April 29, 2024

A Sinister Force for Evil

Timothy Birdnow

Instapundit discusses the end of the university system and how this offers us an unique opportunity as colleges becomes cesspools and money pits.

I agree,although I think we need to ask afew fundamental questions.

We must ask "what is the purpose of college?" I really can't get an answer to that question most of the time.

Most people say "to get an education" but that clearly isn't the purpose any longer. College kids are often woefully educated on basic issues. And their professors are no better; a few years ago a bunch of them FLUNKED a 7th grade general knowledge test from the 19th century. So it is not about educating young people.

Nor does it teach them to think. Just try to reason with a college kid and see the giant gaps in their reasoning.

It's mostly about instilling values in kids - values that are at odds with those of the parents and of our society as we have always known it.

So what is the value in a college education?

Basically it's social life and having a degree so hopefully you can get a good job.

But so few college kids get good jobs these days. Often there is no market for their degrees. Who wants to hire a bachelor of women's studies? It doesn't prepare the kids for real life. And since everyone now has a degree it has become essentially worthless.

We need to have a serious alternative to college, not just change the institutions. For some an apprenticeship in a trade is fine, but for others we need to find a way to recreate the things kids go to college for without the framework of a university that has shown itself so easily corrupted.

We need a kind of self-study program with a kind of campus atmosphere where young folks can socialize and enjoy a bit of freedom without the professors twisting their minds.

We must find a way to certify kids as competent without making them kowtow to the professorial class, the leftists.

I remember there was a program years ago which helped give college credits to people with expertise (remember the commercial with Abraham Lincoln discussing the Kansas Nebraska Act?) We need more of that. Not just the AP test to cover credits, but a more comprehensive approach that certifies knowledge without the "benefit" of a communist prof.

More thought on this is needed.

One thing is clear; colleges are now the citadels of Satan, and the source of most of the misery in the Western World. They have outlived their usefulness and are now nothing but a disruptive and sinister force for evil.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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