August 31, 2024

Light Blogging

Timothy Birdnow

Not feeling too great today; blogging will be light.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:58 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 30, 2024

How They Did It

Diane Kimura

For anyone who supports election integrity and wants to understand the long fuse that has brought us to this point of a lack of trust in the process, this is an outstanding read.

This is the report that I point people to when they questioned whether social media and government and NGOs worked together to suppress information regarding the 2020 election.

If you look at some of the infographics you will find references to how the DNC was able to flag social media posts for suppression:

Final Report — Election Integrity Partnership

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:16 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Walz Hates Christians

Timothy Birdnow

Why doesn't this surprise me?

Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christian Teachers

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:11 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Still alive

Timothy Birdnow

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Fear not oh noble reader; the Biden Administration did NOT come and cart me away, nor even poison me with polonium-210 in the manner of Vladimir Putin (at least as far as I know). In fact I can't say the government had any hand in it at all, although one is tempted to blame them for just about every bad thing these days.

No, I had a probable transient ischemic attack. I was getting ready for bed on the Friday before last and the world just started tipping sideways. For a moment I thought someone had turned up the gravity to the left of me. I mad it to a chair then got violently nauseated and boiling hot. Cathy called an ambulance.

Fortunately for me if it WAS a stroke there was no brain damage. The neurologist I saw in the hospital said I had a "perfect brainstem". I shall be known henceforth as the "man with the perfect brainstem"! I expect full compliance from everyone...

At any rate I had some other things going on. I was seriously dehydrated so they began giving me water via an I.V. As usual I knew better but you can't tall medical people anything. Soon they overfilled me and it all went into my lungs. I suffer from congestive heart failure and if I become over-hydrated my lungs fill up and I develop pneumonia symptoms. Sure enough I did; my oxygen levels tanked, I developed chills and felt like I was dying. So they then gave a mea culpa and put me on powerful lasix to drain out the fluid they put into me. I was sick several days with THAT!

Then they grew concerned about my kidney functions. My creatinin level spiked and so they kept me to observe that particular problem. Is it any wonder, given they had to administer a dose of lasix best reserved for elephants and sperm whales? But they were surprised when my kidney functions cratered?

At any rate when I got through all that they decided they didn't like the way I was walking (and well they shouldn't at first; I had another left-side gravity swell while in the hospital walking with the therapist.) They decided I wasn't "safe" going home so they transfereed me from the hospital itself to the in-house rehab center wearing a heart monitor.

Now I never had a complaint at the staff at the hospital; they did what they had to do (it was just unfortunate that the doctors weren't familiar with me or my case.) But the rehab center had problems.

On the first night they brought me in after waiting for hours, and right away I asked to see my nurse because I needed a cpap machine. I remember it had been tough getting one at the hospital itself. I kept being told the nurse would be in shortly - and that took three hours. Meanwhile everyone kept telling me "we don't provide cpaps. Didn't you bring yours from home?" To which I responded "do you SEE one here!" Finally after the third hour I started putting my clothes on and was going to just leave, just walk about. My nurse came in with an attitude and we got into a shouting match. Eventually the shift supervisor came and apologized and talked me into staying (I really wanted to just leave and make them explain how they lost a patient and couldn't find him.)

At any rate after that rocky start things went better. The day staff there was great; the night staff not so much, but most of them at least tried. But we'll revisit this story later.

I had one day alone and they stuck me with a roommate. He was a retired career military guy who still did martial arts and scuba diving and he was my kind of guy! We sat there watching Fox New all the time and complained about the government. I'm sure the nurses thought we were two cranks but what they heck! We were lovable old cranks!

He had just had open heart surgery and was recovering before he went home. But he started coughing, and so did I.

Yes, we both had contracted Covid.

Thinking back I do remember one tech with the sniffles getting very close to me at the hospital so perhaps that was what started it? I don't know but they put my rommate in solitary and then I clearly showed symptoms so they brought him hack when I tested positive. I think they should have been far more pro-active; should have checked me immediately. But they waited days before checking me. Hospitals are a microcosm of government; big,bloated bureaucracies that are inefficient and disorganized and moribund by excessive rules. Things get done in them by the courage of those willing to skirt the rulebook.

