May 02, 2024

It's a Dog's Life

Timothy Birdnow

Many people are very upset with Kristi Noem over her killing her dog. I get that. But I have to ask, is this not EXACTLY what the media and the Demo-Left want? By getting US to do their dirty work and hosting a circular firing squad we are taking out one of the brighter lights in the GOP and someone who could have gone on to become President.

Many country folk put down their own animals. They figure it's their duty. Remember Old Yelller? His family loved him but had to put him down in the end. They didn't take him to the Humane Society for a cold, clinical death but did it themselves.

Now, I don't know the details of Noem's dog and what led up to her seemingly heartless killing of the poor beast. It attacked and killed some chickens, a neighbor's chickens. I have heard conflicting reports that it bit some people. If the latter the dog needed to be put down. Many states have the three bite rule which requires a dogs euthanization. And of course Noem would be legally liable for damages for the chickens as well as medical bills for the bitten.

So I just don't know. I do know the Left has tried to use cruelty to animals against Republicans in the past. Remember the dog controversy with Mitt Romney?

I detest people who are cruel to animals. Utterly detest them. When I worked for a property management company I was always finding abandoned cats, left by their evicted owners. Often these cats were abused - like the tiny kitten I found in a trash can outside of an apartment. The kitten was blind; it's eyes pussed shut. The vet said someone had kicked it before tossing it into the trash. I would have gleefully taken a bullwhip to these evil people. I gave that kitten to my mother and she was the best cat ever. Sadly she died young from feline Leukemia.

My own cat Blackberry was also a rescue. He was trapped outdoors when his drug-dealing owners were arrested - trapped in winter. He was living in an abandoned house with a bunch of feral cats, and was starving. A dog got a hold of him and tore up his tail. I never saw a sadder creature when he approached me that cold November day. He was meowing pathetically to me. I put him in the car and took him home. I had nothing for him to eat so I gave him some leftover seafood pasta (which gave him bad diarrhea but he gobbled it up - he probably hadn't eaten in over a week. He wound up being the best pet a man could have and utterly loyal to me. When I was sick he'd stay by my side - for days on end. He would only leave to use the bathroom or get a drink. When there was an earthquake he came up and woke me to get me to safety. He was truly my best friend.

I had to have him put to sleep when his heart failed. Oddly enough just a couple of months before my own failed in the exact same way!

So I really do care about our furry friends. And I think Noem's apparent pride in killing her dog is a bit...disturbing.

But I also don't like the way people on our side are so quick to condemn her without all the facts. The MSM is having a field day with this - and we are reacting exactly as they wanted us to react.

I'm all for removing people for bad policy or betrayal (like Mike Johnson) but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt in matters like this; we often don't get the whole story.

But I sure wouldn't trust Noem to babysit my dog.

I just think there are more important issues to grow indignant over right now. The Biden people are treating human beings worse than Noem treated her dog. How many infant lives has Mr. Biden helped take over the years? How many good people are now rotting in prison cells so Biden could protect his power?

Yet more people are probably upset by Noem than by some of the most aggregious acts by our wonderful rulers. And we are happy to let the media choose our leadership for us by promoting scandals such as this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:20 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 How about Biden and his dogs that have chewed their way through the Secret Service? Just sayin...

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at May 02, 2024 11:20 PM (551jX)

2 Good point Dana and probably why they are playing this story up now - to give Biden cover for his own out-of-control beast.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at May 03, 2024 07:52 AM (y7Jiw)

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