July 25, 2024

Biden Lies about Lying

Timothy Birdnow

So Biden did a speech from the Oval Office yesterday. It was about what you would expect from him; self-aggrandizing, a campaign speech really, with yet again no explanation of why he's leaving.

He never once mentioned his health concerns. He should have come clean on Parkinsons and said "doctors thought it was under good control and not an issue but apparently it wasn't" but instead he skirted the issue entirely,meandering on about "for the good of the nation" and "uniting the party" and other platitudes.

The kicker in the speech for me was when Biden said "I promised never to lie to you". What! If everything else the man said was true - and most of what he's said over the years have been lies - he lied to us about his health. We wouln't have been having that conversation if he hadn't.

And by not addressing it in his address he lied to us again - by omission.

He went on to pour out a laundry list of his "accomplishment" which in fact were lies. He claimed the economy was great and there were no wars going on! The man is delusional.

He then gave a full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris. Of course that was for AFTER he leaves office. He would not consider leaving early.

If he really wanted to endorse Harris he would have announced his immediate resignation. Harris would have gone into the election as an incumbent.

In point of fact Biden is only stepping aside because they threatened to remove him if he didn't. He's not giving up any of the precious time he still has.

In the end this was just a campaign speech. Even now, at the end, the man couldn't level with us. He has been a politician so long there no longer is a real Joe Biden, a real person. Just an empty suit and a carefully crafted persona. I wish I hadn't wasted the fifteen minutes I spent watching it.

In the immortal words of Joe Pesci from My Cousin Vinny "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, everything that guy said was bullshit....thank you.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:36 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 361 words, total size 2 kb.

1 That was a wonderful movie, by the way, and we need some people like Vinny right now!

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at July 26, 2024 10:32 PM (Qqpeg)

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