July 13, 2024

Don't Fear Project 2025

Timothy Birdnow

Biden and the Jackasses are braying about "Project 2025 as if it were Mein Kampf. But it is no such thing:

"Project 2025" Is Just "Project 1981"


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

The case against Alec Baldwin has been dismissed. Baldwin is off the hook.


In a stunning turn of events, a New Mexico judge dismissed Alec Baldwin's "Rust" case Friday, on day three of his manslaughter trial.

The judge granted the defense's motion to dismiss the case, in which they claimed live ammunition that came into the hands of local law enforcement related to the investigation into the deadly on-set shooting was "concealed" from them.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer said the state's discovery violation regarding the late disclosure of a supplemental report on the ammunition evidence "injected needless delay into the proceedings," approached "bad faith" and was "highly prejudicial to the defendant."
Actor Alec Baldwin reacts during his trial on involuntary manslaughter at Santa Fe County District Court in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on July 12, 2024.
Ramsay De Give/Pool via Reuters

"There is no way for the court to right this wrong," Sommer said in granting the motion to dismiss with prejudice, meaning Baldwin cannot be tried again on the charge.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Shape of Things to Come

Timothy Birdnow

A harbinger of things to come.

Utah Voters Say Their Votes Were Tossed After USPS Routed Ballots To Vegas

They are just warming up.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 32 words, total size 1 kb.

Fascist Through and Throughy

Wallace L. Garneau

"In all of the talk about whether or not Joe Biden should step down, along with the question of whether or not Donald Trump’s temperament makes him a threat to democracy, the thing that gets lost in all the noise is the question of what kind of vision these two men have for the future of our country."

"As far as economic policy is concerned, Elizabeth Warren is Joe Biden with boobs and a brain. Both of them are fascist through and through."

Read the whole article.

Exposing the Communists and Fascists running the US government - America Out Loud News

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:28 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Another Piece of History Removed

Timothy Birdnow

The erasure of America continues.

This from the good folks who brought you the lie that Trump called white supremacists "good people":

City of Charlottesville, Va - Government

The Lewis, Clark & Sacajawea Statue has been removed from the Ridge-McIntire-West Main Street intersection.

Guess Sacajawea was a "collaborator" akin to Quisling.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 58 words, total size 1 kb.

Epstein World

Warner Todd Huston

Disney Parks Plan 'Fully Naked' Gay Men on Bikes while Children are Present

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 18 words, total size 1 kb.

July 12, 2024

More Equal Than Others

Diane M. Kimura

Rules for thee but not for me!

Mark Zuckerberg's $300 million yacht, powered by four 20V 4000 M93L diesel engines, consumes 1,165 liters of fuel for each hour of navigation.

From Capri, Zuckerberg sends a big greeting and a dismissive gesture to those who think they will save the world this summer by lowering or turning off air conditioners, capping bottles, or buying electric cars.

LAUNCHPAD Yacht • Mark Zuckerberg $300M Superyacht • 2024

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:46 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 82 words, total size 1 kb.

Slave Nation

Beverly McCall Goff

How many of the children that this regime has sent to bogus "sponsors” are still alive? Why did the HHS whistleblower get fired for speaking out against the human trafficking this regime is complicit in facilitating in its rush to flood the country with as many illegals as possible!

BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Shocking Records Confirming HHS Placed Children to Sponsors Linked to MS-13 Gang | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Tim adds:

After Jeffrey Epstein flew all the top Democrats to Slave Island on his Lolita Express why are we surprised? America seems to be run by pedophiles and rapists.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:09 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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More on the Biden Puller, er,Presser

Jules Kunofsky

RANT: (Not my) President Joe Biden’s PRESS CONFERENCE

Let’s get one thing clear, there were no surprises in the questions to (not my) President Joe Biden. (Not my) President Joe Biden knew what was coming, and he knew how to answer from his cheat sheet that was right in front of his face.

