April 30, 2024

A Rigged Game

Glenn Glazier

Even Chunk Yogurt and Ana Kast-aspersions are admitting that Big Gov't (i.e. Democrats & RINOs) have set up the system so that the wealthy become SUPER WEALTHY, and the Average Americans becomes impoverished.

Be careful there, Young Turks, you're starting to sound like Conservative MAGA country!

MSNBC Accidentally Airs The Truth

Tim adds:

The strange thing about the young is they do understand the corporatism of the Democrats but their solution isn't to return to true capitalism but to promote socialism. They don't realize you are trading one set of thieves for another if you do that, and the new set has even more power. They don't understand these megacorporations love big government and use it as a tool to get wealthier at the average person's expense. What is neededis what G.K. Chesterton called Distributism, which is small enterpreneurs running a decentralized economy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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