April 29, 2024

Ukraine's Defensive Perimeter About to Collapse

Timothy Birdnow

Ukraine's defensive line is about to collapse, according to The Institute for the Study of War.

All the money we are about to pour into the Ukraine is money down a rat hole.

Russia will win this. They have the manpower, the equipment, and the determination. While Ukraine has Western aid they don't have the manpower to win; they will need NATO troops, boots on the ground.

I suspect we're  going to see a movement to get "peacekeepers" in the region, and then an "incident" will occur to turn this war into a world conflict.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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1 Most likely, when you figure the average brainpower of the people calling the shots here.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at April 29, 2024 10:51 PM (551jX)

2 Yeah; they are not bright enough to understand  basic military tactics I fear.

The reality is Ukraine can't win this without direct NATO involvement. And Biden has dribbled out the weapons that they need so the war will drag on and they will bleed Russia. I think he's trying to trigger an uprising in Russia and regime change. But it won't work; Putin won't wlet it. He'll escalate the war if he must, as far as he needs to go.

We've been playing a very dangerous game.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at April 30, 2024 08:23 AM (BwaTe)

3 I appreciate the clarity and detail in this article. Well done! india smm panel

Posted by: SMM Bear at July 27, 2024 01:34 AM (0o5Nk)

4 This was a very informative read. Thank you for sharing! india smm panel

Posted by: SMM Bear at July 29, 2024 04:09 AM (0o5Nk)

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