Let’s put aside his spooky whispering, that came straight from a Boris Karloff horror movie, his faked anger scream (we’ve seen it before Joey baby, it’s losing its power), and his statistical lies (confusing billions and millions, as well as outright lies). What really bothered me is what was revealed by (not my) President Joe Biden.

(Not my) President Joe Biden threw Israel under the bus. Not mentioning that Hamas started the war in brutal fashion and not really mentioning the hostages, but he called for that 2-State solution, again. Did he forget Gaza was not occupied and under self-rule prior to the Gestapo raid of a music festival? (Not my) President Joe Biden spoke the words of an antisemite.

(Not my) President Joe Biden again spoke of the gun epidemic. Did he forget the gun violence that kills Blacks in sanctuary cities all over America? (Not my) President Joe Biden would have had to mention that the killers were mostly Blacks. (Not my) President Joe Biden spoke like a racist. I can’t un-remember his past KKK friends and his past racist remarks.

(Not my) President Joe Biden also mentioned "greedy” corporations, a code phrase used at all Marxist drug parties and orgies. These "greedy” corporations employ millions of Americans and pay taxes to give (not my) President Joe Biden play money to waste outside of America. And of course, (not my) President Joe Biden did not criticize limited liability corporations (LLCs), like the ones he uses to shelter his and (not my) First Lady Jill Biden’s income from taxes. (Not my) President Joe Biden spoke like a Communist.

"I come to praise Harris, not bury her.” (Probably the only time I will plug in a Shakespear line, OK I might mention Lady Macbeth at a later date). (Not my) President Joe Biden threw her under the bus too. Since, (not my) President Joe Biden considers the border crisis over, why didn’t he gaslight us about how Harris was the border Czar? I guess (not my) President Joe Biden wants full credit. In fact, "Operation: Open the borders” is over and "Operation: Get the illegals to vote” has started. Come to think of it, where was the question about illegals voting? (Not my) President Joe Biden’s staff wouldn’t allow it. I don’t blame them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 445 words, total size 3 kb.

The Biden Mumble-a-Thon

Timothy Birdnow

Joe Biden gave a "press conference" yesterday to prove he's up to the Presidency. I use quotations because it was no press conference; a bunch of reporters were there and Biden had a list of people to call on - and no doubt he already had the questions so his answered were canned.Biden even said as much at the start, holding up a card saying he had people he was supposed to call on. That is not a press conference.A press conference involves getting questions you are not prepared for and winging it.

At any rate Screwless Joe was his usual self; both combative and sounding like he just escaped from The Happy Acres Retirement Home.

First off, he was about two hours late. Why? No doubt he was incoherent and they had to get him in shape for this. Drugs my friend, lots of drugs! Ice cream too (ice cream is often used to treatsenility; it reminds the person of their childhood and stimulates their memory.) At any rate he showed up very late with no explanation and no apology, showing his contempt for both the press corps and the American People.

It was the usual litany from Biden, blaming Trump, claiming things are much better than we all know they are, etc. He insists he inhereted a terrible economy and it was Trump's fault - something patently absurd as Biden came in as the economy was reopening - an economy shut down byDemocrat Governors in the first place.

Biden made some major "senior moment" gaffes. He said he wouldn't have appointed Vice President Trump if he didn't have confidence in her, for instance.

This on the heels of his NATO Summit %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D472tMEQ9C5UGaff-a-thon.

Biden says he isn't going anywhere to more than one question.

Biden is also still talking about how we need to stay the course in Ukraine and give money! Money! Money! to Zelensky and company. No explanation of any strategy for victory, no exit strategy, just open-ended eternal war. Biden warns if we don't fight Putin now we will have to in Poland. How? If Putin can't even take Ukraine, a nation right next door and easily invaded by Russian troops as it is largely flat and ideal for mechanized warfare, how is he going to invade Poland? He can't and won't. Putin knows he would be overreaching. But Ukraine was not just a former Soviet Republic but one of the "Russias",the very inner core of the old Russian Empire.

No mention of oil prices and Putin's funding for the war. Biden could end this simply by getting oil prices down.

