May 02, 2024

The Language of God

Carlos Velazquez

It was bound to happen. And, as always, it can be used for good or evil.

It was bound to happen because we now know that DNA is basically a language that contains the information on how biological systems develop and function. Francis Collins, PhD, the head of the human genome project, despite his errors and sins during covid, became a Christian when he realized DNA is a language that carries information. As a result, he wrote a book "DNA: The Language of God".

Sooner or later someone would use AI, which is very good at analyzing languages, to analyze all the combinations and permutations of different DNA from different species.

New Harvard-Developed AI System Unlocks Biology’s Source Code

Tim adds:

Isaac Asimov once wrote a story that comes to mind with this. A famous scientist committs suicide after analyzing the human genome. The reason? He had found  alien splices in the human DNA and when he analyzed it it said something, something like "don't forget to pick up milk and bread on the way home". He couldn't live with the knowledge of how trivial humanity was.

This comes to mind not because we are trivial so much as that Francis Collins clearly realized we are trivial and unimportant compared to the Creator. And of course Collins realized that this sort of code couldn't spontaneously come into existence.

As you say it was inevitable that someone would use AI for this. Sadly, knowing human hurbis, it will soon follow that they will seek to alter that language. At first it will be for beneficial purposes; to prevent hereditary diseases like Huntingtons. But soon it will be for matters of vanity. And somehow it will wind up going bad.

I often think about the plagues of Revelations and wonder if this isn't caused by genetic damage done by tampering with the human genome.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:15 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 Hmmm... That Asimov story got by me. I do know that Asimov was an atheist...

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at May 03, 2024 11:20 PM (551jX)

2 It's one of his rarer stories Dana. I think it was in either The Early Asimov or Earth is Room Enough, both anthologies. Can't remember the name.

Yeah; he was an atheist. I think he was arguing aliens implanted the message in our DNA, not God. But Asimov wasn't a God-hating atheist and he did a number of stories that had a religious bent.

For instance he wrote one about the last trumpet and how a minor angel whose job was to watch over the Earth had to go to God Himself to ask that the end be reversed because Satan won if it wasn't.

It was an interesting story; turns out the end of the world meant everything became a dull paste and humanity would spend eternity in utter boredom (and fight with their fathers and grandfathers who returned and wanted their places as head of the family back.)

The angel got God to reverse His decision by pointing out there was no set calender and that until all Mankind agreed on one the universe should continue.

Satan began immediately trying to get a worldwide movement to create a new, universal calender.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at May 04, 2024 07:42 AM (Q0S7L)

3 THAT one I remember! Good one!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at May 07, 2024 11:39 PM (551jX)

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