May 07, 2024

The New Witches

Greg Malakoff

Wound up watching some you tube videos by young white women that used the phrase white privilege a few hundred times in a few minutes on a subject that had nothing to do with it.

It was at that moment the thought occurred to me that our education system has taught generations of young Americans to become insufferable joyless snot. It's as if they truly believe that if they don't mindlessly repeat phrases that mean nothing that their teachers made them believe, that the climate would change inside their bodies and they would instantly explode if not constantly saying stupid shit.

When Robert Plant asked the audience does anybody remember laughter he saw into the future. For the young kids that I'm making fun of, google it and he is not to be mistaken for Robert Planet. If there was a Robert Planet he'd more likely than not agree, you young kids are just a complete shit stain. At least make yourself useful and finish destroying the place where your teachers live.

Tim adds:

These are INCANTATIONS and what we are witnessing is a modern version of witchcraft. They believe if they endlessly repeat this crap reality will be remolded. These white women are "doing their part" to "make a better world" in their silly little minds. in days of yore they would have gathered around a boiling kettle and tossed in strange things like green stumpwater or eye of newt or whatnot. Now they march and protest and speak of white privilege and the Patriarchy. But it's the exact same impulse. And the same anger and hatred that motivated witches in the old fables motivate the modern witches today.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:20 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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1 Get a couple drinks in me and I do a great job of one of the Macbeth witches, complete with the trembling hand I imagine she must have had (witches were all "damaged" one way or another); the speech that begins with "A sailor's wife had chestnuts in her lap, and mounch'd, and mounch'd, and mounch'd." Even my wife says I'm good at it. Certainly better than any modern little girl; and no privilege, white or otherwise, is involved, just the privilege of having some idea of how to do it. (By the way, Macbeth was an ancestor of mine. And Shakespeare got most of it wrong.)

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at May 07, 2024 11:26 PM (551jX)


It's troubling to witness young individuals mindlessly parroting phrases like "white privilege" without understanding their significance. This trend may reflect flaws in our education system, fostering a generation that lacks critical thinking skills. The comparison to modern-day witchcraft is thought-provoking, highlighting the power of rhetoric and the dangers of blindly following ideological trends. | Please click here for more information about our removal services.

Posted by: Lucie at May 08, 2024 05:26 AM (M6jFD)

3 Heh!  Dana I'm sure you do a fine job of it.

Yeah; MacBeth was an allegory and not at all about the real MacBeth.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at May 08, 2024 08:27 AM (+a06E)

4 Thanks Lucie! Yeah; it is disturbing. Education is about critical and original thinking, at least higher education. That's not what we are getting these days.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at May 08, 2024 08:29 AM (+a06E)

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