Biden also bragged about how he uses diplomacy to stop Russia and China, and how everyone wants to be the U.S. Interesting; BRICKS nations certainly have turned away from the U.S. and grown enormously under Mr. Biden's tenure of office.Saudi Arabia is dumping the petrodollar as we speak.

Over Israel he is calling for the completely exhausted idea of a "two state solution" and saying we must have a ceasefire immediately to have peace. Now, this idea has been floated for over fifty years and gained no traction because the Palestinians don't want two states - the want one, and Islamic Republic. "From the river to the sea" means precisely that - the whole enchilada, or in the case of Israel the whole bagel,I suppose. And the Palestinians are at minimum demanding East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, which would make Israel's strategic position untenable. It was before the'67 war and would be again.

Palestine is nothing but a gun platform. It is not a country.

At any rate Biden insists on it and Biden also sneered at Netenyahu "the most right wing leader in Israeli history" as he falsely claims. Bebe is liable to wind up with shoot to kill orders from Merrick Garland and a Mar-a-Lago style raid if he isn't careful.

So basically Biden plans to double down on the things he has been doing that made the mess in the first place on every issue.

Biden's performance yesterday did nothing to alleviate anyone's fears. He didn't melt down but he certainly inspired no confidence.

BTW Biden mocked Trump for playing golf while he was busy working. Odd. Biden is President and Trump isn't. Trump can play as much golf as he wishes; he has no responsibilities. Biden sought the Presidency, and stole an election to attain that office. But what makes his mentioning of golf particularly ironic is Trump challenged him to a golf match for charity. Mr.Biden declined.

Considering how little time Mr. Biden spends on his job (under 40%) and how much time he spends on personal issues, and considering he knocks off at 4p.m. to hit the early bird specials, one would think he would find time to play for a million dollars for charity as Mr. Trump suggested.

Just for fun a song  parody.

Sung to the tune "Stumblin In"

Sung to the tune of Stumblin In by Suzie Quantro and Chris Norman (from 1978)

They say Joe's alive
they say he can win
Foolishly laying our hearts on the table, stumblin' in
we know he's quite lame
and really is dim
now and then media cameras catch him stumnblin in

He's falling down stairs when winds strongly blew
And baby you know it's happened even when Joes'skipped the brew
whateverit takes to keep it all quiet the media'll do

They say Joe's alive
they say he can win
Foolishly laying our hearts on the table, stumblin' in
we know he's quite lame
and really is dim
now and then media cameras catch him stumnblin in

He is far too old and now we aren't free
He clearly is senile and lost and pathetic we all can agree
he thought he deserved it and could rule by decree
'Cause, Biden, you've shown us so many flaws we couldn't see
You know he wears a diaper in case he must pee

Joe Biden's a liar, and he cannot win
Burisma is laying the cash on the table, Joe stumbles on in
cocaine in the White House, subpoenas for kin
Democrats wish he'd back out but Joe is still in

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:14 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 1036 words, total size 7 kb.

The Biden Mumble-a-Thon

Timothy Birdnow

Joe Biden gave a "press conference" yesterday to prove he's up to the Presidency. I use quotations because it was no press conference; a bunch of reporters were there and Biden had a list of people to call on - and no doubt he already had the questions so his answered were canned.Biden even said as much at the start, holding up a card saying he had people he was supposed to call on. That is not a press conference.A press conference involves getting questions you are not prepared for and winging it.

At any rate Screwless Joe was his usual self; both combative and sounding like he just escaped from The Happy Acres Retirement Home.

First off, he was about two hours late. Why? No doubt he was incoherent and they had to get him in shape for this. Drugs my friend, lots of drugs! Ice cream too (ice cream is often used to treatsenility; it reminds the person of their childhood and stimulates their memory.) At any rate he showed up very late with no explanation and no apology, showing his contempt for both the press corps and the American People.

It was the usual litany from Biden, blaming Trump, claiming things are much better than we all know they are, etc. He insists he inhereted a terrible economy and it was Trump's fault - something patently absurd as Biden came in as the economy was reopening - an economy shut down byDemocrat Governors in the first place.

