September 21, 2024

Trump Campaign Hacked by Iran?

Diane M. Kimura

Per Politico, FBI reveals that the Harris campaign on the Trump campaign from Iranian hackers.

Tim adds:

The Harris campaign is now claiming they have
not used the information. Color me skeptical.

More likely they had nothing they could use against Mr. Trump - or if they did they are saving it for an October Surprise.

I have a question; did Iran hack the Trump campaign or did they get some help from our own government? At this point I wouldn't put anything past these people we call our "public servants".

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 20, 2024

The Shroud of Turin Does Date to Christ

Timothy Birdnow

The Shroud of Turin does indeed date to the time of Jesus, according to new reseach using a new technique. Previous dating using radiocarbon suggested the shroud dated to the Middle ages.


The technique measures the natural aging of flax cellulose and converts it to time since manufacture.

The team studied eight small samples of fabric from the Shroud of Turin, putting them under an X-ray to uncover tiny details of the linen's structure and cellulose patterns.

Cellulose is made up of long chains of sugar molecules linked together that break over time, showing how long a garment or cloth has been around.

To date the shroud, the team used specific aging parameters, including temperature and humidity, which cause significant breakdown of cellulose.
The scientists obtained small samples of the shroud of Turin (left) and exposed it to Wide-Angle X-ray radiation to create an image of the linen sample (right) which was used for dating

The scientists obtained small samples of the shroud of Turin (left) and exposed it to Wide-Angle X-ray radiation to create an image of the linen sample (right) which was used for dating
What is the Shroud of Turin?

The Shroud of Turin is a 14-foot-long linen cloth with a faint image of a crucified man.

The image on the shroud is believed to reflect the story of Jesus' crucifixion, giving rise to the belief that the cloth is the burial shroud of Jesus himself.

The authenticity of the shroud has been frequently brought into question over the years but there are also many studies claiming to validate its origin.

It is considered to be one of the most intensely studied human artefacts in history.

Since it first emerged in 1354 Vatican authorities have repeatedly gone back and forth on whether it should be considered the true burial shroud.

The shroud is currently stored at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin but is only publicly displayed on special occasions.

Based on the amount of breakdown, the team determined that the shroud of Turin was likely kept at temperatures at about 72.5 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of around 55 percent for about 13 centuries before it arrived in Europe.

If it had been kept in different conditions, the aging would be different.

Researchers then compared the cellulose breakdown in the shroud to other linens found in Israel that date back to the first century.

'The data profiles were fully compatible with analogous measurements obtained on a linen sample whose dating, according to historical records, is 55-74 AD, found at Masada, Israel [Herod's famous fortress built on a limestone bedrock overlooking the Dead Sea],' reads the study published in the journal Heritage.

The team also compared the shroud with samples from linens manufactured between 1260 and 1390 AD, finding none were a match.

'To make the present result compatible with that of the 1988 radiocarbon test, the Shroud of Turn should have been conserved during its hypothetical seven centuries of life at a secular room temperature very close to the maximum values registered on the earth,' the study reads.

Lead author Dr Liberato De Caro said in a statement that the 1988 test should be deemed as incorrect because 'Fabric samples are usually subject to all kinds of contamination, which cannot be completely removed from the dated specimen.'

'If the cleaning procedure of the sample is not thoroughly performed, carbon-14 dating is not reliable,' he added.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:48 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 573 words, total size 4 kb.

Air Force Plot to Discriminate Against White Men

Timothy Birdnow

The U.S. Air Force plots to reduce number of white male officers.

Yes, they actually had a plan in place to discriminate against white men. The plan called to reduce white male ROTC candidates from 60% to just 43%.

And the armed services wonder why they are having trouble meeting their recruitment goals!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:12 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Democrats: Trump Staged the Assassination Attempt

Timothy Birdnow

Almost half of all Democrats think Trump staged the second assassination attempt.

You can't make this stuff up.

Given the Secret service actually fired shots at the guy how do they explain that away? Trump does not control the Secret Service.

Is it any wonder America is sliding down the toilet, with people like this as a sizable chunk of the electorate?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:58 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Israel Alone

Timothy Birdnow

The United Nations just ruled in the General Assembly that Israel may not defend herself in any of the territory she captured since the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem.

