July 22, 2024

Keep Your Powder Dry

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook a fellow named Paul Chen observed:

You guys are not serious enough about the threat posed by Kamala Harris.

One of Kamala Harris’ problems is that she would not prepare for speeches and so got caught up in weird verbal sandwiches. Big yellow school bus, anyone?

But when she prepares well, she can be devastatingly effective, like during one of the early 2020 Democratic candidates’ debates, when she excoriated Joe Biden on his decades-ago support for segregated school busing. That fire and sharpness does show on rare occasion.

You can be sure she will be well-prepared for the debates (if she becomes the nominee) and carefully coached, as the party insiders know her weakness and her strength.

Trump is going be look like a blatherer next to her.

Worse, she energizes White liberals, women, Blacks, Black women, progressives and leftists who want "racial justice”, etc. Donations jumped $60 million as soon as Biden announced he would be stepping down and endorsed Harris.

Remember, Harris polled as winning over Trump even as Trump polled as winning over Biden.

Now, the entire Tennessee DNC delegation has announced they will be pledging all their votes to Harris. More will come. The Democrats are suddenly enthusiastic again. Not necessarily for her, but they’ll take anybody over Biden.

Many independents, the same ones who delivered defeats to Trump-endorsed candidates in the 2022 midterm elections, well, they hated Biden but are open to Harris.

This is going to be an uphill battle now. The entire mainstream media and most of the social media and tech platforms like Google, and pundits will be working overtime to elevate Harris and compare him unfavorably to Trump.

Just look at this ad from back in 2020.


I agree and left the following reply:

I agree. We have been taking victory laps waaaay too early. With the backing of the media, of Obama's wing, of the Clinton wing, Harris will indeed be formidable. And there will be October surprises for Trump.

I have been warning for some time that there are multiple state laws that demand Trump be stricken from the ballots and the Democrats will probably use a pet judge to disqualify him come September or early October - too late to win on appeal and put him back on.

He actually couldn't win on appeal anyway because the laws are clear; he would have to argue this from a Constitutional perspective and that will not happen quickly. Remove Trump from just one battleground state (like Wisconsin,which has just such a law) and Harris could take it. We are still way behind and need to understand that until Trump swears the oath they can still steal this from us. (After too, for that matter, as Crooks wasn't the only guy out there with an AR weapon.)

Missouri has such a law. It states quite plainly:

"No person shall qualify as a candidate for elective public office in the state of Missouri who has been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America or to a felony under the laws of this state or an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony"

Wisconsin - one of the battleground states, has a similar law/ So does Arizona. so does Texas and Tennessee. So does Michigan. So does Pennsylvania.

Lose just a couple of those states and the Kamel wins.

The Democrats surely have thought of this. In fact, it is why they were so desperate to get Trump convicted of a felony, desperate enough that they twisted the law into a pretzel as they did in New York. It was the key to ruining him. And it is perfectly legal and should Trump be put on the ballot anyway it would trigger a Constitutional crisis in both the states where he runs and at the Federal level.

Is it hypocrisy? Absolutely; the Democrats have preached restoring felon rights for a long time now and have worked diligently to reverse such laws, many of which were put in place by Republicans to avoid having a system as corrupt as the one we have now. But the Demo-left is great at using our own decencies against us, and while they worked to eliminate such laws so they could win the felon vote they now want to hold Mr. Trump to strict account.

I see no way they don't try this before election day.

So if they run Kamela they gain certain benefits, particularly the "historic" nature of a woman President (she's only half black like Obama but the minority status sure doesn't hurt). Also, as the gal who rose on her back, she wins the skank vote. With the media doing everything in it's power to make her look good, and with the short campaign period she will have limited exposure so is less likely to be caught making a fool of herself, there is every reason to be worried at Mar-A-Lago.

Trump needs to have lawyers working on all this now. He needs to get the battleground states to clarify his ballot position by law. He needs to work to find a legal way to disrupt the Harris bandwagon. He needs to find a way to encourage chaos next month in Chicago.

Trump should find a conservative judge and have a friendly party bring suit to keep him off the ballot so the judge will rule he can remain, then force the Democrats to appeal. Tie THEM up in court until after the election. That's what they would do if the situation were reversed. Trump needs to get out in front of this now or the Democrats will put him behind the eight ball.

I assure you Kamala will be more focused now than ever. Also, her policy of invisibility during the Biden disaster makes her a fresh face, untouched by the problems of the Biden junta. While she can be blamed for the disaster at the border, will it stick? She'll argue she was in favor of other policies but that Biden wouldn't listen and many will believe her. Joseph Stalin seized power by a similar move, remaining behind the scenes while his rivals wiped each-other out.

Kamala CAN give a good speech when she focuses. She's not actually stupid.

Also, her running mate will make a big difference. I think the Veep candidates are going to be either decisive in this election, or at least very influential. Trump shot for a newbie with limited experience. Who will Kamala pick? That will be her first major test.

Remember too that many of Trump's new-found voters - black folks, labor Democrats, etc. still gnash their teeth when pulling the R. lever and would be happy to vote for a Democrat if they don't feel ignored by them. (Of course Kamala was abusive to the black community when she was a prosecutor, but she'll use that to win votes in the working class community by claiming to be a "law and order candidate" and Trump - the convicted felon - will be the candidate of chaos.)

We are still in grave peril. So enjoy the temporary fruits of victory, celebrate the downfall of Joe Biden, but keep your powder dry. This is far from over.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:51 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 1225 words, total size 8 kb.

1  When she loses the dems will hold her loss as a sign that America is still a racist country. Even when they lose they win.

Posted by: Mike at July 22, 2024 07:26 PM (+PRQU)

2 Well, now... I hope Trump's people are aware of this and don't go in making assumptions! Better to be prepared for a real battle and find there's nothing there than the opposite.

It's just possible that Round-Heels has been fooling us all along.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 22, 2024 11:06 PM (OEO4Q)

3 Mike, you're right; when they lose they win because they have control of the media to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Until we have a truly unbiased media we will lose. (I know; fat chance of that.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at July 23, 2024 07:56 AM (ipO3R)

4 Yeah Dana; we have to hope Trump's people are taking the threat seriously.

It could well play out that the people are surprised and embrace Harris. Basically she's been AWOL and had bad marks because of it, but nowshe has to show up and is rather like a new candidate. People will take a fresh look at her. I can't imagine being so poorly engaged, and not understanding she'll bring the same policies, but people are dense.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at July 23, 2024 07:58 AM (ipO3R)

5 Brother Dave says she did fairly well in the debate against Pence in 2020. I don't remember that, but he remembers things like that better than I do.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 24, 2024 12:37 AM (5O9A0)

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