Biden made some major "senior moment" gaffes. He said he wouldn't have appointed Vice President Trump if he didn't have confidence in her, for instance.

This on the heels of his NATO Summit %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D472tMEQ9C5UGaff-a-thon.

Biden says he isn't going anywhere to more than one question.

Biden is also still talking about how we need to stay the course in Ukraine and give money! Money! Money! to Zelensky and company. No explanation of any strategy for victory, no exit strategy, just open-ended eternal war. Biden warns if we don't fight Putin now we will have to in Poland. How? If Putin can't even take Ukraine, a nation right next door and easily invaded by Russian troops as it is largely flat and ideal for mechanized warfare, how is he going to invade Poland? He can't and won't. Putin knows he would be overreaching. But Ukraine was not just a former Soviet Republic but one of the "Russias",the very inner core of the old Russian Empire.

No mention of oil prices and Putin's funding for the war. Biden could end this simply by getting oil prices down.

Biden also bragged about how he uses diplomacy to stop Russia and China, and how everyone wants to be the U.S. Interesting; BRICKS nations certainly have turned away from the U.S. and grown enormously under Mr. Biden's tenure of office.Saudi Arabia is dumping the petrodollar as we speak.

Over Israel he is calling for the completely exhausted idea of a "two state solution" and saying we must have a ceasefire immediately to have peace. Now, this idea has been floated for over fifty years and gained no traction because the Palestinians don't want two states - the want one, and Islamic Republic. "From the river to the sea" means precisely that - the whole enchilada, or in the case of Israel the whole bagel,I suppose. And the Palestinians are at minimum demanding East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, which would make Israel's strategic position untenable. It was before the'67 war and would be again.

Palestine is nothing but a gun platform. It is not a country.

At any rate Biden insists on it and Biden also sneered at Netenyahu "the most right wing leader in Israeli history" as he falsely claims. Bebe is liable to wind up with shoot to kill orders from Merrick Garland and a Mar-a-Lago style raid if he isn't careful.

So basically Biden plans to double down on the things he has been doing that made the mess in the first place on every issue.

Biden's performance yesterday did nothing to alleviate anyone's fears. He didn't melt down but he certainly inspired no confidence.

BTW Biden mocked Trump for playing golf while he was busy working. Odd. Biden is President and Trump isn't. Trump can play as much golf as he wishes; he has no responsibilities. Biden sought the Presidency, and stole an election to attain that office. But what makes his mentioning of golf particularly ironic is Trump challenged him to a golf match for charity. Mr.Biden declined.

Considering how little time Mr. Biden spends on his job (under 40%) and how much time he spends on personal issues, and considering he knocks off at 4p.m. to hit the early bird specials, one would think he would find time to play for a million dollars for charity as Mr. Trump suggested.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 816 words, total size 5 kb.

July 11, 2024

Not Being There

Timothy Birdnow

This is how you do it.

Trump challenged "A-1 Health"Joe Biden to a golf match and is offering a million dollars to charity if he loses.

Needless to say Biden cannot and will not take him up onit.

So now Trump can say Biden refused because of ill health. It'sa win/win for Trump and a lose/lose for the Chauncey Gardener incumbent.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:29 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.

Battleground Apple

Timothy Birdnow

The Democrats are now worried about losing New York!

Yes, New York!

Turns out poll show Biden just up by 6 in the solidly blue state. Trump could well take win there.

If Biden has to secure his home turf he's in big, big trouble.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Money Trap

Timothy Birdnow

This can be summed up in a simple statement; There is no profit in good health.

Three Medical Mavericks

"The medical profession holds a most false relation to society. Its honors and emoluments are measured, not by the good, but by the evil it does. The physician who keeps some member of the family of his rich neighbor on a bed of sickness for months or years, may secure to himself thereby both fame and fortune; while the one who would restore the patient to health in a week or two, will be neither appreciated nor understood.

— Russell Thacher Trall, MD, 1872"

It's only gotten worse as giant corporations took over health care and the partnership between insurance companies and government regulate how the bill is paid.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 134 words, total size 1 kb.