Yes, they are demanding that Israel surrender.


The resolution refers to a ruling earlier this year by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — led by a judge from Lebanon, which is in a state of war with Israel — in which it declared Israel’s presence in Gaza, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and eastern Jerusalem to be illegal under international law. (Israel angrily rejected the ruling, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring: "The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land.”)

The UNGA resolution demands that Israel withdraw all of its settlements from the West Bank within a year– including from towns that were Jewish before the Jordanian military expelled local residents in Israel’s independence war in 1948. It demands that Israel cease military activity in Judea and Samaria, and even demands that Israel get rid of passive measures, such as the "wall” (a fence, for most of its length) that keeps suicide bombers out of Israel.

End excerpt.

You know, if the U.N. can kick Israel out of the West Bank and all this territory after over fifty years, they can kick the U.S. out of much of the "Indian lands" we now possess. Will we leave the Black Hills to the Sioux? Give Manhattan back to the Indians? Hand Texas to the Comanche?

The article continues:

As the Jerusalem Post noted, the resolution also calls for an arms embargo against Israel regarding any weapons that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, or eastern Jerusalem, and calls for a boycott of Israeli goods from those areas.


While this is a non-binding resolution, it does illustrate how isolated Israel is becoming as the West has changed sides in the eternal war by Islam against all mankind. Increasingly Israel stands alone - precisely as the Bible predicted it would in the end.

Question; if Israel is not allowed to annex territory and settle it then doesn't that suggest Western counttries like the U.S. can kick out the invading illegal aliens who are currently attempting to colonize our country? I mean, if it's bad when Israel does it isn't it just as bad when other nations do it to us?

Just asking.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 400 words, total size 3 kb.

That's Not How a Lady Behaves

Timothy Birdnow

America is the Great Harlot in the Book of Revelation. If you doubt that, look at this.

We are spending millions of dollars to promote transgenderism and homosexuality in Latin America.

How can anyone doubt we are the evil the Bible warned of?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Hrlot of Revelation

Timothy Birdnow

America is the Great Harlot in the Book of Revelation. If you doubt that, look at this.

We are spending millions of dollars to promote transgenderism and homosexuality in Latin America.

How can anyone doubt we are the evil the Bible warned of?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:01 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

The Peril of Wealth Transfer

Diane M. Kimura

Politicians do not understand that transferring wealth is not teaching wealth creation, but only poverty through generational dependency on government largess as an excuse to implement more wealth transfer schemes.

United States is approximately $52.996 tril. or $312,000 per US household.

This figure is derived from two main components:

* Personal/Household Debt: $17.796 trillion as of Q2 2024.
* Government Debt: $35.256 trillion as of August 2024

And this does not include Hawaii taxpayers' growing tab for the rail debacle.

Leverage is good until it isn't.

...the debt to GDP is not at the levels we saw leading up to the 2011 financial crisis. Overall global debt, shadow accounting, and low to negative yields are a recipe for another financial crisis and little power for the world's central banks when it happens.

The true cost of "free" stuff, easy money, handouts, inefficiency, corruption.

They increase the size of the government. The economy is shifting away from the high positive multiplier private sector into the negative multiplier government sector.

BlackRock Reveals It’s Quietly Preparing For A $35 Trillion Federal Reserve Dollar Crisis With Bitcoin—Predicted To Spark A Sudden Price Boom

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Cascading Government Failures

Diane M. Kimura

To all politicians:

a. The U.S.Postal Service was established in 1775.You have had 249 years to get it right and it is broke.

b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 89 years to get it right and it is broke.

c. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 86 years to get it right and it is broke.

d. War on Poverty started in 1964.You have had 60 years to get it right but $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.

e. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965.You have had 59 years to get it right and they are broke.

f. Freddie Mac was established in 1970.You have had 54 years to get it right and it is broke.

g. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 47 years to get it right
and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars.


A Cascade of Failures: Why Government Fails, and How to Stop It

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Oops, They Did it Again

Timothy Birdnow

Here we go again!

Meta bans Russia Today over ‘foreign interference’

Meta aka Facebook is going to use "Russian interference" as grounds to censor conservatives. Any use of RT in a post will lead to a ban or a downgrade of the poster to junk-bond status.

