August 09, 2024

Easy Win for Musk

Carlos Velazquez

Elon Musk fights back against tortuos business interference by GARM and the opposition scurries away and vanishes.

It's an easy win for Musk but I was looking forward to the secrets that would have been exposed at discovery.

BREAKING: World Federation of Advertisers shuts down GARM project after Elon Musk, Rumble sue over ad boycott

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 08, 2024


Chester McAteer

The Biden/ Harris team has been accused of engaging in deceptive practices aimed at manipulating public perception, particularly regarding concerns about President Biden's mental fitness. A newly surfaced Zoom recording reveals that the team, led by Rob Flaherty, who served as the digital director, developed a program specifically designed to detect, track, and censor what they labeled as "misinformation." However, it appears that this term was broadly applied to include any online discussions that the team found inconvenient or damaging, such as conversations about Biden's cognitive abilities, allegations of corruption, or critiques of his legislative record.

Flaherty described this censorship program as "critical" and one of the most significant decisions made by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in recent years. This initiative did not remain confined to campaign strategy but continued into Biden’s presidency, with Flaherty reportedly pressuring social media platforms like Facebook to suppress posts and users deemed to be spreading "misinformation ." The tactics employed by the Biden team have been compared to those used in authoritarian regimes, such as Stalin's Soviet Union, where information was tightly controlled to maintain the ruling party's narrative.

When later questioned under oath, Flaherty refused to define "misinformation ," leaving it unclear how the Biden administration distinguished between legitimate concerns and falsehoods. However, in the Zoom recording, Flaherty explicitly identified topics such as Biden's mental fitness and his record on the Crime Bill as "misinformation ," suggesting that anything potentially harmful to Biden's image was subject to censorship.

Additionally, the Biden/ Harris campaign used psychographic targeting to influence voters who might be exposed to these "disinformation" narratives. This approach, which involves analyzing data to predict and influence voters' behavior based on their psychological profiles, is reminiscent of the techniques employed by Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election—a strategy that was widely criticized at the time.

In essence, the Biden/Harris team’s efforts were aimed at controlling the narrative and preventing voters from being exposed to information that could lead to negative perceptions of Biden. This manipulation suggests a level of condescension toward voters, implying that they were too naive to recognize that they were being deceived.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:45 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 362 words, total size 3 kb.


Gil Carvalho

Got warming? The Global Warming cult is doing the same thing today.
May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Durbin the Turban

Greg Malakoff

For over 20 years it seemed obvious that Dick Durbin hated America. I tried to get more clarification on this and at first Google had nothing. I tried DuckduckGo and they had one link to Fox. Then I reworded the search on Google and got this search below. You would think a story like this someone would be interviewing Dick Durbin. At this point I am not sure if this is a true story?

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., pleaded with Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to reinstate plea deals that were struck with three accused masterminds behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks after they were revoked last week.1 hour ago

‘Deeply disappointing’: Durbin calls on Austin to reinstate controversial plea deals for 9/11 terrorists

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:39 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The New Lincoln

JD Vance, regarding political gaslighting of the public by the regime media:

"The same media that told us for 3 1/2 years that Joe Biden, who didn't know where he was, that Joe Biden was Albert Einstein, is now trying to tell us that Kamala Harris is Abraham Lincoln."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Signs of the Times

Tom Sassi

Listening To Markets
• Stock markets have plunged. • Bond yields have plunged.
• Commodities have plunged.
All this increases the risk of recession.

It’s OK Till It’s Not
Between when Fed tightening starts and when it really
impacts, the economy can be OK. For example, the S&P rallied +40% over two years (2005 to 2007), peaking eight weeks before the Great Recession started. Up until its recent peak three weeks ago, the stock market had rallied +60% over less than two years.

From Ed Hyman Wall Streets number one economist for 40 years.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 07, 2024

Dems Plot Insurrection

Army Lt. Colonel, Former U.S. Congressman, 2022 Candidate for NY Governor Lee Zelden @leezelden X posted: "Even if voters unquestionably elect Donald Trump as President, no matter the margin, and even if the election is universally accepted as free and fair, top Democrats are calling on Congress to block certification of the results, and prep for civil war."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:51 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

The Minnesota Walz

Steven Chase

Get to know TIM WALZ:
You helped ignite the George Floyd riots. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. Your daughter leaked the Guard's deployment plans online.

You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. ZERO limits. Currently, babies BORN ALIVE are murdered "legally” under your laws.

During Covid, thanks to ineptitude at your Department of Education, criminals stole $250 million of taxpayer dollars to spend on luxury cars, houses, and vacations. And you approved $500 million in 'hero pay' for frontline workers; 40% of which was stolen.

Your position on immigration is every bit as leftist (open borders) as Kamala's. You voted consistently with Pelosi on issues affecting border security. All of this is a matter of public record.

