Of course Warner 'Sama was something of the black sheep of the family,
being the child of a concubine rather than a wife. And bear in mind
George W. Bush was in business with Osama's oldest brother Salim. When
he first opened his oil company Arbusto Bush turned to Salim Bin Laden
for financing (he knew him from school). So President Bush was a friend
and partner of the brother of the terrorist.https://
Strange. It makes me wonder if the attacks were not just a little
personal on Bin Laden's account This is one reason I never liked the
Bush family; too many close ties to foreign interests. That was at
least part of Bush's problem understanding why we middle Americans
don't want to be overrun by immigrants; he didn't see it as a big deal.
Borders were just nuisances in the globalist Bush family worldview..
And that is exactly right; the Bush family never had a problem with open borders because they never really saw the need to maintain a sovereign America. They were international businessmen, and saw the evolution of globalism as an unmitigated good. Of course, it WAS - for them.
Notice, too, how the media never really went after W. Bush for these ties to Bin Laden himself, and hardly ever mentioned it. Why was that? Because they were in the tank for the same internationalist ideology, perhaps? They went after Bush for everything else, but not this.
I am so thankful Jeb! never got out of single digits in the last election. The Bush family has done quite enough.