So I had a minor case of Covid to top everything off. My roommate was put on Ivermectin and given a cough suppressant to avoid the intense pain of coughing with broken ribs (broken by the surgeons when they removed the ribcage). I just bare-knuckled through. In fact I didn't feel very bad; just had a cough and runny nose.

I actually started feeling worse the day they let me out but I didn't dare say a word lest they extend my sentence in the hole. I swear; I felt like Steve McQueen in Papillon in that place!

To get back to my promise to revisit the subject of fighting with the staff, the night before I was to be sprung my roommate asked for his pain medication and cough syrup. He was told "the nurse will be in shortly". Two and a half hours later the nurse still wasn't in. We had called repeatedly and were told she was coming yet she couldn't seem to bother to show up. I heard someone outside the door and opened it "hey, is my rommate ever going to get his pain medication?" "IT'S COMING" came back a rather angry rejoinder.

I went into the bathroom and she came in and spoke to my roommate "I was bringing you your medicine by I forgot one because of your roommate". I shouted out "well, pardon me for discommoding you." She shouted back "I had an emergency" which made not sense; a 2.5 hour emergency in a rehab center? They would have called the hospital itself and taken the patient there.

No, she was just working her way through the list systematically and didn't want to be bothered.

I told her where she could put her emergency. After all if that were the case someone else could have at least come in and explained what was happening. And there were other nurses on the ward.

The supervisor showed up and we received a profuse apology from her. My rommate (one tough dude) was not satisfied with that and he insisted the nurse herself come in and express REAL remorse. (I think she may have been the nurse I had my first night, by the way.) That woman had to come in and apologize to us both; that had to be really hard. Maybe it will teach her some manners though for the next patients. As I kept pointing out we were both paying a lot of money to be there and her salary was dependent on people like us paying for services, services which she clearly didn't feel a need to deliver in a timely fashion.

Other than that I was treated well. The day shift was nice as could be and so were most of the night people; they were just not up to the same professional standards.

Oh, and they kept me eternally locked up with bed alarms and the rest like an infant. Drove me crazy; if I so much as wanted to stand to urinate in a plastic urinal I had to call for assistance. It wasn't so bad but one time I had diarrhea...

So they actually drove me home in a van and I went straight to bed. Slept six hours, got up for a few, then slept another eight. The only thing that disturbed me was the heart monitor. It's more like a smartphone than a monitor, and both it and the sensors have to be charged and plugged in. I hadn't changed the sensors; that had happened in the hospital. So when the stupid thing began going off at four this morning I couldn't figure out how to change it, and the machine is designed for at most a temporary stoppage of the alarm. Eventually I took the whole thing out to the kitchen where I couldn't hear it. I am going to send it back. The cardiologttists won't be pleased.

It's great being home and back in my groove. They never gave me enough insulin or other medicines and my blood sugar was always in the mid 200 range while I was there. Now I have some control and am back where I belong. Also they kept giving me my eyedrops wrong; doubling drops up at night when I should have taken one batch in the afternoon. That was after I got them, which took three days.

I hate hospitals.

Anyway, it reminded me of an old George C. Scott movie where a patient comes into the hospital for minor surgery and they almost kill him. Scott, in his inimitable way, says "let's get the poor bastard out of here before we kill him." It felt like that.

So I should be on the mend and while blogging will be light I'll be here with a few things.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:41 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Tim is home now -- as/of Thursday

Dana Mathewson

By Friday he should be back to running the show at the Aviary. Sorry I am late with this post; it's been a typical busy day at the Mathewson household.

He spent a good deal of Thursday catching up on his sleep; as he says, hospitals are lousy places for sick people, and he has a mild case of COVID to deal with. I imagine he'll have a lot to tell you about when he finally signs back on.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:09 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 88 words, total size 1 kb.

