May 26, 2019

California Spiritually Sodomizes School Children

Timothy Birdnow

California kindergartens may soon be teaching children that there are fifteen genders.

Close your mouths, please, or you'll catch flies.

According to this report:

The California Department of Education’s proposed Health Education Framework for K-3 students, which would be mandatory with no opt-out option for parents, promotes a decidedly liberal perspective on gender and sexuality many parents would likely disagree with, and some educators are speaking up, Christian Headlines reports.

Chapter three of the proposed guidelines encourages teachers to "discuss gender with kindergartners by exploring gender stereotypes and asking open-ended questions, such as what are preferred colors, toys, and activities for boys/girls, and then challenging stereotypes if presented.

The "brights" running the California board of ed are promoting books like "my princess boy" to further destabilize and dehumanize young minds. I would call this child abuse, but it would insult most abusers who have the decency to just beat the kids. This is a far worse act.

This is psycho-sexual violence on a mass scale. It is psychological and spiritual rape.

This is where Humanism has carried us; we now deny the existence of sexes, as we think ourselves gods.

Last time I checked gods don't prance about in women's clothing and hang around in bars.

This is the end result of placing human desires and human pride ahead of Nature and Nature's God. Once the Left eliminated God from our schools and drove Christ from our public spaces there was a vacuum, and it had to be filled. A vile, perverted god now occupies that space. And still these people push boldly forward, demanding the right to sodomize our youth in mind and spirit.

What gets me is that many of the people advocating this are the same people who would attack the catholic Church for hiding pedophilia. If pedophilia is wrong (and that is the understatement of the year) than how much more is transgenderism? In both cases you are fundamentally violating the rights of the child.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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