And perhaps most dangerous, he passed a law that says: "if you don't permit your 10-year-old to become trans, or 'transition', the State has the right to remove the child from your home". Look it up.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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The 'Yen Carry Trade'

Steven Chase

Japan held its rates at or near 0% for 15 years. As such, investors began borrowing trillions of yen and investing them in stronger currencies and assets. Essentially, it was a bet that the Yen would continue to fall in comparative value. It worked well...until last Wednesday.

Japan's central bank finally hiked rates a bit, just to .25% which is still insanely low, but it spiked the value of the yen by 7.5% compared to the US$ and forced investors to cover their short positions to the tune of billions. Creating enormous losses. Trillions?

This was called the "yen carry trade." It appears to have ended this week. To cover those losses, it requires liquidity, and liquidity is achieved by selling off other performing assets. Hence, the global sell off.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 1 kb.

The Money Game

Diane Kimura

Edward Dowd ran a large cap growth portfolio at BlackRock.

He is saying it out loud. It’s all just a Ponzi scheme, and now the currency is about to crash.

"Print the money or trigger the revolution.” — Professor Gardner, Money Game ‘24.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Walzing with Timbo

Timothy Birdnow

So, Kamela is going with Minnesota's left-wing dufus of a Governor Tim "the Drool Man" Walz. Instead of balancing her ticket she went with another half-witted Progressive, thus making hers the most radical ticket in American history.

Walz really brings no electoral benefit to the ticket either. Not sure what the point of this is but I am sure it somehow ties to money.

The logical choice would have been Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Governor. Shapiro isn't too crazy, and he would help deliver a crucial swing state. But he's a Jew and that would "send the wrong message" to the insane and the Hamas-loving wing of the Democrat Party. So Jews need not apply.

At any rate, I thought I'd write a little song about Kami and Walz. Sung to the tune of the former Australian national anthem "Waltzing Mathilda".

To every Australian I deeply apologize:

There once was a cackling shag girl
who really was a ding-a-long
Swept off her feet and she went to D.C.
and she hid in her room
as she waited for the old man's fall
then she'll go a Walzing with Timbo you'll see

Walzing with Timbo
walzing with Timbo
She'll go a Walzing with Tim in D.C.
as she cackled and schemed and always managed to be
Oh she'll go a Waltzing with Timbo, you'll see!

So Joe Biden just gave up and he said that soon he
would be gone
Kam hustled quick so she'd be the nominee
and the word salads flew as Joe Biden she denied she
She'll go a Walzing with Tim in D.C.

She denied she was the Border Czar, lied that she was tough on crime
wanted us to go to war while taking our last dime
But we all still remember that she made sure crooks
served no time
Now she wants to Walz with Timbo in D.C.
As the Trump-et shot it flew and her new v.p. has not a
clue she picked a hard leftist 'cause a Jew wasn't right
and she jumped into the deep end and hid a record she
could not defend
Oh she'll go a Walzing with Tim in D.C.

Walzing with Timbo
walzing with Timbo
She'll go a Walzing with Tim in D.C.
And her cackle may be heard with a salad full of many
She'll go a Walzing with Timbo you'll see

And her ghost won't be found as she'll campaign deep
from underground
She'll go a Walzing with Tim in D.C.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:12 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 422 words, total size 3 kb.

Nothing Much Changes in Missouri

Timothy Birdnow

Squad radical Cori Bush lost her primary race and thus her seat in the House of Representatives to St. Louis County's prosecuting attorney Wesley "Chia Pet Hair" Bell.

In the ridiculously expensive race Bell's campaign received a major boost from AIPAC, which spent $8.5 million to oust the radical Bush. The campaign was quite contentious with both sides slinging quite a bit of mud.

Don't expect Bell to be much better; he's almost as bad as is she. In fact Bell will be the greater danger because he works well with the Democrats and will show up and do what he is told. Bush was a maverick and hardly ever bothered to vote.

In other Missouri news, RINO Mike Kehoe won the state GOP primary race for Governor. Kehoe was the protege' of RINO Governor Mike Parsons, assuring more lackluster leadership in a state that could easily be the model for the rest of the country.

Kehoe, was appointed to fill Parson's seat as Lieutenant Governor when Parsons took the Governorship after Eric Greitens was forced to resign. He is heavily connected to the insiders of the Republican Establishment in the state.

It really is too bad people don't vote the issues. Bill Eigel ran a distant third in the race and he had some great policies he was advocating - like ending the Missouri income tax and state property taxes. Kehoe will be a Bush-like tax and spend "compassionate conservative" meaning no conservative at all. Nothing will change.

In Missouri there is a cabal of Republicans who run the state strictly for their own benefit. That was why Greitens was allowed to twist in the wind; he had been pushing a reform package that included a ban on gifts while in office and a five year moratorium on lobbying after leaving office. He was taking the bread from the mouths of the connected. (That he was a philanderer and something of a perv didn't help Greitens.)