August 28, 2024

Tim Update -- Wednesday

Dana Mathewson

Hallelujah! Timothy is improving. As a matter of fact, he phoned ME late this morning to report that he expects to exit the hospital tomorrow. Of course, he wouldn't be Tim without something going haywire, and he also reported that he's come down with a mild case of (are you ready?) COVID. So far it's just a stuffy nose, more or less, and he doesn't expect it to get in the way of his release. As-of our conversation, they hadn't decided on a treatment for him yet. Sheesh! What a hospital! He says it's the one he was born in, but he hadn't planned on dying in it yet.

He's managed to get access to news reports, and is justifiably incensed that Jack-Off Smith is managing to throw wrenches in the works again, after being slapped down by Judge Cannon. We'll have to see how this plays out.

Another interesting item is that Kamaladingdong has agreed to talk to the press, but only with Tampon Tim Walz holding her hand.

So stay tuned and in another day or so, our boss will be back, after getting settled in at home and re-establishing contact with his wife.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:49 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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August 26, 2024

Timothy Update -- Monday

Dana Mathewson

I'm sorry to report that due to other duties, I did not have time to phone Tim today. I promise to take care of that tomorrow (Tuesday).

Meanwhile, some of the political scuttlebutt that I am hearing is: if Trump is elected, there's the possibility he will de-classify all the information about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy that is still under wraps. And there's speculation (speculation only, but it's certainly an interesting idea) that he might make the investigation of this the portfolio of RFK Jr.!

Granted, if he does so, he'd better also make sure he beefs up the Secret Service details covering both himself and RFK! But just the idea that he might do such a thing would certainly rattle some cages.

That's it for tonight. I promise to do my best to talk to Tim tomorrow, and my apology for not doing so today.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:08 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 24, 2024

Timothy Update -- Saturday

Dana Mathewson

I phoned Tim this afternoon around 4:00 PM and at least he'd gotten some sleep last night, as the hospital people had managed to dig up a sleep apnea rig for him, so he sounded better. I could hear the thing beeping in the background. I didn't bother to ask him if they are feeding him well, as we all know the answer to THAT one.

I passed along the news that Mike is feeding me -- thanks ever so much, Mike, you are absolutely invaluable! He was especially happy to hear that Newsom had gotten neutered at the convention. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Regarding the Kennedy connection: I don't know if any of the rest of you have seen this, but you won't be surprised by it, knowing what nasty sorts the Kennedy clan is, for the most part. This is a long tweet from the wonderful Tammy Bruce, in response to some garbage from members of the Kennedys, which I am quoting verbatim, pretty much in Twitter format:
An open letter to Kerry Kennedy: You people are awful. Despite your family's checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family's wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale. In your ugly treatment of your brother you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years. Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand. You are not touched by the worry about having enough gas to get to work, or whether or not you can afford eggs this week, if you'll be safe walking your own neighborhood, or if your child will be safe in their urban public school or even if they will know how to read and write while collecting their diploma. You keep doing civil rights work and public service virtue signaling. But in the meantime, make a pledge to not keep doing damage as Americans are simply looking for a way to reclaim their own futures, the safety of their families, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they can leave their children a little better off w a future they can rely on. The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations. Americans are happy to see Bobby on our side as we refuse to comply and will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb. Instead, with Trump and all who join us, we will fight, fight, fight!

Kerry Kennedy: I am sharing a personal statement that my family and I have made in response to my brother’s announcement.

(Her joint statement, which I can't copy directly, says: "We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.

Signed, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Chris Kennedy, Rory Kennedy"
As for me, I'm sticking with Tammy Bruce! And a hat tip on this one to David Dickinson.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:03 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 23, 2024

Timothy Update -- Friday

Dana Mathewson

I just spoke to Timothy. He didn't get any sleep last night because when they bundled him off to the hospital the other day, his CPAP machine got left behind.

I didn't keep him on the phone long, but I gave him an update on the DNC convention, explaining what he already suspected, which was that Harris gave what was basically the Barack Obama 2.0 acceptance speech, complete with updated lies about Trump. What's unfortunate is that some people will believe it.

It was more pleasant to be able to inform Tim that as/of about 2:00 PM CDT, I heard on the news broadcast that RFK Jr. has suspended his campaign for president AND given his support to Donald J. Trump. I greatly hope that if Trump wins, he will find an appropriate Cabinet position for Kennedy, who is a capable person even though he holds some strange ideas (I'm not sure that head of the CDC is the right job for him, for example). Tim agrees with me on this.

