April 30, 2024

The Empire Strikes Back

Jerry S. Rainforth

This is an excerpt from a long article on the effects and results of the recent pandemic.

By Jeffery Tucker

It was about a growing global revolt that needed to be tamped down. The most extreme trick in the shock-and-awe playbook was infectious disease.

This provoked a global establishment, backed by intelligence agencies and the world’s richest corporations, into extreme action with the purpose of reminding populations of the world about who was really running things. As part of that, global media companies, tech companies, and Pharma companies became rich with subsidies and forced consumption. It was not only a political coup but an industrial one too.
We are left today to pick up the pieces even as elite forces are attempting another power grab through the World Health Organization, as its international health regulations imagine many world scenarios of "lockdown until vaccination.” Many nations in the world today are working to stop these efforts.

What was my main takeaway from these meetings? It became very obvious to me that we are facing today a beast of a different sort than we’ve ever seen. The problem is not only national but global. It is not only government but an international government/industry combine that seeks to become a ruling cartel that utterly disables freedom and democracy all over the world.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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