy

Timothy Birdnow

One of the primary indicators of economic health is home ownership and building. Tom DeWeese points out in an article at Canada Free Press how "sustainable" policies are rezoning areas to eliminate single family homes in compliance with U.N. Agenda 21, and this is reflected in economic numbers.

Here are a few snippets:

While many economists point to issues such as higher material costs as a reason for the drop in housing starts, a much more ominous reason may be emerging. Across the nation, city councils and state legislatures are beginning to remove zoning protections for single-family neighborhoods, claiming they are racist discrimination designed to keep certain minorities out of such neighborhoods. In response to these charges some government officials are calling for the end of single-family homes in favor of multiple family apartments.

Such identical policies don’t just simultaneously spring up across the country by accident. There is a force behind it. The root of these actions are found in "fair housing” policies dictated by the federal Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD). The affected communities have all taken HUD grants. There is very specific language in those grants that suggest single family homes are a cause of discrimination. Specifically, through the HUD program called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), the agency is taking legal action against communities that use "discriminating zoning ordinances that discourage the development of affordable, multifamily housing…”. The suits are becoming a widely used enforcement tool for the agency.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms

Paul Driessen

A California jury recently awarded $289 million in damages (later reduced to $78 million) to a former groundskeeper, who claimed the weed killer glyphosate caused his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Monsanto deliberately or negligently failed to warn him adequately about the chemical’s cancer risks.

The case is on appeal, and a second trial will soon begin before U.S. District Court Judge Vince Chhabria, who himself has 620 more glyphosate cases on his docket. Overall, more than 9,300 additional cases are in the works against Monsanto and its new owner, Bayer—and personal injury mass-tort law firms are trolling for more alleged victims. "If you were ever exposed to glyphosate and now have cancer, you may be entitled to damages. Call us now,” their print, radio and television ads proclaim.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 04, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez shows her red and black colors

Jack Kemp

Well, Ocasio-Cortez is raising a fuhrer by praising a rabid Brit anti-semite leftist politician. This comes at no surprise to me - or most others.

The Daily Wire reports:

Ocasio-Cortez Praises Notorious Anti-Semitic British Political Leader

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) praised notorious anti-Semitic Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Sunday following an apparent phone conversation the two far-left politicians had...

"It was an honor to share such a lovely and wide-reaching conversation with you, @jeremycorbyn!" Ocasio-Cortez responded. "Also honored to share a great hope in the peace, prosperity, + justice that everyday people can create when we uplift one another across class, race, + identity both at home & abroad."


Before I have called Ocasio-Cortez a leftist idiot. Today I call her a fascist-leftist racist. Hotsie totsie, she supports a Nazi.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:06 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 147 words, total size 2 kb.

Technical Difficulties

Dear readers,

Due to personal reasons as well as technical difficulties The Aviary will be light this week. Hopefully all the issues will resolve by next week and we can get back to writing the best blog on the web (and yes, I do feel that is true; this site is a hidden jewel.)

At any rate, I apologize for the light blogging this week.

Tim Birdnow

Chief cook and bottle washer

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Social Justice -- Why It Really Isn't

Dana Mathewson

It's a favorite buzz-term of the Left. And like so many others, it really doesn't mean what they intend it to mean. Noah Rothman, writing in the New York Post, explains:

On a basic level, nothing could be more American than the idea of "social justice.” Theoretically, it is an ideological commitment to equality and fairness, seeking restitution for historical wrongs and achieving reconciliation.

In reality, it is something far more sinister.

Social justice is identity politics in practice, which has come to reject objectivity and colorblindness. It instructs adherents to see society as an unnavigable matrix of overlapping persecutions and reject meritocracy as an unattainable myth, sapping them of agency and robbing them of individuality. And when the political system fails to meet these unrealistic expectations, it leads its devotees to lash out.

For a growing cohort on the social justice left, the measured approach to civil rights displayed by historical advocates, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, is an obstacle on the path to karmic equity. After all, "colorblind logic,” wrote K-Sue Park, a Critical Race Studies fellow at UCLA, has "never secured real freedom or even safety for all.”

The tenets of this new faith proscribe what the University of California system has called the "myth of meritocracy.” Among the forbidden "micro-aggressions” the sufficiently woke should avoid are boilerplate expressions of patriotism like "America is the land of opportunity” and "Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough.” Pupils are instructed that they cannot achieve their dreams without the aid of enlightened liberal Sherpas.

Racial segregation in American schools and universities is making a comeback. Faculty and administrators defend the concept of demographically distinct "safe spaces” and racially segregated cafeteria tables in the effort to prevent "uncomfortable learning.”


We are regressing to the point where we ascribe status based on hereditary traits. That is the only way to describe the so-called "right to be believed,” an idea endorsed by figures as prominent as Hillary Clinton, which requires deference, not impartiality, to the claims of alleged sexual-assault survivors. Adherents believe that misogyny is so interwoven into American institutions that such allegations are not fairly adjudicated in the justice system. In practice, this notion stripped the Duke Lacrosse players and University of Virginia fraternities of their presumption of innocence.

Social justice confuses racial enlightenment with stereotyping, as exemplified by the recent confrontation between MAGA hat-clad teenagers from a Catholic school and a black nationalist group fronted by a Native American man. The Atlantic’s James Fallows explicitly rejected the idea of individuality in this conflict. To him, the teenagers were the nondescript heirs to the 20th century’s segregationists, and their abusers were their righteous and aggrieved victims. The Washington Post saw this as a chance to litigate the historic injustices the Catholic Church has visited upon America’s indigenous population.


The entire article is a must-read. Find it here: https://nypost.com/2019/02/02/social-justice-has-become-a-new-excuse-for-prejudice/


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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