This is exactly what they did back before the 2020 election. It is election tampering.

What makes Zuckerberg and Facebook think they can decide what people say or think? Who gave them this roll in life? That makes them a publisher and as such they should be under the laws governing publishers.

This is nothing but Russia, Russia, Russia 2.0.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Why the West Hates Israel

Timothy Birdnow

Here  is an excellent essay on the rejection of Israel in the West and what it means. I highly recommend it.

The rejection of Israel is, in the words of the author, a vicarious rejection of Western Civilization itself.

I think he's right.

Here's a taste:

Western foreign policy is a mishmash of cowardice, delusion and contradictions. Iran is a threat to the world; its alliance with Russia is deepening. Turkey, led by the despot Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has threatened Israel with invasion, yet remains part of Nato. Qatar, which puts up senior Hamas terrorists in luxury hotels, is a major non-Nato ally of the US, home to a crucial Western military base and a major investor in London. Egypt, a recipient of US aid, has tolerated myriad tunnels to southern Gaza, refused to let in any Palestinians and, bizarrely, is not held responsible for supplying Gaza with provisions, that task falling to Israel. None of the three latter regimes face sanctions: global ire is reserved for Israel.

One reason Western elites have become so Israelophobic is that, infected by wokery, they increasingly loathe Europe’s and America’s history and traditions, and view the Jewish state as a standout example of a Western model they reject.

Winston Churchill would be convicted for crimes against humanity today, as would Franklin D Roosevelt and Harry Truman. D-Day would be ruled illegitimate because so many French civilians died during the Battle of Normandy.

Democracies might as well not bother with nuclear weapons, for detonating one, even in retaliation for an unprovoked attack, would be deemed a war crime. I’m in favour of much stricter rules than those governing World War II, of doing everything possible to protect civilians, but this is madness.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:17 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Democracy Killers

Jules Kunofsky

Democracy is dead and the Democrats have killed it. They can't help themselves. Win at ANY cost means just that. Spying, lying, cheating, arresting, indicting, stealing all his money, using the press to confirm their lies and to hide the truth, convincing deranged people that Trump is worthy of assassination, using foreign spies, open the borders, and constantly blame Trump for everything wrong with the country. There is no end to the evil psychopathic Democrats. They have changed laws, revived expired statutes, created felonies used anti-Trump judges, held trials that would guarantee jury pools 100% against Trump. Judges didn't let him campaign and restricted his speech. Deep state tampered with evidence, obtained from Trump's home with shoot to kill warrants. All while dismissing the Biden family crimes while we were gaslighted that Joe had all his marbles until they realized that Trump was going to win in a landslide. So, what to do? Follow the Constitution, NAH!!! Select the VP who failed on the border and never got a vote within her Party. Then they dust off, Hillary Clinton, who despite 2 assassination attempts against President Trump, was still willing to spew vile rhetoric reserved for global terrorists. And to think she was a guest at his wedding.

There is only one person in America who has proven that he will protect the Constitution of America and the survival of the State of Israel. As for VP Harris, maybe it's time the Dems play switcheroo again.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 19, 2024

Trump Winning

Timothy Birdnow

Trump is winning by 2%, according to Rasmussen.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 47% would vote for Harris. Two percent (2%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and three percent (3%) are undecided.

1* If the 2024 election were between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, who would you vote for?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

What isn't said is how Trump is doing in the battleground states. It appears he's doing quite well.

I think barring massive fraud (likely) and a nasty October Surprise Trump will win this thing. If he lives; his health is precarious, I am given to understand.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:47 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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There is a Mole

Timothy Birdnow

Secret Service bombshell; Assassin gunman knew the vulnerabilities.

Which of course means somebody had to tell him.


A Secret Service whistleblower revealed that would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh had inside information on the security vulnerabilities at Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course.

Routh was able to set up a sniper’s nest with a perfect range just roughly 300 yards from Trump.

Senator Josh Hawley wrote in a letter:

"A whistleblower with direct knowledge of Secret Service protection of former President Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach — an individual who has in fact protected President Trump at that very location — alleges that there are ‘known vulnerabilities’ in the fence line surrounding the course: places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing at the course.”

