April 26, 2024

The Four American Horsemen

This from Robert Fenton Gary:

1. O.J. Simpson
2. George Floyd
3. Covid 19
4. Biden

Four events that combined to set USA back by 100 years.

We are now where we were in 1924, not where we should be in 2024.

The instant Simpson was found "not guilty" galvanized USA along racial lines. He got very good trial counsel and the jury was careless, and deceived (if the glove don't fit you must acquit --- really a very stupid jury).

George Floyd was going for his gun, which was found, just where he was seeking. The police were dealing with a big strong willful man who wanted to kill them. They used force as people who are scared do --- too much --- and they killed Floyd by mistake. They did not know he was hopped up on drugs, The drugs played a major role in his death. A person not on drugs would not have died under the same police treatment.

George did, so cities all over USA were on fire, and some declared themselves to be special nations. This was a huge setback. We have not recovered from it.

Covid-19 was mishandled, except in Florida where it was handled right. It caused Biden to be elected. It made the election into a ballot hustle. The Dems knew how to do ballot hustles. The GOP was not skilled in that area.

Biden had his open border, his Bidenomics, his freak show of appointees, his own display of an imbecile trying to talk or walk.

We have had four events that together set us back 100 years.

We will pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and go back to using liberty, and competition, and freedom to excel.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:27 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 I sure hope you're right, Pal, but I ain't gonna bet the rent money on it!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at April 27, 2024 12:14 AM (7Hd0c)

2 Neither am I Dana.I do not share Robert's optimism.

We were set back more than a hundred years. We were set back to the Fall of Rome.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at April 27, 2024 08:39 AM (5t9yX)

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