No Access

Timothy Birdnow

This is interesting; Joe Biden's biographer claims his only access to Biden was through written questions with written answers.He had no real access to Screwless Joe.

He did speak with the President's men directly but not The Big Guy himself. It was unprecedented.

We know why, of course.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 52 words, total size 1 kb.

July 10, 2024

NASCAR Goes Electric

Timothy Birdnow

NASCAR continues its slide into oblivion as it goes increasingly politically correct - this time with electric race cars.

Fans are not pleased to put it mildly.

Who wants to watch go-carts humming quietly around the track at 55 mph? And what happens when they run out of juice? Will there be a two hour break for "refueling?"

NASCAR has forgotten who brung 'em to the dance.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:55 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 72 words, total size 1 kb.

The Dragging Red Dragon

Timothy Birdnow

Here is why I have always believed China is a paper tiger and will fail as soon as it meets any real competition.

We've coddled China for decades now and made her into a world power. But China's economy is incapable of real innovation or growth. The people have little incentive to think for themselves and there is little reward in innovation in a communist system. China has ridden the crest of a wave implemented in Bush I for "free trade" and exploited it because they could provide cheap labor and little in the way of environmental or labor regulations. But without innovation that will peak and decline in time. We are seeing that now.

China's success is all derivative; they steal technology oand perhaps make some minor improvements but in the end won't ever really invent anything new. Their minds just don't work that way. Statist societies stop people from free thinking. Free thought is a systemic thing; you must have it in all avenues of life. Repress it in a couple of areas and you wind up repressing it everywhere.

Yes, there are some innovative thinkers in China, just as there were in the Soviet Union (anyone rember the Russkies landed a probe on Venus and actually snapped a picture of it's surface? That was before the U.S. landed Viking on Mars and was WAY more difficult.) But overall the whole system lacked flexibility and incentive, and by and large there was little in the way of innovation.

The Soviets prospered for a time then declined. I have always believed these same systemic contradictions would bring down China - especially if the West would quit propping them up at our own expense.


During the Great Leap Forward, one of the stories was that when Mao Zedong mandated increased steel production, backyard furnaces would melt down household goods to meet local steel production quotas. This had no impact on new steel as it merely melted existing metal objects and was of no use for industrial use, given its low quality. Still, it helped demonstrate that local groups met centralized quotas.

We witness a similar dynamic in modern China. Beijing announced it wanted to stimulate semiconductor manufacturing, and there was a flood into semiconductor manufacturing. Companies of all types, whether related to technology, flood into semiconductors seeking government assistance. This is followed by the inevitable collapse and wave of bankruptcies. Even the surviving firms continue to demand large-scale subsidies to stay afloat.

This gets to one of the primary issues of China’s inability to innovate as an economy. In a centrally planned economy, innovation and product quality are less valued than securing the favor and largesse of the public sector. This actually matches what economic research shows. Young firms in China demonstrate high levels of innovation and efficiency. The older a firm gets, the more it stagnates and becomes dependent on financial investment and state funding.

As the Chinese say, much of the innovation in China revolves around the Chinese Communist Party. For example, with the Party mandating increased focus on "Xi Jinping Thought,” workers take time out of their day to study his ideology rather than the needs of their business and how to improve.

The problem is not that the Chinese, either as people or as a country, are incapable of innovating and doing great things. The problem is that the incentives and structures of the Chinese authoritarian economy discourage and make innovation incredibly hard.

And we have been seeing this on an increasing scale in recent years as the Chinese economy has struggled to keep up with consumer demand and with population growth. Currency manipulation has about run it's course in China (and for twenty five years now they've managed the illusion of prosperity by such tricks.)

China is running out of options and will have to resort to the oldest of all solutions - imperialistic foreign adventurism. They will need to force people into their economic sphere to both sell goods and buy raw materials.

And Chna has another problem. The One Child policy created a generation of only children - male children. They are no doubt quite restive and will grow more so over time. Meanwhile population growth will slow and eventually start to decline, and China has been predicated on population growth for centuries now. They will quickly run out of money when they have more mouths to feed than people to feed them with.

