April 25, 2024

Dick Durbin Pushing Illegal AlienVoting

Timothy Birdnow

Dick "Turban" Durbin wants to give the right to vote to illegal aliens.

From the Blaze:

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and his fellow Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to Joe Biden demanding a quick path to legal status for the more than 10 million illegal aliens who have entered the United States since 2021.

Those who say the threat of noncitizen voting is unfounded either aren’t paying attention or are simply lying.


States have already been denied access to federal migrant tracking databases, thereby preventing comprehensive voter registration citizenship checks.

We are already registering millions of new arrivals for federal social service programs, which have voter registration attached by mandate of the National Voter Registration Act. Those who say the threat of noncitizen voting is unfounded either aren’t paying attention or are simply lying.

Could Durbin’s missive lead to an executive order granting amnesty and citizenship status? Absolutely.

Read Durbin’s list of demands for yourself. He demands the millions who came here illegally be granted a quick path to legal status, and he wants U.S. taxpayers pay for it. He demands full citizenship rights, which would include the right to vote. He demands that America change forever, without citizens ever having a vote or even a say about it.


This will be done in violation of the Constitution, of state laws, and without the consent of the People.

This is the act of tyrants.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:40 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 Dick "Turban" Durbin should be ejected from the Senate for treason for what he's pushing here, not to mention many other things he's been promoting over the years.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at April 27, 2024 10:42 PM (7Hd0c)

2 The consistent updates and bug fixes in Geometry Dash Wave demonstrate the developers' commitment to maintaining a high-quality gaming experience and ensuring the game's longevity.

Posted by: luci dam at May 07, 2024 09:50 PM (haUI3)

3 It's essential to engage in constructive dialogue based on accurate information and respect for diverse Drift Hunters perspectives to address these complex issues effectively.

Posted by: michaelarrington at May 14, 2024 01:16 AM (c6U7K)

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