February 25, 2024

Teamsters to Strike A-B

Timothy Birdnow

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is going on strike to demand job security from A-B Inbev as jobs are increasingly be replaced by robots.

The contract being put forward by the Teamsters would strengthen job security for union members.

Inbev has been systematically modernizing their production facilities, and Anheuser-Busch's facilities have been antiquated. The flagship plant in St. Louis is particularly antiquated as has been kept in "classic" condition out of nostaligia. But Inbev isn't in business for nostalgia and does not care about the company's ties to St. Louis. It may well close the plant (laying off a LOT of St. Louisans).

The Teamsters have backed the Democrats for years and they have supported this international order which has so hurt their industries. Also the immigrants have squeezed wages and benefits. Now the unions are unhappy but they have only themselves to blame.

The auto makers union did the same to their members.

This is a case of the unions laying down with dogs then not oliking the flees. The Teamsters did not support Donald Trump last election, despite Trump being good for both the American economy and American labor.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has always supported the unions in word but not deed. Now his policies are coming home to roost.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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