July 26, 2021

Munchausen Covid

This from John Lees:

I've just been on the hunt for some scientific confirmation of the existence of "Long Covid". The problem that we have is that in any time period there are people who for various reasons report that they are chronically ill, without any known cause. Oddly, the majority of these people are women. Formerly they would be diagnosed with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or M.E. which are typically just catch-all names given to a range of symptoms, from tiredness, mental fog, chronic aching of muscles and joints etc. mostly associated with aging or poor diet. Sometimes they decide that they have a more specific condition such as Lymes Disease. However, when examined none of these individuals have any clinically determined disease.
My proposition is that in the last year such people have developed a new fixation, with the idea that they have Long Covid.
Looking at the figures from this scientific paper, I notice that of the people who believed that they were suffering from long Covid - near 80% of them were women, AND only 27% of the group had ever been diagnosed with Covid.
I remain unconvinced, I believe that Long Covid is mostly a disease created in the minds of people who are bored, scared and generally feeling unwell most of the time anyway.
Excerpt from: https://www.medrxiv.org/.../2020.12.24.20248802v2.full.pdf

Tim adds:

I believe the term you are searching for is Munchausens. They are people - usually women - who want to be sick for the attention. I suspect a lot of the "long Covid" cases are Munchausen.

Mr. Lees replies:

All this exists in a fuzzy grey area between feeling genuinely sub-par, and being willing to make a fuss about feeling sub-par.
Western societies are full of people who clearly have chronically poor health. Sometimes to a debilitating degree. Whilst not actually having a clearly defined disease with a known treatment.
They probably mostly sincerely believe that they have Long Covid. Desperate people are experts in self-deception.

Tim responds:

Well said John! There are indeed people with chronic disorders and others who like the attention or are just hyper-focuses on themselves (narcissistic) and find every ache or pain and turn it into a crisis in their own minds. People who don't work are often like that; they have nothing to occupy their minds so they hunt for problems. I suspect that is part of the "long Covid" business as well; so many people were left at loose ends from the lockdown and began worrying over every little physical ailment.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:38 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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1 Probably right in large part, Timothy, but I had Covid well over a year ago and am still more short of breath than I was before. I am beginning to suspect it is permanent. By no means disabling, but annoying.

Posted by: Bill H at July 26, 2021 11:18 PM (/sW5m)

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Posted by: martian rocks weed at July 27, 2021 06:30 AM (RGPKj)

4 I'm sorry to hear that, Bill. I've seen reports of survivors who have lingering side effects. Not to mention side effects from the various vaccines. This disease is not like what we are used to dealing with. Meanwhile, our ever-so-benevolent government is stonewalling us. And they'll continue to stonewall us as long as the Left is in power.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 27, 2021 11:12 PM (G90di)

5 Sorry to hear that Bill; I know you've had some health issues and this doesn't make life any easier.

Don't get me wrong; I don't doubt there are plenty of people with lingering effects from this. I was responding to John's point and I am certain that a fair number of Covid cases are in fact Munchausens (and no doubt a fair number are legitimate as is the case with you Bill.)

As John points out, it's strange there has been no follow up with this by the medical community to quantify data on lingering after effects.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at July 29, 2021 09:43 AM (uRwTJ)

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