"As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to ‘post up’ agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15,” the letter continued.

"Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 hours.”

This would mean Routh was outside the course for 12 hours despite Trump’s round of golf not being on the public schedule.

The whistleblower‘s allegations would also support the theory that a mole within the Secret Service is feeding information about locations and security vulnerabilities.

As we reported on Wednesday, Republican Congressman Eli Crane has warned Trump there is the possibility that someone is leaking intelligence from within the Secret Service to put his life at risk.

"My advice to the President is to bolster your private security around you not only to fill holes in the gaps that the Secret Service continues to leave open but also to watch the watchers,” Crane suggested.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:37 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Trump Rising, Roundheels Going Down (Pardon the phrase)

Timothy Birdnow

Trump's favorability ratings are rising and his unfavorability rating falling, while the reverse is true of Kamala Harris. Her numbers are tanking.

Read about it here.

Trump is gaining with independents too.

Things are looking good. But we are a long way from out of the woods. And if they don't shoot Trump they will come up with some nasty october Suprirse.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:27 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 72 words, total size 1 kb.

Police Report on Haitian Cat Eating

Timothy Birdnow

A police report apparently confirms the Haitian feline cuisine story.

Trump has been proven right yet again.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:18 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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David Sterkin

Ole Hillary thinks people who spread misinformation & disinformation should be imprisoned. She feels that would be an effective deterrent!

What about when Hill’s Dept of State claimed the Benghazi attack was triggered by an anti Moslem video?!

What about when the Steele dossier, which the Clint-on Foundation & DNC funded, was touted as totally legitimate?! That was front page news for a very long time. Some imbeciles on the L still believe it.

Then, wear useless masks for protection vs a virus.
Then, stay at home for protection.
Then, we’re closing your business for protection.
Then, you have to be jabbed by an experimental serum not fulling tested else you’ll lose your job.
Then, the jab is safe.
Then, the jab is effective.

So all the purveyors of the above mis & disinformation — they should be imprisoned too??! That means *YOU* you rotting sack of protoplasm.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 151 words, total size 1 kb.

The Ukrainian War Will Not End Well

Richard Cronin

This will not end well.

The entire reason for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was the relentless expansion of NATO eastward, in the bumbling attempt to cow or intimidate the Russians. Why ? Who knows. Just more of the Neocons in the U.S. State Dept. and War Dept. plus the CIA. They prefer their diplomacy with threats.

Clinton expanded NATO eastward and promised: "That’s it. No further”. Then George Bush expanded NATO eastward again and promised: "That’s it. No further.”

The final straw was Ukraine. The former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych had amicable relations with Putin. Cheap Russian gas benefited the Ukrainian people. Yanukovych maintained a key point of the Minsk Accords to allow use of Sevastopol for the Russian navy.

Then Yanukovych was deposed in the 2014 "Maidan Revolution”. Funded and enabled by whom ? A major player was Victoria Nuland, Biden’s Undersecretary of State. She even admits to meddling in Ukrainian affairs going back several years.

Then relations deteriorated with two successive regimes hostile to Russia. In particular, Zelensky singled out the majority ethnic Russian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk for mistreatment and suppression of dissent.

Biden dithered, giving Zelensky just enough military support to keep Ukrainians in the field. It settled into WW-I trench warfare which Zelensky can never win. Now he’s simply running out of Ukrainian bodies to throw into the trenches.

Hawkish Victoria Nuland graces the scene again, killing any peace negotiations in 2022.

Biden ratchets it up some more, giving Zelensky long range ATACM missiles. Remember that Biden is too feeble-minded to run for re-election so who is really making the decisions in the White House ?

Both Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Poland’s Andrzej Duda warn of a direct confrontation of Russia with NATO. WW-3.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Russia Ukraine War Heating Up

Timothy Birdnow

The war between Russia and Ukraine is definitely reaching a boiling point. This was deep inside Russia itself.

Mushroom cloud fills sky as Putin's 'bomb-proof' depot EXPLODES in devastating Ukraine drone strike

Putin warned that an attack using American long-range missiles would be an act of war. This looks to be something similar.

There will be a very nasty reprisal.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 68 words, total size 1 kb.

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