July 14, 2024

The Pass of the Bullet

Timothy Birdnow

A discussion among friends about the Trump shooting.

Lyle Hancock Sr. observes:

The lame stream media is full bore trying to downplay Trump's injury saying he was struck with a piece of glass. A chance photograph shows it was a bullet.

Tina Oh replies:

Admittedly I'm clueless/ignorant about such things, but this photo doesn't make sense. First, Trump was hit in his RIGHT earlobe. It appears the shot is coming from the left? (The shooter was to Trump's RIGHT.) Secondly, perhaps just the angle, but no crowd of people in the photo that were behind him. Sorry, I question everything, anymore.

Lyle responds:

I don't blame you for questioning everything. That's a healthy attitude. The bullet would have been traveling from his right to the left. The angle of the camera was looking upwards, judging from the perspective of the sign. Thus, the crowd behind him was out of frame.

The photographer who took this photo was New York Times photographer Doug Mills. Thus, the photo has been validated. Could a high end camera capture the bullet? Yes. Here is a discussion about it:

Can Doug Mills’ photo of a bullet and President Trump be real? Yes. Here's how...

Tim responds:

They claim it was the teleprompter shattering. Bull. If you wach the clip it's obviously not that. Also, they all downplayed this attack. NBC kept saying "alleged assassination attempt" all last night. They referred to Trump as a "witness" and said he was unreliable and they would have to wait for the results of an offical investigation! So it's "don't believe your lying eyes" again.

It looked to me Trump's head was turned to his left. The bullet could well have missed his forehead and passed through his ear if that was the case. Like you I'm no expert on these matters either though.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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