Tim is showing some improvement, but at this time there's no word as to when he might be released from the hospital. I'll provide news as it becomes available. Thank you all for your prayers!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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August 21, 2024

Tim's absence explained

Dana Mathewson

A number of you have probably noticed that our proprietor and mentor, Timothy Birdnow, has been absent for a few days. I finally was in telephone contact with him today and he is in the hospital recovering from a TIA stroke. Being in the hospital is always a dicey situation with Tim, as he gets dehydrated and in their effort to balance that, they always go overboard and run smack dab into his congestive heart failure. I told him I would do my best to take up the slack for him, which may or may not help.

The TV in his room has all the news channels blacked-out, which is a real bummer for someone who wants to stay on top of the news. I filled him in with some of the juicier tidbits, especially the idea that RFK Jr. might decide to suspend his campaign and throw his support behind Trump -- with MIGHT being the operative word. This made Tim very happy, or I should say WILL make him happy if it comes to fruition.

I'll try to post some real news in the next few days as well as keeping you abreast of Tim's condition and hopeful progress. Until then, stay loose!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:08 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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August 16, 2024

Kommielov's Mortgage Madness

Timothy Birdnow

Let's just inflate another housing bubble, shall we Kam!

Harris to propose up to $25K in down-payment support for 1st-time homebuyers

Didn't she learn ANYTHING from the disaster in '08?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:05 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Hunter Used Dad to Enrich Himself

Timothy Birdnow

Yes, Hunter Biden did indeed solicit assistance from the State Department by dropping his Veep father's name. Only now has Biden released the documents proving it to be true.

Here you go. From the article:

Hunter Biden sought assistance from the U.S. government for a potentially lucrative energy project in Italy while his father was vice president, according to newly released records and interviews.
The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.
Embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with the request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company.
"I want to be careful about promising too much,” wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome who was tasked with responding.
"This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, U.S.G. should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the D.O.C. Advocacy Center,” the official wrote. Those acronyms refer to the United States government and a Department of Commerce program that supports American companies that seek business with foreign governments.
Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for Mr. Biden, said his client "asked various people,” including the U.S. ambassador to Italy at the time, John R. Phillips, whether they could arrange an introduction between Burisma and the president of the Tuscany region of Italy, where Burisma was pursuing a geothermal project.
"No meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the U.S. was ever sought and only an introduction in Italy was requested,”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:02 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Busch Heads for the Mountains - and the Slammer

Timothy Birdnow

Honestly, I would feel safer with this guy out there driving under the influence than with most people driving cold sober.

Retired NASCAR Champ Kurt Busch Arrested For DWI Following Speeding Incident

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:51 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Violent Crime Surged Under Harris/Biden

Timothy Birdnow

Biden and Harris keep claiming violent crime dropped over the last few years and they use FBI statistics to "prove" it. Well,the blue cities stopped sending in violent crime reports to the FBI to hide how bad it has gotten, and illegal aliens never report crimes because they fear being arrested.

John Lott thoroughly debunks the claim; violent crime rose preciptiously during the last few years.

Women account for the surge of Kommielove in the polls. I wonder how they like the violent crime? That has always been an issue for women, especially young single women.

"Since 2020, [the] two measures have been highly negatively correlated: The FBI has been findingfewerinstances of crime, but people are simultaneously answering ingreaternumbers that they have been victims.”

As for the FBI stats, which are based on police precincts/departments reporting crime, on June 24, 2024, Breitbart News reportedthatthousands of police precincts had not been reporting crime data to the FBI.

The Marshall Projectexplainedthat in 2020 "almost every law enforcement agency was included in the FBI’s database.” However, in 2021, the FBI went to a new system for compiling data and would only accept police precinct reports through the new system.

The result? "Thousands of police agencies fell through the cracks because they didn’t catch up with the changes on time.” Thus, in 2022 there were far fewer police precincts turning in crime data; the Marshall Project reported in 2023 that "more than 6,000 law enforcement agencies were missing from the FBI’s national crime data last year, representing nearly one-third of the nation’s 18,000 police agencies.”