Most of this cabal lives in rural areas of central Missouri. Central Missouri controls the state, despite the high population centers of the St. Louis and Kansas city metropolitan areas being heavily Democrat. The rest of the state is Republican (with exceptions like Joplin, which is the San Francisco of Missouri). So Missouri leadership is generally very rural and it tends to be RINO because a lot of the farm communities still like government subsidies.

So we had an historic chance to change that. Eigel comes from the conservative suburban St. Charles country and he was good. But he split the vote with Jay Ashcroft, former Secretary of State and son of the former Senator John Ashcroft, thus allowing Kehoe an easy path to victory.

So basically the Show-Me state has simply reshuffled the same hand. Nothing much will change.

It's a pity; with proper leadership we'd be Florida. But, despite a Republican supermajority in both houses of congress and a Republican Governor, the state can barely pass small tax cuts.

BTW we kept illegal aliens out of this state for years but Mike Parsons thinks it's his Christian duty to take as many of them as want to come. I've seen a big change in the character of the city of St. Louis since Parsons became the boss hog. Many restaurants that were Italian or American have become Mexican, for instance; the city is now lousy with Mexican restaurants (and no doubt the u.S. SBA is paying for those.) You hear Spanish much more these days in public. We can thank the insular Parsons for that; he has no idea of the problems this causes and thinks himself a good Christian by allowing foreign gangs to come here.

If we had elected Bill Eigel Missouri would be the new Florida. Eigel would have made Ron DeSantis look like a weenie. Ashcroft was more of a stodgy Reagan Republican, still good but lacking in fire. But we got Gerald Ford instead. Great.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 666 words, total size 4 kb.

August 06, 2024

Conway Goes to the Dark Side

Timothy Birdnow

Kellyanne Conway was Trump's loyal aid. Now she's just another internationalist looking to suck in with the Ruling Class.

Kellyanne Conway Registers as Foreign Agent for Ukraine

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.

Prison Break

Daniel Jupp

Mainstream media hails extraordinary prisoner exchange as diplomatic triumph. Echoing their sentiments, Vice President and extremely black Kamala Harris said:

"This stands as a remarkable thing that remarkably shows how remarkable a thing can be when it is both remarkable, and a thing. I think it’s truly a remarkable thing. And that’s the essence of a remarkable thing. The essence of a remarkable thing is also remarkable, and a thing.”

Under the terms of the prisoner exchange, America has accepted 30 million prison inmates from South America, whilst South America has accepted an old VHS box set of Miami Vice and a pair of Kamala’s used knickers.

"We negotiated very hard for this. They insisted that they only wanted the Miami Vice boxed set. After all, she’s almost 60 and they have all seen her knickers before.” a top US diplomat involved in the negotiations explained.

It’s understood that if South America enjoys the Miami Vice VHS boxed set, America will accept the prison population of Africa to follow.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:42 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 173 words, total size 1 kb.

Stockzilla has Destroyed Tokyo

Diane Kimura

Japan's stock market took a big hit today. The Topix index is down 12%.

The Yen curry trade is unwinding.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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What is a Woman?

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook I'm in an interesting discussion about the true gender-benders and the current business about them in women's sports.

John Lees argues:

Another example of why this XY woman issue is not as simple as people imagine.
People will say that XY is biologically a man.
The same people would also say that a man can not get pregnant.
BUT - here is an account of a mother with XY genes who naturally gave birth to a daughter, also with XY genes.
So, both of those claims can not be simulatenously true:

I reply:

Perhaps John but there are people born with vegistial tails too and they aren't necessarily Baboons. I would dare say most of them aren't. Or those with webbed feet are not cetaceans.

John responds: more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 1768 words, total size 11 kb.

Trustbust Google!

Carlos Velazquez

While it's true that Google has become dominant over its competitors, I'm not sure what to think about this. Being the best product technically is, IMHO, no reason to charge a company with being monopolistic even though Google has been subjectively and unfairly enforcing it's terms of service (in case of YouTube) and limiting searches to help the democrats and progressives. There are other search engines users can use.

That area of content "moderation" should be investigated and section 230 should be modified to make these large platforms publishers since they are already editing and deleting political content they don't agree with irrespective of their claims of unproven terms of service violations..

There is at least consistency on the part of the DOJ as it successfully sued Microsoft for monopolistic practices relating to the dominance of the Windows OS.

Tim replies:

I think it appropriate to sue Google over anti-trust. Google
accounts for 91.2% percent of all searches online, towering above it's main competitor Bing at 3.8%% and over YANDEX at 1.37%, and Yahoo at 1.24%. And it got that way in no small part by putting financial pressure on a lot of little engines that are now defunct - Dogpile, Ask Jeeves, etc. It systematically gobbled up the market.