In the end a people taught to obey are incapable of invention and innovation by and large. One is either a free thinker or not.

Socialims of any stripe inevitably leads to dull wits and lethargy.

Socialism is the political and economic version of opium. Opium destroyed China as you may remember.Socialism will do likewise in the end, although it may take some time as socialism has been an epidemic in the West as well and is destroying our culture and economy for decades now. But sooner or later some Third World countries will figure it out and become the new powerhouse. Argentina will if it stays the course it is on, for instance. (Argentina was thought to be the coming power during the early 20th century as it had as many natural resources as the U.S. but Peronism derailed all that.) Maybe an African country will emerge. Some former Soviet republic. Perhaps Hungary?

At any rate I think world hegemony is slipping through China's fingers. china will be most unpleasant in it's decline as they have long thought this was their time. Their time appears short.

That's why I think we had best take the Chinese threat seriously; there will come a time when they will still be powerful but realize the brass ring slipped by, and they will try to take what they want by force.

The King of the East is mentioned in the Book of Revelations. I really can see that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 993 words, total size 6 kb.

Forever Chemicals

Timothy Birdnow

Those filthy lithium ion batteries and forever chemicals poisoning our environment.

Yes, EV's are amenace to clean air and water.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Happy Birthday Tesla!

Carlos F Velázquez

"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
- Nikola Tesla

Happy Birthday (I hope in paradise) Nikola Tesla, born this day according to the Gregorian Calendar.

Your idea of AC power transmission, resisted by your employer Thomas Edison who promoted the inefficient DC power distribution, eventually prevailed. Although General Electric, who overruled Edison and started deploying AC power grids, did not give you any credit or financial benefit from it.

Tim adds:

Edison, a vain and imperious credit stealer, actually electrocuted an elephant to death on stage with AC to "prove" Tesla's idea was dangerous, mainly because Edison didn't understand it and furthermore didn't like being upstaged. If Edison had his way we would have to have power stations on every city block to adequately provide power.

Tesla invented the technology of the modern world. He invented radio prior to Marconi but, due to his own personality quirks, got seduced into listening to radio transmissions from space and so never finished his work on radio. Marconi got the credit and Tesla sued. In the end they were listed as co-discoverers; Marconi had lifted over a dozen patents of Tesla's to create the radio.

Tesla also invented fluorescent lights, a completely different concept than the incandescent (of which Edison's sole contribution was the screw in aspect of the light bulb, not even the bulb itself.)

Tesla devised a way to have cordless electronics, although that idea never caught on.

Two things mentioned in his notebooks have never been found but one wonders; he claimed to have invented a "death ray" that could be used on enemy aircraft as far away as 25 miles, and he also claimed to have invented a way to harvest electricity from the magnetosphere, giving unlimited, nearly free energy. But then Tesla also was going mad at this point, being in love with a pigeon at the time so we can perhaps take these with a grain of salt.

Interestingly enough when Tesla died the government sent a scientist in to evaluate Tesla's notes. That man was Donald Trump's uncle John Trump.

Here is a list of Tesla's many inventions. https://teslasciencecenter.org/nikola-tesla-inventions/

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 379 words, total size 3 kb.

"I Meant to Do That!"

A-Greg Delany

I was stationed in Iraq from 2011-2014
Obama was in charge of the surrender of expensive and vital US military equipment in the Iraq pull out.

ISIS came only after Obama left the keys in all the military equipment left behind in Iraq on purpose.
I witnessed the the closure of the base in Balad. It was being abandoned with Abrams tanks, MRAP's, Cougars, Humvee's and Billions of US Taxpayer dollars' worth of munitions and military equipment and everything left for the taking. This later became the targets for US forces to destroy after ISIS used them on innocent civilians.

When there is a lack of righteous people, evil people will fill the vacuum.
In this case it was ISIS.
Pre planned help from the Marxist Left to help start another profitable war if possible.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:49 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 142 words, total size 1 kb.

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