The point: Establishment media can report a decline in reported violent crime instances by relying on the FBI stats. So Lott looked at the unreported figuresto see what was really going on and found, "For instance, in 2022, the FBI reported a 2.1% drop in violent crime, but the NCVS showed an alarmingincrease of 42.4%— the largest one-year percentage increase in violent crime ever reported by that measure.”

Near the end of the op-ed Lott pointed out, "Murder rates did drop by 13% in 2023, although the preliminary 2023 murder rate is still7% above 2019 levels.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:45 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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GOP Creaming Demsin Voter Registration

Timothy Birdnow

Some good news.

Voter Registration Data: GOP Picks Up Hundreds of Thousands of Voters While Democrats Hemorrhage Millions

But fear not! The Democrats will make sure they vote anyway.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:37 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Stupid Women Voters!

Timothy Birdnow

When female suffrage was debated many people - including many women - warned that women were more emotional and would vote their hearts rather than their heads.

This should make us all take a second look at that line of argument.

Harris' Rise in the Polls Entirely Due to Women Voters


CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said on Friday that women are largely behind the growing momentum for Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign.

Enten said Harris is leading Republican nominee Donald Trump by an 11-point margin among women voters nationally, while President Joe Biden had a 4-point lead prior to dropping out of the race on July 21. Trump’s 9-point lead among men has remained the same against both Biden and Harris.

"But take a look now, look at how the race has changed. Instead of having a 4-point advantage, it leads up to 11 points,” Enten said. "And men haven’t changed their voting patterns at all, at least not in the national polls. A 9-point advantage for Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, a 9-point advantage against Kamala Harris. What has occurred is that women are flocking to the Democratic ticket. Look at that, 4 points versus 11 points, that is the reason Kamala Harris has turned this race around.”

So the estrogen crowd want to put in a woman who can't tell them what a woman is!

And they are afraid of Donald Trump! So  they want to "make history". I hope that is comfort to them when this woman finishes the Ameica we knew and they are paying eight bucks a gallon for gas, can't afford a house, have to work three jobs, maybe even enjoying a nuclear fallout or two.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:35 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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No Accident

Clarice Feldman


China just admitted it was their ship NewNew Polar Bear that last year damaged the gas pipeline Balticconnector between Finland and Estonia.

China claim it was an accident because of a storm.

Finland says:

1) There was no storm
2) You can’t lower the anchor to certain depth accidentally
3) You would notice the impact of dragging an anchor to vessel maneuverability

No accident

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Who? Whom?

Michael Smith

Anyone familiar with my hatred of any form of coerced collectivism recognizes Lenin's question of "Who, whom?" as in who plans whom, who directs and dominates whom, who assigns to other people their station in life, and who is to have his due allotted by others.

With the clampdown on speech, the Global Left has added "Who, what?" as in who gets to decide what can be said and what is true.

This is the first step, the precursor to Lenin's query.

Tim adds:

Anyone who makes themselves the decider of the fate of others is setting themselves up as a false god. Government is nothing but a huge violation of the First Commandment.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:09 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Harris Biden Crime Wave

Timothy Birdnow

So the Harris Biden Administration claims crime dropped during their tenure of office based on an FBI report of crime statistics.


If that is so why have so many stores closed branches or gone out of business?

[linl=]Rampant theft caused all these stores to close their doors


* Major retailers in the US have been forced to shut down shops due to millions of dollars in losses, as rampant theft plagues big box stores across the country.
* In 2021, companies lost a combined $94.5billion to shrink, a term used to describe theft and other types of inventory loss
* Here lists all the big box stores which have been forced to close their doors after being savaged by rising theft....

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:58 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Carlos Velazquez

Former atheist Dr. Frank J. Tipler, PhD, "I have been forced into these conclusions (that the central claims of Judeo-Christian

theology are in fact true) by the inexorable logic of my own special branch of physics." He holds degrees in Mathematical Physics and Cosmology from MIT.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:26 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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