February 23, 2024

New York Dems Stealing Congressional Seats

Timothy Birdnow

Democrats are trying to steal multiple House seats in New York State.

From the Epoch Times article:

"All eyes will be on Albany Feb. 26 where New York lawmakers will vote to adopt or reject a proposed congressional map drawn by an independent commission that some Democrats maintain fails to address the alleged inequities they challenged in court to induce the revision.

If the supermajority Democrat-led New York Legislature accepts the map, Republicans could see diminished reelection odds for at least one of four House seats they flipped in 2022, key wins that helped the GOP regain control of the House.

If lawmakers reject it, by some estimates, Democrats could rig the state’s 26 congressional districts in a way that turns their 16–10 New York congressional delegation advantage into a 22–4 blue wedge."


Many Democrats are mad though as they hoped to do even more to steal the entire state.

Read the whole article; it's quite a convoluted issue and I couldn't post it all here.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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