The FTC has guidelines for determining if something is a monopoly:

"Courts look at the firm's market share, but typically do not find monopoly power if the firm (or a group of firms acting in concert) has less than 50 percent of the sales of a particular product or service within a certain geographic area"

By this definition Google is a super-monopoly; may as well have long coattails and a monocle and Parker Brothers embossed on it.

Also, Google wasn't a product of the free market,but was started and given a boost by the United States government in the first place. And not from the SBA but from a, uh, more sinister outfit.

So the CIA and NSA helped found it to aid them in keeping tabs on Americans, and the corporation has become wholly dominant in controling information in the entire world. I would argue that most definitely fits the bill for antitrust action.

i agree; it should be treated as a publisher. But it probably should be broken up too.

Google is the root of all evil in our modern world, alas.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:32 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 398 words, total size 3 kb.

Behind the Curve at FED

Diane Kimura

This is just a reminder that the Fed's FOMC does not control long-term interest rates.

"The market" does.

The market has delivered the equivalent of four 25 basis-point rate cuts since the 10-year T-Bond's recent closing high of 4.71% in late April 2024.

Meanwhile, the Fed Funds Rate is unchanged since Aug. 2023 at 5.33%.

Remember that the Fed was "behind the curve" during 2021- 2023 when inflation spiraled out of control, declaring it "transitory," even as the 10-Year T-Bond rose from 0.56% in Aug. 2020 to 2.15% just before Mar. 17, 2022 when the FOMC first raised the FFR. In other words, "the market" hiked long-term rates by the equivalent of almost seven 25 basis-point increases before the Fed woke from its stupor.

The Powell's Fed has strayed from its core mission and shifted its focused on the risks to banks from "climate change" and a "diversity." No U.S. bank has ever failed because of such risks.

Meanwhile, during 2023, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th largest bank failures in U.S. history (First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, each with more than $100 billion in assets) took place because of the key traditional risks facing banks:

Credit Risk and Interest-Rate Risk.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:55 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 211 words, total size 1 kb.

August 05, 2024

The No Count Trick

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook a fellow named William jaworski claims illegal aliens don't commit many crimes.

"It's amazing how many crimes are attributed to immigrants that are really perpetrated by whites."

I reply:

William Jaworski

First, cities across the country - Democrat stronghold cities - stopped reporting crimes to the FBI (which is why Biden and the FBI are falsely claiming crime dropped when in fact crime REPORTING dropped.

So do you believe for one second that we have accurate data on alien crime? And do you believe we have more whites committing crimes as a percentage of the population than illegal aliens? Blacks commit many more crimes as a percentage of their population than do white, but you claim whites are committing more than the illegal immigrants. It does not stand to reason.

I would add that most of the studies you no doubt plan to cite look at two decades worth of data (before the major explosion in illegal invasion) and also primarily look at the number of aliens convicted in a court of law and incarcerated. As many of them will deport themselves before being arrested and convicted, how can you make the claim that whites are more likely to commit such crimes than the aliens? All this is is a way of messaging the data to make it fit a preconceived narrative, one the Left and the Administration rather desperately seek.

I would add that it doesn't matter; one violent crime by one illegal alien is one too many. We would have had NONE if we had a rational policy in place that kept these creeps out.

Here is at least one study that contradicts the claims made that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes.!&&p=f7561e1ebbf42f41JmltdHM9MTcyMjgxNjAwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNzNlOWJkMy02MTZjLTY4NmUtMjcyNi05NDk3NjAxMjY5MGYmaW5zaWQ9NTI2NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=073e9bd3-616c-686e-2726-94976012690f&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly90aGVwb2xpdGljYWxpbnNpZGVyLmNvbS9zdHVkeS1pbGxlZ2FsLWltbWlncmFudHMtY3JpbWUv&ntb=1

And they appear to commit more murders than native born.!&&p=b0626db776a572d0JmltdHM9MTcyMjgxNjAwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNzNlOWJkMy02MTZjLTY4NmUtMjcyNi05NDk3NjAxMjY5MGYmaW5zaWQ9NTE4Mg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=073e9bd3-616c-686e-2726-94976012690f&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1lcmljYW50aGlua2VyLmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlcy8yMDE1LzA3L2lsbGVnYWxfYWxpZW5zX211cmRlcl9hdF9hX211Y2hfaGlnaGVyX3JhdGVfdGhhbl91c19jaXRpemVuc19kby5odG1s&ntb=1

Also, immigrants, especially illegals, are far less willing to report crimes than native born, skewing the numbers.

In the end these claims about the illegals being angels is nothing but data manipulation, much like claims that inflation is down (by that they mean the RATE of GROWTH of inflation.) And these numbers will stay low as long as the Democrat machines in the big cities and the crooked FBI continue to cover this up.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 384 words, total size 4 kb.

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