July 11, 2024

The Money Trap

Timothy Birdnow

This can be summed up in a simple statement; There is no profit in good health.

Three Medical Mavericks

"The medical profession holds a most false relation to society. Its honors and emoluments are measured, not by the good, but by the evil it does. The physician who keeps some member of the family of his rich neighbor on a bed of sickness for months or years, may secure to himself thereby both fame and fortune; while the one who would restore the patient to health in a week or two, will be neither appreciated nor understood.

— Russell Thacher Trall, MD, 1872"

It's only gotten worse as giant corporations took over health care and the partnership between insurance companies and government regulate how the bill is paid.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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